- childdevdata::gcdg_chl_1Chili, 0.5-1.75 years: 'gcdg_chl_1'
- childdevdata::gcdg_chnChina, 1.4-1.9 years: 'gcdg_chn'
- childdevdata::gcdg_col_lt42mColombia, 0.5-3.5 years: 'gcdg_col_lt42m'
- childdevdata::gcdg_col_lt45mColombia two waves, 0.8-3.7 years: 'gcdg_col_lt45m'
- childdevdata::gcdg_ecuEcuador, 0-3 years: 'gcdg_ecu'
- childdevdata::gcdg_jam_lbwJamaica, low birth weight: 'gcdg_jam_lbw'
- childdevdata::gcdg_jam_stuntedJamaica, stunted growth: 'gcdg_jam_stunted'
- childdevdata::gcdg_mdgMadagascar, 2.8-3.6 years: 'gcdg_mdg'
- childdevdata::gcdg_nld_smoccThe Netherlands 0-2.5 years: 'gcdg_nld_smocc'
- childdevdata::gcdg_zafSouth Africa 0.3-4.0 years: 'gcdg_zaf'
- dscore::builtin_itembankCollection of items fitting the Rasch model
- dscore::builtin_itemtableCollection of items from instruments measuring early child development
- dscore::builtin_keysAvailable keys for calculating the D-score
- dscore::builtin_referencesCollection of age-conditional reference distributions
- dscore::gsampleSample of 10 children from the GSED Phase 1 study
- dscore::milestonesOutcomes on developmental milestones for preterm-born children
- dscore::sample_hfSample of 10 children from GSED HF
- dscore::sample_lfSample of 10 children from gto (LF)
- dscore::sample_sfSample of 10 children from gpa (SF)