1. childdevdata::gcdg_chl_1
    Chili, 0.5-1.75 years: 'gcdg_chl_1'
  2. childdevdata::gcdg_chn
    China, 1.4-1.9 years: 'gcdg_chn'
  3. childdevdata::gcdg_col_lt42m
    Colombia, 0.5-3.5 years: 'gcdg_col_lt42m'
  4. childdevdata::gcdg_col_lt45m
    Colombia two waves, 0.8-3.7 years: 'gcdg_col_lt45m'
  5. childdevdata::gcdg_ecu
    Ecuador, 0-3 years: 'gcdg_ecu'
  6. childdevdata::gcdg_jam_lbw
    Jamaica, low birth weight: 'gcdg_jam_lbw'
  7. childdevdata::gcdg_jam_stunted
    Jamaica, stunted growth: 'gcdg_jam_stunted'
  8. childdevdata::gcdg_mdg
    Madagascar, 2.8-3.6 years: 'gcdg_mdg'
  9. childdevdata::gcdg_nld_smocc
    The Netherlands 0-2.5 years: 'gcdg_nld_smocc'
  10. childdevdata::gcdg_zaf
    South Africa 0.3-4.0 years: 'gcdg_zaf'
  11. dscore::builtin_itembank
    Collection of items fitting the Rasch model
  12. dscore::builtin_itemtable
    Collection of items from instruments measuring early child development
  13. dscore::builtin_keys
    Available keys for calculating the D-score
  14. dscore::builtin_references
    Collection of age-conditional reference distributions
  15. dscore::gsample
    Sample of 10 children from the GSED Phase 1 study
  16. dscore::milestones
    Outcomes on developmental milestones for preterm-born children
  17. dscore::sample_hf
    Sample of 10 children from GSED HF
  18. dscore::sample_lf
    Sample of 10 children from gto (LF)
  19. dscore::sample_sf
    Sample of 10 children from gpa (SF)