{"item":"aqicmc001","label":"Does your baby sometimes make throaty or gurgling sounds?"} {"item":"aqicmc002","label":"After you have been out of sight, does your baby smile or get excited when she sees you?"} {"item":"aqicmc003","label":"\"Does your baby make cooing sounds such as \"\"ooo\"\", \"\"gah,\"\" and \"\"ah\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc004","label":"Does your baby make high-pitched squeals?"} {"item":"aqicmc005","label":"smiles when caregiver talks to him"} {"item":"aqicmc006","label":"When you speak to your baby, does she make sounds back to you?"} {"item":"aqicmc007","label":"Does your baby laugh?"} {"item":"aqicmc008","label":"Does your baby make sounds when looking at toys or people?"} {"item":"aqicmc009","label":"If you call your baby when you are out of sight, does she look in the direction of your voice?"} {"item":"aqicmc010","label":"When a loud noise occurs, does your baby turn to see where the sound came from?"} {"item":"aqicmc012","label":"When playing with sounds, does your baby make grunting, growling, or other deep-toned sounds?"} {"item":"aqicmc013","label":"\"Does your baby respond to the tone of your voice and stop her activity at least briefly when you say \"\"no-no\"\" to her?\""} {"item":"aqicmc014","label":"\"Does your baby make sounds like \"\"da,\"\" \"\"ga,\"\" \"\"ka,\"\" and \"\"ba\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc015","label":"If you copy the sounds your baby makes, does your baby repeat the sounds back to you?"} {"item":"aqicmc016","label":"\"Does your baby make two similar sounds like \"\"ba-ba,\"\" \"\"da-da,\"\" or \"\"ga-ga\"\"? (The sounds do not need to mean anything.)\""} {"item":"aqicmc017","label":"Does your baby stop crying when she hears a voice other than yours?"} {"item":"aqicmc018","label":"\"If you ask your baby to, does he play at least one nursery game even if you don't show him the activity yourself (such as \"\"bye-bye,\"\" \"\"Peekaboo,\"\" \"\"clap your hands,\"\" \"\"So Big\"\")?\""} {"item":"aqicmc020","label":"\"When you ask, \"\"Where is the ball (hat, shoe, etc.)?\"\" does your baby look at the object? (Make sure the object is present. Mark \"\"yes\"\" if she knows one object.)\""} {"item":"aqicmc021","label":"\"Does your baby follow one simple command, such as \"\"Come here,\"\" \"\"Give it to me,\"\" or \"\"Put it back,\"\" without your using gestures?\""} {"item":"aqicmc022","label":"\"Does your baby say three words such as \"\"Mama\"\", \"\"Dada\"\" and \"\"Baba\"\"? (A \"\"word\"\" is a sound or sounds your baby says consistently to mean someone or something)\""} {"item":"aqicmc023","label":"When your child wants something, does she tell you by pointing to it?"} {"item":"aqicmc024","label":"\"Does your baby shake his head when he means \"\"no\"\" or \"\"yes\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc025","label":"\"Does your baby/child say four or more words in addition to \"\"Mama\"\" and \"\"Dada\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc026","label":"\"Without your giving him clues by pointing or using gestures, can your child carry out at least three of these kinds of directions? A. \"\"Put the toy on the table.\"\" B.\"\"Close the door.\"\" C. \"\"Bring me a towel.\"\" D.\"\"Find your coat.\"\" E.\"\"Take my hand.\"\" F.\"\"Get your book.\"\"\""} {"item":"aqicmc027","label":"\"When you ask her to, does your baby go into another room to find a familiar toy or object? You might ask, \"\"Where is your ball?\"\" or say, \"\"Bring me your coat\"\" or \"\"Go get your blanket.\"\"\""} {"item":"aqicmc028","label":"\"When you ask your child to point to her nose, eyes, hair, feet, ears, and so forth, does she correctly point to at least seven body parts? (She can point to parts of herself, you, or a doll.) (Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if she correctly points to at least three different body parts.)\""} {"item":"aqicmc029","label":"\"Without your showing him, does your child point to the correct picture when you say, \"\"Show me the kitty\"\" or ask, \"\"Where is the dog?\"\" (He needs to identify only one picture correctly.)\""} {"item":"aqicmc030","label":"\"Does your child say eight or more words in addition to \"\"Mama\"\" and \"\"Dada\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc031","label":"\"If you point to a picture of a ball (kitty, cup, hat, etc.) and ask your child, \"\"What is this?\"\" does your child correctly name at least one picture?\""} {"item":"aqicmc032","label":"\"Without giving your child help by pointing or using gestures, ask him to \"\"put the book on the table\"\" and \"\"put the shoe under the chair.\"\" Does your child carry out both of these directions correctly?\""} {"item":"aqicmc033","label":"\"Does your child say 15 or more words in addition to \"\"Mama\"\" and \"\"Dada\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc034","label":"\"Show your child how a zipper on a coat moves up and down, and say, \"\"See, this goes up and down.\"\" Put the zipper to the middle, and ask your child to move the zipper down. Return the zipper to the middle, and ask your child to move the zipper up. Do this several times, placing the zipper in the middle before asking your child to move it up or down. Does your child consistently move the zipper up when you say \"\"up\"\" and down when you say \"\"down\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc035","label":"\"Does your child imitate a two-word sentence? For example, when you say a two-word phrase, such as \"\"Mama eat,\"\" \"\"Daddy play,\"\" \"\"Go home,\"\" or \"\"What's this?\"\" does your child say both words back to you? (Mark \"\"yes\"\" even if his words are difficult to understand.)\""} {"item":"aqicmc036","label":"\"Does your child say two or three words that represent different ideas together, such as \"\"See dog,\"\" \"\"Mommy come home,\"\" or \"\"Kitty gone\"\"? (Don't count word combinations that express one idea, such as \"\"Bye-bye,\"\" \"\"All gone,\"\" \"\"All right,\"\" and \"\"What's that?\"\") Please give an example of your child's word combinations:\""} {"item":"aqicmc037","label":"\"When looking at a picture book, does your child tell you what is happening or what action is taking place in the picture? (for example, \"\"barking,\"\" \"\"running,\"\" \"\"eating,\"\" and \"\"crying\"\") You may ask, \"\"What is the dog (or boy) doing?\"\"\""} {"item":"aqicmc038","label":"\"When you ask, \"\"What is your name?\"\" does your child say her first name or nickname?\""} {"item":"aqicmc039","label":"\"Does your child correctly use at least two words like \"\"me,\"\" \"\"I,\"\" \"\"mine,\"\" and \"\"you\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc040","label":"Does your child make sentences that are three or four words long? Please give an example:"} {"item":"aqicmc041","label":"\"Without your giving help by pointing or repeating directions, does your child follow three directions that are unrelated to one another? Give all three directions before your child starts. For example, you may ask your child to \"\"Clap your hands, walk to the door, and sit down,\"\" or \"\"Give me the pen, open the book, and stand up.\"\" (5/26/10 this item was corrected to match the published version,ASQ3 English text)\""} {"item":"aqicmc042","label":"\"Does your child answer the following questions: (Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child answers only one question.) \"\"What do you do when you are hungry?\"\" (Acceptable answers include: \"\"get food,\"\" \"\"eat,\"\" \"\"ask for something to eat,\"\" and \"\"have a snack.\"\") Please write your child's response: \"\"What do you do when you are tired?\"\" (Acceptable answers include: \"\"take a nap,\"\" \"\"rest,\"\" \"\"go to sleep,\"\" \"\"go to bed,\"\" \"\"lie down,\"\" and \"\"sit down.\"\") Please write your child's response:.\""} {"item":"aqicmc043","label":"\"Does your child use four- and five-word sentences? For example, does your child say, \"\"I want the car\"\"? Please write an example:\""} {"item":"aqicmc044","label":"\"Does your child name at least three items from a common category? For example, if you say to your child, \"\"Tell me some things that you can eat,\"\" does your child answer with something like, \"\"Cookies, eggs, and cereal\"\"? Or if you say, \"\"Tell me the names of some animals,\"\" does your child answer with something like, \"\"cow, dog, and elephant\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc045","label":"\"Does your child use endings of words, such as \"\"s,\"\" \"\"ed,\"\" and \"\"ing\"\"? For example, does your child say things like, \"\"I see two cats,\"\" \"\"I am playing,\"\" or \"\"I kicked the ball\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc046","label":"tries to use new words after hearing them"} {"item":"aqicmc047","label":"makes her voice go high at the end of a question"} {"item":"aqicmc048","label":"uses words to describe things"} {"item":"aqicmc049","label":"talks about things in the future"} {"item":"aqicmc050","label":"when child talks on the phone do people understand"} {"item":"aqicmc051","label":"\"When talking about something that already happened, does your child use words that end in \"\"ed,\"\" such as \"\"walked\"\", \"\"jumped\"\", or\"\"played\"\"? Ask your child questions, such as \"\"How did you get to the store?\"\" (\"\"We walked.\"\") \"\"What did you do at your friend's house?\"\" (\"\"We played.\"\") Please write an example:\""} {"item":"aqicmc052","label":"\"Does your child tell you at least two things about common objects? For example, if you say to your child, \"\"Tell me about your ball,\"\" does he say something like, \"\"It's round. I throw it. It's big\"\"?\""} {"item":"aqicmc053","label":"uses at least 5 words to describe position"} {"item":"aqicmc054","label":"uses 5 words to describe how things feel"} {"item":"aqicmc055","label":"\"Does your child use all of the words in a sentence (for example, \"\"a,\"\" \"\"the,\"\" \"\"am,\"\" \"\"is,\"\" and \"\"are\"\") to make complete sentences, such as \"\"I am going to the park,\"\" or \"\" Is there a toy to play with?\"\" or \"\" Are you coming, too?\"\"\""} {"item":"aqicmc056","label":"uses words to talk about how things are different"} {"item":"aqicmc057","label":"uses at least 3 irregular verbs for things in the past"} {"item":"aqicmc058","label":"uses words that connect other words such as and"} {"item":"aqicmc059","label":"asks caregiver to explain words she does not understand"} {"item":"aqicmc060","label":"\"Does your child repeat the sentences shown below back to you, without any mistakes?(Read the sentences one at a time. You may repeat each sentence one time. Mark \"\"yes\"\" if your child repeats both sentences without mistakes or \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child repeats one sentence without mistakes. Jane hides her shoes for Maria to find. Al read the blue book under his bed.\""} {"item":"aqicmc061","label":"\"When you ask, \"\"What is your name?\"\" does your child say both her first and last names?\""} {"item":"aqicmc062"} {"item":"aqicmc063"} {"item":"aqicmc064"} {"item":"aqicmc065","label":"\"Does your child use comparison words, such as \"\"heavier,\"\" \"\"stronger\"\", or \"\"shorter\"\"? Ask your child questions, such as \"\"A car is big, but a bus is _____\"\" (bigger); \"\"A cat is heavy, but a man is _____\"\" (heavier); \"\"A TV is small, but a book is _____\"\" (smaller). Please write an example:\""} {"item":"aqifmc001","equate":"FM13","label":"Does your baby touch her face with her hands?"} {"item":"aqifmc002","equate":"FM88","label":"Does your baby grasp your finger if you touch the palm of her hand?"} {"item":"aqifmc003","equate":"FM10","label":"Does your baby hold his hands open or partly open when he is awake (rather than in fists, as they were when he was a newborn)?"} {"item":"aqifmc004","equate":"FM1","label":"\"Is your baby's hand usually tightly closed when he is awake?(If your baby used to do this but no longer does, mark \"\"yes.\"\")\""} {"item":"aqifmc005","equate":"FM90","label":"Does your baby grab or scratch at her clothes?"} {"item":"aqifmc006","equate":"FM6","label":"holds toy briefly when put in his hand"} {"item":"aqifmc007","equate":"FM91","label":"grabs or scratches fingers on surface in front of him"} {"item":"aqifmc008","equate":"FM92","label":"holds onto toy for 1 min when put in hand by caregiver"} {"item":"aqifmc009","equate":"FM93","label":"Does your baby grab a toy you offer and look at it, wave it about, or chew on it for about 1 minute?"} {"item":"aqifmc010","equate":"FM94","label":"reaches for toy on table even when cannot touch it"} {"item":"aqifmc011","equate":"FM16","label":"Does your baby pick up a small toy with only one hand?"} {"item":"aqifmc012","equate":"FM15","label":"Does your baby reach for or grasp a toy using both hands at once?"} {"item":"aqifmc013","equate":"FM95","label":"Does your baby pick up a small toy, holding it in the center of her hands with her fingers around it?"} {"item":"aqifmc014","equate":"FM14","label":"\"Does your baby reach for a crumb or Cheerio and touch it with his finger or hand? (if he already picks up a small object the size of a pea, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item)\""} {"item":"aqifmc015","equate":"FM17","label":"\"Does your baby try to pick up a crumb or Cheerio by using his thumb and all his fingers in a raking motion, even if he isn't able to pick it up? (if he already picks up the crumb or Cheerio, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item).\""} {"item":"aqifmc016","equate":"FM20","label":"\"Does your baby successfully pick up a crumb or Cheerio by using his thumb and all his fingers in a raking motion? (If he already picks up a crumb or Cheerio, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqifmc017","equate":"FM22","label":"Does your baby pick up a small toy with the tips of her thumb and fingers? (You should see a space between the toy and her palm.)"} {"item":"aqifmc018","equate":"COG29","label":"After one or two tries, does your baby pick up a piece of string with her first finger and thumb? (The string may be attached to a toy.)"} {"item":"aqifmc019","equate":"FM97","label":"Does your baby pick up a crumb or Cheerio with the tips of his thumb and a finger? He may rest his arm or hand on the table while doing it."} {"item":"aqifmc020","equate":"FM98","label":"Does your baby put a small toy down, without dropping it, and then take her hand off the toy?"} {"item":"aqifmc021","equate":"FM26","label":"Without resting his arm or hand on the table, does your baby pick up a crumb or Cheerio with the tip of his thumb and a finger?"} {"item":"aqifmc022","equate":"FM99","label":"Does your baby/child help turn the pages of a book? (You may lift a page for her to grasp.)"} {"item":"aqifmc023","equate":"FM27","label":"Does your child turn the pages of a book by himself? (He may turn more than one page at a time.)"} {"item":"aqifmc024","equate":"FM100","label":"Does your baby/child make a mark on the paper with the tip of a crayon (or pencil or pen) when trying to draw?"} {"item":"aqifmc025","equate":"FM31","label":"Does your baby/child stack a small block or toy on top of another one? (You could also use spools of thread, small boxes, or toys that are about 1 inch in size.)"} {"item":"aqifmc027","equate":"FM101","label":"\"Does your baby/child throw a small ball with a forward arm motion? (If he simply drops the ball, mark \"\"not yet\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqifmc029","equate":"FM103","label":"Does your child get a spoon into her mouth right side up so that the food usually doesn't spill?"} {"item":"aqifmc030","equate":"FM104","label":"Does your child stack six small blocks or toys on top of each other by himself? Note--add this example to 2-22 only (You could also use spools of thread, small boxes, or toys that are about 1 inch in size.)"} {"item":"aqifmc031","equate":"FM11","label":"Does your child use a turning motion with her hand while trying to turn doorknobs, wind up toys, twist tops, or screw lids on and off jars?"} {"item":"aqifmc032","equate":"FM107","label":"Does your child turn pages in a book, one page at a time?"} {"item":"aqifmc033","equate":"FM43","label":"After your child watches you draw a single circle, ask him to make a circle like yours. Do not let him trace your circle. Does your child copy you by drawing a circle?"} {"item":"aqifmc034","equate":"FM41","label":"After your child watches you draw a line from the top of the paper to the bottom with a pencil, crayon, or pen, ask him to make a line like yours. Do not let your child trace your line. Does your child copy you by drawing a single line in a vertical direction?"} {"item":"aqifmc035","equate":"FM40","label":"After your child watches you draw a line from one side of the paper to the other side, ask her to make a line like yours. Do not let your child trace your line. Does your child copy you by drawing a single line in a horizontal direction?"} {"item":"aqifmc036","equate":"FM45","label":"\"Can your child string small items such as beads, macaroni or pasta \"\"wagon wheels\"\", onto a string or shoelace?\""} {"item":"aqifmc037","equate":"FM47","label":"Does your child try to cut paper with child-safe scissors? She does not need to cut the paper but must get the blades to open and close while holding the paper with the other hand. (You may show your child how to use scissors. Carefully watch your child's use of scissors for safety reasons.)"} {"item":"aqifmc038","equate":"FM48","label":"When drawing, does your child hold a pencil, crayon, or pen between her fingers and thumb like an adult does?"} {"item":"aqifmc039","equate":"COG82","label":"Does your child put together a five to seven piece interlocking puzzle? (If one is not available, take a full-page picture from a magazine or catalog and cut it into six pieces. Does your child put it back together correctly?)"} {"item":"aqifmc040","equate":"FM109","label":"Does your child unbutton one or more buttons? (Your child may use his own clothing or a doll's clothing. )"} {"item":"aqifmc041","equate":"FM110","label":"Using the shape at right to look at, does your child copy it onto a large piece of paper using a pencil or crayon, without tracing? Your child's drawing should look like the design of the shape, except it may be different in size."} {"item":"aqifmc042","equate":"FM111","label":"Does your child draw pictures of people that have at least three of the following features: head, eyes, nose, mouth, neck, hair, trunk, arms, hands, legs, or feet?"} {"item":"aqifmc043","equate":"FM112","label":"cuts up soft food into smaller pieces using a dull knife"} {"item":"aqifmc044","equate":"FM51","label":"Using child-safe scissors, does your child cut a paper in half on a more or less straight line, making the blades go up and down? (Carefully watch your child's use of scissors for safety reasons.)"} {"item":"aqifmc045","equate":"FM113","label":"holds 5 or more playing cards so they look like a fan"} {"item":"aqifmc046","equate":"FM57","label":"buttons large sized buttons"} {"item":"aqifmc047","equate":"FM114","label":"buckles seat belt when riding in car"} {"item":"aqifmc048","equate":"FM115","label":"\"Ask your child to trace on the line below with a pencil. Does your child trace on the line without going off the line more than two times? (Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child goes off the line three times.)\""} {"item":"aqifmc049","equate":"FM59","label":"Using the shapes below to look at, does your child copy at least three shapes onto a large piece of paper using a pencil or crayon, without tracing? (Your child's drawings should look similar to the design of the shapes below, but they may be different in size.)"} {"item":"aqifmc050","equate":"FM116","label":"\"Ask your child to draw a picture of a person on a blank sheet of paper. You may ask your child to \"\"Draw a picture of a girl or a boy.\"\" If your child draws a person with head, body, arms, and legs, mark \"\"yes.\"\" If your child draws a person with only three parts (head, body, arms, or legs), mark \"\"sometimes.\"\" If your child draws a person with two or fewer parts (head, body, arms, or legs), mark \"\"not yet.\"\" Be sure to attach the sheet of paper with your child's drawing to this questionnaire.\""} {"item":"aqifmc051","equate":"FM117","label":"Does your child color mostly within the lines in a coloring book or within the lines of a 2 inch circle that you draw? (Your child should not go more than 1/4 inch outside the lines on most of the picture)."} {"item":"aqifmc052","equate":"FM118","label":"Draw a line across a piece of paper. Using child-safe scissors, does your child cut the paper in half on a more or less straight line, making the blades go up and down? (Carefully watch your child's use of scissors for safety reasons.)"} {"item":"aqifmc053","equate":"FM119","label":"cuts a 4 inch line across paper that is thick paper"} {"item":"aqifmc054","equate":"FM120","label":"\"Using the shapes below to look at, does your child copy the shapes in the space below without tracing? Your child's drawings should look similar to the design of the shapes below, but they may be different in size. (Mark \"\"yes\"\" if she copies all three shapes; mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child copies two shapes.) (Space for child's shapes.)\""} {"item":"aqifmc055","equate":"FM121","label":"\"Print your child's first name. Can your child copy the letters? The letters may be large, backward, or reversed. Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child copies about half of the letters. (Space for adult's printing) (Space for child's printing)\""} {"item":"aqifmc056","equate":"FM122","label":"Does your child cut up soft food such as banana or mango into smaller pieces using the edge of a fork?"} {"item":"aqifmc057","equate":"FM123","label":"Give your child an 8 1/2 by 11inch piece of paper and ask him to fold the short sides together. Does your child fold the paper so that the sides match up within a half inch?"} {"item":"aqifmc058","equate":"FM124","label":"Does your child button most buttons on her clothing, including small buttons less than 1/2 inch?"} {"item":"aqifmc059","equate":"FM125","label":"\"Using the letters below to look at, does your child copy the letters without tracing? Cover up all of the letters except the letter being copied. Mark \"\"yes\"\" if your child copies four of the letters, and you can read them. Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child copies two or three letters, and you can read them. V H T C A (Copy letters here.)\""} {"item":"aqifmc060","equate":"FM126","label":"Draw a 4-inch circle on a piece of paper. Does your child use child-safe scissors to cut it out staying within a 1/4 inch of the lines? (Carefully watch your child's use of scissors for safety reasons.)"} {"item":"aqifmc061","equate":"FM127","label":"Does your child cut up soft food such as banana or mango into smaller pieces using a dull knife in one hand and a fork in the other?"} {"item":"aqifmc062","equate":"FM128","label":"Does your child successfully use a key to unlock the door?"} {"item":"aqifmc063","equate":"FM129","label":"Can your child tie shoelaces making a bow?"} {"item":"aqigmc001","label":"While your baby is on his back, does your he wave his arms and legs, wiggle and squirm?"} {"item":"aqigmc002","label":"When your baby is on his back, does he kick his legs?"} {"item":"aqigmc003","label":"After holding her head up while on her tummy, does your baby lay her head back down on the floor, rather than let it drop or fall forward?"} {"item":"aqigmc004","label":"When your baby is on his tummy, does he hold his head up for a few seconds?"} {"item":"aqigmc005","label":"While your baby is on his back, does he baby move his head from side to side?"} {"item":"aqigmc006","label":"When your baby is on her tummy, does she turn her head to the side?"} {"item":"aqigmc007","label":"When you hold him in a sitting position, does your baby hold his head steady?"} {"item":"aqigmc008","label":"When your baby is on his tummy, does your baby hold his head up so that his chin is about 3 inches from the floor for at least 15 seconds?"} {"item":"aqigmc009","label":"While your baby is on her back, does your baby bring her hands together over her chest, touching her fingers?"} {"item":"aqigmc010","label":"While your baby is on his back, does your baby lift his legs high enough to see his feet?"} {"item":"aqigmc011","label":"When your is on her tummy, does your she hold her head straight up, looking around? (She can rest on her arms while doing this.)"} {"item":"aqigmc012","label":"\"When you put your baby on the floor, does she lean on her hands while sitting? (If she already sits up straight without leaning on her hands, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqigmc013","label":"If you hold both hands just to balance your baby, does he support his own weight while standing?"} {"item":"aqigmc014","label":"When your baby is on her tummy, does she straighten both arms and push her whole chest off the bed or floor?"} {"item":"aqigmc015","label":"Does your baby roll from his back to his tummy, getting both arms out from under him?"} {"item":"aqigmc016","label":"When sitting on the floor, does your baby sit up straight for several minutes without using her hands for support?"} {"item":"aqigmc017","label":"Does your baby get into a crawling position by getting up on her hands and knees?"} {"item":"aqigmc018","label":"When you stand your baby next to furniture or the crib rail, does he hold on without leaning his chest against the furniture for support?"} {"item":"aqigmc020","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your baby lower himself with control (without falling or flopping down)?"} {"item":"aqigmc021","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your baby bend down and pick up a toy from the floor and then return to a standing position?"} {"item":"aqigmc022","label":"Does your baby walk beside furniture while holding on with only one hand?"} {"item":"aqigmc023","label":"\"When you hold one hand just to balance your baby, does she take several steps forward? (If your baby already walks alone, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqigmc024","label":"Does your baby/child bend over or squat to pick up an object from the floor and then stand up again without any support?"} {"item":"aqigmc025","label":"Does your baby/child climb onto furniture or other large objects such as large climbing blocks?"} {"item":"aqigmc026","label":"Does your baby/child stand up in the middle of the floor by himself and take several steps forward?"} {"item":"aqigmc027","label":"Does your baby/child move around by walking, rather than by crawling on his hands and knees?"} {"item":"aqigmc028","label":"Does your child walk well and seldom fall?"} {"item":"aqigmc029","label":"\"Does your child climb on an object such as a chair to reach something she wants? (For example, to get a toy on a counter or to \"\"help\"\" you in the kitchen.)\""} {"item":"aqigmc030","label":"\"When you show your child how to kick a large ball, does he try to kick the ball by moving his leg forward or by walking into it? (If your child already kicks a ball, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqigmc031","label":"Does your child walk either up or down at least two steps by himself? He may hold onto the railing or wall. Note- 1-27 and 2-30 add (You can look for this at a store, on a playground, or at home.)"} {"item":"aqigmc032","label":"Does your child walk down stairs if you hold onto one of her hands? She may hold onto the railing or wall. (You can look for this at a store, on a playground, or at home.)"} {"item":"aqigmc033","label":"Does your child run fairly well, stopping herself without bumping into things or falling?"} {"item":"aqigmc034","label":"Without holding onto anything for support, does your child kick a ball by swinging his leg forward?"} {"item":"aqigmc036","label":"Does your child jump with both feet leaving the floor at the same time?"} {"item":"aqigmc037","label":"\"While standing, does your child throw a ball overhand by raising his arm to shoulder height and throwing the ball forward? (Dropping the ball or throwing the ball underhand should be scored as \"\"not yet\"\".)\""} {"item":"aqigmc038","label":"Does your child walk up stairs, using only one foot on each stair? (The left foot is on one step, and the right foot is on the next.) She may hold onto the railing or wall."} {"item":"aqigmc039","label":"Does your child jump forward at least 3 inches with both feet leaving the ground at the same time?"} {"item":"aqigmc040","label":"Does your child stand on one foot for about 1 second without holding onto anything?"} {"item":"aqigmc041","label":"\"While standing, does your child throw a ball overhand in the direction of a person standing at least 6 feet away? To throw overhand, your child must raise her arm to shoulder height and throw the ball forward. (Dropping the ball or throwing the ball underhand should be scored as \"\"not yet\"\".)\""} {"item":"aqigmc042","label":"Does your child walk on his tiptoes for 15 feet (about the length of a large car)? (You may show him how to do this.)"} {"item":"aqigmc043","label":"Does your child catch a large ball with both hands? (You should stand about 5 feet away and give your child two or three tries before you mark the answer.)"} {"item":"aqigmc044","label":"Does your child jump forward at least 6 inches with both feet leaving the ground at the same time?"} {"item":"aqigmc045","label":"walks forward on straight line for 10 or more steps"} {"item":"aqigmc046","label":"walks down stairs alternating feet"} {"item":"aqigmc047","label":"Without holding onto anything, does your child stand on one foot for at least 5 seconds without losing his balance and putting his foot down? You may give your child two or three tries before you mark the answer.)"} {"item":"aqigmc048","label":"Does your child hop up and down on either the right or left foot at least one time without losing his balance or falling?"} {"item":"aqigmc049","label":"kicks a ball while running and changing directions"} {"item":"aqigmc050","label":"can walk 10 or more steps forward"} {"item":"aqigmc051","label":"hops on one foot for 2 feet"} {"item":"aqigmc052","label":"jumps and turns so that faces other way"} {"item":"aqigmc053","label":"hops in place on one foot 3 times"} {"item":"aqigmc054","label":"Does your child jump forward a distance of 20 inches from a standing position, starting with her feet together?"} {"item":"aqigmc056","label":"does all 3 movement patterns at least 2 times"} {"item":"aqigmc057","label":"jumps forward 3 feet from standing position"} {"item":"aqigmc058","label":"walks 10 ore more steps backward"} {"item":"aqigmc059","label":"Does your child skip using alternating feet? You may show her how to do this?"} {"item":"aqigmc060"} {"item":"aqigmc061"} {"item":"aqigmc062","label":"\"Does your child hop forward on one foot for a distance of 46 feet without putting down the other foot? You may give him two tries on each foot. Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if he can hop on one foot only.\""} {"item":"aqigmc063"} {"item":"aqigmc064"} {"item":"aqigmc065"} {"item":"aqiNAc005","equate":"FM97","label":"Does your baby pick up a crumb or Cheerio with the tips of his thumb and a finger? He may rest his arm or hand on the table while doing it."} {"item":"aqipxc001","equate":"COG120","label":"Does your baby look at objects that are 8-10 inches away?"} {"item":"aqipxc002","equate":"FM4","label":"When you move a small toy up and down slowly in front of her face (about 10 inches away), does your baby follow the toy with her eyes?"} {"item":"aqipxc003","equate":"FM3","label":"When you move a toy slowly from side to side in front of your baby's face (about 10 inches away), does your baby follow the toy with his eyes, sometimes turning his head?"} {"item":"aqipxc004","equate":"FM2","label":"When you move around, does your baby follow you with her eyes ?"} {"item":"aqipxc005","equate":"COG124","label":"When you put a toy in her hand, does your baby look at it?"} {"item":"aqipxc006","equate":"COG125","label":"When you hold your baby in a sitting position, does he look at a toy (about the size of a cup or rattle) that you place on the table or floor in front of him?"} {"item":"aqipxc007","equate":"COG126","label":"When you put a toy in his hand, does your baby put the toy in his mouth?"} {"item":"aqipxc008","equate":"COG127","label":"When you dangle a toy above your baby while she is lying on her back, does your baby wave her arms toward the toy?"} {"item":"aqipxc009","equate":"COG128","label":"Does your baby pick up a toy and put it in his mouth?"} {"item":"aqipxc010","equate":"COG25","label":"\"When your baby is on his back, does he turn his head to look for a toy when he drops it? (If he already picks it up, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc011","equate":"COG129","label":"When your baby is on her back, does she try to get a toy she has dropped if she can see it?"} {"item":"aqipxc012","equate":"COG24","label":"Does your baby play by banging a toy up and down on the floor or table?"} {"item":"aqipxc013","equate":"FM12","label":"When a toy is in front of her, does your baby reach for it with both hands?"} {"item":"aqipxc014","equate":"COG131","label":"Does your baby pass a toy back and forth from one hand to the other?"} {"item":"aqipxc015","equate":"COG132","label":"When holding a toy in his hand, does your baby bang it against another toy on the table?"} {"item":"aqipxc016","equate":"COG27","label":"Does your baby pick up two small toys, one in each hand, and hold onto them for about 1 minute?"} {"item":"aqipxc017","equate":"COG40","label":"After watching you hide a small toy under a piece of paper or cloth, does your baby find it? (Be sure the toy is completely hidden.)"} {"item":"aqipxc018","equate":"COG133","label":"\"While holding a small toy in each hand, does your baby clap the toys together (like \"\"Pat-a-cake\"\")?\""} {"item":"aqipxc019","equate":"COG134","label":"Does your baby poke at or try to get a crumb or Cheerio that is inside a clear bottle (such as a plastic soda-pop bottle or baby bottle)?"} {"item":"aqipxc020","equate":"COG36","label":"\"If you put a small toy into a bowl or box, does your baby copy you by putting in a toy, although she may not let go of it? (If she already lets go of the toy into a bowl or box, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc021","equate":"COG135","label":"Does your baby drop two small toys, one after the other, into a container like a bowl or box? (You may show him how to do it.)"} {"item":"aqipxc022","equate":"COG136","label":"If you give your child a bottle, spoon, or pencil upside down, does he turn it right side up so that he can use it properly?"} {"item":"aqipxc023","equate":"COG137","label":"\"After you scribble back and forth on paper with a crayon (or a pencil or pen), does your baby/child copy you by scribbling? (If she already scribbles on her own, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc024","equate":"COG54","label":"Does your baby/child drop several small toys, one after another, into a container like a bowl or box? (You may show him how to do it.)"} {"item":"aqipxc025","equate":"FM33","label":"Can your baby/child drop a crumb or Cheerio into a small, clear bottle (such as a plastic soda-pop bottle or baby bottle)?"} {"item":"aqipxc026","equate":"FM30","label":"Without your showing him how, does your child scribble back and forth when you give him a crayon (or pencil or pen)?"} {"item":"aqipxc027","equate":"COG42","label":"After a crumb or Cheerio is dropped into a small, clear bottle, does your child turn the bottle upside down to dump it out? (You may show her how.) (You can use a soda-pop bottle or a baby bottle.)"} {"item":"aqipxc028","equate":"COG140","label":"After a crumb or Cheerio is dropped into a small, clear bottle, does your child turn the bottle upside down to dump out the crumb or Cheerio?( Do not show her how.) Note--on 5-22 and 2-24 add:(You can use a soda pop bottle or a baby bottle.)"} {"item":"aqipxc029","equate":"COG141","label":"If you do any of the following gestures, does your child copy at least one of them? a. Open and close your mouth. b. Blink your eyes. c. Pull on your earlobe. d. Pat your cheek."} {"item":"aqipxc030","equate":"COG142","label":"Does your child put things away where they belong? For example, does he know his toys belong on the toy shelf, his blanket goes on his bed, and dishes go in the kitchen?"} {"item":"aqipxc031","equate":"COG65","label":"Does your child pretend objects are something else? For example, does your child hold a cup to his ear, pretending it is a telephone? Does he put a box on his head, pretending it is a hat? Does he use a block or small toy to stir food?"} {"item":"aqipxc032","equate":"COG143","label":"While your child watches, line up four objects like blocks or cars in a row. Does your child copy or imitate you and line up at least two blocks side by side? (You can also use spools of thread, small boxes, or other toys.)"} {"item":"aqipxc033","label":"\"If your child wants something she cannot reach, does she find a chair or box to stand on to reach it (for example to get a toy on a counter or to \"\"help\"\" you in the kitchen)?\""} {"item":"aqipxc034","equate":"COG57","label":"After you have shown your baby how, does he try to get a small toy that is slightly out of reach by using a spoon, stick, or similar tool?"} {"item":"aqipxc035","equate":"COG144","label":"\"When looking in the mirror, ask \"\"Where is _______?\"\" (Use your child's name.) Does your child point to her image in the mirror?\""} {"item":"aqipxc036","equate":"FM44","label":"copies caregiver and lines up 4 subjects in a row"} {"item":"aqipxc037","equate":"FM52","label":"Show your child how to make a bridge with blocks, boxes, or cans, like the example. Does your child copy you by making one like it?"} {"item":"aqipxc038","equate":"COG147","label":"\"When you say, \"\"Say seven three,\"\" does your child repeat just the two numbers in the same order? Do not repeat the numbers.If necessary, try another pair of numbers and say, \"\"Say eight two.\"\" Your child must repeat just one series of two numbers for you to answer \"\"yes\"\" to this question.\""} {"item":"aqipxc039","equate":"COG148","label":"\"Does your child dress up and \"\"play-act,\"\" pretending to be someone or something else? For example, your child may dress up in different clothes and pretend to be a mommy, daddy, brother, or sister, or an imaginary animal or figure.\""} {"item":"aqipxc040","equate":"COG149","label":"\"When you point to the figure and ask your child, \"\"What is this?\"\" Does your child say a word that means a person or something similar? (Mark \"\"yes\"\" for responses like \"\"snowman\"\", \"\"boy\"\", \"\"man\"\", \"\"girl\"\", \"\"Daddy\"\", \"\"spaceman\"\" and \"\"monkey\"\"). Please write your child's response here.\""} {"item":"aqipxc041","equate":"COG150","label":"\"Without your giving help by pointing, does your child follow three different directions using the words \"\"under,\"\" \"\"between,\"\" and \"\"middle\"\"? For example, ask your child to put the shoe \"\"under the couch.\"\" Then ask her to put the ball \"\" between the chairs\"\" and the book \"\"in the middle of the table.\"\"\""} {"item":"aqipxc042","equate":"COG90","label":"\"When you say, \"\"Say five eight three,\"\" does your child repeat just the three numbers in the same order? Do not repeat the numbers. If necessary, try another series of numbers and say, \"\"Say six nine two.\"\" Your child must repeat just one series of three numbers for you to answer \"\"yes\"\" to this question.\""} {"item":"aqipxc043","equate":"COG151","label":"\"After your child draws a \"\"picture,\"\" even a simple scribble, does your child tell you what she drew? (You may say, \"\"Tell me about your picture,\"\" or ask, \"\"What is this?\"\" to prompt her.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc044","equate":"COG152","label":"\"After watching you draw a line from the top of the paper to the bottom with a crayon (or pencil or pen), does your child copy you by drawing a single line on the paper in any direction? (Mark \"\"not yet\"\" if your child scribbles back and forth)\""} {"item":"aqipxc045","equate":"COG75","label":"\"When asked, \"\"Which circle is the smallest?\"\" does your child point to the smallest circle? Ask this question without providing help by pointing, gesturing, or looking at the smallest circle.\""} {"item":"aqipxc046","equate":"COG153","label":"\"When shown objects and asked, \"\"What color is this?\"\" does your child name five different colors like red, blue, yellow, orange, black, white, or pink? (Mark \"\"yes\"\" only if your child answers the question correctly using five colors.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc047","equate":"COG79","label":"\"If you place five objects in front of your child, can he count them saying, \"\"One, two, three, four, five,\"\" in order? Ask the question without providing help by pointing, gesturing, or naming.\""} {"item":"aqipxc048","equate":"COG154","label":"\"Does your child know the following six words for shapes? For example, your child says, \"\"That's a square,\"\" when pointing to a box. If she knows at least 3 shapes mark \"\"sometimes\"\". a. circle b. triangle c. diamond d. square e. rectangle f. star.\""} {"item":"aqipxc049","equate":"COG80","label":"can tell which one is biggest and smallest"} {"item":"aqipxc050","equate":"COG155","label":"correctly names more than 10 letters"} {"item":"aqipxc051","equate":"COG156","label":"\"Does your child finish the following sentences using a word that means the opposite of the word that is italicized? For example: \"\"A rock is hard, and a pillow is soft.\"\" Please write your child's responses below: A cow is big, and a mouse is ______. Ice is cold, and fire is ______. We see stars at night, and we see the sun during the ______. When I throw the ball up, it comes ______. Mark \"\"yes\"\" if she finishes three of four sentences correctly. Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if she finishes two of four sentences correctly.\""} {"item":"aqipxc052","equate":"COG157","label":"\"Does your child know the names of numbers?( Mark \"\"yes\"\" if he identifies the three numbers (3, 1, 2) below. Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if he identifies two numbers.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc053","equate":"COG158","label":"\"Does your child name at least four letters in her name? Point to the letters and ask, \"\"What letter is this?\"\" (Point to the letters out of order.)\""} {"item":"aqipxc054","equate":"COG159","label":"\"Does your child know printed numbers from 1 to 10? For example, when you point to a number in a book, on cards, or on road signs, does your child correctly name the numbers? ( If your child knows at least 5 numbers, mark \"\"sometimes\"\".)\""} {"item":"aqipxc055","equate":"COG160","label":"\"Does your child count up to 15 without making mistakes? If so, mark \"\"yes.\"\" If your child counts to 12 without making mistakes, mark \"\"sometimes.\"\"\""} {"item":"aqipxc056","equate":"COG161","label":"Can your child show you her left hand or her left foot?"} {"item":"aqipxc057","equate":"COG162","label":"Does your child know the sounds of 5 of these letters? s, t, k, m, p, c, f, j."} {"item":"aqipxc058","equate":"COG163","label":"Does your child count up to 20?"} {"item":"aqipxc059","equate":"COG164","label":"Put a penny, nickel, and dime in front of your child. Can your child point to the penny?"} {"item":"aqipxc060","equate":"COG165","label":"Does your child say the days of the seven week in the correct order?"} {"item":"aqipxc061","equate":"COG166","label":"\"Ask your child what day comes before and after Friday, does your child answer correctly? Mark \"\"sometimes\"\" if your child can name one of the days.\""} {"item":"aqipxc062","equate":"COG167","label":"Ask your child what is 6 minus (or take away) 1, 4 minus 2, and 8 minus 3. Does your child correctly subtract one number from another? They can use their fingers to count."} {"item":"aqipxc063","equate":"COG168","label":"Does your child tell you if a spoken or printed word has the same or different beginning and ending sounds? For example, CAR and CAKE have the same beginning sounds. BEG and DOG have the same end sounds. MAMA and LLAMA have different beginning sounds. TOP and TOY have different ending sounds."} {"item":"aqipxc064","equate":"COG169","label":"Can your child count past '40'?"} {"item":"aqipxc065","equate":"COG170","label":"Does your child correctly spell 3-letter words? For example, 'cat', 'dog', 'pen'."} {"item":"aqipxc066","equate":"COG171","label":"Can your child tell you all 12 months of the year? Mark 'Sometimes' if your child can tell you more than 6 months of the year."} {"item":"aqipxc067","equate":"COG172","label":"Ask your child what is 4 plus 2, 3 plus 5, 7 plus 1. Does your child correctly add the numbers? They can use their fingers to count."} {"item":"aqipxc068","equate":"COG173","label":"Can your child count to 100 by 10's?"} {"item":"aqislc001","label":"Does your baby cry when she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?"} {"item":"aqislc002","label":"Does your baby sometimes try to suck, even when he's not feeding?"} {"item":"aqislc003","label":"Does your baby smile at you?"} {"item":"aqislc004","label":"When you smile at your baby, does she smile back?"} {"item":"aqislc005","label":"When your baby sees the breast or bottle, does he seem to know he is about to be fed?"} {"item":"aqislc006","label":"smiles when sees caregiver nearby"} {"item":"aqislc007","label":"Does your baby watch his hands?"} {"item":"aqislc008","label":"plays with fingers when hands together"} {"item":"aqislc009","label":"When in front of a large mirror, does your baby smile or coo at herself?"} {"item":"aqislc010","label":"While lying on her back, does your baby play by grabbing her foot?"} {"item":"aqislc011","label":"Does your baby try to get a toy that is out of reach? (She may roll, pivot on her tummy, or crawl to get it.)"} {"item":"aqislc012","label":"helps hold bottle with both hands or holds breast with free hand"} {"item":"aqislc013","equate":"COG22","label":"When in front of a large mirror, does your baby reach out to pat the mirror?"} {"item":"aqislc014","label":"Does your baby feed himself a cracker or a cookie?"} {"item":"aqislc015","label":"Does your baby drink water, juice, or formula from a cup while you hold it?"} {"item":"aqislc016","label":"Does your baby act differently toward strangers than he does with you and other familiar people? (Reactions to strangers may include staring, frowning, withdrawing, or crying.)"} {"item":"aqislc017","label":"While your baby is on his back, does he put his foot in his mouth?"} {"item":"aqislc018","label":"When you dress your baby, does he push his arm through a sleeve once his arm is started in the hole of the sleeve?"} {"item":"aqislc019","label":"\"When you hold out your hand and ask for her toy, does your baby offer it to you even if she doesn't let go of it? (If she already lets go of the toy into your hand, mark \"\"yes\"\" for this item.)\""} {"item":"aqislc020","label":"When you hold out your hand and ask for her toy, does your baby let go of it into your hand?"} {"item":"aqislc021","label":"Does your baby roll or throw a ball back to you so that you can return it to him?"} {"item":"aqislc022","label":"Does your baby/child play with a doll or stuffed animal by hugging it?"} {"item":"aqislc023","label":"When you dress your baby does she lift her foot for her shoe, sock, or pant leg?"} {"item":"aqislc024","equate":"COG53","label":"Does your child copy the activities you do, such as wipe up a spill, sweep, shave, or comb hair?"} {"item":"aqislc025","label":"Does your child push a little wagon, stroller or other toy on wheels, steering it around objects and backing out of corners if he cannot turn?"} {"item":"aqislc026","label":"Does your baby/child feed herself with a spoon, even though she may spill some food?"} {"item":"aqislc027","label":"Does your baby/child get your attention or try to show you something by pulling on your hand or clothes?"} {"item":"aqislc028","label":"Does your child come to you when she needs help, such as with winding up a toy or unscrewing a lid from a jar?"} {"item":"aqislc029","label":"Does your child use a spoon to feed himself with little spilling?"} {"item":"aqislc030","label":"Does your child drink from a cup or glass, putting it down again with little spilling?"} {"item":"aqislc031","label":"If you do any of the following gestures, does your child copy at least one of them? a. Open and close your mouth. b. Blink your eyes. c. Pull on your earlobe. d. Pat your cheek"} {"item":"aqislc032","label":"Does your baby/child help undress himself by taking off clothes like socks, hat, shoes, or mittens?"} {"item":"aqislc033","label":"Does your child eat with a fork?"} {"item":"aqislc034","label":"Does your child take turns by waiting while another child or adult takes a turn?"} {"item":"aqislc035","label":"When playing with either a stuffed animal or doll, does your child pretend to rock it, feed it, change its diapers, put it to bed, and so forth?"} {"item":"aqislc036","label":"\"When your child is looking in a mirror and you ask, \"\"Who is in the mirror?\"\" does he say either \"\"me\"\" or his own name?\""} {"item":"aqislc037","label":"While looking at himself in the mirror, does your child offer a toy to his own image?"} {"item":"aqislc038","label":"After you put on loose-fitting pants around her feet, does your child pull them completely up to her waist?"} {"item":"aqislc039","label":"\"Does your child call herself \"\"I\"\" or \"\"me\"\" more often than her own name? For example, \"\"I do it,\"\" more often than \"\"Juanita do it.\"\"\""} {"item":"aqislc040","label":"feels proud of things she is able to do"} {"item":"aqislc041","label":"\"Using these exact words, ask your child, \"\"Are you a girl or a boy?\"\" Does your child answer correctly?\""} {"item":"aqislc042","label":"tells caregiver what she likes and does not like"} {"item":"aqislc043","label":"washes hands using soap and water and dries off with towel without help"} {"item":"aqislc044","label":"takes turns and shares with other children"} {"item":"aqislc045","label":"dresses or undresses himself without help"} {"item":"aqislc046","label":"tells caregiver names of two or more playmates not including siblings"} {"item":"aqislc047","label":"uses the toilet by himself"} {"item":"aqislc048","label":"Does your child put on a coat, jacket, or shirt by himself?"} {"item":"aqislc049","label":"washes hands blows nose brushes teeth and combs hair by himself"} {"item":"aqislc050","label":"knows how to look both ways before crossing the street"} {"item":"aqislc051","label":"pours liquid from one container to another"} {"item":"aqislc052","label":"knows how to behave in public place"} {"item":"aqislc053","label":"Does your child serve herself, taking food from one container to another using utensils? For example, does your child use a large spoon to scoop applesauce from a jar into a bowl?"} {"item":"aqislc054","label":"stays away from dangerous things"} {"item":"aqislc055","label":"tells at least 4 of first name age city last name boy or girl and telephone number"} {"item":"aqislc056","label":"begins playing with toys and finishes activity without being told"} {"item":"aqislc057","label":"brushs teeth by putting toothpaste on toothbrush and brushing all her teeth without help"} {"item":"aqislc058"} {"item":"aqislc059"} {"item":"aqislc060"} {"item":"aqislc061"} {"item":"aqislc062","label":"dresses and undresses himself including buttoning and zipping"} {"item":"aqislc063"} {"item":"aqislc064"} {"item":"aqislc065"} {"item":"aqislc066"} {"item":"aqislc067"} {"item":"barxxc001","label":"Smiles in response to an adult or his/her voice (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc002","label":"Makes sounds spontaneously or in response to a stimulus (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc003","label":"Has head control while being pulled to sit upright (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc004","label":"Holds a toy with one or both hands when it is presented (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc005","label":"Rolls from back to stomach (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc006","label":"Sits without support for some time (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc007","label":"Starting to crawl (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc008","label":"Grasps with fingertip to to take small objects (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc009","label":"Stands up when being pulled (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc010","label":"Walks with support, holding on to a railing, furniture or adult (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc011","label":"\"Stands for \"\"some moments\"\" (mom report)\""} {"item":"barxxc012","label":"\"Walks alone with \"\"some steps\"\" (mom report)\""} {"item":"barxxc013","label":"Drinks well from a cup or glass (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc014","label":"Says more than 5 words (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc015","label":"Jumps in place (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc016","label":"Washes and dries hands (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc017","label":"Says his full name (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc018","label":"Copies a circle (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc019","label":"Balances on one foot for more than 5 seconds (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc020","label":"Bowel and bladder control (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc021","label":"Copies a square well (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxc022","label":"Recognizes 4 colors (mom report)"} {"item":"barxxd001","label":"Smiles in response to an adult or his/her voice (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd002","label":"Makes sounds spontaneously or in response to a stimulus (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd003","label":"Has head control while being pulled to sit upright (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd004","label":"Holds a toy with one or both hands when it is presented (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd005","label":"Rolls from back to stomach (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd006","label":"Sits without support for some time (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd007","label":"Starting to crawl (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd008","label":"Grasps with fingertip to to take small objects (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd009","label":"Stands up when being pulled (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd010","label":"Walks with support, holding on to a railing, furniture or adult (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd011","label":"\"Stands for \"\"some moments\"\" (direct obs)\""} {"item":"barxxd012","label":"\"Walks alone with \"\"some steps\"\" (direct obs)\""} {"item":"barxxd013","label":"Drinks well from a cup or glass (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd014","label":"Says more than 5 words (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd015","label":"Jumps in place (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd016","label":"Washes and dries hands (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd017","label":"Says his full name (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd018","label":"Copies a circle (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd019","label":"Balances on one foot for more than 5 seconds (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd020","label":"Bowel and bladder control (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd021","label":"Copies a square well (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxd022","label":"Recognizes 4 colors (direct obs)"} {"item":"barxxx001","equate":"EXP2","label":"Smiles in response to an adult or his/her voice"} {"item":"barxxx002","equate":"EXP5","label":"Makes sounds spontaneously or in response to a stimulus"} {"item":"barxxx003","equate":"GM23","label":"Has head control while being pulled to stand upright"} {"item":"barxxx004","equate":"FM12","label":"Holds a toy with one or both hands when it is presented"} {"item":"barxxx005","equate":"GM25","label":"Rolls from back to stomach"} {"item":"barxxx006","equate":"GM26","label":"Sits without support for some time"} {"item":"barxxx007","equate":"GM31","label":"Starting to crawl"} {"item":"barxxx008","equate":"FM26","label":"Grasps with fingertip to to take small objects"} {"item":"barxxx009","equate":"GM35","label":"Stands up when being pulled"} {"item":"barxxx010","equate":"GM37","label":"Walks with support, holding on to a railing, furniture or adult"} {"item":"barxxx011","equate":"GM40","label":"\"Stands for \"\"some moments\"\"\""} {"item":"barxxx012","equate":"GM42","label":"\"Walks alone with \"\"some steps\"\"\""} {"item":"barxxx013","label":"Drinks well from a cup or glass"} {"item":"barxxx014","equate":"EXP23","label":"Says more than 5 words"} {"item":"barxxx015","equate":"GM54","label":"Jumps in place"} {"item":"barxxx016","label":"Washes and dries hands"} {"item":"barxxx017","label":"Says his full name"} {"item":"barxxx018","equate":"FM43","label":"Copies a circle"} {"item":"barxxx019","equate":"GM60","label":"Balances on one foot for more than 5 seconds"} {"item":"barxxx020","label":"Bowel and bladder control"} {"item":"barxxx021","equate":"FM66","label":"Copies a square well"} {"item":"barxxx022","equate":"COG68","label":"Recognizes 4 colors"} {"item":"batadd001","label":"Takes strained food from spoon and swallows it (TS21)"} {"item":"batadd002","label":"Attends to ongoing sound or activity for 15 or more seconds (TS22)"} {"item":"batadd003","label":"Place both hands on a bottle or breast during feeding (TS23)"} {"item":"batadd004","label":"Eats semisolid food when it is placed in his or her mouth (TS24)"} {"item":"batadd005","label":"Begins to use spoon or other utensil to feed self (TS25)"} {"item":"batadd006","label":"Removes small articles of clothing without assistance (TS26)"} {"item":"batadd007","label":"Distinguishes between food substances and non-food substances (TS27)"} {"item":"batadd008","label":"Removes simple garment such as jacket, shorts, or shirt without assistance (TS28"} {"item":"batadd009","label":"Expresses need to go to bathroom (TS29)"} {"item":"batadd010","label":"Obtains drink from tap or other source without assistance (TS30)"} {"item":"batadd011","label":"Sucks with smooth, coordinated movements"} {"item":"batadd012","label":"Helps dress self by holding out his/her arms or legs"} {"item":"batadd013","label":"Asks for foor or liquid with words or gestures"} {"item":"batadd014","label":"Removes shoes without assistance"} {"item":"batadd015","label":"Feeds self with a spoon or fork without assistance"} {"item":"batadd016","label":"Puts away toys when asked"} {"item":"batadd017","label":"Blows his/her nose with assistance"} {"item":"batadd018","label":"Washes and dries hands without assistance"} {"item":"batadd019","label":"Chooses the appropriate ustensil for the food he/she is eating"} {"item":"batadd020","label":"Responds to instructions given in a small group and initiates an appropriate task without being reminded"} {"item":"batadd021","label":"Cuts soft foods with the side of a fork"} {"item":"batadd022","label":"\"Answers \"\"what-to-do-if\"\" questions involving personal responsibility\""} {"item":"batadd023","label":"Chooses clothing that is approprate for the weather"} {"item":"batadd024","label":"Knows his/her own phone number"} {"item":"batadd025","label":"Goes to bed without assistance"} {"item":"batadd026","label":"Uses emergency phone numbers"} {"item":"batcgd001","equate":"COG175","label":"Follows visual stimulus (TS 79)"} {"item":"batcgd002","equate":"COG16","label":"Feels and explore objects (TS 8)"} {"item":"batcgd003","equate":"COG176","label":"Uncovers hidden toy (TS 81)"} {"item":"batcgd004","equate":"COG25","label":"Searches for removed object (TS 82)"} {"item":"batcgd005","equate":"COG177","label":"Reaches around barrier to obtain toy (TS 83)"} {"item":"batcgd006","equate":"COG22","label":"Recognizes self as cause of events or happenings (TS 84)"} {"item":"batcgd007","equate":"COG56","label":"Matches circle, square and triangle (TS 85)"} {"item":"batcgd008","equate":"COG178","label":"Repeats two-digits sequences (TS 86)"} {"item":"batcgd009","equate":"COG179","label":"Visually attends to a light source moving in a 180-degree arc"} {"item":"batcgd010","equate":"COG180","label":"Turns eyes towards a light source"} {"item":"batcgd011","equate":"COG181","label":"Attends to an ongoing sound or activity for 15 or more seconds"} {"item":"batcgd012","equate":"COG182","label":"Attends to a game of pekaboo for 1 min"} {"item":"batcgd013","equate":"COG32","label":"Looks at, points to, or touches pictures in a book"} {"item":"batcgd014","equate":"COG183","label":"Imitates simple facial gestures"} {"item":"batcgd015","equate":"COG45","label":"Finds an object hidden under one of two cups"} {"item":"batcgd016","equate":"COG184","label":"Nests objects inside one another"} {"item":"batcgd017","equate":"COG185","label":"Locates hidden items in a picture scene - Level 1"} {"item":"batcgd018","label":"Names the colores red, green, and blue"} {"item":"batcgd019","equate":"COG186","label":"Locates hidden items in a picture scene - Level 2"} {"item":"batcgd020","equate":"COG83","label":"Recognises visual differences among similar numerals and letters"} {"item":"batcgd021","equate":"COG88","label":"Identifies the picture that is different"} {"item":"batcgd022","equate":"COG187","label":"Categorises familiar objects by function"} {"item":"batcgd023","equate":"COG188","label":"Matches simple words"} {"item":"batcgd024","equate":"COG189","label":"Knows the right and left sides of his/her body"} {"item":"batcgd025","equate":"COG190","label":"Repeats sequences of 4 and 5 objects from memory"} {"item":"batcgd026","equate":"COG191","label":"Groups objects by shape and color"} {"item":"batcmd001","equate":"REC6","label":"Turns head toward source of sound outside field of vision (TS 61)"} {"item":"batcmd002","equate":"EXP3","label":"Vocalizes sound to express feelings (TS 62)"} {"item":"batcmd003","equate":"REC11","label":"Associates spoken words with familiar objects or actions(TS 63)"} {"item":"batcmd004","equate":"EXP8","label":"Produces one or more single-syllable consonant-vowel sounds (TS 64)"} {"item":"batcmd005","equate":"REC69","label":"Responds to simultaneous verbal and gestural commands (TS 65)"} {"item":"batcmd006","equate":"EXP23","label":"Uses 1 or more words (TS 66)"} {"item":"batcmd007","equate":"REC42","label":"Responds to prepositions in, out, on, in front of, toward, and behind (TS 67)"} {"item":"batcmd008","equate":"EXP30","label":"Uses pronouns I, you and me TS 68)"} {"item":"batcmd009","equate":"REC3","label":"Is soothed by a familiar adult's voice"} {"item":"batcmd010","equate":"EXP98","label":"Produces differenciated cries"} {"item":"batcmd011","equate":"REC12","label":"Responds to different tones of a person's voice"} {"item":"batcmd012","equate":"REC70","label":"Identifies family members or pets when named"} {"item":"batcmd013","equate":"EXP12","label":"Uses variations in his/her voice"} {"item":"batcmd014","equate":"REC14","label":"Follows 3 or more familiar verbal commands"} {"item":"batcmd015","equate":"EXP99","label":"Spontaneously initiates sounds, words, or gesturres that are associated with objects in the immediate environment"} {"item":"batcmd016","equate":"REC32","label":"Responds to the prepositions out and on"} {"item":"batcmd017","equate":"EXP26","label":"Uses 2-words utterances to express meaningful relationships"} {"item":"batcmd018","equate":"REC71","label":"Responds to who and what questions"} {"item":"batcmd019","equate":"EXP100","label":"Uses words to relate information about other people, their actions, or their experiences"} {"item":"batcmd020","equate":"REC72","label":"Responds to where and when questions"} {"item":"batcmd021","equate":"EXP101","label":"Repeats familiar words with clear articulation"} {"item":"batcmd022","equate":"EXP102","label":"Converses on topics for more than 5 turn-taking exchanges"} {"item":"batcmd023","equate":"REC73","label":"Identifies a word from its definition"} {"item":"batcmd024","equate":"REC74","label":"Follows 3-step verbal commands"} {"item":"batcmd025","equate":"EXP38","label":"Uses plural forms ending in the /ez/ sound"} {"item":"batcmd026","equate":"EXP103","label":"Recalls events from a sotry presented orally"} {"item":"batcmd027","equate":"EXP46","label":"Describes what is happening in a picture"} {"item":"batmod001","equate":"FM138","label":"Moves object held in hand to mouth (TS 41)"} {"item":"batmod002","equate":"FM12","label":"Reaches for objects placed before him/her and touches it (TS 42)"} {"item":"batmod003","equate":"GM34","label":"Moves three or more feet by crawling (TS 43)"} {"item":"batmod004","equate":"FM24","label":"Picks up raisin with several fingers opposed to thumb (partial finger prehension"} {"item":"batmod005","equate":"GM47","label":"Walks up four steps with support (TS 45)"} {"item":"batmod006","equate":"FM26","label":"Picks up raisin with ends of thumb and index finger in overhand approach"} {"item":"batmod007","equate":"GM58","label":"Walks up and down stairs without assistance, placing both feet on each step"} {"item":"batmod008","equate":"FM139","label":"Places four ring on post in any order (TS 48)"} {"item":"batmod009","equate":"GM158","label":"Jumps forward with both feet together (TS49)"} {"item":"batmod010","equate":"FM140","label":"Opens door by turning knob(TS 50)"} {"item":"batmod011","equate":"GM159","label":"Mantains an upright posture at adult's shoulder without assistance for at least 2 min"} {"item":"batmod012","equate":"FM10","label":"Holds hands in an open, loose-fisted position when not grasping an object"} {"item":"batmod013","equate":"FM17","label":"Retrieves a small object by raking it with his/her fingers and pulling it into the palm of the hand"} {"item":"batmod014","equate":"FM21","label":"Transfers an object from one hand to the other"} {"item":"batmod015","equate":"GM160","label":"Moves from a sitting position to a standing position without support"} {"item":"batmod016","equate":"GM44","label":"Intentionally propels or throws an object"} {"item":"batmod017","equate":"GM161","label":"Maintains or corrects his/her balance when moving from a standing position to other, nonvertical positions"} {"item":"batmod018","equate":"FM141","label":"Removes forms from a form board"} {"item":"batmod019","equate":"GM50","label":"Runs 1 feet without falling"} {"item":"batmod020","equate":"FM30","label":"Scribbles linear and/or circular patterns spontaneously"} {"item":"batmod021","equate":"GM162","label":"Walks forward 2 or more steps on a line on the floor, alternating feet"} {"item":"batmod022","equate":"FM38","label":"Stacks 8 cubes vertically"} {"item":"batmod023","equate":"GM68","label":"Hops forward on one foot without support"} {"item":"batmod024","equate":"FM142","label":"Folds a sheet of paper"} {"item":"batmod025","equate":"FM143","label":"Touches the fingertips of each hand successively with the thumb of the same hand"} {"item":"batmod026","equate":"FM144","label":"Draws a person with 6 parts"} {"item":"batmod027","equate":"GM71","label":"Walks a 6-foot line on the floor, heel-to-toe, with eyes open"} {"item":"batmod028","equate":"FM145","label":"Copies the numerals 1 through 5"} {"item":"batmod029","equate":"GM163","label":"Skips on alternate feet for 20 feet"} {"item":"batmod030","equate":"FM146","label":"Ties a single overhand knot around a crayon with a string"} {"item":"batsld001","label":"Shows awareness of his/her hands (TS1)"} {"item":"batsld002","label":"Shows desire to be picked up or held by familiar persons (TS2)"} {"item":"batsld003","label":"Plays peekaboo(TS3)"} {"item":"batsld004","equate":"REC9","label":"Responds to his/her name (TS4)"} {"item":"batsld005","label":"Initiates social contact with peers in play (TS5)"} {"item":"batsld006","label":"Imitates another child or children at play(TS6)"} {"item":"batsld007","equate":"REC13","label":"Generally follows directions related to daily routine (TS7)"} {"item":"batsld008","label":"Plays independently in company of peers (TS8)"} {"item":"batsld009","label":"Knows his/her first name (TS9)"} {"item":"batsld010","label":"Uses pronoun or his/her name to refer to self (TS10)"} {"item":"batsld011","label":"Shows awareness of other people"} {"item":"batsld012","label":"Smiles or vocalizes in response to adult attention"} {"item":"batsld013","label":"Shows a desire for social attention"} {"item":"batsld014","label":"Is aware of his/her feet"} {"item":"batsld015","label":"Discriminates between familiar and unfamiliar people"} {"item":"batsld016","label":"Displays independent behavior"} {"item":"batsld017","label":"Greets familiar adults spontaneously"} {"item":"batsld018","label":"Responds positively when familiar adults or adults in authority initiate social contact"} {"item":"batsld019","label":"Responds differently to familiar and unfamiliar children"} {"item":"batsld020","label":"Allow others to participate in his/her activities"} {"item":"batsld021","label":"Engages in adult role-playing and imitation"} {"item":"batsld022","label":"Follows adult directions with little or no resistance"} {"item":"batsld023","label":"Recognizes an adult's feelings"} {"item":"batsld024","label":"Cooperates in group activities"} {"item":"batsld025","label":"Discriminates between socially acceptable and unacceptable behavior"} {"item":"batsld026","label":"Trusts familiar adults and accepts explanations from them"} {"item":"batsld027","label":"Waits his/her turn for a teacher's or adult's attention"} {"item":"batsld028","label":"Delays gratification until a task is completed"} {"item":"by1mdd002","equate":"COG1","label":"quiets when picked up"} {"item":"by1mdd005","equate":"COG3","label":"momentary regard of red ring"} {"item":"by1mdd007","equate":"COG8","label":"prolonged regard of red ring"} {"item":"by1mdd022","equate":"COG7","label":"anticipatory excitement"} {"item":"by1mdd025","equate":"COG6","label":"visually recognises mother"} {"item":"by1mdd031","equate":"COG9","label":"reacts to disappearence of face"} {"item":"by1mdd036","equate":"COG16","label":"Simple play with rattle"} {"item":"by1mdd037","label":"Reaches for dangling ring"} {"item":"by1mdd038","label":"Pushes car along"} {"item":"by1mdd039","label":"Fingers hand in play"} {"item":"by1mdd040","label":"Head follows dangling ring"} {"item":"by1mdd041","label":"Head follows vanishing spoon"} {"item":"by1mdd042","label":"Aware of strange situation"} {"item":"by1mdd043","label":"Manipulates table edge slightly"} {"item":"by1mdd044","equate":"COG17","label":"Carries ring to mouth"} {"item":"by1mdd045","equate":"COG18","label":"inspects own hand"} {"item":"by1mdd046","label":"Closes on dangling ring (check hand preference)"} {"item":"by1mdd047","equate":"REC6","label":"turns head to sound of bell"} {"item":"by1mdd048","equate":"REC52","label":"turns head to sound of rattle"} {"item":"by1mdd049","equate":"COG21","label":"reaches for cube"} {"item":"by1mdd050","label":"manipulates table edge actively"} {"item":"by1mdd051","label":"eye-hand coordination in reaching"} {"item":"by1mdd052","label":"regards pellet"} {"item":"by1mdd053","equate":"COG19","label":"mirror image approach"} {"item":"by1mdd054","label":"picks up cube (check hand preference)"} {"item":"by1mdd055","label":"Vocalises attitudes"} {"item":"by1mdd056","equate":"COG30","label":"retains 2 cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd057","label":"exploitive paper play"} {"item":"by1mdd058","label":"Discriminates strangers"} {"item":"by1mdd059","label":"recovers rattle, in crib"} {"item":"by1mdd060","label":"reaches persistently"} {"item":"by1mdd061","label":"Likes frolic play"} {"item":"by1mdd062","label":"turns head after fallen spoon"} {"item":"by1mdd063","label":"lifts inverted cup"} {"item":"by1mdd064","equate":"COG27","label":"reaches for second cube"} {"item":"by1mdd065","equate":"COG93","label":"smiles at mirror (5.4 months)"} {"item":"by1mdd066","equate":"COG24","label":"bangs in play"} {"item":"by1mdd067","equate":"COG95","label":"sustained inspection of ring"} {"item":"by1mdd068","equate":"COG23","label":"exploitive string play"} {"item":"by1mdd069","equate":"FM21","label":"transfers objects hand to hand"} {"item":"by1mdd070","equate":"FM67","label":"picks up cube deftly and directly"} {"item":"by1mdd071","equate":"COG96","label":"pulls string: secures ring"} {"item":"by1mdd072","equate":"REC51","label":"interest in sound production"} {"item":"by1mdd073","equate":"FM25","label":"lifts cup with handle"} {"item":"by1mdd074","equate":"FM68","label":"attends to scribbling"} {"item":"by1mdd075","equate":"COG25","label":"looks for fallen spoon"} {"item":"by1mdd076","equate":"COG22","label":"playful response to mirror"} {"item":"by1mdd077","equate":"COG33","label":"retains 2 of 3 cubes offered"} {"item":"by1mdd078","equate":"COG26","label":"manipulates bell: insterest in details"} {"item":"by1mdd079","equate":"EXP49","label":"vocalizes 4 different syllables"} {"item":"by1mdd080","equate":"COG29","label":"pulls string adaptively: secures ring"} {"item":"by1mdd081","equate":"COG99","label":"cooperates in games (is this some other scale?)"} {"item":"by1mdd082","equate":"COG37","label":"attempts to secure 3 cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd083","equate":"COG31","label":"rings bell purposely"} {"item":"by1mdd084","equate":"REC11","label":"listens selectively with familiar words"} {"item":"by1mdd085","equate":"EXP10","label":"\"says \"\"da-da\"\" or equivalent\""} {"item":"by1mdd086","equate":"COG28","label":"Uncovers toy (check manual if by pulling cloth"} {"item":"by1mdd087","equate":"COG38","label":"fingers holes in pegboard"} {"item":"by1mdd088","equate":"COG100","label":"picks up cup, secures cube"} {"item":"by1mdd089","equate":"REC14","label":"responds to verbal request"} {"item":"by1mdd090","equate":"COG36","label":"puts cube in cup on command"} {"item":"by1mdd091","equate":"COG101","label":"looks for content of box"} {"item":"by1mdd092","label":"stirs with spoon in imitation"} {"item":"by1mdd093","equate":"COG32","label":"looks at pictures in book"} {"item":"by1mdd094","equate":"REC12","label":"inhibits on command"} {"item":"by1mdd095","equate":"FM69","label":"attempting to imitate scribble"} {"item":"by1mdd096","equate":"COG102","label":"unwraps cube"} {"item":"by1mdd097","label":"repeats performance laughed at"} {"item":"by1mdd098","equate":"FM28","label":"holds crayon adaptively"} {"item":"by1mdd099","equate":"COG39","label":"pushes car along"} {"item":"by1mdd100","equate":"COG103","label":"puts 3 or more cubes in cup"} {"item":"by1mdd101","equate":"EXP12","label":"jabbers expressively"} {"item":"by1mdd102","equate":"COG104","label":"uncovers blue box"} {"item":"by1mdd103","equate":"FM27","label":"turns pages of books"} {"item":"by1mdd104","equate":"COG44","label":"Pats toy (whistle doll) in imitation"} {"item":"by1mdd105","equate":"COG41","label":"dangles ring by string"} {"item":"by1mdd106","equate":"EXP16","label":"imitates words"} {"item":"by1mdd107","equate":"FM70","label":"puts beads in box (6 of 8)"} {"item":"by1mdd108","equate":"COG47","label":"places 1 peg repeateadly"} {"item":"by1mdd109","equate":"COG42","label":"removes pellet from bottle"} {"item":"by1mdd110","equate":"COG51","label":"blue board: places 1 round block"} {"item":"by1mdd111","equate":"FM31","label":"builds tower of 2 cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd112","equate":"FM30","label":"scribbles sponstaneously"} {"item":"by1mdd113","equate":"EXP18","label":"says 2 words"} {"item":"by1mdd114","equate":"COG54","label":"puts 9 cubes in cup"} {"item":"by1mdd115","equate":"FM71","label":"closes round box"} {"item":"by1mdd116","equate":"EXP9","label":"uses gestures to make wants known"} {"item":"by1mdd117","equate":"REC16","label":"shows shoes or other clothing, or own toy"} {"item":"by1mdd118","equate":"COG55","label":"pegs placed in 70 seconds"} {"item":"by1mdd119","equate":"FM72","label":"builds tower of 3 cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd120","equate":"COG49","label":"pink board: places round block"} {"item":"by1mdd121","equate":"COG110","label":"blue board: places 2 round blocks"} {"item":"by1mdd122","equate":"COG57","label":"attains toy with stick"} {"item":"by1mdd123","equate":"COG112","label":"pegs placed in 42 seconds"} {"item":"by1mdd124","equate":"EXP20","label":"names 1 object"} {"item":"by1mdd125","equate":"FM32","label":"imitates crayon stroke"} {"item":"by1mdd126","equate":"REC20","label":"follows directions doll (check parts passed)"} {"item":"by1mdd127","equate":"EXP19","label":"uses words to make wants known"} {"item":"by1mdd128","equate":"REC24","label":"points to parts of doll (check parts recognised, check manual number of parts)"} {"item":"by1mdd129","equate":"COG58","label":"blue board: places 2 round and 2 square blocks"} {"item":"by1mdd130","equate":"EXP22","label":"names 1 picture"} {"item":"by1mdd131","equate":"COG105","label":"finds 2 objects"} {"item":"by1mdd132","equate":"REC21","label":"points to 3 pictures"} {"item":"by1mdd133","label":"No label: b1m133"} {"item":"by1mdd134","equate":"COG113","label":"pegs placed in 30 seconds"} {"item":"by1mdd135","equate":"FM73","label":"differentiates scribble from stroke"} {"item":"by1mdd136","equate":"EXP26","label":"sentence of 2 words"} {"item":"by1mdd137","equate":"COG56","label":"pink board: completes"} {"item":"by1mdd138","equate":"EXP50","label":"names 2 objects"} {"item":"by1mdd139","equate":"REC53","label":"points to 5 pictures"} {"item":"by1mdd140","equate":"COG106","label":"broken doll: mends approximately"} {"item":"by1mdd141","equate":"EXP51","label":"names 3 pictures"} {"item":"by1mdd142","equate":"COG111","label":"blue board: places 6 blocks"} {"item":"by1mdd143","equate":"FM38","label":"builds tower of 6 cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd144","equate":"COG107","label":"discriminates 2: cup, plate, box"} {"item":"by1mdd145","equate":"EXP52","label":"names watch, 4th picture"} {"item":"by1mdd146","equate":"EXP27","label":"names 3 objects"} {"item":"by1mdd147","equate":"FM41","label":"imitates strokes: vertical and horizontal"} {"item":"by1mdd148","equate":"REC54","label":"points to 7 pictures"} {"item":"by1mdd149","equate":"EXP28","label":"names 5 pictures"} {"item":"by1mdd150","equate":"EXP53","label":"names watch, 2nd picture"} {"item":"by1mdd151","equate":"COG60","label":"pink board: reverse"} {"item":"by1mdd152","equate":"COG108","label":"discriminates 3: cup, plate, box"} {"item":"by1mdd153","equate":"COG109","label":"broken doll: mends exactly"} {"item":"by1mdd154","equate":"FM44","label":"builds train of cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd155","equate":"COG114","label":"blue board: completes in 150 sec"} {"item":"by1mdd156","equate":"COG62","label":"pegs placed in 22 seconds"} {"item":"by1mdd157","equate":"FM74","label":"folds paper"} {"item":"by1mdd158","equate":"REC32","label":"understands 2 prepositions"} {"item":"by1mdd159","equate":"COG66","label":"blue board: completes in 90 sec"} {"item":"by1mdd160","equate":"COG115","label":"blue board: completes in 60 sec"} {"item":"by1mdd161","equate":"FM54","label":"builds ower of 8 cubes"} {"item":"by1mdd162","equate":"COG70","label":"concept on one"} {"item":"by1mdd163","equate":"REC42","label":"Understands 3 prepositions"} {"item":"by1pdd016","label":"Ulnar-palmar prehension"} {"item":"by1pdd017","equate":"GM16","label":"Sits with slight support"} {"item":"by1pdd018","equate":"GM13","label":"Head balanced"} {"item":"by1pdd019","equate":"GM20","label":"Turns from back to side"} {"item":"by1pdd020","equate":"GM81","label":"Lifts head, dorsal position"} {"item":"by1pdd021","label":"Partial thumb opposition"} {"item":"by1pdd022","equate":"GM23","label":"Pulls to sitting"} {"item":"by1pdd023","equate":"GM22","label":"Sits momentarily"} {"item":"by1pdd024","label":"Unilateral reaching"} {"item":"by1pdd025","label":"Attempts to secure pellet"} {"item":"by1pdd026","label":"Rotates wrist"} {"item":"by1pdd027","equate":"GM26","label":"Sits alone 30 seconds"} {"item":"by1pdd028","equate":"GM25","label":"Rolls from back to stomach"} {"item":"by1pdd029","equate":"GM82","label":"Sits steadily"} {"item":"by1pdd030","label":"Scoops pellet"} {"item":"by1pdd031","equate":"GM27","label":"Sits good coordination"} {"item":"by1pdd032","label":"Complete thumb opposition"} {"item":"by1pdd033","equate":"GM30","label":"Prewalking"} {"item":"by1pdd034","equate":"GM29","label":"Early stepping movements"} {"item":"by1pdd035","label":"Partial finger prehension"} {"item":"by1pdd036","equate":"GM83","label":"Pulls to stand"} {"item":"by1pdd037","equate":"GM84","label":"Raise self to sitting"} {"item":"by1pdd038","equate":"GM35","label":"Stands up by furniture"} {"item":"by1pdd039","label":"Combine midline"} {"item":"by1pdd040","equate":"GM85","label":"Stepping movements"} {"item":"by1pdd041","label":"Fine prehension"} {"item":"by1pdd042","equate":"GM37","label":"Walks with help"} {"item":"by1pdd043","equate":"GM39","label":"Sits down"} {"item":"by1pdd044","equate":"GM86","label":"Play clap hands"} {"item":"by1pdd045","equate":"GM40","label":"Stands alone"} {"item":"by1pdd046","equate":"GM42","label":"Walks alone"} {"item":"by1pdd047","equate":"GM41","label":"Stands up"} {"item":"by1pdd048","equate":"GM44","label":"Throws ball"} {"item":"by1pdd049","equate":"GM38","label":"Walsk sideways"} {"item":"by1pdd050","equate":"GM48","label":"Walks backwards"} {"item":"by1pdd051","equate":"GM51","label":"Stands on right foot with help"} {"item":"by1pdd052","equate":"GM52","label":"Stands on left foot with help"} {"item":"by1pdd053","equate":"GM47","label":"Walsk up stairs with help"} {"item":"by1pdd054","equate":"GM49","label":"Walks down stairs with help"} {"item":"by1pdd055","equate":"GM87","label":"tries to stand on walking board"} {"item":"by1pdd056","equate":"GM88","label":"walks with one foot on walking board"} {"item":"by1pdd057","equate":"GM46","label":"stands up: II"} {"item":"by1pdd058","equate":"GM61","label":"stands on left foot alone"} {"item":"by1pdd059","equate":"GM89","label":"jumps off floor, both feet"} {"item":"by1pdd060","equate":"GM60","label":"stands on right foot alone"} {"item":"by1pdd061","equate":"GM56","label":"walks on line, general direction"} {"item":"by1pdd062","equate":"GM90","label":"walking board: stands with both feet"} {"item":"by1pdd063","equate":"GM54","label":"jumps from bottom step"} {"item":"by1pdd064","equate":"GM57","label":"walks up stairs alone"} {"item":"by1pdd065","equate":"GM62","label":"walks on tiptoe, few steps"} {"item":"by1pdd066","equate":"GM58","label":"walks down stairs alone"} {"item":"by1pdd067","equate":"GM91","label":"walking board: attempts step"} {"item":"by1pdd068","equate":"GM63","label":"walks backward, 10 feet."} {"item":"by1pdd069","equate":"GM92","label":"jumps from second step"} {"item":"by1pdd070","equate":"GM59","label":"distance jump: 4 to 14 inches"} {"item":"by1pdd071","equate":"GM93","label":"stands up: III"} {"item":"by1pdd072","equate":"GM64","label":"walks up stairs: alternating forward foot"} {"item":"by1pdd073","equate":"GM94","label":"walks on tiptoe, 10 feet"} {"item":"by1pdd074","equate":"GM95","label":"walking board: alternates steps part way"} {"item":"by1pdd075","equate":"GM96","label":"keeps feet on line, 10 feet"} {"item":"by1pdd076","equate":"GM97","label":"distance jump: 14 to 24 inches"} {"item":"by1pdd077","equate":"GM98","label":"Jumps over string 2 inches high"} {"item":"by1pdd078","equate":"GM72","label":"distance jump: 24 to 34 inches"} {"item":"by1pdd079","equate":"GM68","label":"hops on one foot, 2 or more hops"} {"item":"by1pdd080","equate":"GM67","label":"walks down stairs: alternating forward foot"} {"item":"by1pdd081","equate":"GM99","label":"jumps over string 8 inches high"} {"item":"by2mdd001","equate":"REC1","label":"Regards person momentarily"} {"item":"by2mdd002","equate":"COG1","label":"Quiets when picked up"} {"item":"by2mdd003","equate":"REC5","label":"Responds to voice"} {"item":"by2mdd004","equate":"COG2","label":"Inspects surroundings"} {"item":"by2mdd005","label":"Eyes follow moving person"} {"item":"by2mdd006","equate":"COG3","label":"Regards ring for 3 seconds"} {"item":"by2mdd007","equate":"COG4","label":"Habituates to rattle"} {"item":"by2mdd008","equate":"COG5","label":"Discriminates between bell and rattle"} {"item":"by2mdd009","label":"Searches with eyes for sound"} {"item":"by2mdd010","label":"Vocalizes Four times"} {"item":"by2mdd011","equate":"COG7","label":"Becomes excited antic"} {"item":"by2mdd012","label":"Adjusts in Anticipation of Being Lifted"} {"item":"by2mdd013","equate":"COG6","label":"Recog caregiver"} {"item":"by2mdd014","equate":"EXP2","label":"Smiles when examiner speaks"} {"item":"by2mdd015","equate":"FM3","label":"Eyes follow ring horizontal"} {"item":"by2mdd016","equate":"FM4","label":"Eyes follow ring vertical"} {"item":"by2mdd017","equate":"FM7","label":"Eyes follow ring circular"} {"item":"by2mdd018","equate":"COG92","label":"Eyes follow ring (Arc)"} {"item":"by2mdd019","label":"Smiles when examiner smiles"} {"item":"by2mdd020","equate":"COG9","label":"Reacts disappear face"} {"item":"by2mdd021","equate":"EXP5","label":"vocalizes when examiner speaks"} {"item":"by2mdd022","equate":"EXP6","label":"Vocalizes vowel sounds"} {"item":"by2mdd023","equate":"COG10","label":"Glances bell to rattle"} {"item":"by2mdd024","equate":"FM8","label":"Head follow ring"} {"item":"by2mdd025","equate":"COG8","label":"Regards cube 3 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd026","equate":"COG14","label":"Habituates vis stim"} {"item":"by2mdd027","equate":"COG15","label":"Discriminates novel visual pattern"} {"item":"by2mdd028","equate":"COG11","label":"Displays visual pref"} {"item":"by2mdd029","label":"Prefers novelty"} {"item":"by2mdd030","equate":"REC6","label":"Turn head to sound"} {"item":"by2mdd031","equate":"EXP3","label":"Vocalizes attitude"} {"item":"by2mdd032","equate":"FM9","label":"Eyes follow rolling ball"} {"item":"by2mdd033","label":"Vocalizes when examiner smiles"} {"item":"by2mdd034","equate":"COG18","label":"Inspects own hand"} {"item":"by2mdd035","equate":"COG16","label":"Plays with rattle"} {"item":"by2mdd036","label":"Eyes follow rod"} {"item":"by2mdd037","label":"Manipulates ring"} {"item":"by2mdd038","label":"Reaches for suspended ring"} {"item":"by2mdd039","equate":"FM12","label":"Grasps suspended ring"} {"item":"by2mdd040","equate":"COG17","label":"Carries ring to mouth"} {"item":"by2mdd041","equate":"COG19","label":"Approaches mirror image"} {"item":"by2mdd042","equate":"FM13","label":"Blocks series reaches for block"} {"item":"by2mdd043","equate":"COG21","label":"Reaches persistently"} {"item":"by2mdd044","label":"Uses eye-hand coordination in reaching"} {"item":"by2mdd045","label":"Picks up cube"} {"item":"by2mdd046","label":"Fixates on disappearance of ball for 2 seconds"} {"item":"by2mdd047","equate":"COG20","label":"Displays awareness of novel surroundings"} {"item":"by2mdd048","equate":"COG23","label":"Plays with string"} {"item":"by2mdd049","label":"Smiles at mirror image"} {"item":"by2mdd050","equate":"COG22","label":"Responds playfully to mirror image"} {"item":"by2mdd051","label":"Regards pellet"} {"item":"by2mdd052","equate":"COG24","label":"Bangs in play"} {"item":"by2mdd053","equate":"COG27","label":"Reaches for second cube"} {"item":"by2mdd054","equate":"FM21","label":"Transfers object from hand to hand"} {"item":"by2mdd055","label":"Lifts inverted cup"} {"item":"by2mdd056","equate":"COG25","label":"Looks for fallen spoon"} {"item":"by2mdd057","label":"Picks up cube deftly"} {"item":"by2mdd058","equate":"COG30","label":"Retains 2 cubes 3 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd059","equate":"COG26","label":"Manipuates bell showing interest"} {"item":"by2mdd060","label":"Attends to scribbling"} {"item":"by2mdd061","label":"Vocalizes three different vowel sounds"} {"item":"by2mdd062","equate":"COG29","label":"Pulls string adaptively"} {"item":"by2mdd063","label":"Imitates vocalization"} {"item":"by2mdd064","equate":"EXP11","label":"Participates in play routine"} {"item":"by2mdd065","equate":"COG33","label":"Retains 2 cubes 3 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd066","equate":"COG31","label":"Rings bell purposely"} {"item":"by2mdd067","equate":"FM25","label":"Lifts cup by the handle"} {"item":"by2mdd068","equate":"EXP9","label":"Uses gestures"} {"item":"by2mdd069","equate":"COG32","label":"Looks at pics in book"} {"item":"by2mdd070","equate":"REC11","label":"Listens selectively to 2 words"} {"item":"by2mdd071","equate":"EXP10","label":"Consonant vowel combination 1 combination"} {"item":"by2mdd072","equate":"COG34","label":"Looks for contents of box"} {"item":"by2mdd073","equate":"FM27","label":"Turns pages of books"} {"item":"by2mdd074","equate":"COG36","label":"Puts 1 cube in cup"} {"item":"by2mdd075","equate":"COG37","label":"Attempts to secure 3 cubes"} {"item":"by2mdd076","equate":"EXP12","label":"Jabbers expressively"} {"item":"by2mdd077","equate":"COG39","label":"Pushes car"} {"item":"by2mdd078","equate":"EXP13","label":"Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 4 Combination"} {"item":"by2mdd079","equate":"COG38","label":"Fingers holes in pegboard"} {"item":"by2mdd080","equate":"COG46","label":"Removes lid from box"} {"item":"by2mdd081","equate":"REC14","label":"Responds to spoken request"} {"item":"by2mdd082","equate":"COG41","label":"Suspects ring by spring"} {"item":"by2mdd083","equate":"COG44","label":"Pats toy in imitation"} {"item":"by2mdd084","equate":"COG40","label":"Finds one object"} {"item":"by2mdd085","equate":"COG42","label":"Removes pellet"} {"item":"by2mdd086","label":"Puts three cubes in cup"} {"item":"by2mdd087","equate":"COG47","label":"Places 1 peg repeatedly"} {"item":"by2mdd088","equate":"COG43","label":"Retrieves toy - clear box 1"} {"item":"by2mdd089","label":"Puts six beads in box"} {"item":"by2mdd090","equate":"COG51","label":"Places 1 piece - blue"} {"item":"by2mdd091","equate":"FM30","label":"Scribbles spontaneously"} {"item":"by2mdd092","label":"Closes round container"} {"item":"by2mdd093","equate":"COG49","label":"Places circle pink"} {"item":"by2mdd094","label":"Imitates word"} {"item":"by2mdd095","equate":"COG54","label":"9 cubes in cup"} {"item":"by2mdd096","equate":"COG45","label":"Finds toy under reversed cups"} {"item":"by2mdd097","equate":"FM31","label":"Tower of 2 cubes"} {"item":"by2mdd098","equate":"COG55","label":"Places pegs in 70 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd099","label":"Points to two pictures"} {"item":"by2mdd100","equate":"EXP18","label":"Uses Words Appropriately Series: 2 words"} {"item":"by2mdd101","equate":"REC16","label":"Shows shoes other clothing or object"} {"item":"by2mdd102","equate":"COG50","label":"Retrieves toy - visible displacement"} {"item":"by2mdd103","equate":"FM32","label":"Imitates Stroke Series: Random"} {"item":"by2mdd104","equate":"COG57","label":"Uses rod to attain toy"} {"item":"by2mdd105","label":"Retrieves Toy (Clear BoxII)"} {"item":"by2mdd106","equate":"EXP19","label":"Uses word to make wants known"} {"item":"by2mdd107","equate":"REC20","label":"Follows direction doll"} {"item":"by2mdd108","equate":"REC24","label":"Points to 3 body parts"} {"item":"by2mdd109","equate":"EXP22","label":"Names Picture Series: 1 Picture"} {"item":"by2mdd110","equate":"EXP20","label":"Names Object Series: 1 Object"} {"item":"by2mdd111","equate":"EXP21","label":"Combines word and gesture"} {"item":"by2mdd112","equate":"COG58","label":"Places 4 pieces in 150 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd113","equate":"EXP23","label":"Says 8 words"} {"item":"by2mdd114","equate":"EXP26","label":"Uses a two-word utterance"} {"item":"by2mdd115","equate":"COG56","label":"Completes pink"} {"item":"by2mdd116","equate":"FM43","label":"Differentiates scribble from stroke"} {"item":"by2mdd117","equate":"EXP25","label":"Imitates a two-word utterance"} {"item":"by2mdd118","label":"Identifies Objects in Photograph"} {"item":"by2mdd119","equate":"COG62","label":"Completes pegboard 25 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd120","equate":"COG60","label":"Completes reversed pink"} {"item":"by2mdd121","equate":"EXP30","label":"Uses pronouns"} {"item":"by2mdd122","label":"Points to Five Pictures"} {"item":"by2mdd123","equate":"FM38","label":"Tower of 6 cubes"} {"item":"by2mdd124","label":"Discriminates Book, Cube and Key"} {"item":"by2mdd125","equate":"COG64","label":"Matches pictures"} {"item":"by2mdd126","equate":"EXP27","label":"Names Object Series: 3 Object"} {"item":"by2mdd127","equate":"EXP29","label":"Uses 3 word sentence"} {"item":"by2mdd128","equate":"COG68","label":"Matches 3 colors"} {"item":"by2mdd129","equate":"EXP33","label":"Makes a contingent utterance"} {"item":"by2mdd130","equate":"COG66","label":"Blue board - 75 sec"} {"item":"by2mdd131","equate":"COG59","label":"Attends to story"} {"item":"by2mdd132","label":"Places Beads in Tube in 120 seconds"} {"item":"by2mdd133","equate":"EXP28","label":"Names Picture Series: 5 Pictures"} {"item":"by2mdd134","equate":"EXP35","label":"Displays verbal comprehension"} {"item":"by2mdd135","label":"Builds Tower of Eight Cubes"} {"item":"by2mdd136","equate":"EXP32","label":"Poses questions"} {"item":"by2mdd137","label":"Matches Four Colours"} {"item":"by2mdd138","label":"Builds train of cubes"} {"item":"by2mdd139","label":"Imitates vertical and horizontal strokes"} {"item":"by2mdd140","equate":"REC32","label":"Understands Preposition Series: 2 correct"} {"item":"by2mdd141","equate":"COG70","label":"Understands concept of 1"} {"item":"by2mdd142","label":"Produces multiple word utterances in response to picture book"} {"item":"by2mdd143","label":"Recalls geometric forms"} {"item":"by2mdd144","label":"Discriminates pictures I"} {"item":"by2mdd145","equate":"REC31","label":"Compares sizes"} {"item":"by2mdd146","label":"Counts (number names)"} {"item":"by2mdd147","equate":"COG74","label":"Compares masses"} {"item":"by2mdd148","equate":"EXP47","label":"Uses past tense"} {"item":"by2mdd149","label":"Builds bridge"} {"item":"by2mdd150","label":"Builds wall"} {"item":"by2mdd151","equate":"COG76","label":"Discriminates pics"} {"item":"by2mdd152","equate":"COG90","label":"Repeats 3 number sequences"} {"item":"by2mdd153","equate":"REC42","label":"Understands Preposition Series: 4 correct"} {"item":"by2mdd154","label":"Identifies gender"} {"item":"by2mdd155","equate":"EXP41","label":"Names 4 colours"} {"item":"by2mdd156","equate":"COG89","label":"Understands concept of more"} {"item":"by2mdd157","equate":"COG79","label":"Counts 1-1 correspondence"} {"item":"by2mdd161","equate":"COG83","label":"Discriminates patterns"} {"item":"by2mdd162","equate":"COG78","label":"Sorts pegs by colors"} {"item":"by2mdd163","equate":"COG80","label":"Discriminates size"} {"item":"by2mdd164","equate":"COG85","label":"Counts cardinally"} {"item":"by2mdd166","equate":"COG81","label":"Identifies 3 incomplete pics"} {"item":"by2mdd168","equate":"COG91","label":"Completes patterns"} {"item":"by2mdd174","equate":"COG88","label":"Classifies objects"} {"item":"by2mdd175","equate":"COG86","label":"Counts order invariance"} {"item":"by2pdd001","equate":"GM2","label":"Thrusts arms in play"} {"item":"by2pdd002","equate":"GM1","label":"Thrusts legs in play"} {"item":"by2pdd003","equate":"GM3","label":"Controls head, lifts head"} {"item":"by2pdd004","equate":"GM4","label":"Controls head, 3 seconds"} {"item":"by2pdd006","equate":"FM1","label":"Hands are fisted"} {"item":"by2pdd007","equate":"GM9","label":"Holds erect and steady for 15 seconds"} {"item":"by2pdd008","equate":"GM7","label":"Lifts head, dorsal suspension"} {"item":"by2pdd010","equate":"GM6","label":"Makes crawling movements"} {"item":"by2pdd011","equate":"GM14","label":"Rolls from side to back"} {"item":"by2pdd012","equate":"FM5","label":"Attempts to bring hand to mouth"} {"item":"by2pdd013","equate":"FM6","label":"Retains ring"} {"item":"by2pdd014","equate":"GM8","label":"Adjusts head to ventral suspention"} {"item":"by2pdd015","equate":"GM11","label":"Holds head steady while being moved"} {"item":"by2pdd016","label":"Displays symetric movements"} {"item":"by2pdd017","equate":"GM10","label":"Holds head in midline"} {"item":"by2pdd018","equate":"GM15","label":"Elevates self by arms"} {"item":"by2pdd019","equate":"GM13","label":"Balances head"} {"item":"by2pdd020","equate":"GM12","label":"Maintains head at 45 degrees and lowers with control"} {"item":"by2pdd021","equate":"GM16","label":"Sits with support"} {"item":"by2pdd022","equate":"GM19","label":"Sits with Support: 10 seconds"} {"item":"by2pdd023","equate":"FM10","label":"Keeps hand open"} {"item":"by2pdd024","equate":"GM17","label":"Maintains at 90 degrees and lowers with control"} {"item":"by2pdd025","equate":"GM18","label":"Shifts weight on arms"} {"item":"by2pdd026","equate":"GM20","label":"Turns from back to side"} {"item":"by2pdd027","equate":"FM11","label":"Rotates wrist"} {"item":"by2pdd028","equate":"GM22","label":"Sits alone momentarily"} {"item":"by2pdd029","equate":"GM155","label":"Uses whole hand to grasp rod"} {"item":"by2pdd030","equate":"FM16","label":"Reaches unilaterally"} {"item":"by2pdd031","equate":"FM18","label":"Block Series: Partial thumb opposition"} {"item":"by2pdd032","label":"Attempts to secure pellet"} {"item":"by2pdd033","equate":"GM23","label":"Pulls to sitting position"} {"item":"by2pdd034","equate":"GM26","label":"Sits alone for 30 seconds"} {"item":"by2pdd035","equate":"GM27","label":"Sits alone while playing with a toy"} {"item":"by2pdd036","label":"Sits alone steadily"} {"item":"by2pdd037","label":"Uses pads of fingertips to grasp cube"} {"item":"by2pdd038","equate":"GM25","label":"Rolls from back to stomach"} {"item":"by2pdd039","equate":"GM24","label":"Grasps foot with hands"} {"item":"by2pdd040","equate":"GM29","label":"Makes early stepping movements"} {"item":"by2pdd041","equate":"FM20","label":"Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp"} {"item":"by2pdd042","label":"Attempts to raise self to sit"} {"item":"by2pdd043","equate":"GM34","label":"Crawls Series: Crawl Movement"} {"item":"by2pdd044","equate":"GM33","label":"Supports weight momentarily"} {"item":"by2pdd045","label":"Pulls to standing position"} {"item":"by2pdd046","label":"Shifts weight while standing"} {"item":"by2pdd047","label":"Raises self to sitting position"} {"item":"by2pdd048","equate":"FM23","label":"Brings spoons or blocks to midline"} {"item":"by2pdd049","equate":"FM24","label":"Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition"} {"item":"by2pdd050","label":"Rotates trunk while sitting alone"} {"item":"by2pdd051","equate":"GM32","label":"Moves from sitting to creeping position"} {"item":"by2pdd052","equate":"GM35","label":"Raises self to standing position"} {"item":"by2pdd053","equate":"GM37","label":"Attempts to walk"} {"item":"by2pdd054","equate":"GM38","label":"Walks sideways while holding on to furniture"} {"item":"by2pdd055","equate":"GM39","label":"Sits down"} {"item":"by2pdd056","equate":"FM26","label":"Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp"} {"item":"by2pdd057","label":"Uses partial thumb opposition to graps rod"} {"item":"by2pdd058","label":"Grasp pencil of farthest end"} {"item":"by2pdd059","equate":"GM41","label":"Stands up 1"} {"item":"by2pdd060","label":"Walks with help"} {"item":"by2pdd061","equate":"GM40","label":"Stands alone"} {"item":"by2pdd062","equate":"GM42","label":"Walks alone"} {"item":"by2pdd063","equate":"GM43","label":"Walks alone with good coordination"} {"item":"by2pdd064","equate":"GM44","label":"Throws ball"} {"item":"by2pdd065","equate":"GM45","label":"Squats briefly"} {"item":"by2pdd066","equate":"GM47","label":"Walks up stairs with help"} {"item":"by2pdd067","equate":"GM48","label":"Walks backwards"} {"item":"by2pdd068","equate":"GM46","label":"Stands up II"} {"item":"by2pdd069","equate":"GM49","label":"Walks down stairs with help"} {"item":"by2pdd070","label":"Grasp pencil at Middle"} {"item":"by2pdd071","equate":"GM53","label":"Walks sideways"} {"item":"by2pdd072","equate":"GM51","label":"Stands on right foot with help"} {"item":"by2pdd073","equate":"GM52","label":"Stands on left foot with help"} {"item":"by2pdd074","equate":"FM37","label":"Uses pads of fingertips to grasp pencil"} {"item":"by2pdd075","equate":"FM39","label":"Uses hand to hold paper in place"} {"item":"by2pdd076","equate":"FM33","label":"Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds)"} {"item":"by2pdd077","equate":"GM50","label":"Runs with coordination"} {"item":"by2pdd078","label":"Jumps off floor (both feet)"} {"item":"by2pdd079","equate":"GM57","label":"Walks up stairs alone, placing both feet on each step"} {"item":"by2pdd080","equate":"GM58","label":"Walks down stairs alone, placing both feet on each step"} {"item":"by2pdd081","equate":"GM54","label":"Jumps from bottom step"} {"item":"by2pdd082","equate":"GM60","label":"Stands alone on right foot"} {"item":"by2pdd083","equate":"GM61","label":"Stands alone on left foot"} {"item":"by2pdd084","equate":"GM56","label":"Walks forward on line"} {"item":"by2pdd085","equate":"GM63","label":"Walks backwards close to line"} {"item":"by2pdd086","equate":"GM55","label":"Swings leg to kick ball"} {"item":"by2pdd087","equate":"GM59","label":"Jumps distance of 4 inches"} {"item":"by2pdd088","equate":"FM45","label":"Laces 3 beads"} {"item":"by2pdd089","equate":"GM62","label":"Walks on tiptoe for 4 steps"} {"item":"by2pdd090","label":"Grasps pencil at nearest end"} {"item":"by2pdd091","equate":"FM46","label":"Imitates hand movements"} {"item":"by2pdd092","equate":"FM49","label":"Tactilely discriminates shapes"} {"item":"by2pdd093","label":"Manipulates pencil in hand"} {"item":"by2pdd094","label":"Stands up III"} {"item":"by2pdd095","equate":"GM64","label":"Walks upstairs alternating feet"} {"item":"by2pdd096","label":"Copies circle"} {"item":"by2pdd097","label":"Uses eye-hand coordination in tossing ring"} {"item":"by2pdd098","equate":"GM65","label":"Imitates postures"} {"item":"by2pdd099","label":"Walks on tiptoe for 9 feet"} {"item":"by2pdd100","equate":"GM66","label":"Stops from a full run"} {"item":"by2pdd101","equate":"FM57","label":"Buttons 1 button"} {"item":"by2pdd102","equate":"GM70","label":"Stands alone on left foot for 4 seconds"} {"item":"by2pdd103","equate":"GM69","label":"Stands alone on right foot for 4 seconds"} {"item":"by2pdd104","equate":"FM53","label":"Copies plus"} {"item":"by2pdd105","equate":"FM59","label":"Traces designs"} {"item":"by2pdd106","label":"Jumps over rope"} {"item":"by2pdd107","label":"Hops twice on one foot"} {"item":"by2pdd108","equate":"GM67","label":"Walks down stairs alternating feet"} {"item":"by2pdd109","equate":"GM72","label":"Jumps distance of 24 inches"} {"item":"by2pdd110","equate":"GM68","label":"Hops 5 feet"} {"item":"by2pdd111","equate":"FM60","label":"Copies square"} {"item":"by3cgd001","equate":"COG1","label":"Calms when picked up"} {"item":"by3cgd002","equate":"COG2","label":"Responds to surroundings: inspects"} {"item":"by3cgd003","equate":"COG3","label":"Regards 3 sec"} {"item":"by3cgd004","equate":"COG4","label":"Habituates rattle"} {"item":"by3cgd005","equate":"COG5","label":"Discriminates between obj"} {"item":"by3cgd006","equate":"COG6","label":"Recog caregiver"} {"item":"by3cgd007","equate":"COG7","label":"Becomes excited antic"} {"item":"by3cgd008","equate":"COG8","label":"Regards object 5 sec"} {"item":"by3cgd009","equate":"COG9","label":"Reacts disappear face"} {"item":"by3cgd010","equate":"COG10","label":"Shifts attention"} {"item":"by3cgd011","equate":"COG11","label":"Shows visual pref"} {"item":"by3cgd012","equate":"COG12","label":"Habituates to object"} {"item":"by3cgd013","equate":"COG13","label":"Prefers novel obj"} {"item":"by3cgd014","equate":"COG14","label":"Habituates pict - balloons"} {"item":"by3cgd015","equate":"COG15","label":"Prefers novel pict"} {"item":"by3cgd016","equate":"COG16","label":"Explores object"} {"item":"by3cgd017","equate":"COG17","label":"Carries object to mouth"} {"item":"by3cgd018","equate":"COG18","label":"Inspects own hand"} {"item":"by3cgd019","equate":"COG19","label":"Mirror Image Series: Approaches"} {"item":"by3cgd020","equate":"COG20","label":"\"Responds to surroundings; awareness of novelty\""} {"item":"by3cgd021","equate":"COG21","label":"Persistent reach"} {"item":"by3cgd022","equate":"COG22","label":"Mirror Image Series: Responds positively"} {"item":"by3cgd023","equate":"COG23","label":"Plays with string"} {"item":"by3cgd024","equate":"COG24","label":"Bangs in play"} {"item":"by3cgd025","equate":"COG25","label":"Searches for fallen object"} {"item":"by3cgd026","equate":"COG26","label":"Bell Series: Manipulates"} {"item":"by3cgd027","equate":"COG27","label":"Picks Up Block Series: Reaches for second block"} {"item":"by3cgd028","equate":"COG28","label":"Pulls cloth to obtain object"} {"item":"by3cgd029","equate":"COG29","label":"Pulls string adaptively"} {"item":"by3cgd030","equate":"COG30","label":"Retains both blocks"} {"item":"by3cgd031","equate":"COG31","label":"Bell Series: Rings purposely"} {"item":"by3cgd032","equate":"COG32","label":"Looks at pictures"} {"item":"by3cgd033","equate":"COG33","label":"Picks Up Block Series: Retains 2 of 3 blocks"} {"item":"by3cgd034","equate":"COG34","label":"Searches for missing objects"} {"item":"by3cgd035","equate":"COG35","label":"Takes blocks out of cup"} {"item":"by3cgd036","equate":"COG36","label":"Block Series: 1 Block"} {"item":"by3cgd037","equate":"COG37","label":"Picks up Block Series: 3 blocks"} {"item":"by3cgd038","equate":"COG38","label":"Explores holes in pegboard"} {"item":"by3cgd039","equate":"COG39","label":"Pushes car"} {"item":"by3cgd040","equate":"COG40","label":"Finds hidden object"} {"item":"by3cgd041","equate":"COG41","label":"Suspends ring"} {"item":"by3cgd042","equate":"COG42","label":"Removes pellet"} {"item":"by3cgd043","equate":"COG43","label":"Clear Box: Front"} {"item":"by3cgd044","equate":"COG44","label":"Squeezes object"} {"item":"by3cgd045","equate":"COG45","label":"Finds hidden object (Reversed)"} {"item":"by3cgd046","equate":"COG46","label":"Removes lid from bottle"} {"item":"by3cgd047","equate":"COG47","label":"Pegboard Series: 2 holes"} {"item":"by3cgd048","equate":"COG48","label":"Relational Play Series: Self"} {"item":"by3cgd049","equate":"COG49","label":"Pink Board Series: 1 piece"} {"item":"by3cgd050","equate":"COG50","label":"Finds hidden object (Visible Displacement)"} {"item":"by3cgd051","equate":"COG51","label":"Blue Board Series: 1 piece"} {"item":"by3cgd052","equate":"COG52","label":"Clear Box: Sides"} {"item":"by3cgd053","equate":"COG53","label":"Relational Play Series: Others"} {"item":"by3cgd054","equate":"COG54","label":"Block Series: 9 Blocks"} {"item":"by3cgd055","equate":"COG55","label":"Pegboard Series: 6 Pegs"} {"item":"by3cgd056","equate":"COG56","label":"Pink Board Series: Completes"} {"item":"by3cgd057","equate":"COG57","label":"Uses pencil to obtain object"} {"item":"by3cgd058","equate":"COG58","label":"Blue Board Series: 4 Pieces"} {"item":"by3cgd059","equate":"COG59","label":"Attends to story"} {"item":"by3cgd060","equate":"COG60","label":"Rotated pink board"} {"item":"by3cgd061","equate":"COG61","label":"Object assembly (Ball)"} {"item":"by3cgd062","equate":"COG62","label":"Completes Pegboard: 25 Seconds"} {"item":"by3cgd063","equate":"COG63","label":"Object assembly (Ice Cream Cone)"} {"item":"by3cgd064","equate":"COG64","label":"Matches pictures"} {"item":"by3cgd065","equate":"COG65","label":"Representational play"} {"item":"by3cgd066","equate":"COG66","label":"Blue Board Series: Completes (75 seconds)"} {"item":"by3cgd067","equate":"COG67","label":"Imitates a two-step action."} {"item":"by3cgd068","equate":"COG68","label":"Matches 3 colors"} {"item":"by3cgd069","equate":"COG69","label":"Imaginary play"} {"item":"by3cgd070","equate":"COG70","label":"Understands concept of one"} {"item":"by3cgd071","equate":"COG71","label":"Multischeme combination play"} {"item":"by3cgd072","equate":"COG72","label":"Concept Grouping: colour"} {"item":"by3cgd073","equate":"COG73","label":"Concept Grouping: Size"} {"item":"by3cgd074","equate":"COG74","label":"Compares masses"} {"item":"by3cgd075","equate":"COG75","label":"Matches size"} {"item":"by3cgd076","equate":"COG76","label":"Discriminates pictures"} {"item":"by3cgd077","equate":"COG77","label":"Simple pattern"} {"item":"by3cgd078","equate":"COG78","label":"Sorts pegs by colour"} {"item":"by3cgd079","equate":"COG79","label":"Counts (One-to-one correspondence)"} {"item":"by3cgd080","equate":"COG80","label":"Discriminates size"} {"item":"by3cgd081","equate":"COG81","label":"Identifies 3 incomplete pictures"} {"item":"by3cgd082","equate":"COG82","label":"Object assembly (Dog)"} {"item":"by3cgd083","equate":"COG83","label":"Discriminates patterns"} {"item":"by3cgd084","equate":"COG84","label":"Spatial memory"} {"item":"by3cgd085","equate":"COG85","label":"Counts (Cardinally)"} {"item":"by3cgd086","equate":"COG86","label":"Number constancy"} {"item":"by3cgd087","equate":"COG87","label":"Laces card"} {"item":"by3cgd088","equate":"COG88","label":"Classifies objects"} {"item":"by3cgd089","equate":"COG89","label":"Understands concept of more"} {"item":"by3cgd090","equate":"COG90","label":"Repeats number sequences"} {"item":"by3cgd091","equate":"COG91","label":"Completes patterns"} {"item":"by3exd001","equate":"EXP1","label":"Undifferentiated throaty sounds"} {"item":"by3exd002","equate":"EXP2","label":"Social smile"} {"item":"by3exd003","equate":"EXP3","label":"Vocalizes mood"} {"item":"by3exd004","equate":"EXP4","label":"Undifferentiated nasal sounds"} {"item":"by3exd005","equate":"EXP5","label":"Social vocalization or laughing"} {"item":"by3exd006","equate":"EXP6","label":"2 Vowel sounds"} {"item":"by3exd007","equate":"EXP7","label":"Gets attention"} {"item":"by3exd008","equate":"EXP8","label":"2 Consonant sounds"} {"item":"by3exd009","equate":"EXP9","label":"Uses gestures"} {"item":"by3exd010","equate":"EXP10","label":"Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 1 Combination"} {"item":"by3exd011","equate":"EXP11","label":"Participates in play routine"} {"item":"by3exd012","equate":"EXP12","label":"Jabbers expressively"} {"item":"by3exd013","equate":"EXP13","label":"Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 4 Combination"} {"item":"by3exd014","equate":"EXP14","label":"Uses one-word approximations"} {"item":"by3exd015","equate":"EXP15","label":"Directs attention of other"} {"item":"by3exd016","equate":"EXP16","label":"Imitates word"} {"item":"by3exd017","equate":"EXP17","label":"Initiates play interaction"} {"item":"by3exd018","equate":"EXP18","label":"Uses Words Appropriately Series: 2 words"} {"item":"by3exd019","equate":"EXP19","label":"Uses word to make wants known"} {"item":"by3exd020","equate":"EXP20","label":"Names Object Series: 1 Object"} {"item":"by3exd021","equate":"EXP21","label":"Combines word and gesture"} {"item":"by3exd022","equate":"EXP22","label":"Names Picture Series: 1 Picture"} {"item":"by3exd023","equate":"EXP23","label":"Uses Words Appropriately Series: 8 words"} {"item":"by3exd024","equate":"EXP24","label":"Answers yes or no verbally in response to questions"} {"item":"by3exd025","equate":"EXP25","label":"Imitates a two-word utterance"} {"item":"by3exd026","equate":"EXP26","label":"Uses a two-word utterance"} {"item":"by3exd027","equate":"EXP27","label":"Names Object Series: 3 Object"} {"item":"by3exd028","equate":"EXP28","label":"Names Picture Series: 5 Pictures"} {"item":"by3exd029","equate":"EXP29","label":"Uses multiple-word utterances"} {"item":"by3exd030","equate":"EXP30","label":"Uses pronouns"} {"item":"by3exd031","equate":"EXP31","label":"Names Action Picture Series: 1 Picture"} {"item":"by3exd032","equate":"EXP32","label":"Poses multiple-word questions"} {"item":"by3exd033","equate":"EXP33","label":"Makes a contingent utterance"} {"item":"by3exd034","equate":"EXP34","label":"Uses verb +ing"} {"item":"by3exd035","equate":"EXP35","label":"Names Action Picture Series: 3 Pictures"} {"item":"by3exd036","equate":"EXP36","label":"Uses different word combinations"} {"item":"by3exd037","equate":"EXP37","label":"Names Action Picture Series: 5 Pictures"} {"item":"by3exd038","equate":"EXP38","label":"Uses plurals"} {"item":"by3exd039","equate":"EXP39","label":"Answers what or where questions"} {"item":"by3exd040","equate":"EXP40","label":"Uses possessives"} {"item":"by3exd041","equate":"EXP41","label":"Names 4 colours"} {"item":"by3exd042","equate":"EXP42","label":"Answers questions logically (Related to functions)"} {"item":"by3exd043","equate":"EXP43","label":"Tells how an object is used"} {"item":"by3exd044","equate":"EXP44","label":"Uses prepositions"} {"item":"by3exd045","equate":"EXP45","label":"Uses present progressive form"} {"item":"by3exd046","equate":"EXP46","label":"Describes Pictures Series: Uses 4-5 word sentences"} {"item":"by3exd047","equate":"EXP47","label":"Describes Pictures Series: Uses past tense"} {"item":"by3exd048","equate":"EXP48","label":"Describes Pictures Series: Uses future tense"} {"item":"by3fmd001","equate":"FM1","label":"Hands are fisted"} {"item":"by3fmd002","equate":"FM2","label":"Eyes follow moving person"} {"item":"by3fmd003","equate":"FM3","label":"Eyes follow ring horizontal"} {"item":"by3fmd004","equate":"FM4","label":"Eyes follow ring vertical"} {"item":"by3fmd005","equate":"FM5","label":"Attempts to bring hand to mouth"} {"item":"by3fmd006","equate":"FM6","label":"Retains ring"} {"item":"by3fmd007","equate":"FM7","label":"Eyes follow ring circular"} {"item":"by3fmd008","equate":"FM8","label":"Head follow ring"} {"item":"by3fmd009","equate":"FM9","label":"Eyes follow rolling ball"} {"item":"by3fmd010","equate":"FM10","label":"Keeps hand open"} {"item":"by3fmd011","equate":"FM11","label":"Rotates wrist"} {"item":"by3fmd012","equate":"FM12","label":"Grasps suspended ring"} {"item":"by3fmd013","equate":"FM13","label":"Blocks series reaches for block"} {"item":"by3fmd014","equate":"FM14","label":"Touches block"} {"item":"by3fmd015","equate":"FM15","label":"Block Series: Whole hand grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd016","equate":"FM16","label":"Reaches unilaterally"} {"item":"by3fmd017","equate":"FM17","label":"Food Pellet Series: Raking grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd018","equate":"FM18","label":"Block Series: Partial thumb opposition"} {"item":"by3fmd019","equate":"FM19","label":"Transfers ring"} {"item":"by3fmd020","equate":"FM20","label":"Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd021","equate":"FM21","label":"Transfers block"} {"item":"by3fmd022","equate":"FM22","label":"Block Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd023","equate":"FM23","label":"Brings spoons or blocks to midline"} {"item":"by3fmd024","equate":"FM24","label":"Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition"} {"item":"by3fmd025","equate":"FM25","label":"Lifts cup by the handle"} {"item":"by3fmd026","equate":"FM26","label":"Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd027","equate":"FM27","label":"Turns pages of books"} {"item":"by3fmd028","equate":"FM28","label":"Grasp series: Palmar grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd029","equate":"FM29","label":"Isolates extended ring finger"} {"item":"by3fmd030","equate":"FM30","label":"Scribbles spontaneously"} {"item":"by3fmd031","equate":"FM31","label":"Block Stacking Series: 2 blocks"} {"item":"by3fmd032","equate":"FM32","label":"Imitates Stroke Series: Random"} {"item":"by3fmd033","equate":"FM33","label":"Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds)"} {"item":"by3fmd034","equate":"FM34","label":"Grasp series: Transitional grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd035","equate":"FM35","label":"Coins in slot"} {"item":"by3fmd036","equate":"FM36","label":"Connecting Blocks: Apart"} {"item":"by3fmd037","equate":"FM37","label":"Grasp Series: Intermediate (Tripod) grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd038","equate":"FM38","label":"Block stacking Series: 6 blocks"} {"item":"by3fmd039","equate":"FM39","label":"Uses hand to hold paper in place"} {"item":"by3fmd040","equate":"FM40","label":"Imitates Strokes Series: Horizontal"} {"item":"by3fmd041","equate":"FM41","label":"Imitates Strokes Series: Vertical"} {"item":"by3fmd042","equate":"FM42","label":"Connecting Blocks: Together"} {"item":"by3fmd043","equate":"FM43","label":"Imitates Strokes Series: Circular"} {"item":"by3fmd044","equate":"FM44","label":"Builds train of blocks"} {"item":"by3fmd045","equate":"FM45","label":"Strings 3 blocks"} {"item":"by3fmd046","equate":"FM46","label":"Imitates hand movements"} {"item":"by3fmd047","equate":"FM47","label":"Snips paper"} {"item":"by3fmd048","equate":"FM48","label":"Grasp Series: Dynamic grasp"} {"item":"by3fmd049","equate":"FM49","label":"Tactilely discriminates shapes"} {"item":"by3fmd050","equate":"FM50","label":"Builds wall"} {"item":"by3fmd051","equate":"FM51","label":"Cuts paper"} {"item":"by3fmd052","equate":"FM52","label":"Builds bridge"} {"item":"by3fmd053","equate":"FM53","label":"Imitates plus sign"} {"item":"by3fmd054","equate":"FM54","label":"Block stacking Series: 8 blocks"} {"item":"by3fmd055","equate":"FM55","label":"Cuts on line"} {"item":"by3fmd056","equate":"FM56","label":"Builds T"} {"item":"by3fmd057","equate":"FM57","label":"Buttons 1 button"} {"item":"by3fmd058","equate":"FM58","label":"Builds steps"} {"item":"by3fmd059","equate":"FM59","label":"Traces designs"} {"item":"by3fmd060","equate":"FM60","label":"Imitates square"} {"item":"by3fmd061","equate":"FM61","label":"Copies plus sign"} {"item":"by3fmd062","equate":"FM62","label":"Tapbs fingers"} {"item":"by3fmd063","equate":"FM63","label":"Places 20 pellets in bottle"} {"item":"by3fmd064","equate":"FM64","label":"Cuts circle"} {"item":"by3fmd065","equate":"FM65","label":"Cuts square"} {"item":"by3fmd066","equate":"FM66","label":"Copies square"} {"item":"by3gmd001","equate":"GM1","label":"Thursts legs in play"} {"item":"by3gmd002","equate":"GM2","label":"Thrusts arms in play"} {"item":"by3gmd003","equate":"GM3","label":"Controls head while upright series: lifts head"} {"item":"by3gmd004","equate":"GM4","label":"Controls head while upright series: 3 secs"} {"item":"by3gmd005","equate":"GM5","label":"Turns head to side"} {"item":"by3gmd006","equate":"GM6","label":"Makes crawling movements"} {"item":"by3gmd007","equate":"GM7","label":"Controls head in dorsal suspension"} {"item":"by3gmd008","equate":"GM8","label":"Controls head in ventral suspension"} {"item":"by3gmd009","equate":"GM9","label":"Controls head while upright Series: 15 seconds"} {"item":"by3gmd010","equate":"GM10","label":"Holds head in midline"} {"item":"by3gmd011","equate":"GM11","label":"Holds head upright while carried"} {"item":"by3gmd012","equate":"GM12","label":"Controls head while prone Series: 45 degrees"} {"item":"by3gmd013","equate":"GM13","label":"Rights head"} {"item":"by3gmd014","equate":"GM14","label":"Rolls from side to back"} {"item":"by3gmd015","equate":"GM15","label":"Elevates trunk while Prone Series: Elbows and forearms"} {"item":"by3gmd016","equate":"GM16","label":"Sits with Support Series: Briefly"} {"item":"by3gmd017","equate":"GM17","label":"Controls head while prone Series: 90 degrees"} {"item":"by3gmd018","equate":"GM18","label":"Elevates trunk while prone"} {"item":"by3gmd019","equate":"GM19","label":"Sits with Support Series: 30 seconds"} {"item":"by3gmd020","equate":"GM20","label":"Rolls from back to sides"} {"item":"by3gmd021","equate":"GM21","label":"Elevates Trunk while Prone Series: Extended arms"} {"item":"by3gmd022","equate":"GM22","label":"Sits with Support Series: 5 seconds"} {"item":"by3gmd023","equate":"GM23","label":"Pulls up to sit"} {"item":"by3gmd024","equate":"GM24","label":"Grasps foot with hands"} {"item":"by3gmd025","equate":"GM25","label":"Rolls from back to stomach"} {"item":"by3gmd026","equate":"GM26","label":"Sits without Support Series: 30 seconds"} {"item":"by3gmd027","equate":"GM27","label":"Sits without support and holds objects"} {"item":"by3gmd028","equate":"GM28","label":"Rotates trunk while seated"} {"item":"by3gmd029","equate":"GM29","label":"Makes stepping movements"} {"item":"by3gmd030","equate":"GM30","label":"Crawls Series: On stomach"} {"item":"by3gmd031","equate":"GM31","label":"Crawls Series: Crawl position"} {"item":"by3gmd032","equate":"GM32","label":"Moves from sitting to hands and knees"} {"item":"by3gmd033","equate":"GM33","label":"Supports weight"} {"item":"by3gmd034","equate":"GM34","label":"Crawls Series: Crawl movement"} {"item":"by3gmd035","equate":"GM35","label":"Raises self to standing position"} {"item":"by3gmd036","equate":"GM36","label":"Bounces while standing"} {"item":"by3gmd037","equate":"GM37","label":"Walks Series: With support"} {"item":"by3gmd038","equate":"GM38","label":"Walks sideways with support"} {"item":"by3gmd039","equate":"GM39","label":"Sits down with control"} {"item":"by3gmd040","equate":"GM40","label":"Stands alone"} {"item":"by3gmd041","equate":"GM41","label":"Stands up Series: Alone"} {"item":"by3gmd042","equate":"GM42","label":"Walks Series: Alone"} {"item":"by3gmd043","equate":"GM43","label":"Walks Series: Alone with coordination"} {"item":"by3gmd044","equate":"GM44","label":"Throws ball"} {"item":"by3gmd045","equate":"GM45","label":"Squats without support"} {"item":"by3gmd046","equate":"GM46","label":"Stands up Series: Mature"} {"item":"by3gmd047","equate":"GM47","label":"Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with support."} {"item":"by3gmd048","equate":"GM48","label":"Walks backward 2 steps"} {"item":"by3gmd049","equate":"GM49","label":"Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with support"} {"item":"by3gmd050","equate":"GM50","label":"Runs with coordination"} {"item":"by3gmd051","equate":"GM51","label":"Balances on Right Foot Series: With support"} {"item":"by3gmd052","equate":"GM52","label":"Balances on Left Foot Series: With support"} {"item":"by3gmd053","equate":"GM53","label":"Walks sideways without support"} {"item":"by3gmd054","equate":"GM54","label":"Jumps from bottom step"} {"item":"by3gmd055","equate":"GM55","label":"Kicks ball"} {"item":"by3gmd056","equate":"GM56","label":"Walks forward on path"} {"item":"by3gmd057","equate":"GM57","label":"Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone."} {"item":"by3gmd058","equate":"GM58","label":"Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd059","equate":"GM59","label":"Jumps Forward Series: 4 inches"} {"item":"by3gmd060","equate":"GM60","label":"Balances on right Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd061","equate":"GM61","label":"Balances on Left Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd062","equate":"GM62","label":"Walks on tiptoes 4 steps"} {"item":"by3gmd063","equate":"GM63","label":"Walks backward close to path"} {"item":"by3gmd064","equate":"GM64","label":"Walks Up Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd065","equate":"GM65","label":"Imitates postures"} {"item":"by3gmd066","equate":"GM66","label":"Stops from a full run"} {"item":"by3gmd067","equate":"GM67","label":"Walks Down Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd068","equate":"GM68","label":"Hops 5 feet"} {"item":"by3gmd069","equate":"GM69","label":"Balances on Right Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd070","equate":"GM70","label":"Balances on Left Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone"} {"item":"by3gmd071","equate":"GM71","label":"Walks heel to toe"} {"item":"by3gmd072","equate":"GM72","label":"Jumps Forward Series: 24 inches"} {"item":"by3red001","equate":"REC1","label":"Regards person momentarily"} {"item":"by3red002","equate":"REC2","label":"Tolerates attention"} {"item":"by3red003","equate":"REC3","label":"Calms when spoken to"} {"item":"by3red004","equate":"REC4","label":"Reacts to sound in environment"} {"item":"by3red005","equate":"REC5","label":"Responds to voice"} {"item":"by3red006","equate":"REC6","label":"Searches with head turn"} {"item":"by3red007","equate":"REC7","label":"Discriminates sounds"} {"item":"by3red008","equate":"REC8","label":"Sustained play with objects"} {"item":"by3red009","equate":"REC9","label":"Responds to name"} {"item":"by3red010","equate":"REC10","label":"Interrupts activity"} {"item":"by3red011","equate":"REC11","label":"Recognizes 2 familiar words"} {"item":"by3red012","equate":"REC12","label":"Responds to no-no"} {"item":"by3red013","equate":"REC13","label":"Attends to other's play routine"} {"item":"by3red014","equate":"REC14","label":"Responds to request for social routines"} {"item":"by3red015","equate":"REC15","label":"Identifies Object Series: 1 correct"} {"item":"by3red016","equate":"REC16","label":"Identifies object in the environment"} {"item":"by3red017","equate":"REC17","label":"Identifies Picture Series: 1 correct"} {"item":"by3red018","equate":"REC18","label":"Understands inhibitory words"} {"item":"by3red019","equate":"REC19","label":"Identifies Object Series: 3 correct"} {"item":"by3red020","equate":"REC20","label":"Follows one-part directions"} {"item":"by3red021","equate":"REC21","label":"Identifies Picture Series: 3 Correct"} {"item":"by3red022","equate":"REC22","label":"Identifies 3 clothing items"} {"item":"by3red023","equate":"REC23","label":"Identifies Action Picture Series: 1 correct"} {"item":"by3red024","equate":"REC24","label":"Identifies 5 parts of the body"} {"item":"by3red025","equate":"REC25","label":"Follows two-part directions"} {"item":"by3red026","equate":"REC26","label":"Identifies Action Picture Series: 3 correct"} {"item":"by3red027","equate":"REC27","label":"Understands use of objects"} {"item":"by3red028","equate":"REC28","label":"Understands part/whole relationships"} {"item":"by3red029","equate":"REC29","label":"Identifies Action Picture Series: 5 correct"} {"item":"by3red030","equate":"REC30","label":"Understands pronouns (him, me, my, you, your)"} {"item":"by3red031","equate":"REC31","label":"Understands labels for sizes"} {"item":"by3red032","equate":"REC32","label":"Understands Preposition Series: 2 correct"} {"item":"by3red033","equate":"REC33","label":"Understands possessives"} {"item":"by3red034","equate":"REC34","label":"Understands verb +ing"} {"item":"by3red035","equate":"REC35","label":"Identifies colours"} {"item":"by3red036","equate":"REC36","label":"Understands label of one"} {"item":"by3red037","equate":"REC37","label":"Understands pronouns (they, he, she)"} {"item":"by3red038","equate":"REC38","label":"Understands pronouns (his, her)"} {"item":"by3red039","equate":"REC39","label":"Understands plurals"} {"item":"by3red040","equate":"REC40","label":"Understands more"} {"item":"by3red041","equate":"REC41","label":"Understands most"} {"item":"by3red042","equate":"REC42","label":"Understands Preposition Series: 4 correct"} {"item":"by3red043","equate":"REC43","label":"Understands negatives in sentences"} {"item":"by3red044","equate":"REC44","label":"Understands past tense"} {"item":"by3red045","equate":"REC45","label":"Understands labels for mass"} {"item":"by3red046","equate":"REC46","label":"Understands least"} {"item":"by3red047","equate":"REC47","label":"Understands less"} {"item":"by3red048","equate":"REC48","label":"Understands descriptive labels"} {"item":"by3red049","equate":"REC49","label":"Identifies categories of objects"} {"item":"croclc001","label":"Does the child look at a person when that person starts talking or making noise?"} {"item":"croclc002","label":"Does the child follow a moving person or object with his/her eyes?"} {"item":"croclc003","label":"Does the child make different sounds when happy, upset, or hungry?"} {"item":"croclc004","label":"Does the child show interest in new objects that are put in front of him/her by reaching out for them?"} {"item":"croclc005","label":"Does the child show interest in new objects by trying to put them in his/her mouth?"} {"item":"croclc006","label":"Does the child laugh?"} {"item":"croclc007","label":"Does the child play by tapping an object on the ground or a table?"} {"item":"croclc008","label":"Does the child look for an object of interest when it is removed from sight or hidden from him/her (e.g., put under a cover, behind another object)?"} {"item":"croclc009","label":"\"Can the child make simple sounds like \"\"ba,\"\" \"\"da,\"\" or \"\"do?\"\" \""} {"item":"croclc010","label":"\"Does the child look at an object when someone says \"\"look!\"\" and points to it? \""} {"item":"croclc011","label":"Does the child intentionally move or change his/her position to get objects that are out of reach?"} {"item":"croclc012","label":"\"When you talk to the child, does he/she respond by making a sound (e.g., \"\"ba,\"\" \"\"da,\"\" or \"\"do\"\") or by saying a word? \""} {"item":"croclc013","label":"Does the child recognize his/her name or nickname? That is, does he/she respond differently to his/her name than to other sounds or words?"} {"item":"croclc014","label":"Does the child recognize you or other family members (e.g., smile when they enter a room or move toward them)?"} {"item":"croclc015","label":"Can the child use gestures to indicate what he/she wants (e.g., put arms up to indicate that he/she wants to be held, or point to water)?"} {"item":"croclc016","label":"\"Can the child answer simple questions (e.g., \"\"Do you want water?\"\") by saying \"\"yes\"\" or \"\"no\"\", rather than nodding? \""} {"item":"croclc017","label":"\"Can the child point to a person or object when asked (e.g., \"\"Where is mama?\"\" or \"\"Where is the ball?\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc018","label":"Does the child try to repeat sounds or words said by other people?"} {"item":"croclc019","label":"\"Does the child imitate animal or other sounds (e.g., \"\"vroom\"\" for a car, \"\"moo\"\" for a cow)? \""} {"item":"croclc020","label":"\"Can the child follow simple directions (e.g., \"\"Stand up\"\" or \"\"Come here\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc021","label":"\"Can the child say one or more words (e.g., names like \"\"Mama\"\" or \"\"ba\"\" for \"\"ball\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc022","label":"Can the child figure out how to turn a spoon or object if you give it to him/her the wrong way around?"} {"item":"croclc023","label":"\"Can the child say five or more separate words (e.g., names like \"\"Mama\"\" or objects like \"\"ball\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc024","label":"\"Can the child speak using short sentences of two words that go together (e.g., \"\"Mama go\"\" or \"\"Dada eat\"\")?\""} {"item":"croclc025","label":"Can the child ask for something (e.g., food, water) by name when he/she wants it?"} {"item":"croclc026","label":"Can the child follow orders or instructions that have more than one part (e.g., Go get water and go to bed)?"} {"item":"croclc027","label":"\"Can the child say ten or more separate words (e.g., names like \"\"Mama\"\" or objects like \"\"ball\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc028","label":"Can the child correctly name at least one family member other than mom and dad (e.g., name of brother, sister, aunt, uncle)?"} {"item":"croclc029","label":"\"Can the child speak using sentences of three or more words that go together (e.g., \"\"I want water\"\" or \"\"The house is big\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc030","label":"Does the child maintain attention for at least one minute when an adult is talking?"} {"item":"croclc031","label":"\"Can the child correctly use any of the words \"\"I,\"\" \"\"you,\"\" \"\"she,\"\" or \"\"he\"\" (e.g., \"\"I go to store,\"\" or \"\"He eats rice\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc032","label":"Can the child tell you or someone familiar his/her own name or nickname when asked to?"} {"item":"croclc033","label":"Can the child use a tool (e.g., a stick or spoon) to reach objects that are far away?"} {"item":"croclc034","label":"If you show the child an object he/she knows well (e.g., a cup or animal), can he/she consistently name it?"} {"item":"croclc035","label":"If you show the child two objects or people of different size, can he/she tell you which one is the big one and which is the small one?"} {"item":"croclc036","label":"Can the child whisper?"} {"item":"croclc037","label":"Can the child sing a short song or repeat parts of a rhyme from memory by him/herself?"} {"item":"croclc038","label":"Does the child know the names of at least two body parts (e.g., arm, eye, or nose)?"} {"item":"croclc039","label":"Can the child explain in words what common objects like a cup or chair are used for?"} {"item":"croclc040","label":"Does the child play by pretending objects are something else (e.g., imagining a bottle is a doll, a stone is a car, or a spoon is an airplane)?"} {"item":"croclc041","label":"Can the child count up to five objects (e.g., fingers, people)?"} {"item":"croclc042","label":"\"Can the child correctly ask questions using any of the words \"\"what,\"\" \"\"which,\"\" \"\"where,\"\" or \"\"who\"\"? \""} {"item":"croclc043","label":"If you ask the child to give you three objects (e.g., stones, beans), does the child give you the correct amount?"} {"item":"croclc044","label":"Can the child identify at least one color (e.g., red, blue, yellow)?"} {"item":"croclc045","label":"\"Can the child talk about things that have happened in the past using correct language (e.g., \"\"Yesterday I played with my friend\"\" or \"\"Last week she went to the market\"\")?\""} {"item":"croclc046","label":"Does the child pronounce most of his/her words correctly?"} {"item":"croclc047","label":"Does the child know the names of any letters (e.g., A, B, C)?"} {"item":"croclc048","label":"\"Can the child talk about things that will happen in the future using correct language (e.g., \"\"Tomorrow he will attend school\"\" or \"\"Next week we will go to the market\"\")? \""} {"item":"croclc049","label":"\"If you point to an object, can the child correctly use the words \"\"on,\"\" \"\"in,\"\" or under to describe where it is (e.g., \"\"The cup is on the table\"\" instead of \"\"The cup is in the table.\"\")\""} {"item":"croclc050","label":"\"Does the child regularly use describing words such as \"\"fast,\"\" \"\"short,\"\" \"\"hot,\"\" \"\"fat,\"\" or \"\"beautiful\"\" correctly? \""} {"item":"croclc051","label":"\"Does the child ask \"\"why\"\" questions (e.g., \"\"Why are you tall?\"\")? \""} {"item":"cromoc001","label":"Does the child hold his/her hands in fists all the time?"} {"item":"cromoc002","label":"When held in a sitting position, can the child hold his/her head steady and straight?"} {"item":"cromoc003","label":"Can the child bring his/her hands together?"} {"item":"cromoc004","label":"When lying on his/her stomach, can the child hold his/her head off the ground?"} {"item":"cromoc005","label":"When lying on his/her stomach, can the child hold his/her head and chest off the ground using only his/her hands and arms for support?"} {"item":"cromoc006","label":"Does the child grasp onto a small object (e.g., your finger, a spoon) when put in his/her hand?"} {"item":"cromoc007","label":"Does the child bring his/her hand to his/her mouth?"} {"item":"cromoc008","label":"When lying on his/her back, does the child move his/her arms and legs?"} {"item":"cromoc009","label":"When lying on his/her back, does the child grab his/her feet?"} {"item":"cromoc010","label":"Can the child roll from his/her back to stomach, or stomach to back, on his/her own?"} {"item":"cromoc011","label":"Can the child hold him/herself in a sitting position without help or support for longer than a few seconds?"} {"item":"cromoc012","label":"Can the child pick up a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) using just one hand?"} {"item":"cromoc013","label":"Does the child clap his/her hands together?"} {"item":"cromoc014","label":"Can the child crawl, roll, or scoot forward on his/her own?"} {"item":"cromoc015","label":"Can the child maintain a standing position while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"cromoc016","label":"Can the child pick up and eat small pieces of food with his/her fingers?"} {"item":"cromoc017","label":"Can the child maintain a standing position on his/her own, without holding on or receiving support?"} {"item":"cromoc018","label":"Can the child walk several steps while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"cromoc019","label":"Can the child pick up a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) with just his/her thumb and a finger?"} {"item":"cromoc020","label":"Can the child transfer a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) from one hand to the other?"} {"item":"cromoc021","label":"Can the child walk several steps on his/her own, without holding on or receiving support?"} {"item":"cromoc022","label":"Can the child pick up and drop a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) into a bucket or bowl while sitting?"} {"item":"cromoc023","label":"Can the child throw a small ball or small stone in a forward direction using his/her hand?"} {"item":"cromoc024","label":"Can the child bend down to the ground and stand up again without falling and without holding onto a person or object?"} {"item":"cromoc025","label":"Can the child kick a ball or other round object forward using his/her foot?"} {"item":"cromoc026","label":"Can the child climb onto an object such as a chair or bench?"} {"item":"cromoc027","label":"Can the child drink from a cup (without a lid) on his/her own without spilling?"} {"item":"cromoc028","label":"Can the child draw a line or shape on paper with a pen or crayon, or in the dirt with a stick?"} {"item":"cromoc029","label":"Can the child stack three or more small objects (e.g., blocks, cups, bottle caps) on top of each other?"} {"item":"cromoc030","label":"Can the child run more than a few steps without falling or bumping into objects?"} {"item":"cromoc031","label":"Can the child walk on an uneven surface (e.g., a bumpy or steep road) without falling?"} {"item":"cromoc032","label":"Can the child feed him/herself using a spoon or other utensil without spilling?"} {"item":"cromoc033","label":"Can the child unscrew the lid from a bottle or jar?"} {"item":"cromoc034","label":"Can the child jump with both feet leaving the ground?"} {"item":"cromoc035","label":"Can the child remove an item of clothing (e.g., take off his/her shirt)?"} {"item":"cromoc036","label":"Can the child stand on one foot for several seconds without holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"cromoc037","label":"Can the child walk backwards?"} {"item":"cromoc038","label":"Can the child dress him/herself (e.g., put on his/her pants and shirt without help)?"} {"item":"cromoc039","label":"Can the child fasten and unfasten buttons without help?"} {"item":"crosec001","label":"Does the child smile when others smile at him/her?"} {"item":"crosec002","label":"Does the child look at your face when you speak to him/her?"} {"item":"crosec003","label":"Does the child smile or become excited when seeing someone familiar?"} {"item":"crosec004","label":"Does the child sometimes suck his/her thumb or fingers?"} {"item":"crosec005","label":"Does the child react differently according to the tone of your voice (e.g., smiles when you say something in a happy tone)?"} {"item":"crosec006","label":"Does the child ask you for help using signs or words when he/she cannot do something on his/her own (e.g., to reach an object up high)?"} {"item":"crosec007","label":"Does the child watch what other children do and try to copy them?"} {"item":"crosec008","label":"Does the child become overly distressed (e.g., cries, screams) in response to loud sounds or bright lights?"} {"item":"crosec009","label":"Does the child often cry for no reason (e.g., when he/she is not hungry or tired)?"} {"item":"crosec010","label":"When the child is upset, does he/she calm down quickly when you soothe or hold him/her?"} {"item":"crosec011","label":"Does the child become very shy, afraid, or upset around strangers, even when you're with him/her?"} {"item":"crosec012","label":"Is the child generally more irritable or fussy than other children his/her age?"} {"item":"crosec013","label":"Does the child have trouble falling asleep most nights?"} {"item":"crosec014","label":"\"Does the child stop at least briefly when told \"\"no\"\" or \"\"stop that\"\"? \""} {"item":"crosec015","label":"Does the child often have extreme changes in emotions (e.g., quickly changing from very happy to very angry)?"} {"item":"crosec016","label":"Does the child become upset when you are not with him/her?"} {"item":"crosec017","label":"Does the child often show affection toward others (e.g., hugging parents, brothers, or sisters)?"} {"item":"crosec018","label":"Does the child cry or whine when he/she is made to wait for something he/she wants (e.g., toy or food)?"} {"item":"crosec019","label":"Can the child indicate when he/she needs to go to toilet?"} {"item":"crosec020","label":"Can the child sit or play on his/her own for at least 20 minutes?"} {"item":"crosec021","label":"Does the child listen to someone telling a story with interest?"} {"item":"crosec022","label":"Does the child wake up more than two times at night and want your attention (e.g., cries, asks for you)?"} {"item":"crosec023","label":"Does the child frequently complain of headaches or stomach-aches when he/she is not physically ill?"} {"item":"crosec024","label":"Does the child show curiosity to learn new things (e.g., by asking questions or exploring a new area)?"} {"item":"crosec025","label":"Does the child imitate others' behaviors (e.g., washing hands or dishes)?"} {"item":"crosec026","label":"Does the child quickly calm down when he/she doesn't get what he/she wants?"} {"item":"crosec027","label":"Does the child show signs of regressing behavior (i.e. behave or act younger than he/she is?)"} {"item":"crosec028","label":"\"Does the child usually follow rules and obey adults (e.g., \"\"go there\"\" or \"\"don't do that\"\")?\""} {"item":"crosec029","label":"Can the child sit still when asked to by an adult (e.g., for two minutes)?"} {"item":"crosec030","label":"Does the child involve others in play (i.e., play interactive games with other children)?"} {"item":"crosec031","label":"When the child is upset, does he/she calm down quickly on his/her own?"} {"item":"crosec032","label":"Is the child frequently sad, worried, or anxious?"} {"item":"crosec033","label":"Does the child cling excessively to his/her caregiver, even in a safe setting?"} {"item":"crosec034","label":"Is the child often impatient or unwilling to wait when you ask him/her to?"} {"item":"crosec035","label":"Can the child easily switch back and forth between activities (e.g., go back to a game after being interrupted)?"} {"item":"crosec036","label":"Can the child concentrate on one task (e.g., playing with friends, eating meal) for 20 minutes?"} {"item":"crosec037","label":"Does the child often refuse to play with other children?"} {"item":"crosec038","label":"Does the child usually finish an activity he/she enjoys (e.g., a game or book)?"} {"item":"crosec039","label":"Does the child often show panic or fear for no reason?"} {"item":"crosec040","label":"Does the child often reject or turn away from affection (e.g., refuses or pulls away from hugs from well-known family members)?"} {"item":"crosec041","label":"Can the child tell you when he/she is tired or hungry?"} {"item":"crosec042","label":"\"Can the child say what he/she likes or dislikes (e.g., \"\"I like sweets\"\")? \""} {"item":"crosec043","label":"Does the child sometimes share things (e.g., food, toys) with others without being told?"} {"item":"crosec044","label":"Does the child show sympathy or look concerned when others are hurt or sad?"} {"item":"crosec045","label":"Is the child kind to younger children (e.g., speaks to them nicely and touches them gently)?"} {"item":"crosec046","label":"Does the child greet neighbors or other people he/she knows without being told (e.g., by saying hello or gesturing hello)?"} {"item":"crosec047","label":"Does the child prefer to play alone when other children are present?"} {"item":"crosec048","label":"Does the child frequently destroy or act aggressively with objects on purpose?"} {"item":"crosec049","label":"Can the child tell you when he/she is happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"crosec050","label":"Does the child usually put objects or toys back where they belong after using them?"} {"item":"crosec051","label":"\"Can the child say what others like or dislike (e.g., \"\"Mama doesn't like fruit,\"\" Papa likes football)?\""} {"item":"crosec052","label":"Does the child sometimes save things like candy or new toys for the future?"} {"item":"crosec053","label":"Does the child frequently act impulsively or without thinking (e.g., running into the street without looking)?"} {"item":"crosec054","label":"Does the child have difficulty getting along with other children?"} {"item":"crosec055","label":"Does the child often kick, bite, or hit other children or adults?"} {"item":"crosec056","label":"Does the child usually show respect for authority figures (e.g., a teacher, grandparent)?"} {"item":"crosec057","label":"Does the child become extremely withdrawn or shy in new situations?"} {"item":"crosec058","label":"\"Does the child ask about familiar people other than parents when they are not there (e.g., \"\"Where is the neighbor?\"\")? \""} {"item":"crosec059","label":"Can the child tell you when others are happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"ddicmd044","label":"Points at 5 pictures in the book"} {"item":"ddicmd049","label":"Can be understood by tester"} {"item":"ddicmd116","equate":"REC6","label":"Turn head to sound"} {"item":"ddicmd132"} {"item":"ddicmd136","label":"\"Reacts to verbal request (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddicmd141","label":"Identifies two named objects"} {"item":"ddicmd148","label":"Understands 'play' orders"} {"item":"ddicmm029","equate":"REC50","label":"Reacts when spoken to"} {"item":"ddicmm030","label":"\"Smiles in response (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddicmm031","equate":"EXP5","label":"vocalizes in response"} {"item":"ddicmm032"} {"item":"ddicmm033","equate":"EXP10","label":"Says dada, baba, gaga"} {"item":"ddicmm034","equate":"EXP12","label":"Babbles while playing"} {"item":"ddicmm035","equate":"REC14","label":"Reacts to verbal request"} {"item":"ddicmm036","label":"\"Waves 'bye-bye' (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddicmm037","equate":"EXP18","label":"Uses two words with comprehension"} {"item":"ddicmm038"} {"item":"ddicmm039","label":"Says three 'words'"} {"item":"ddicmm040","equate":"REC25","label":"\"Understands 'play' orders. For example, \"\"Give the dolly a little bite of your cookie\"\"\""} {"item":"ddicmm041","equate":"EXP26","label":"Says sentences with 2 words"} {"item":"ddicmm042","equate":"REC24","label":"Points at 6 parts of body of a doll."} {"item":"ddicmm043","label":"\"Refers to self using 'me' or 'I' (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddicmm045","equate":"EXP36","label":"\"Says \"\"sentences\"\" of 3 or more words\""} {"item":"ddicmm046","label":"\"Can be understood by family (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddicmm047","label":"\"Talks spontaneously on daily events (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddicmm048","equate":"EXP32","label":"\"Asks questions about \"\"who\"\", \"\"what\"\", Asks questions beginning by who, what, where and \"\"how\"\"\""} {"item":"ddicmm050","label":"\"Asks questions:how many, when, why (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddifmd001","equate":"COG3","label":"Eyes fixate"} {"item":"ddifmd002","label":"Follows with eyes and head 30d < 0 > 30d"} {"item":"ddifmd003","equate":"FM10","label":"Hands open occasionally"} {"item":"ddifmd005","label":"Plays with hands in midline"} {"item":"ddifmd007","equate":"FM19","label":"Passes cube from hand to hand"} {"item":"ddifmd008","equate":"COG30","label":"Holds cube, grasps another one with other hand"} {"item":"ddifmd010","equate":"FM26","label":"Picks up pellet between thumb and index finger"} {"item":"ddifmd011","equate":"COG36","label":"Puts cube in and out of a box"} {"item":"ddifmd013","equate":"FM31","label":"Tower of 2 cubes"} {"item":"ddifmd015","equate":"FM72","label":"Builds tower of 3 cubes"} {"item":"ddifmd017","equate":"FM38","label":"Tower of 6 cubes"} {"item":"ddifmd018","equate":"COG49","label":"Places round block in board"} {"item":"ddifmd020","equate":"FM44","label":"Imitates building a truck"} {"item":"ddifmd021","equate":"COG56","label":"Places 3 forms in form-box"} {"item":"ddifmd022","equate":"FM41","label":"Imitates drawing vertical line"} {"item":"ddifmd023","equate":"FM52","label":"Imitates building a bridge"} {"item":"ddifmd024","equate":"COG58","label":"Places 4 forms in form-box"} {"item":"ddifmd026","equate":"FM43","label":"Copies a circle"} {"item":"ddifmd027","equate":"FM37","label":"Holds pencil with fingers"} {"item":"ddifmd154","label":"\"Eats with spoon without help (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddifmm004","equate":"COG18","label":"Watches own hands"} {"item":"ddifmm009","equate":"GM24","label":"Plays with both feet"} {"item":"ddifmm012","label":"\"Plays 'give and take' (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddifmm014","label":"\"Explores environment energetically (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddifmm016","label":"\"Imitates everyday activities (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddifmm019","label":"\"Takes off shoes and socks (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddifmm025","label":"\"Can dress (one piece) (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddigmd006","equate":"FM12","label":"Grasps object within reach"} {"item":"ddigmd052","equate":"GM2","label":"Moves arms equally well"} {"item":"ddigmd053","equate":"GM1","label":"Moves legs equally well"} {"item":"ddigmd054","label":"Stays suspended when lifted under the armpits"} {"item":"ddigmd055","equate":"GM23","label":"No head lag if pulled to sitting"} {"item":"ddigmd056","label":"Lifts chin off table for a moment"} {"item":"ddigmd057","equate":"GM12","label":"Lifts head to 45 degrees on prone position"} {"item":"ddigmd058","label":"Looks around to side with angle face-table 90"} {"item":"ddigmd059","label":"Flexes or stomps legs while being swung"} {"item":"ddigmd061","label":"Balances head well while sitting"} {"item":"ddigmd062","label":"Sits on buttocks while legs stretched"} {"item":"ddigmd063","equate":"GM26","label":"Sits in stable position without support"} {"item":"ddigmd068","equate":"GM42","label":"Walks alone"} {"item":"ddigmd069","equate":"GM44","label":"Throws ball without falling"} {"item":"ddigmd070","equate":"GM45","label":"Squats or bends to pick things up"} {"item":"ddigmd071","equate":"GM55","label":"Kicks ball"} {"item":"ddigmd072","equate":"GM28","label":"Can rotace fluently in sitting position"} {"item":"ddigmd074","equate":"GM54","label":"Jumps with both feet simultaneously"} {"item":"ddigmd146","label":"\"Drinks from cup (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddigmd168","label":"Walks well"} {"item":"ddigmd268","equate":"GM43","label":"Walks well alone/walks smoothly"} {"item":"ddigmm060","equate":"GM25","label":"Rolls over back to front"} {"item":"ddigmm064","equate":"GM30","label":"Crawls forward, abdomen on the floor"} {"item":"ddigmm065","equate":"GM35","label":"Pulls up to standing position"} {"item":"ddigmm066","label":"\"Crawls, abdomen off the floor (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"ddigmm067","equate":"GM38","label":"Walks while holding onto play-pen or furniture"} {"item":"ddigmm073","label":"\"Rides on tricycle (M; can ask parents)\""} {"item":"denfmd001","equate":"FM75","label":"Follows To Midline"} {"item":"denfmd002","equate":"FM76","label":"Follow Past Midline"} {"item":"denfmd003","equate":"FM77","label":"Hold Rattle"} {"item":"denfmd004","equate":"FM78","label":"Hands Together"} {"item":"denfmd005","equate":"FM79","label":"Follow 180 Degrees"} {"item":"denfmd006","equate":"FM80","label":"Regard raisin"} {"item":"denfmd007","equate":"COG174","label":"Reaches"} {"item":"denfmd008","equate":"COG25","label":"Look for Yarn"} {"item":"denfmd009","equate":"FM20","label":"Rake Raisin"} {"item":"denfmd010","equate":"FM21","label":"Pass Block"} {"item":"denfmd011","equate":"COG27","label":"Take 2 Blocks"} {"item":"denfmd012","equate":"FM24","label":"Thumb-Finger Grip"} {"item":"denfmd013","equate":"COG24","label":"Bang 2 Blocks"} {"item":"denfmd014","equate":"COG36","label":"Put Block in Cup"} {"item":"denfmd015","equate":"FM30","label":"Scribbles"} {"item":"denfmd016","equate":"COG42","label":"Drop Raisin"} {"item":"denfmd017","equate":"FM31","label":"2 Blocks"} {"item":"denfmd018","equate":"FM81","label":"4 Blocks"} {"item":"denfmd019","equate":"FM38","label":"6 Blocks"} {"item":"denfmd020","equate":"FM41","label":"Imitate Vertical Line"} {"item":"denfmd021","equate":"FM54","label":"8 Blocks"} {"item":"denfmd022","equate":"FM82","label":"Wiggle Thumb"} {"item":"denfmd023","equate":"FM43","label":"Copy a Circle"} {"item":"denfmd024","equate":"FM83","label":"Draws 3 or more body parts"} {"item":"denfmd025","equate":"FM61","label":"Copy + (2 lines that intersect near the midpoint using only 2 strokes)"} {"item":"denfmd026","equate":"FM84","label":"Pick Longer Line"} {"item":"denfmd027","equate":"FM60","label":"Copy Square, Demonstrated"} {"item":"denfmd028","equate":"FM86","label":"Draws 6 or more body parts"} {"item":"denfmd029","equate":"FM66","label":"Copy Square"} {"item":"dengmd001","equate":"GM73","label":"Equal movements"} {"item":"dengmd002","equate":"GM74","label":"Lift Head"} {"item":"dengmd003","label":"Lift head 45o"} {"item":"dengmd004","equate":"GM75","label":"Lift Head 90o"} {"item":"dengmd005","equate":"GM19","label":"Sit, Head Steady"} {"item":"dengmd006","equate":"GM76","label":"Bear Weight on Legs"} {"item":"dengmd007","equate":"GM21","label":"Lift Chest with Arms"} {"item":"dengmd008","equate":"GM25","label":"Roll Over/from back to side"} {"item":"dengmd009","equate":"GM23","label":"Pull to Sit, No Head Lag"} {"item":"dengmd010","equate":"GM26","label":"Sit No Support"} {"item":"dengmd011","equate":"GM77","label":"Stand, Holding On"} {"item":"dengmd012","equate":"GM35","label":"Pull to Stand"} {"item":"dengmd013","equate":"GM78","label":"Get To Sitting"} {"item":"dengmd014","equate":"GM33","label":"Stand 2 Seconds"} {"item":"dengmd015","equate":"GM40","label":"Stand 10 seconds"} {"item":"dengmd016","equate":"GM79","label":"Stoop and Recover"} {"item":"dengmd017","equate":"GM43","label":"Walk Well"} {"item":"dengmd018","equate":"GM48","label":"Walk Backwards"} {"item":"dengmd019","equate":"GM50","label":"Runs"} {"item":"dengmd020","equate":"GM47","label":"Walk Up Stairs"} {"item":"dengmd021","equate":"GM55","label":"Kick Ball Forward"} {"item":"dengmd022","equate":"GM59","label":"Jump Up"} {"item":"dengmd023","equate":"GM44","label":"Throw Ball Overhand"} {"item":"dengmd024","equate":"GM72","label":"Long Jump"} {"item":"dengmd025","label":"Balance each foot 1 second"} {"item":"dengmd026","equate":"GM61","label":"Balance each foot 2 seconds"} {"item":"dengmd027","equate":"GM68","label":"Hop"} {"item":"dengmd028","label":"Balance each foot 3 seconds"} {"item":"dengmd029","label":"Balance each foot 4 seconds"} {"item":"dengmd030","label":"Balance each foot 5 seconds"} {"item":"dengmd031","equate":"GM71","label":"Walk heel to toe"} {"item":"dengmd032","equate":"GM70","label":"Balance each foot 6 seconds"} {"item":"denlgd001","equate":"REC55","label":"Respond to Bell"} {"item":"denlgd002","equate":"EXP4","label":"Vocalizes"} {"item":"denlgd003","equate":"EXP6","label":"\"Ooo / \"\"Aah\"\" \""} {"item":"denlgd004","equate":"EXP5","label":"Laughs"} {"item":"denlgd005","equate":"EXP54","label":"Squeals"} {"item":"denlgd006","equate":"REC6","label":"Turn to Rattle Sound"} {"item":"denlgd007","equate":"REC9","label":"Turn to Voice"} {"item":"denlgd008","equate":"EXP8","label":"Single Syllables"} {"item":"denlgd009","equate":"EXP55","label":"Imitate Speech Sounds"} {"item":"denlgd010","equate":"EXP10","label":"Abba / Mama Nonspecific"} {"item":"denlgd011","equate":"EXP13","label":"Combine Syllables"} {"item":"denlgd012","equate":"EXP56","label":"Babbles"} {"item":"denlgd013","label":"dada/mama specific"} {"item":"denlgd014","equate":"EXP14","label":"Say 1 Word"} {"item":"denlgd015","equate":"EXP18","label":"Say 2 Words"} {"item":"denlgd016","label":"Say 3 Words"} {"item":"denlgd017","equate":"EXP23","label":"Say 6 Words"} {"item":"denlgd018","equate":"REC17","label":"Point to Pictures (2)"} {"item":"denlgd019","equate":"EXP26","label":"Combine Words"} {"item":"denlgd020","equate":"EXP22","label":"Name Pictures (1)"} {"item":"denlgd021","equate":"REC24","label":"Body Parts"} {"item":"denlgd022","equate":"REC21","label":"Point to Pictures (4)"} {"item":"denlgd023","equate":"EXP57","label":"Speech Half Understandable"} {"item":"denlgd024","label":"Name 4 pictures"} {"item":"denlgd025","equate":"REC23","label":"Know Actions (2)"} {"item":"denlgd026","equate":"EXP58","label":"Know Adjectives (2)"} {"item":"denlgd027","equate":"COG68","label":"Name Color (1 or 4)"} {"item":"denlgd028","equate":"REC27","label":"Use of two objects"} {"item":"denlgd029","equate":"COG70","label":"Count 1 Block"} {"item":"denlgd030","equate":"REC27","label":"Use of four objects"} {"item":"denlgd031","equate":"REC26","label":"Know Actions (2) (4)"} {"item":"denlgd032","equate":"EXP33","label":"Speech All-Understandable"} {"item":"denlgd033","equate":"REC42","label":"Understand 4 Prepositions"} {"item":"denlgd034","equate":"EXP41","label":"Name Color (4)"} {"item":"denlgd035","equate":"EXP59","label":"Define 5 words"} {"item":"denlgd036","label":"Knows adjectives (3)"} {"item":"denlgd037","equate":"COG79","label":"Count 5 Blocks"} {"item":"denlgd038","equate":"EXP60","label":"Opposites (2)"} {"item":"denlgd039","equate":"EXP59","label":"Count blocks (5)"} {"item":"densld001","label":"Regard face"} {"item":"densld002","label":"Smile responsively"} {"item":"densld003","label":"Smile spontaneously"} {"item":"densld004","label":"Regard own hand"} {"item":"densld005","label":"Work for toy"} {"item":"densld006","label":"feed self"} {"item":"densld007","equate":"EXP11","label":"\"Clapping game \"\"pat a cake\"\"\""} {"item":"densld008","equate":"EXP9","label":"Indicate Wants"} {"item":"densld009","label":"wave bye-bye"} {"item":"densld010","equate":"COG53","label":"Play Ball with You"} {"item":"densld011","equate":"COG65","label":"Imitate Activities"} {"item":"densld012","label":"Drink from a cup"} {"item":"densld013","label":"help in house"} {"item":"densld014","label":"use spoon/fork"} {"item":"densld015","label":"remove garment"} {"item":"densld016","label":"feed doll"} {"item":"densld017","label":"put on clothing"} {"item":"densld018","label":"brush teeth with help"} {"item":"densld019","label":"wash and dry hands"} {"item":"densld020","label":"name friend"} {"item":"densld021","label":"put on T-shirt"} {"item":"densld022","label":"dress no help"} {"item":"densld023","equate":"COG71","label":"Play Games"} {"item":"densld024","label":"brush teeth no help"} {"item":"densld025","label":"prepare cereal"} {"item":"dmcfmd001","label":"Watches a moving item in front of face"} {"item":"dmcfmd002","label":"Reaches out for objects unsuccessfully"} {"item":"dmcfmd003","label":"Reaches out and grasps objects"} {"item":"dmcfmd004","label":"Picks up small objects in anyway"} {"item":"dmcfmd005","label":"Picks up small objects using one hand rather than two"} {"item":"dmcfmd006","label":"Picks grains"} {"item":"dmcfmd007","label":"Holds a pen in anyway"} {"item":"dmcfmd008","label":"Holds a pen between finger and thumb"} {"item":"dmcfmd009","label":"Scribbles with a pen"} {"item":"dmcfmd010","label":"Opens a door that requires pushing."} {"item":"dmcfmd011","label":"Opens a door by turning and pulling doorknob."} {"item":"dmcgmd001","label":"Holds head erect for a few minutes"} {"item":"dmcgmd002","label":"Controls the head"} {"item":"dmcgmd003","label":"Sits supported"} {"item":"dmcgmd004","label":"Sits alone on the floor"} {"item":"dmcgmd005","label":"Crawls"} {"item":"dmcgmd006","label":"Stands when held up"} {"item":"dmcgmd007","label":"Pulls self while holding on to object into a standing position"} {"item":"dmcgmd008","label":"Stands holding on to furniture or object"} {"item":"dmcgmd009","label":"Stands alone"} {"item":"dmcgmd010","label":"Walks when held"} {"item":"dmcgmd011","label":"Walks alone"} {"item":"dmcgmd012","label":"Climbs onto a low chair"} {"item":"dmcgmd013","label":"Climbs out of a low chair"} {"item":"dmcgmd014","label":"Runs"} {"item":"dmcgmd015","label":"Jumps"} {"item":"dmcgmd016","label":"Kicks football"} {"item":"dmcgmd017","label":"Throws football"} {"item":"dmclgd001","label":"Repeats vowels in strings e.g. aa aa aa"} {"item":"dmclgd002","label":"Repeats syllables in strings e.g. ma ma ma"} {"item":"dmclgd003","label":"Uses synonyms e.g. tamu tamu for sweet foods"} {"item":"dmclgd004","label":"Uses onomatopes. These are words that describe sounds in a particular situation. E.g. mee for goat, boo for cow"} {"item":"dmclgd005","label":"Uses gestures to communicate"} {"item":"dmclgd006","label":"Uses one definite word"} {"item":"dmclgd007","label":"Says more than three words"} {"item":"dmclgd008","label":"Says more than ----- words (record the number of word the mother says)"} {"item":"dmclgd009","label":"Uses two words combinations"} {"item":"dmclgd010","label":"Identifies of familiar objects: record the number reported"} {"item":"dmclgd011","label":"Names familiar objects: record the number reported"} {"item":"dmcsld001","label":"Regards person: fleeting"} {"item":"dmcsld002","label":"Follows moving person with eyes"} {"item":"dmcsld003","label":"Smiles"} {"item":"dmcsld004","label":"Vocalizes when talked to"} {"item":"dmcsld005","label":"Visually recognises the mother"} {"item":"dmcsld006","label":"Knows strangers from familiar people"} {"item":"dmcsld007","label":"Reaches out for familiar people"} {"item":"dmcsld008","label":"Goes happily with people he know"} {"item":"dmcsld009","label":"Reacts to own name"} {"item":"dmcsld010","label":"Watches others and plays next to them."} {"item":"dmcsld011","label":"Shows an interest in what others are doing."} {"item":"dmcsld012","label":"Joins other children in play"} {"item":"dmcsld013","label":"Tries to help dress arms into a shirt or blouse."} {"item":"dmcsld014","label":"Undresses self"} {"item":"dmcsld015","label":"Dresses self with minimal assistance"} {"item":"dmcsld016","label":"Dresses self without any assistance."} {"item":"dmcsld017","label":"Takes liquids from cups when held to lips"} {"item":"dmcsld018","label":"Drinks from a cup with assistance"} {"item":"dmcsld019","label":"Can manage a cup well."} {"item":"dmcsld020","label":"Uses hands to feed self: spillage"} {"item":"dmcsld021","label":"Uses hands to feed self: no spillage"} {"item":"dmcsld022","label":"Uses spoon to feed self: spillage"} {"item":"dmcsld023","label":"Uses spoon to feed self: no spillage"} {"item":"dmcsld024","label":"Usually stays dry and clean for up to an hour"} {"item":"dmcsld025","label":"Indicates when wet"} {"item":"dmcsld026","label":"Usually says when pressed (wants to go for a short call)."} {"item":"dmcsld027","label":"Bowel control complete, rarely dirty by day"} {"item":"ecdxxc001","equate":"ECD1","label":"Can (name) walk on an uneven surface, for example, a bumpy or steep road,\nwithout falling?\n\n"} {"item":"ecdxxc002","equate":"ECD2","label":"Can (name) jump up with both feet leaving the ground?"} {"item":"ecdxxc003","equate":"ECD3","label":"Can (name) dress (him/herself), that is, put on pants and a shirt, without help?"} {"item":"ecdxxc004","equate":"ECD4","label":"Can (name) fasten and unfasten buttons without help?"} {"item":"ecdxxc005","equate":"ECD5","label":"Can (name) say 10 or more words, like 'mama' or 'ball'?"} {"item":"ecdxxc006","equate":"ECD6","label":"Can (name) speak using sentences of 3 or more words that go together, for example, 'I want water' or 'The house is big'?"} {"item":"ecdxxc007","label":"Can (name) speak using sentences of 5 or more words that go together, for example, 'The house is very big'?"} {"item":"ecdxxc008","equate":"ECD8","label":"Can (name) correctly use any of the words 'I', 'you', 'she', or 'he', for example, 'I want water' or 'He eats rice'?"} {"item":"ecdxxc009","equate":"ECD9","label":"If you show (name) an object (he/she) knows well, such as a cup or animal, can (he/she) consistently name it? By consistently we mean that (he/she) uses the same word to refer to the same object, even if the word used is not fully correct"} {"item":"ecdxxc010","label":"Can (name) recognize at least 5 letters of the alphabet?"} {"item":"ecdxxc011","label":"Can (name) write (his/her) name?"} {"item":"ecdxxc012","label":"Can (name) recognize all numbers from 1 to 5?"} {"item":"ecdxxc013","equate":"ECD13","label":"If you ask (name) to give you 3 objects, such as 3 stones or 3 beans, does (he/she) give you the correct amount?"} {"item":"ecdxxc014","label":"Can (name) count 10 objects, for example 10 fingers or 10 blocks, without mistakes?"} {"item":"ecdxxc015","label":"Can (name) do an activity, such as colouring or playing with building blocks, without repeatedly asking for help or giving up too quickly?"} {"item":"ecdxxc016","label":"Does (name) ask about familiar people other than parents when they are not there, for example, 'Where is Grandma?'?"} {"item":"ecdxxc017","label":"Does (name) offer to help someone who seems to need help?"} {"item":"ecdxxc018","label":"Does (name) get along well with other children?"} {"item":"ecdxxc019","label":"How often does (name) seem to be very sad or depressed? Would you say: daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never?"} {"item":"ecdxxc020","label":"Compared with children of the same age, how much does (name) kick, bite, or hit other children or adults? Would you say: not at all, the same or less, more, or a lot more?"} {"item":"gh1cgc004","label":"Does your child look at and focus on objects in front of him/her?"} {"item":"gh1cgc021","label":"Does your child show interest in new objects that are put in front of him/her by reaching out for them?"} {"item":"gh1cgc028","label":"Does the child look for an object of interest when it is removed from sight or hidden from him/her (e.g., put under a cover, behind another object)?"} {"item":"gh1lgc003","label":"Does your child cry when he/she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?"} {"item":"gh1lgc007","label":"Does your child look at a person when that person starts talking or making noise?"} {"item":"gh1lgc008","label":"When you talk to your child, does he/she smile, make noises, or move arms, legs or trunk in response?"} {"item":"gh1lgc010","label":"Does your child turn his/her head towards your voice or some noise?"} {"item":"gh1lgc013","label":"Does your child make noise or gesture to get your attention?"} {"item":"gh1lgc016","label":"Does your child laugh?"} {"item":"gh1lgc034","label":"Does your child stop what he/she is doing when you say 'Stop!' even if just for a second?"} {"item":"gh1lgc036","label":"Does your child make a gesture to indicate 'No' (e.g., shaking head)?"} {"item":"gh1lgc042","label":"Can your child follow a simple spoken command or direction without you making a gesture?"} {"item":"gh1lgc047","label":"Can your child say five or more separate words (e.g., names like 'Mama' or objects like 'ball')?"} {"item":"gh1lgc048","label":"Can your child ask for something (e.g., food, water) by name when he/she wants it?"} {"item":"gh1lgc051","label":"If you show your child an object he/she knows well (e.g., a cup or animal), can he/she consistently name it?"} {"item":"gh1lgc052","label":"Can your child say ten or more words in addition to 'Mama' and 'Dada'?"} {"item":"gh1lgc053","label":"Can your child speak using sentences of three or more words that go together (e.g., 'I want water' or 'The house is big')?"} {"item":"gh1lgc055","label":"Can your child correctly use any of the words 'I,' 'you,' 'she,' or 'he' (e.g., 'I go to store,' or 'He eats rice')?"} {"item":"gh1lic023","label":"Can your child eat food from your fingers or off a spoon you hold?"} {"item":"gh1lic030","label":"Can your child pick up small bits of food and feed him/her-self using his/her hand?"} {"item":"gh1lic038","label":"Does your child put his/her hands out to have them washed?"} {"item":"gh1lic050","label":"Can your child wash hands by him/herself?"} {"item":"gh1moc005","label":"Does your child bring his/her hand to his/her mouth?"} {"item":"gh1moc012","label":"While your child is on his/her back, can he/she bring his/her hands together?"} {"item":"gh1moc019","label":"Can your child hold his/her head steady for at least a few seconds, without it flopping to the side?"} {"item":"gh1moc020","label":"When held in a sitting position, can the child hold his/her head steady and straight?"} {"item":"gh1moc022","label":"When he/she is on his/her tummy, can your child hold his/her head straight up, looking around for more than a few seconds? He/she can rest on his/her arms while doing this."} {"item":"gh1moc024","label":"Does your child try to reach for objects that are in front of him/her by extending one or both arms?"} {"item":"gh1moc025","label":"Can your child sit with support, either leaning against something (furniture or person), or by leaning forward on his or her hands?"} {"item":"gh1moc026","label":"When lying on his/her stomach, can your child hold his/her head and chest off the ground using only his/her hands and arms for support?"} {"item":"gh1moc027","label":"When lying on his/her back, does the child grab his/her feet?"} {"item":"gh1moc029","label":"Can your child hold him/herself in a sitting position without help or support for longer than a few seconds?"} {"item":"gh1moc031","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"gh1moc032","label":"Can your child pick up and drop a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) into a bucket or bowl while sitting?"} {"item":"gh1moc033","label":"Can your child pull themselves up from the floor while holding onto something? For example, can they pull themselves up using a chair, a person, or some other object?"} {"item":"gh1moc035","label":"Can your child walk several steps while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"gh1moc037","label":"Can your child stand up without holding onto anything, even if just for a few seconds?"} {"item":"gh1moc039","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position on his/her own, without holding on or receiving support?"} {"item":"gh1moc040","label":"Can your child climb onto an object (rock, porch, step, chair, bed, low table, etc.)?"} {"item":"gh1moc041","label":"Can your child make any light marks on paper or in dirt with a crayon or a stick?"} {"item":"gh1moc044","label":"Can your child make a scribble on paper, or in dirt, in a back and forth manner? For example, can he or she move the pen or pencil or stick back and forth?"} {"item":"gh1moc045","label":"Can your child move around by walking, rather than by crawling on his hands and knees?"} {"item":"gh1moc046","label":"Can your child stack at least two objects on top of each other, such as bottle tops, blocks, stones, etc.?"} {"item":"gh1moc049","label":"Can your child run well, without falling or bumping into objects?"} {"item":"gh1moc054","label":"Can your child jump with both feet leaving the ground?"} {"item":"gh1sec001","label":"Does your child smile?"} {"item":"gh1sec002","label":"Does your child look at your face when you speak to him/her?"} {"item":"gh1sec006","label":"Does your child smile when you smile or talk with him/her?"} {"item":"gh1sec009","label":"When you are about to pick up your child, does he/she act happy or excited?"} {"item":"gh1sec011","label":"Does your child sometimes suck his/her thumb or fingers?"} {"item":"gh1sec014","label":"Does your child move excitedly, kick legs, move arms or trunk, or make coo noises when a known person enters the room or speaks to them?"} {"item":"gh1sec015","label":"Does your child recognize you or other family members (e.g., smile when they enter a room or move toward them)?"} {"item":"gh1sec017","label":"Does your child smile or become excited when seeing someone familiar?"} {"item":"gh1sec018","label":"Is your child interested when he/she sees other children playing? Does she or he watch, smile, or look excited?"} {"item":"gh1sec043","label":"Does your child share with others (e.g., food)?"} {"item":"gl1fmd001","label":"Eyes fixate (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd002","label":"Responds to sound (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd003","label":"Fixes and follows - 180 degrees"} {"item":"gl1fmd004","label":"Manipulates cup OR spoon in play"} {"item":"gl1fmd005","label":"Shows interest in making a sound (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd006","label":"Turns head towards fallen object (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd007","label":"Discriminates strangers"} {"item":"gl1fmd008","label":"Picks up cup to get block"} {"item":"gl1fmd009","label":"Finds toy under cloth (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd010","label":"Pulls string to get object (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd011","label":"Lifts cup by the handle (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd012","label":"Puts block in cup"} {"item":"gl1fmd013","label":"Bangs 2 objects together"} {"item":"gl1fmd014","label":"Pats toy to make noise"} {"item":"gl1fmd015","label":"Makes marks with crayon"} {"item":"gl1fmd016","label":"Puts 3 or more blocks in cup"} {"item":"gl1fmd017","label":"Puts blocks in jar"} {"item":"gl1fmd018","label":"Puts 1 peg in again (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd019","label":"Scribbles in any way (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd020","label":"Accepts third block without dropping (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd021","label":"Uses objects in play by him-/herself (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd022","label":"Manages a cup well"} {"item":"gl1fmd023","label":"Holds crayon with fingers, not fist (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd024","label":"Repeats something when encouraged (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd025","label":"Dumps blocks out of jar purposefully (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd026","label":"Builds tower of 2 blocks (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd027","label":"Puts pegs in board <= 2 minutes (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd028","label":"Builds tower of 3 blocks (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd029","label":"Finds object under 2 alternating cups"} {"item":"gl1fmd030","label":"Places 2 shapes in board (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd031","label":"Places 3 shapes in board in 2 minutes (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd032","label":"Uses objects in play with someone"} {"item":"gl1fmd033","label":"Scribbles on paper (circular scribble)"} {"item":"gl1fmd034","label":"Builds tower of 6 blocks (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd035","label":"Understands the concept of 1 (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd036","label":"Places 3 shapes in rotated board in 2 minutes (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd037","label":"Builds truck/lorry of blocks (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd038","label":"Unscrews and screws lid of jar (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd039","label":"Engages in representational play"} {"item":"gl1fmd040","label":"Inserts 3 shapes in 15 seconds (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd041","label":"Copies 2-part activity (3X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd042","label":"Puts pegs in board in <= 30 seconds (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd043","label":"Draws horizontal line (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd044","label":"Understands more"} {"item":"gl1fmd045","label":"Imitates building bridge (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd046","label":"Picks longest stick 3 of 3 (3X to 5X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd047","label":"Copies a circle"} {"item":"gl1fmd048","label":"Builds wall of blocks (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd049","label":"Understands concept of size"} {"item":"gl1fmd050","label":"Understands prepositions (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd051","label":"Copies a cross or plus sign (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd052","label":"Counts 3 or more objects."} {"item":"gl1fmd053","label":"Copies a square (2X)"} {"item":"gl1fmd054","label":"Draws 3 or more body parts"} {"item":"gl1gmd001","label":"Moves body in reaction to caregiver"} {"item":"gl1gmd002","label":"Moves body, kicking legs and moving arms equally on his/her own"} {"item":"gl1gmd003","label":"Pulls to sit - no head lag"} {"item":"gl1gmd004","label":"Lifts head in prone 45 degrees"} {"item":"gl1gmd005","label":"Lifts head, shoulders, chest when prone (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd006","label":"Puts hands together in front of face"} {"item":"gl1gmd007","label":"Carries object to mouth to explore (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd008","label":"Reaches for an object (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd009","label":"Grasps hold of large object (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd010","label":"Balances head while supported"} {"item":"gl1gmd011","label":"Sits supported (with help) (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd012","label":"Resists object being taken away (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd013","label":"Sees a small object"} {"item":"gl1gmd014","label":"Sits momentarily (on his/her own)"} {"item":"gl1gmd015","label":"Sits without help (short time) (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd016","label":"Picks object from ground (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd017","label":"Rolls from back to stomach (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd018","label":"Sits by self well (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd019","label":"Rakes (grasps with 3 or 4 fingers) a small object (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd020","label":"Turns on floor (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd021","label":"Moves from lying to sitting"} {"item":"gl1gmd022","label":"Stands with support (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd023","label":"Reaches for a second object (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd024","label":"Crawls (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd025","label":"Pulls up to standing position"} {"item":"gl1gmd026","label":"Shifts object from 1 hand to the other (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd027","label":"Picks up small object between thumb and finger (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd028","label":"Walks when 1 hand held"} {"item":"gl1gmd029","label":"Stands alone for 5 seconds or more if put in standing position (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd030","label":"Plays give-and-take (3X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd031","label":"Takes few steps alone (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd032","label":"Walks"} {"item":"gl1gmd033","label":"Runs (basic), may fall over (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd034","label":"Stoops and recovers (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd035","label":"Releases ball purposefully"} {"item":"gl1gmd036","label":"Runs well (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd037","label":"Kicks a ball from stationary position (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd038","label":"Runs and kicks a ball well (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd039","label":"Kneels and then stands, without using hands (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd040","label":"Hops forward on 1 foot 3 steps (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd041","label":"Jumps with both feet together (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd042","label":"Jumps over a piece of paper (widthways) (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd043","label":"Walks along line heel- to- toe (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd044","label":"Throws bean bag onto a cloth (3X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd045","label":"Stands on 1 foot <= 5 seconds (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd046","label":"Walks on tiptoes 6 or more steps (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd047","label":"Moves from sitting to standing without using hands"} {"item":"gl1gmd048","label":"Stands on 1 foot > 5 seconds (2X)"} {"item":"gl1gmd049","label":"Throws ball up into the air and catches it (3X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd001","label":"Makes sounds or vocalizes (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd002","label":"Reacts when spoken to (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd003","label":"Smiles in response (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd004","label":"Laughs (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd005","label":"Calms and quiets with caregiver"} {"item":"gl1lgd006","label":"Vocalizes when spoken to"} {"item":"gl1lgd007","label":"Turns to voice (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd008","label":"Babbles while playing"} {"item":"gl1lgd009","label":"Repeats syllables"} {"item":"gl1lgd010","label":"Uses gestures to communicate"} {"item":"gl1lgd011","label":"Uses 2 - 4 syllable babble"} {"item":"gl1lgd012","label":"Responds to verbal request (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd013","label":"Uses 1 definite word"} {"item":"gl1lgd014","label":"Understands when being cautioned (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd015","label":"Imitates simple words"} {"item":"gl1lgd016","label":"Follows simple commands (1 step) (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd017","label":"Points to 2 pictures"} {"item":"gl1lgd018","label":"Identifies 2 objects you name (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd019","label":"Identifies 5 objects you name (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd020","label":"Identifies 1 item of clothing"} {"item":"gl1lgd021","label":"Identifies 3 items of clothing"} {"item":"gl1lgd022","label":"Points to 1 or more body parts (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd023","label":"Points at 5 pictures in book"} {"item":"gl1lgd024","label":"Shows Interest in story"} {"item":"gl1lgd025","label":"Follows 2-step commands (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd026","label":"Says sentences with 2 words together"} {"item":"gl1lgd027","label":"Names 4 pictures"} {"item":"gl1lgd028","label":"Uses 5 clear words"} {"item":"gl1lgd029","label":"Matches pictures"} {"item":"gl1lgd030","label":"Names 5 objects (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd031","label":"Uses multiple-word utterances"} {"item":"gl1lgd032","label":"Speaks clearly in sentences"} {"item":"gl1lgd033","label":"Knows actions or functions of 3 or more objects"} {"item":"gl1lgd034","label":"Points to parts of whole objects"} {"item":"gl1lgd035","label":"Says first name (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd036","label":"Names 10 objects (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd037","label":"Understands more"} {"item":"gl1lgd038","label":"Identifies 2 or more colours (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd039","label":"Knows use of objects (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd040","label":"Names at least 2 colours"} {"item":"gl1lgd041","label":"Identifies 5 action pictures"} {"item":"gl1lgd042","label":"Identifies at least 2 shapes (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd043","label":"Taps with 2 blocks"} {"item":"gl1lgd044","label":"Talks easily about daily events"} {"item":"gl1lgd045","label":"Describes picture (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd046","label":"Gives logical response to a question (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd047","label":"Categorizes things"} {"item":"gl1lgd048","label":"Matches 3 colours (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd049","label":"Understands adjective faster (2X)"} {"item":"gl1lgd050","label":"Taps with 4 blocks"} {"item":"gl1lgd051","label":"Names actions (5)"} {"item":"gl1lgd052","label":"Taps with 8 blocks"} {"item":"gpacgc002","label":"Does your child look at and focus on objects in front of him/her?"} {"item":"gpaclc007","label":"Does your child look at a person when that person starts talking or making noise?"} {"item":"gpaclc023","label":"Does your child laugh?"} {"item":"gpaclc033","label":"Does your child recognize you or other family members (e.g., smile when they enter a room or move toward them)?"} {"item":"gpaclc034","label":"Does your child show interest in new objects that are put in front of him/her by reaching out for them?"} {"item":"gpaclc046","label":"Does the child look for an object of interest when it is removed from sight or hidden from him/her (e.g., put under a cover, behind another object)?"} {"item":"gpaclc047","label":"Does your child play by tapping an object on the ground or a table?"} {"item":"gpaclc048","label":"Does your child intentionally move or change his/her position to get objects that are out of reach?"} {"item":"gpaclc088","label":"Can your child say five or more separate words (e.g., names like 'Mama' or objects like 'ball')?"} {"item":"gpaclc091","label":"Can your child speak using short sentences of two words that go together (e.g., 'Mama go' or 'Dada eat'?"} {"item":"gpaclc093","label":"Can your child ask for something (e.g., food, water) by name when he/she wants it?"} {"item":"gpaclc096","label":"Can your child correctly name at least one family member other than mom and dad (e.g., name of brother, sister, aunt, uncle)?"} {"item":"gpaclc100","label":"Can your child name at least two body parts (e.g., arm, eye, or nose)?"} {"item":"gpaclc101","label":"If you show your child an object he/she knows well (e.g., a cup or animal), can he/she consistently name it?"} {"item":"gpaclc105","label":"Can your child say 15 or more separate words (e.g., names like 'Mama' or objects like 'ball')?"} {"item":"gpaclc107","label":"Can your child sing a short song or repeat parts of a rhyme from memory by him/herself?"} {"item":"gpaclc108","label":"Can your child tell you or someone familiar his/her own name [nickname] when asked to?"} {"item":"gpaclc112","label":"Can your child speak using sentences of three or more words that go together (e.g., 'I want water' or 'The house is big')?"} {"item":"gpaclc113","label":"Can your child correctly use any of the words 'I,' 'you,' 'she,' or 'he' (e.g., 'I go to store,' or 'He eats rice')?"} {"item":"gpaclc115","label":"Can your child correctly ask questions using any of the words 'what,' 'which,' 'where,' or 'who'?"} {"item":"gpaclc116","label":"Does your child pronounce most of his/her words correctly?"} {"item":"gpaclc117","label":"If you show your child two objects or people of different size, can he/she tell you which one is the big one and which is the small one?"} {"item":"gpaclc118","label":"Can your child count objects up to five (e.g., fingers, people)?"} {"item":"gpaclc119","label":"Can your child explain in words what common objects like a cup or chair are used for?"} {"item":"gpaclc120","label":"If you point to an object, can your child correctly use the words 'on,' 'in,' or 'under' to describe where it is (e.g., 'The cup is on the table' instead of 'The cup is in the table.')"} {"item":"gpaclc121","label":"Does your child regularly use describing words such as 'fast,' 'short,' 'hot,' 'fat,' or 'beautiful' correctly?"} {"item":"gpaclc122","label":"Can the child name at least one color (e.g., red, blue, yellow)?"} {"item":"gpaclc124","label":"Does your child ask 'why' questions (e.g., 'Why are you tall?')?"} {"item":"gpaclc126","label":"If you ask your child to give you three objects (e.g., stones, beans), does the child give you the correct amount?"} {"item":"gpaclc138","label":"Can your child talk about things that have happened in the past using correct language (e.g., 'Yesterday I played with my friend' or 'Last week she went to the market')?"} {"item":"gpaclc139","label":"Can your child talk about things that will happen in the future using correct language (e.g., 'Tomorrow he will attend school' or 'Next week we will go to the market')?"} {"item":"gpacmc090","label":"Can your child say ten or more words in addition to 'Mama' and 'Dada'?"} {"item":"gpafmc003","label":"Does your child grasp your finger if you touch her hand?"} {"item":"gpagmc013","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she turn his/her head to the side?"} {"item":"gpagmc018","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she hold his/her head up off the ground?"} {"item":"gpagmc030","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach or stomach to his/her side?"} {"item":"gpagmc036","label":"When you put your child on the floor, can she lean on her hands while sitting? (If she already sits up straight without leaning on her hands, mark 'yes' for this item.)."} {"item":"gpagmc055","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your child bend down and pick up a small object from the floor and then return to a standing position?"} {"item":"gpagmc057","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your child squat with control (without falling or flopping down)?"} {"item":"gpagmc067","label":"Can your child move around by walking, rather than by crawling on his hands and knees?"} {"item":"gpagmc069","label":"Can your child stand up from sitting by himself and take several steps forward?"} {"item":"gpalac001","label":"Does your child cry when he/she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?"} {"item":"gpalac009","label":"Does your child make sounds other than crying?"} {"item":"gpalgc012","label":"When you talk to your child, does he/she smile, make noises, or move arms, legs or trunk in response?"} {"item":"gpalgc019","label":"Does your child make noise or gesture to get your attention?"} {"item":"gpalgc021","label":"Does your child turn his/her head towards your voice or some noise?"} {"item":"gpalgc022","label":"Does your child make sounds when LOOKING at toys or people (not crying)?"} {"item":"gpalgc027","label":"Does your child make single sounds like 'buh' or 'duh' or 'muh'?"} {"item":"gpalgc051","label":"Does your child make two similar sounds together like baba, mumu, pepe, didi (single consonant vowel combinations)?"} {"item":"gpalgc059","label":"Does your child stop what he/she is doing when you say 'Stop!' even if just for a second?"} {"item":"gpalgc068","label":"Does your child make a gesture to indicate 'No' (e.g., shaking head)?"} {"item":"gpalgc072","label":"Can your child follow a simple spoken command or direction without you making a gesture?"} {"item":"gpalgc081","label":"Can your child follow directions with more than one step? For example, 'Go to the kitchen and bring me a spoon'?"} {"item":"gpalgc098","label":"When looking at pictures, if you say to your child 'what is this?', can they say the name of the object that you point to?"} {"item":"gpalgc099","label":"Can your child identify at least seven objects? For example, when you ask 'where is the ball/spoon/cup/cloth/door/plate/bucket etc.' does your child look at or point to (or even name) the objects?"} {"item":"gpalgc102","label":"Does your child usually communicate with words what he/she wants in a way that is understandable to others?"} {"item":"gpalgc111","label":"Does your child know the difference between the words 'big' and 'small'? For example, if you ask, 'Give me the big spoon' can your child understand which one to give if there are two different sizes?"} {"item":"gpalgc127","label":"Can your child tell a story?"} {"item":"gpalgc131","label":"Does your child understand the term 'longest'? For example, if you ask him/her to choose 'which is the longest of 3 objects?' (e.g. 3 spoons or sticks), would he/she be able to choose the longest?"} {"item":"gpamoc005","label":"Does your child try to move his/her head (or eyes) to follow an object or person?"} {"item":"gpamoc006","label":"When lying on his/her back, does your child move his/her arms and legs?"} {"item":"gpamoc008","label":"Does your child hold his/her hands in fists all the time?"} {"item":"gpamoc011","label":"Does your child bring his/her hand to his/her mouth?"} {"item":"gpamoc017","label":"While your child is on his/her back, can he/she bring his/her hands together?"} {"item":"gpamoc024","label":"Can your child hold his/her head steady for at least a few seconds, without it flopping to the side?"} {"item":"gpamoc026","label":"Does your child grasp onto a small object (e.g., your finger, a spoon) when put in his/her hand?"} {"item":"gpamoc028","label":"Does your child try to reach for objects that are in front of him/her by extending one or both arms?"} {"item":"gpamoc029","label":"When he/she is on his/her tummy, can your child hold his/her head straight up, looking around for more than a few seconds? He/she can rest on his/her arms while doing this."} {"item":"gpamoc035","label":"Can your child reach for AND HOLD an object, at least for a few seconds?"} {"item":"gpamoc037","label":"When held in a sitting position, can the child hold his/her head steady and straight?"} {"item":"gpamoc038","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach, or stomach to back, on his/her own?"} {"item":"gpamoc040","label":"Can your child pick up a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) using just one hand?"} {"item":"gpamoc041","label":"If an object falls to the ground out of view, does your child look for it?"} {"item":"gpamoc042","label":"When lying on his/her stomach, can your child hold his/her head and chest off the ground using only his/her hands and arms for support?"} {"item":"gpamoc043","label":"When lying on his/her back, does the child grab his/her feet?"} {"item":"gpamoc044","label":"Can your child sit with support, either leaning against something (furniture or person), or by leaning forward on his or her hands?"} {"item":"gpamoc049","label":"Can your child hold him/herself in a sitting position without help or support for longer than a few seconds?"} {"item":"gpamoc050","label":"Can your child bang objects together, or bang an object on the table or on the ground?"} {"item":"gpamoc052","label":"Can your child pass a small object from one hand to the other?"} {"item":"gpamoc053","label":"Can your child pick up a small object (e.g., a piece of food, small toy or small stone) with just his/her thumb and one finger?"} {"item":"gpamoc054","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"gpamoc056","label":"Can your child pull themselves up from the floor while holding onto something? For example, can they pull themselves up using a chair, a person, or some other object?"} {"item":"gpamoc058","label":"Can your child pick up and drop a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) into a bucket or bowl while sitting?"} {"item":"gpamoc060","label":"Can your child walk several steps while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"gpamoc061","label":"Can your child stand up without holding onto anything, even if just for a few seconds?"} {"item":"gpamoc062","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position on his/her own, without holding on or receiving support?"} {"item":"gpamoc063","label":"Can your child make any light marks on paper or in dirt with a crayon or a stick?"} {"item":"gpamoc065","label":"Can your child climb onto an object (rock, porch, step, chair, bed, low table, etc.)?"} {"item":"gpamoc066","label":"Can your child take several steps (3-5) forward without holding onto any person or object, even if they fall down immediately afterward?"} {"item":"gpamoc070","label":"Can your child bend down or squat to pick up an object from the floor and then stand up again, without help from a person or object?"} {"item":"gpamoc071","label":"Can your child make a scribble on paper, or in dirt, in a back and forth manner? For example, can he or she move the pen or pencil or stick back and forth?"} {"item":"gpamoc076","label":"While standing, can your child purposefully throw the ball and not just drop it?"} {"item":"gpamoc077","label":"Can your child walk well, with coordination, without falling down often? With one foot in front of the other (rather than shifting weight side to side, stiff- legged)?"} {"item":"gpamoc078","label":"Can your child stack at least two objects on top of each other, such as bottle tops, blocks, stones, etc.?"} {"item":"gpamoc079","label":"Can your child kick a ball or other round object forward using his/her foot?"} {"item":"gpamoc080","label":"While standing, can your child kick a ball by swinging his/her leg forward?"} {"item":"gpamoc083","label":"Can your child stack three or more small objects (e.g., blocks, cups, bottle caps) on top of each other?"} {"item":"gpamoc084","label":"Can your child run well, without falling or bumping into objects?"} {"item":"gpamoc097","label":"Can your child walk on an uneven surface (e.g., a bumpy or steep road) without falling?"} {"item":"gpamoc103","label":"Can your child draw a straight line?"} {"item":"gpamoc104","label":"Can your child remove an item of clothing (e.g., take off his/her shirt)?"} {"item":"gpamoc106","label":"Can your child jump with both feet leaving the ground?"} {"item":"gpamoc110","label":"Can your child unscrew the lid from a bottle or jar?"} {"item":"gpamoc129","label":"Can your child dress him/herself completely (except for shoelaces, buttons and zippers)?"} {"item":"gpamoc132","label":"Can the child fasten and unfasten buttons without help?"} {"item":"gpamoc133","label":"If you draw a circle can your child do it, just as you did?"} {"item":"gpamoc135","label":"Can your child stand on one foot WITHOUT any support for at least a few seconds?"} {"item":"gpasec004","label":"Does your child smile?"} {"item":"gpasec010","label":"Does your child smile when you smile or talk with him/her?"} {"item":"gpasec014","label":"When you are about to pick up your child, does he/she act happy or excited?"} {"item":"gpasec015","label":"Does your child look at your face when you speak to him/her?"} {"item":"gpasec016","label":"Does your child stop crying or calm down when you come to the room after being out of sight, or when you pick him or her up?"} {"item":"gpasec020","label":"Does your child sometimes suck his/her thumb or fingers?"} {"item":"gpasec025","label":"Does your child move excitedly, kick legs, move arms or trunk, or make coo noises when a known person enters the room or speaks to them?"} {"item":"gpasec031","label":"If you play a game with your child, does he/she respond with interest? For example, if you play peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, wave bye-bye, etc. does your child smile, widen their eyes, kick or move arms or vocalize?"} {"item":"gpasec032","label":"Does your child smile or become excited when seeing someone familiar?"} {"item":"gpasec039","label":"Can your child eat food from your fingers or off a spoon you hold?"} {"item":"gpasec045","label":"Is your child interested when he/she sees other children playing? Does she or he watch, smile, or look excited?"} {"item":"gpasec064","label":"Can your child pick up small bits of food and feed him/her-self using his/her hand?"} {"item":"gpasec075","label":"Does your child put his/her hands out to have them washed?"} {"item":"gpasec082","label":"Even if your child is unable to do singing games, does he/she enjoy them and want to be a part of them?"} {"item":"gpasec085","label":"Can your child greet people either by giving his/her hand or saying Hello?"} {"item":"gpasec086","label":"Does your child share with others (e.g., food)?"} {"item":"gpasec089","label":"Is your child able to go poo or pee without having accidents (wetting or soiling themselves)?"} {"item":"gpasec094","label":"Can your child break off pieces of food and feed them to him/her-self?"} {"item":"gpasec095","label":"Does your child show independence (e.g., wants to go and visit a friends house)?"} {"item":"gpasec109","label":"Can your child put on at least one piece of clothing by himself?"} {"item":"gpasec114","label":"Can your child say what he/she likes or dislikes (e.g., 'I like sweets')?"} {"item":"gpasec123","label":"Does your child know to keep quiet when the situation requires it? (e.g., at ceremonies, when someone is asleep)"} {"item":"gpasec125","label":"Can your child tell you when he/she is happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"gpasec128","label":"Can your child tell you when others are happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"gpasec130","label":"Does your child help out around the house with simple chores, even if he/she doesn't do them well?"} {"item":"gpasec134","label":"Can your child go to the toilet by him/her-self?"} {"item":"gpasec136","label":"Can your child say what others like or dislike (e.g., 'Mama doesn't like fruit,' Papa likes football)?"} {"item":"gpasec137","label":"Does your child show respect around elders?"} {"item":"gpaxxc073","label":"Can your child fetch something when asked?"} {"item":"gpaxxc074","label":"Can your child drink from an open cup without help?"} {"item":"gpaxxc087","label":"Does your child dry hands by herself/himself after you have washed them?"} {"item":"gpaxxc092","label":"Can your child wash hands by him/herself?"} {"item":"gricgd001","label":"Reacts to Paper I - Generalized physical movements"} {"item":"gricgd002","label":"Hand goes to mouth"} {"item":"gricgd003","label":"Shows energetic arm movements"} {"item":"gricgd004","label":"Holds rod put in hand (see E7)"} {"item":"gricgd005","label":"Reacts to Paper II - Vigouous head turning"} {"item":"gricgd006","label":"Plays with own fingers"} {"item":"gricgd007","label":"Resists withdrawal of rod"} {"item":"gricgd008","label":"Claps cube put in hand"} {"item":"gricgd009","label":"Reaches to Paper III - Pulls it away"} {"item":"gricgd010","label":"Shows interest in box"} {"item":"gricgd011","equate":"COG30","label":"(Performance) Holds 2 cubes."} {"item":"gricgd012","equate":"FM15","label":"(Performance) Takes cube or toy from table"} {"item":"gricgd013","equate":"FM21","label":"(Performance) Passes toy from hand to hand"} {"item":"gricgd014","label":"Drops one cube for third"} {"item":"gricgd015","label":"Manipulates 2 objects at once"} {"item":"gricgd016","label":"Reacts to Paper IV - Plays with, crumbles, etc."} {"item":"gricgd017","label":"Lifts inverted cup in search of toy"} {"item":"gricgd018","label":"Rattles box"} {"item":"gricgd019","label":"Lifts lid off box"} {"item":"gricgd020","equate":"FM23","label":"(Performance) Clicks 2 bricks together"} {"item":"gricgd021","label":"Tries to take cubes out of box"} {"item":"gricgd022","label":"Finds toy under cup"} {"item":"gricgd023","equate":"COG37","label":"(Performance) Accepts 3rd cube without dropping"} {"item":"gricgd024","label":"Manipulates box, lid and cubes"} {"item":"gricgd201","label":"Remove both cubes from box (shown)"} {"item":"gricgd202","label":"Unwraps and finds toy"} {"item":"gricgd203","label":"One circle board - 2 trials"} {"item":"gricgd204","label":"Opens 2 boxes"} {"item":"gricgd205","label":"Puts cubes in and out of boxes in play"} {"item":"gricgd206","label":"Puts 2 cubes back into one box when encouraged to do so"} {"item":"gricgd207","label":"Two circle board - one in"} {"item":"gricgd208","label":"Square board - 2 trials"} {"item":"gricgd209","label":"Two circle board - two in"} {"item":"gricgd210","label":"Can put lid back on box"} {"item":"gricgd211","equate":"COG49","label":"(Performance) Three hole board - one in."} {"item":"gricgd212","label":"Puts 2 cubes into box lid on - all complete"} {"item":"gricgd213","label":"Circle and square board together"} {"item":"gricgd214","label":"Three-hole board - two in"} {"item":"gricgd215","equate":"COG56","label":"(Performance) Three-hole board - three in."} {"item":"gricgd216","label":"Two circle board, rotated"} {"item":"gricgd217","label":"Circle and square board rotated"} {"item":"gricgd218","label":"(credit as 2 items)"} {"item":"gricgd219","label":"Assembles three boxes"} {"item":"gricgd220","label":"(credit as 2 items)"} {"item":"gricgd221","label":"Can open screw toy"} {"item":"gricgd222","equate":"COG46","label":"(Performance) Can open screw toy (credit as two items)"} {"item":"gricgd223","label":"Three-hole board, rotated"} {"item":"gricgd224","equate":"COG60","label":"(Performance) Three-hole board, rotated (credit as two items)"} {"item":"gricgd301","label":"Reassembles screw toy"} {"item":"gricgd302","label":"Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid within one minute"} {"item":"gricgd303","label":"Four-squares board completed within one minute - 2 trials"} {"item":"gricgd304","label":"Six-hole board completed within one minute - 2 trials"} {"item":"gricgd305","label":"Four-squares board: (40 secs)."} {"item":"gricgd306","label":"Six-hole board: (40 secs)."} {"item":"gricgd401","label":"Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid within 40 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd402","equate":"FM52","label":"(Performance) Builds bridge with 3 boxes - inferior model but still stands."} {"item":"gricgd403","label":"Assembles brick-boxes by colour - no error"} {"item":"gricgd404","label":"Four-squares board: (15 secs)"} {"item":"gricgd405","label":"Train under bridge successfully"} {"item":"gricgd406","label":"Eleven-hole board (within 60 secs) Time taken (.....)"} {"item":"gricgd501","label":"Six-hole board within (20 seconds)"} {"item":"gricgd502","label":"Builds bridge - superior model"} {"item":"gricgd503","label":"Pattern making no. 2 (60 seconds). Time taken (........)"} {"item":"gricgd504","label":"Builds gate to model"} {"item":"gricgd505","label":"Pattern making No. 2 (40 seconds)"} {"item":"gricgd506","label":"Pattern making No.5 (60 seconds). (Time taken ....)"} {"item":"gricgd601","label":"Eleven-hole board - within 40 seconds."} {"item":"gricgd602","label":"Pattern making No. 5 - within 40 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd603","label":"Ten-brick Memory Stairs (Imitation)"} {"item":"gricgd604","label":"Pattern making No. 3 - within 60 seconds (Time taken ....)"} {"item":"gricgd605","label":"Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid in 20 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd606","label":"Pattern making No. 4 - within 60 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd701","label":"Pattern making No. 3 - within 40 sec."} {"item":"gricgd702","label":"Pattern making No. 4 - within 40 sec."} {"item":"gricgd703","label":"Four-squares board - within 7 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd704","label":"Eleven-hole board - within 30 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd705","label":"Pattern-making No. 2 - in 20 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd706","label":"Pattern-making No. 3 - in 30 seconds."} {"item":"gricgd801","label":"Pattern-making No. 4 - within 30 sec"} {"item":"gricgd802","label":"Six-hole board - within 10 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd803","label":"Pattern-making No. 5 - within 20 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd804","label":"Returns 9 bricks to box + lid - within 15 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd805","label":"Pattern-making No. 2 - within 15 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd806","label":"Pattern-making No. 3 - within 20 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd807","label":"Pattern-making No. 4 - within 20 seconds"} {"item":"gricgd808","label":"Pattern-making No. 5 - within 15 seconds"} {"item":"griehd001","label":"Follows a moving light with the eyes"} {"item":"griehd002","label":"Looks at ring or toy momentarily"} {"item":"griehd003","label":"Follows a moving bell-ring - horizontally"} {"item":"griehd004","label":"Follows a moving bell-ring - vertically"} {"item":"griehd005","label":"Follows a bell-ring - vomed in a complete circle"} {"item":"griehd006","label":"Glances from one object to another"} {"item":"griehd007","label":"Watches objects pulled along by string"} {"item":"griehd008","label":"Visually explores new environment"} {"item":"griehd009","label":"Reaches for ring and grasps"} {"item":"griehd010","label":"Secures dangling ring"} {"item":"griehd011","label":"Hands explore table surface"} {"item":"griehd012","label":"Plays with ring - shaking bells, banging, etc."} {"item":"griehd013","equate":"COG25","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Looks for falling object"} {"item":"griehd014","label":"Strikes one object with another"} {"item":"griehd015","equate":"FM18","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Forefinger and thumb partly specialized"} {"item":"griehd016","equate":"COG29","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Secures ring by means of string on table surface"} {"item":"griehd017","equate":"FM24","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Fine prehension."} {"item":"griehd018","equate":"COG41","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Dangles ring by the string"} {"item":"griehd019","label":"Throws object"} {"item":"griehd020","equate":"FM22","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Thumb opposition complete."} {"item":"griehd021","equate":"FM29","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can point with index finger."} {"item":"griehd022","label":"Interest in motor car"} {"item":"griehd023","equate":"FM28","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can hold pencil as if to mark on paper."} {"item":"griehd024","label":"Likes holding little toys"} {"item":"griehd201","label":"Uses pencil on paper a little"} {"item":"griehd202","label":"Shows preference for one hand"} {"item":"griehd203","label":"Plays rolling a ball"} {"item":"griehd204","label":"Can hold 4 cubes in hands at once"} {"item":"griehd205","equate":"COG39","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Plays pushing little cars along"} {"item":"griehd206","label":"Places one box, lid or brick upon another"} {"item":"griehd207","equate":"FM31","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Tower of 2 bricks - imitation.."} {"item":"griehd208","equate":"COG28","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Pulls paper or cloth to get toy"} {"item":"griehd209","equate":"FM30","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Scribbles more freely, and deliberately."} {"item":"griehd210","label":"Constructive play with boxes or other materials"} {"item":"griehd211","equate":"COG53","label":"(Eye and Hand Coordination) Constructive play with boxes or other materials (credit as 2 items)"} {"item":"griehd212","label":"Builds tower of 3 bricks"} {"item":"griehd213","label":"Can throw a ball"} {"item":"griehd214","equate":"GM44","label":"(Eye and hand) Can throw a ball"} {"item":"griehd215","label":"Tower of 4+ bricks"} {"item":"griehd216","label":"Enjoys vigourous scribble"} {"item":"griehd217","label":"Can pour water from one cup to another"} {"item":"griehd218","label":"Tower of 5+ bricks"} {"item":"griehd219","equate":"FM43","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Circular scribble in imitation"} {"item":"griehd220","label":"Makes train of 3+ bricks"} {"item":"griehd221","label":"(Credit as 2 items)"} {"item":"griehd222","label":"Makes a brick or toy walk"} {"item":"griehd223","equate":"FM38","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Tower of 6 or 7 bricks."} {"item":"griehd224","equate":"FM41","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a perpendicular stroke or line (in imitation)"} {"item":"griehd301","equate":"FM40","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a horizontal stroke in imitation"} {"item":"griehd302","label":"Threads 6 beads"} {"item":"griehd303","equate":"FM54","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Builds a tower of 8+ bricks."} {"item":"griehd304","label":"Handles scissors - tries to cut paper (4 inch square)"} {"item":"griehd305","label":"Copies a circle - primitive model. Stage I."} {"item":"griehd306","equate":"FM61","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Copies a cross -recognisable. Stage I"} {"item":"griehd401","label":"Folds a four-inch square of paper once (i.e. in half)"} {"item":"griehd402","label":"Threads 12+ beads (not by pattern)"} {"item":"griehd403","equate":"FM51","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can cut square into two fairly equal pieces."} {"item":"griehd404","label":"Folds a four-inch square twice"} {"item":"griehd405","label":"Copies a 'ladder'. Stage I."} {"item":"griehd406","label":"Draws a 'man' recognisable. Stage I."} {"item":"griehd501","label":"Copies a cross - good shape and well drawn. Stage II"} {"item":"griehd502","label":"Copies circle - good shape - neatly closed. Stage II"} {"item":"griehd503","equate":"FM66","label":"(Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a square - recognizable. Stage 1"} {"item":"griehd504","label":"Window - recognizable. Stage I"} {"item":"griehd505","label":"House. Stage I"} {"item":"griehd506","equate":"FM55","label":"(Eye and Hand c-ordination) Scissors: can strip edge of paper neatly"} {"item":"griehd601","label":"Threads 12 beads to colour pattern"} {"item":"griehd602","label":"Triangle - fairly good (Stage A)"} {"item":"griehd603","label":"Draws a man (Stage II)"} {"item":"griehd604","label":"Makes 3 + letters"} {"item":"griehd605","label":"Can write or print own forst name"} {"item":"griehd606","label":"Draws a house (Stage II)"} {"item":"griehd701","label":"Copies a square (Stage II) - good shape and drawing"} {"item":"griehd702","label":"Ladder (Stage II)"} {"item":"griehd703","label":"Draws diamond (Stage A) - recognizable"} {"item":"griehd704","label":"Draws triangle - good shape - neatly drawn. (Stage B)"} {"item":"griehd705","label":"Can write figures to 9 - correctly"} {"item":"griehd706","label":"Can write full name"} {"item":"griehd801","label":"Makes 10 + letters"} {"item":"griehd802","label":"Window (Stage II)"} {"item":"griehd803","label":"Draws a man (Stage III)"} {"item":"griehd804","label":"Diamond - good shape - neatly drawn, etc. (Stage B) - credit as two items"} {"item":"griehd805","label":"no test item"} {"item":"griehd806","label":"Makes 24+ letters"} {"item":"griehd807","label":"House - very good (Stage III) (credit as 2 items)"} {"item":"griehd808","label":"no test item"} {"item":"grigmd001","label":"Pushes with feet against Examiner's hands"} {"item":"grigmd002","label":"Lifts head when in prone position"} {"item":"grigmd003","equate":"GM4","label":"Hold head erect for a few seconds"} {"item":"grigmd004","label":"Kicks vigourously"} {"item":"grigmd005","label":"Lifts head when in dorsal position"} {"item":"grigmd006","label":"Back firm when held in siting position"} {"item":"grigmd007","label":"Lifts head and chest when prone"} {"item":"grigmd008","label":"Can hold head erect continuously"} {"item":"grigmd009","label":"Lifts head and shoulders when in dorsal position"} {"item":"grigmd010","label":"Can roll from side to side"} {"item":"grigmd011","label":"Crawling Reaction I: Draws up knee"} {"item":"grigmd012","equate":"GM19","label":"(Locomotor) Sits with slight support."} {"item":"grigmd013","equate":"GM25","label":"(Locomotor) Can roll from back to stomach, etc."} {"item":"grigmd014","label":"Crawling Reaction II: Tries vigorously to crawl"} {"item":"grigmd015","equate":"GM22","label":"(Locomotor) Sits alone for a short time"} {"item":"grigmd016","equate":"GM29","label":"(Locomotor) Stepping reaction - one foot in front of the other"} {"item":"grigmd017","equate":"GM27","label":"(Locomotor) Can be left sitting on the floor."} {"item":"grigmd018","label":"Stands when held up"} {"item":"grigmd019","label":"Crawling Reaction III: Makes some progress forwards or backwards"} {"item":"grigmd020","label":"Sits well in a chair"} {"item":"grigmd021","equate":"GM35","label":"(Locomotor) Pulls self up and stands holding on to furniture."} {"item":"grigmd022","equate":"GM34","label":"(Locomotor) Crawling Reaction IV: Creeps on hands and knees"} {"item":"grigmd023","equate":"GM38","label":"(Locomotor) Side-steps around inside cot or play-pen holding rails."} {"item":"grigmd024","equate":"GM37","label":"(Locomotor) Can walk when led."} {"item":"grigmd201","label":"Climbs on a low ledge or step"} {"item":"grigmd202","equate":"GM40","label":"(Locomotor) Stands alone"} {"item":"grigmd203","equate":"GM42","label":"(Locomotor) Takes a few steps alone"} {"item":"grigmd204","label":"Kneels on floor or chair"} {"item":"grigmd205","label":"Climbs - stairs (up)"} {"item":"grigmd206","label":"Likes pushing pram, toy horse, etc."} {"item":"grigmd207","equate":"GM43","label":"(Locomotor) Walks alone well"} {"item":"grigmd208","equate":"GM45","label":"(Locomotor) Stoops."} {"item":"grigmd209","label":"Develops a quick trot"} {"item":"grigmd210","label":"Climbs into a low armchair"} {"item":"grigmd211","equate":"GM48","label":"(Locomotor) Can walk backwards a few steps"} {"item":"grigmd212","label":"Walks pulling toy on a string"} {"item":"grigmd213","label":"Climbs stairs (up and down)"} {"item":"grigmd214","equate":"GM50","label":"(Locomotor) Runs"} {"item":"grigmd215","label":"Jumps (on the level floor)"} {"item":"grigmd216","label":"Climbs to stand on a chair"} {"item":"grigmd217","equate":"GM47","label":"(Locomotor) Walks upstairs- holding adult's hand"} {"item":"grigmd218","label":"Can seat self at table"} {"item":"grigmd219","equate":"GM49","label":"(Locomotor) Walks up and down stairs."} {"item":"grigmd220","equate":"GM55","label":"(Locomotor) Can kick a ball."} {"item":"grigmd221","equate":"GM54","label":"(Locomotor) Can jump off a step"} {"item":"grigmd222","equate":"GM58","label":"(Locomotor) Goes alone on the stairs (any method)"} {"item":"grigmd223","label":"Throws ball into basket"} {"item":"grigmd224","label":"Can bring chair and seat self at table"} {"item":"grigmd301","label":"Jumps off one step- both feet together"} {"item":"grigmd302","equate":"GM69","label":"(Locomotor) Can stand on one foot - for 6+ seconds"} {"item":"grigmd303","label":"Rises from kneeling without using hands"} {"item":"grigmd304","label":"Can cross both feet and knees when seated"} {"item":"grigmd305","equate":"GM62","label":"(Locomotor) Can stand and walk tip-toe (6+ steps)"} {"item":"grigmd306","equate":"GM64","label":"(Locomotor) Walks upstairs: one foot on each step, adult manner."} {"item":"grigmd401","label":"Can run fast (indoors)"} {"item":"grigmd402","label":"Can ride a tricycle or other pedal toy"} {"item":"grigmd403","label":"Marches in time to music"} {"item":"grigmd404","label":"Walks a chalkline - 4 ft"} {"item":"grigmd405","equate":"GM68","label":"(Locomotor) Can hop on one foot - 3+ steps"} {"item":"grigmd406","label":"Jumps off 2 steps"} {"item":"grigmd501","label":"Can run to kick ball"} {"item":"grigmd502","equate":"GM67","label":"(Locomotor) Walks downstairs: one foot on each step, adult manner."} {"item":"grigmd503","label":"Touches toes with knees straight"} {"item":"grigmd504","label":"Jumps a 6 in. high rope - both feet together"} {"item":"grigmd505","label":"Can climb on and off a box unaided"} {"item":"grigmd506","label":"Can run upstairs"} {"item":"grigmd601","label":"Can bounce and catch a ball"} {"item":"grigmd602","label":"Can run fast out of doors"} {"item":"grigmd603","label":"Can throw a ball up about 2 ft. and catch it"} {"item":"grigmd604","label":"Can hopskip 4+"} {"item":"grigmd605","label":"Can jump off 3 steps"} {"item":"grigmd606","label":"Hopscotch I (one successful hop)"} {"item":"grigmd701","label":"Jumos a 10 in. high rope, both feet together"} {"item":"grigmd702","label":"Hopskips more freely: 12 +"} {"item":"grigmd703","label":"Hopscotch II (2 successful hops - second foot up)"} {"item":"grigmd704","label":"Can run, with steady trot, all round playground"} {"item":"grigmd705","label":"Can skip a little with rope, 3+ skips"} {"item":"grigmd706","label":"Hopscotch III (3 hops - with second foot up)"} {"item":"grigmd801","label":"Runs - downstairs"} {"item":"grigmd802","label":"Can jump off 4+ stairs"} {"item":"grigmd803","label":"Rides a bicycle (2-wheeler) short distance"} {"item":"grigmd804","label":"Hopscotch IV (4 hops - with one foot up)"} {"item":"grigmd805","label":"Fast single skipping with rope"} {"item":"grigmd806","label":"Skips well 12 + ordinary double skipping"} {"item":"grigmd807","label":"Hopskips some distance - out-of-doors"} {"item":"grigmd808","label":"Rides a 2-wheeler with competence"} {"item":"grihsd001","label":"Startled by sounds"} {"item":"grihsd002","equate":"EXP4","label":"vocalisation other than crying"} {"item":"grihsd003","label":"Listens to bell (softly rung)"} {"item":"grihsd004","label":"Searches for sound with eyes"} {"item":"grihsd005","equate":"EXP8","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Makes 2 + different speech sounds"} {"item":"grihsd006","label":"Listens to music"} {"item":"grihsd007","label":"Searches for sound with head movements"} {"item":"grihsd008","label":"Listens to tuning fork"} {"item":"grihsd009","equate":"REC6","label":"(Hearing and Speech)Turns head deliberately to bell"} {"item":"grihsd010","label":"Coos or stops crying on hearing music"} {"item":"grihsd011","equate":"EXP12","label":"Talks (babbles) to person"} {"item":"grihsd012","label":"Makes 4+ different sounds."} {"item":"grihsd013","label":"Responds when called"} {"item":"grihsd014","equate":"EXP10","label":"2 syllable babble"} {"item":"grihsd015","label":"Listens to conversations"} {"item":"grihsd016","equate":"EXP13","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Babbled phrases: 4 + syllables"} {"item":"grihsd017","equate":"EXP14","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Says Mama or Dada, etc. (one word clear)"} {"item":"grihsd018","label":"Listens to stop watch"} {"item":"grihsd019","equate":"COG31","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Rings the bell"} {"item":"grihsd020","label":"Shakes head for no"} {"item":"grihsd021","equate":"EXP18","label":"says 2 clear words"} {"item":"grihsd022","label":"Short babbled sentences of 6+ syllables"} {"item":"grihsd023","label":"Babbled monologue when alone"} {"item":"grihsd024","label":"Says three clear words"} {"item":"grihsd201","label":"Looks at pictures for a sew seconds"} {"item":"grihsd202","label":"Tries definitely to sing"} {"item":"grihsd203","equate":"REC9","label":"(Hearing and Speech)Knows own name."} {"item":"grihsd204","label":"Likes rhymes and jingles"} {"item":"grihsd205","equate":"COG32","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Looks at pictures with interest"} {"item":"grihsd206","label":"Uses 4 clear words"} {"item":"grihsd207","equate":"REC15","label":"(Hearing and Speech) One object in box identified"} {"item":"grihsd208","label":"Uses 5 clear words"} {"item":"grihsd209","label":"Long babbled sentences - some words clear"} {"item":"grihsd210","label":"Enjoys pictre book"} {"item":"grihsd211","label":"Uses 6 or 7 clear words"} {"item":"grihsd212","label":"Two objects in box identified"} {"item":"grihsd213","equate":"EXP23","label":"9+ clear words"} {"item":"grihsd214","equate":"REC19","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Four objects in box identified"} {"item":"grihsd215","equate":"EXP22","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Picture vocabulary (1)"} {"item":"grihsd216","label":"Uses 12+ clear words"} {"item":"grihsd217","equate":"EXP26","label":"Uses word combinations"} {"item":"grihsd218","label":"Picture vocabulary (2)"} {"item":"grihsd219","label":"Uses 20+ clear words"} {"item":"grihsd220","label":"Eight objects in box identified"} {"item":"grihsd221","label":"Listens to stories"} {"item":"grihsd222","equate":"EXP27","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Names 4 objects in box"} {"item":"grihsd223","equate":"EXP28","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Picture vocabulary (4)"} {"item":"grihsd224","equate":"EXP29","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Uses sentences of 4+ syllables"} {"item":"grihsd301","label":"Names 12 of 18 objects in box"} {"item":"grihsd302","label":"Picture vocabulary (12)"} {"item":"grihsd303","label":"Defines by use (2+) - cup, knife, chair, coat, car, house, pencil, watch, key"} {"item":"grihsd304","label":"Repeats one six-syllable sentence"} {"item":"grihsd305","label":"Uses 2 descriptive words"} {"item":"grihsd306","label":"Talks well in sentences of 6+ syllables (record)."} {"item":"grihsd401","label":"Names six or more objects in large picture"} {"item":"grihsd402","label":"Names 17-18 objects in box"} {"item":"grihsd403","label":"Uses 2+ personal pronouns"} {"item":"grihsd404","equate":"EXP42","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Comprehension 2+ items"} {"item":"grihsd405","label":"Picture vocabulary (18+)"} {"item":"grihsd406","equate":"EXP41","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Knows 6+ colours"} {"item":"grihsd501","equate":"EXP43","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Defines by use: 6+."} {"item":"grihsd502","label":"Opposites - 2"} {"item":"grihsd503","label":"\"Materials (2+) \"\"What is a table made of? .... a window? ..... a house? ......\""} {"item":"grihsd504","label":"Repeats sentences of 10+ syllables"} {"item":"grihsd505","equate":"EXP46","label":"(Hearing and Speech) Picture description: 1+ sentences."} {"item":"grihsd506","label":"Names 12 objects in large picture"} {"item":"grihsd601","label":"Talks in sentences of 10 + syllables (record)"} {"item":"grihsd602","label":"Comprehension 4 +"} {"item":"grihsd603","label":"Uses 6+ descriptive words"} {"item":"grihsd604","label":"Knows 10+ capital letters (Test)"} {"item":"grihsd605","label":"Uses 6 + personal pronouns"} {"item":"grihsd606","label":"Knows 10 colours (Test)"} {"item":"grihsd701","label":"Repeats sentence of 16 syllables"} {"item":"grihsd702","label":"Picture Description - (3+), three sentences describing a picture"} {"item":"grihsd703","label":"Knows 20 + capital letters (Test)."} {"item":"grihsd704","label":"Similarities - one"} {"item":"grihsd705","label":"Differences - two."} {"item":"grihsd706","label":"Capital letter - knows all 26"} {"item":"grihsd801","label":"Picture description - (4+), four sentences describing picture"} {"item":"grihsd802","label":"Similarities - two"} {"item":"grihsd803","label":"Comprehension - six"} {"item":"grihsd804","label":"Differences - three"} {"item":"grihsd805","label":"Similarities - three"} {"item":"grihsd806","label":"Opposites - three"} {"item":"grihsd807","label":"Differences - four (credit as 2 items)"} {"item":"grihsd808","label":"no test item"} {"item":"grired301","label":"\"Repeats one digit - 8;2;7\""} {"item":"grired302","label":"Knows 'dollar' or money"} {"item":"grired303","label":"\"Repeats two digits 16;53;94\""} {"item":"grired304","label":"\"Compares 2 insets for size \"\"which one is bigger?\"\"\""} {"item":"grired305","label":"\"Repeats 3 digits 982; 475; 136\""} {"item":"grired306","equate":"COG73","label":"practical reasoning (PR) knows big and little"} {"item":"grired401","label":"\"Compares 2 towers: 'Which one is higher?' (5;3 bricks)\""} {"item":"grired402","label":"Compares 2 lines for length"} {"item":"grired403","label":"Preliminary counting to 4+"} {"item":"grired404","equate":"COG79","label":"PR counts 4 bricks correctly"} {"item":"grired405","label":"\"Repeats 4 digits - 5816; 3729; 4952\""} {"item":"grired406","equate":"COG74","label":"PR compares 2 weights: which is heavier"} {"item":"grired501","label":"Knows 2 coins (of 7 shown) N = ....."} {"item":"grired502","label":"Can count 10 bricks"} {"item":"grired503","label":"Knows morning and afternoon"} {"item":"grired504","label":"Knows 3 coins (of 7 shown)"} {"item":"grired505","label":"'Which goes faster?' 3+"} {"item":"grired506","label":"Can count 15 bricks"} {"item":"grired601","label":"Knows No. of fingers on each hand"} {"item":"grired602","label":"Knows 4 coins"} {"item":"grired603","label":"Knows 5 coins"} {"item":"grired604","label":"\"Repeats 5 digits - 61384; 59271; 92786\""} {"item":"grired605","label":"Knows fingers on both hands (5+5=10)"} {"item":"grired606","label":"Know 'high' and 'low'"} {"item":"grired701","label":"Counts to 30"} {"item":"grired702","label":"Knows 'right' and 'left' (8+) [1. right hand 2. left ear 3. right foot 4. right eye 5. left eye 6. right ear 7. left foot 8. left eye]"} {"item":"grired703","label":"Can count backwards from 10"} {"item":"grired704","label":"Can say the days of the week"} {"item":"grired705","label":"Tells the time - hours only"} {"item":"grired706","label":"Knows 'long' and 'short'"} {"item":"grired801","label":"Days of the week: questions (2+) 'What day comes after Tues?' 'What day comes before Sat?'"} {"item":"grired802","label":"Knows 6 coins"} {"item":"grired803","label":"\"Says 3 digits backwards: 186; 725; 493\""} {"item":"grired804","label":"Knows 'heavy' and 'light'"} {"item":"grired805","label":"Can count backwards from 20"} {"item":"grired806","label":"Knows 7 coins"} {"item":"grired807","label":"Tells the time - half hours (from clock face test)"} {"item":"grired808","label":"Tells the time - quarter hours"} {"item":"gs1cgc006","label":"Does your child look at and focus on objects in front of him/her?"} {"item":"gs1cgc032","label":"Does your child show interest in new objects that are put in front of him/her by reaching out for them?"} {"item":"gs1cgc042","label":"If an object falls to the ground out of view, does your child look for it?"} {"item":"gs1cgc046","label":"Does the child look for an object of interest when it is removed from sight or hidden from him/her (e.g., put under a cover, behind another object)?"} {"item":"gs1cgc085","label":"Can your child follow directions with more than one step? For example, 'Go to the kitchen and bring me a spoon'?"} {"item":"gs1cgc114","label":"Does your child know the difference between the words 'big' and 'small'? For example, if you ask, 'Give me the big spoon' can your child understand which one to give if there are two different sizes?"} {"item":"gs1cgc122","label":"If you show your child two objects or people of different size, can he/she tell you which one is the big one and which is the small one?"} {"item":"gs1cgc127","label":"If you ask your child to give you three objects (e.g., stones, beans), does the child give you the correct amount?"} {"item":"gs1cgc128","label":"Does your child understand the term 'longest'? For example, if you ask him/her to choose 'which is the longest of 3 objects?' (e.g. 3 spoons or sticks), would he/she be able to choose the longest?"} {"item":"gs1cgc132","label":"Can the child name at least one color (e.g., red, blue, yellow)?"} {"item":"gs1cgc133","label":"Can your child count objects up to five (e.g., fingers, people)?"} {"item":"gs1lgc004","label":"Does your child cry when he/she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?"} {"item":"gs1lgc010","label":"Does your child look at a person when that person starts talking or making noise?"} {"item":"gs1lgc012","label":"When you talk to your child, does he/she smile, make noises, or move arms, legs or trunk in response?"} {"item":"gs1lgc014","label":"Does your child turn his/her head towards your voice or some noise?"} {"item":"gs1lgc016","label":"Does your child make sounds other than crying?"} {"item":"gs1lgc020","label":"Does your child make noise or gesture to get your attention?"} {"item":"gs1lgc023","label":"Does your child laugh?"} {"item":"gs1lgc026","label":"Does your child make sounds when LOOKING at toys or people (not crying)?"} {"item":"gs1lgc037","label":"Does your child make single sounds like 'buh' or 'duh' or 'muh'?"} {"item":"gs1lgc049","label":"Does your child make two similar sounds together like baba, mumu, pepe, didi (single consonant vowel combinations)?"} {"item":"gs1lgc058","label":"Does your child stop what he/she is doing when you say 'Stop!' even if just for a second?"} {"item":"gs1lgc062","label":"Does your child make a gesture to indicate 'No' (e.g., shaking head)?"} {"item":"gs1lgc071","label":"Can your child follow a simple spoken command or direction without you making a gesture?"} {"item":"gs1lgc072","label":"Can your child fetch something when asked?"} {"item":"gs1lgc084","label":"Can your child say five or more separate words (e.g., names like 'Mama' or objects like 'ball')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc086","label":"Can your child correctly name at least one family member other than mom and dad (e.g., name of brother, sister, aunt, uncle)?"} {"item":"gs1lgc087","label":"Can your child identify at least seven objects? For example, when you ask 'where is the ball/spoon/cup/cloth/door/plate/bucket etc.' does your child look at or point to (or even name) the objects?"} {"item":"gs1lgc088","label":"Can your child ask for something (e.g., food, water) by name when he/she wants it?"} {"item":"gs1lgc094","label":"If you show your child an object he/she knows well (e.g., a cup or animal), can he/she consistently name it?"} {"item":"gs1lgc097","label":"Does your child usually communicate with words what he/she wants in a way that is understandable to others?"} {"item":"gs1lgc098","label":"Can your child say ten or more words in addition to 'Mama' and 'Dada'?"} {"item":"gs1lgc099","label":"When looking at pictures, if you say to your child 'what is this?', can they say the name of the object that you point to?"} {"item":"gs1lgc100","label":"Can your child speak using short sentences of two words that go together (e.g., 'Mama go' or 'Dada eat'?"} {"item":"gs1lgc104","label":"Can your child speak using sentences of three or more words that go together (e.g., 'I want water' or 'The house is big')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc105","label":"Can your child name at least two body parts (e.g., arm, eye, or nose)?"} {"item":"gs1lgc107","label":"Can your child say 15 or more separate words (e.g., names like 'Mama' or objects like 'ball')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc109","label":"Can your child tell you or someone familiar his/her own name [nickname] when asked to?"} {"item":"gs1lgc110","label":"Can your child correctly ask questions using any of the words 'what,' 'which,' 'where,' or 'who'?"} {"item":"gs1lgc112","label":"Can your child correctly use any of the words 'I,' 'you,' 'she,' or 'he' (e.g., 'I go to store,' or 'He eats rice')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc113","label":"Can your child sing a short song or repeat parts of a rhyme from memory by him/herself?"} {"item":"gs1lgc115","label":"Does your child pronounce most of his/her words correctly?"} {"item":"gs1lgc117","label":"If you point to an object, can your child correctly use the words 'on,' 'in,' or 'under' to describe where it is (e.g., 'The cup is on the table' instead of 'The cup is in the table.')"} {"item":"gs1lgc119","label":"Can your child explain in words what common objects like a cup or chair are used for?"} {"item":"gs1lgc121","label":"Can your child say what he/she likes or dislikes (e.g., 'I like sweets')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc123","label":"Does your child regularly use describing words such as 'fast,' 'short,' 'hot,' 'fat,' or 'beautiful' correctly?"} {"item":"gs1lgc125","label":"Does your child ask 'why' questions (e.g., 'Why are you tall?')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc129","label":"Can your child talk about things that have happened in the past using correct language (e.g., 'Yesterday I played with my friend' or 'Last week she went to the market')?"} {"item":"gs1lgc130","label":"Can your child tell a story?"} {"item":"gs1lgc136","label":"Can your child talk about things that will happen in the future using correct language (e.g., 'Tomorrow he will attend school' or 'Next week we will go to the market')?"} {"item":"gs1lic036","label":"Can your child eat food from your fingers or off a spoon you hold?"} {"item":"gs1lic053","label":"Can your child pick up small bits of food and feed him/her-self using his/her hand?"} {"item":"gs1lic065","label":"Does your child put his/her hands out to have them washed?"} {"item":"gs1lic067","label":"Can your child drink from an open cup without help?"} {"item":"gs1lic077","label":"Can your child break off pieces of food and feed them to him/her-self?"} {"item":"gs1lic090","label":"Can your child wash hands by him/herself?"} {"item":"gs1lic092","label":"Does your child dry hands by herself/himself after you have washed them?"} {"item":"gs1lic103","label":"Is your child able to go poo or pee without having accidents (wetting or soiling themselves)?"} {"item":"gs1lic106","label":"Can your child remove an item of clothing (e.g., take off his/her shirt)?"} {"item":"gs1lic116","label":"Can your child go to the toilet by him/her-self?"} {"item":"gs1lic118","label":"Can your child put on at least one piece of clothing by himself?"} {"item":"gs1lic138","label":"Can your child dress him/herself completely (except for shoelaces, buttons and zippers)?"} {"item":"gs1moc002","label":"When lying on his/her back, does your child move his/her arms and legs?"} {"item":"gs1moc005","label":"Does your child grasp your finger if you touch her hand?"} {"item":"gs1moc007","label":"Does your child bring his/her hand to his/her mouth?"} {"item":"gs1moc008","label":"Does your child try to move his/her head (or eyes) to follow an object or person?"} {"item":"gs1moc015","label":"Does your child grasp onto a small object (e.g., your finger, a spoon) when put in his/her hand?"} {"item":"gs1moc018","label":"While your child is on his/her back, can he/she bring his/her hands together?"} {"item":"gs1moc025","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she turn his/her head to the side?"} {"item":"gs1moc028","label":"Does your child hold his/her hands in fists all the time?"} {"item":"gs1moc029","label":"Can your child hold his/her head steady for at least a few seconds, without it flopping to the side?"} {"item":"gs1moc030","label":"When held in a sitting position, can the child hold his/her head steady and straight?"} {"item":"gs1moc031","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she hold his/her head up off the ground?"} {"item":"gs1moc033","label":"When he/she is on his/her tummy, can your child hold his/her head straight up, looking around for more than a few seconds? He/she can rest on his/her arms while doing this."} {"item":"gs1moc034","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach or stomach to his/her side?"} {"item":"gs1moc035","label":"Can your child reach for AND HOLD an object, at least for a few seconds?"} {"item":"gs1moc038","label":"Can your child sit with support, either leaning against something (furniture or person), or by leaning forward on his or her hands?"} {"item":"gs1moc039","label":"Does your child try to reach for objects that are in front of him/her by extending one or both arms?"} {"item":"gs1moc040","label":"Can your child pick up a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) using just one hand?"} {"item":"gs1moc041","label":"When lying on his/her stomach, can your child hold his/her head and chest off the ground using only his/her hands and arms for support?"} {"item":"gs1moc043","label":"When lying on his/her back, does the child grab his/her feet?"} {"item":"gs1moc044","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach, or stomach to back, on his/her own?"} {"item":"gs1moc045","label":"Does your child play by tapping an object on the ground or a table?"} {"item":"gs1moc047","label":"Can your child hold him/herself in a sitting position without help or support for longer than a few seconds?"} {"item":"gs1moc048","label":"Does your child intentionally move or change his/her position to get objects that are out of reach?"} {"item":"gs1moc050","label":"When you put your child on the floor, can she lean on her hands while sitting? (If she already sits up straight without leaning on her hands, mark 'yes' for this item.)."} {"item":"gs1moc051","label":"Can your child pass a small object from one hand to the other?"} {"item":"gs1moc052","label":"Can your child bang objects together, or bang an object on the table or on the ground?"} {"item":"gs1moc054","label":"Can your child pick up and drop a small object (e.g., a small toy or small stone) into a bucket or bowl while sitting?"} {"item":"gs1moc055","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"gs1moc056","label":"Can your child pick up a small object (e.g., a piece of food, small toy or small stone) with just his/her thumb and one finger?"} {"item":"gs1moc057","label":"Can your child pull themselves up from the floor while holding onto something? For example, can they pull themselves up using a chair, a person, or some other object?"} {"item":"gs1moc059","label":"Can your child walk several steps while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"gs1moc060","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your child bend down and pick up a small object from the floor and then return to a standing position?"} {"item":"gs1moc061","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your child squat with control (without falling or flopping down)?"} {"item":"gs1moc064","label":"Can your child stand up without holding onto anything, even if just for a few seconds?"} {"item":"gs1moc066","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position on his/her own, without holding on or receiving support?"} {"item":"gs1moc068","label":"Can your child climb onto an object (rock, porch, step, chair, bed, low table, etc.)?"} {"item":"gs1moc069","label":"Can your child make any light marks on paper or in dirt with a crayon or a stick?"} {"item":"gs1moc070","label":"Can your child bend down or squat to pick up an object from the floor and then stand up again, without help from a person or object?"} {"item":"gs1moc074","label":"Can your child take several steps (3-5) forward without holding onto any person or object, even if they fall down immediately afterward?"} {"item":"gs1moc075","label":"While standing, can your child purposefully throw the ball and not just drop it?"} {"item":"gs1moc076","label":"Can your child stand up from sitting by himself and take several steps forward?"} {"item":"gs1moc078","label":"Can your child make a scribble on paper, or in dirt, in a back and forth manner? For example, can he or she move the pen or pencil or stick back and forth?"} {"item":"gs1moc079","label":"Can your child move around by walking, rather than by crawling on his hands and knees?"} {"item":"gs1moc080","label":"Can your child walk well, with coordination, without falling down often? With one foot in front of the other (rather than shifting weight side to side, stiff- legged)?"} {"item":"gs1moc081","label":"Can your child stack at least two objects on top of each other, such as bottle tops, blocks, stones, etc.?"} {"item":"gs1moc083","label":"Can your child kick a ball or other round object forward using his/her foot?"} {"item":"gs1moc089","label":"Can your child run well, without falling or bumping into objects?"} {"item":"gs1moc091","label":"While standing, can your child kick a ball by swinging his/her leg forward?"} {"item":"gs1moc095","label":"Can your child stack three or more small objects (e.g., blocks, cups, bottle caps) on top of each other?"} {"item":"gs1moc096","label":"Can your child walk on an uneven surface (e.g., a bumpy or steep road) without falling?"} {"item":"gs1moc101","label":"Can your child unscrew the lid from a bottle or jar?"} {"item":"gs1moc108","label":"Can your child jump with both feet leaving the ground?"} {"item":"gs1moc120","label":"Can your child draw a straight line?"} {"item":"gs1moc126","label":"Can your child stand on one foot WITHOUT any support for at least a few seconds?"} {"item":"gs1moc134","label":"If you draw a circle can your child do it, just as you did?"} {"item":"gs1moc137","label":"Can the child fasten and unfasten buttons without help?"} {"item":"gs1sec001","label":"Does your child smile?"} {"item":"gs1sec003","label":"Does your child look at your face when you speak to him/her?"} {"item":"gs1sec009","label":"Does your child smile when you smile or talk with him/her?"} {"item":"gs1sec011","label":"Does your child stop crying or calm down when you come to the room after being out of sight, or when you pick him or her up?"} {"item":"gs1sec013","label":"When you are about to pick up your child, does he/she act happy or excited?"} {"item":"gs1sec017","label":"Does your child sometimes suck his/her thumb or fingers?"} {"item":"gs1sec019","label":"Does your child move excitedly, kick legs, move arms or trunk, or make coo noises when a known person enters the room or speaks to them?"} {"item":"gs1sec021","label":"If you play a game with your child, does he/she respond with interest? For example, if you play peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, wave bye-bye, etc. does your child smile, widen their eyes, kick or move arms or vocalize?"} {"item":"gs1sec022","label":"Does your child recognize you or other family members (e.g., smile when they enter a room or move toward them)?"} {"item":"gs1sec024","label":"Does your child smile or become excited when seeing someone familiar?"} {"item":"gs1sec027","label":"Is your child interested when he/she sees other children playing? Does she or he watch, smile, or look excited?"} {"item":"gs1sec063","label":"Even if your child is unable to do singing games, does he/she enjoy them and want to be a part of them?"} {"item":"gs1sec073","label":"Does your child share with others (e.g., food)?"} {"item":"gs1sec082","label":"Can your child greet people either by giving his/her hand or saying Hello?"} {"item":"gs1sec093","label":"Does your child show independence (e.g., wants to go and visit a friends house)?"} {"item":"gs1sec102","label":"Does your child help out around the house with simple chores, even if he/she doesn't do them well?"} {"item":"gs1sec111","label":"Does your child show respect around elders?"} {"item":"gs1sec124","label":"Does your child know to keep quiet when the situation requires it? (e.g., at ceremonies, when someone is asleep)"} {"item":"gs1sec131","label":"Can your child tell you when he/she is happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"gs1sec135","label":"Can your child tell you when others are happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"gs1sec139","label":"Can your child say what others like or dislike (e.g., 'Mama doesn't like fruit,' Papa likes football)?"} {"item":"gsdcgc002","label":"Does your child look at and focus on objects in front of him/her?"} {"item":"gsdfmc003","label":"Does your child grasp your finger if you touch her hand?"} {"item":"gsdgmc005","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she turn his/her head to the side?"} {"item":"gsdgmc006","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she hold his/her head up off the ground?"} {"item":"gsdgmc007","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach or stomach to his/her side?"} {"item":"gsdlac001","label":"Does your child cry when he/she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?"} {"item":"gsdlac004","label":"Does your child make sounds other than crying?"} {"item":"gtofmd001","label":"C1. Eyes fixate"} {"item":"gtofmd002","label":"C2. Responds to sound"} {"item":"gtofmd003","label":"C3. Fixes and follows - 180 degrees"} {"item":"gtofmd004","label":"C4. Interest in making a sound"} {"item":"gtofmd005","label":"C5. Discriminates strangers"} {"item":"gtofmd006","label":"C6. Turns head towards fallen spoon"} {"item":"gtofmd007","label":"C7. Manipulates cup OR spoon in play"} {"item":"gtofmd008","label":"C8. Lifts cup by the handle"} {"item":"gtofmd009","label":"C9. Pulls string to get object"} {"item":"gtofmd010","label":"C10. Picks up cup to get block"} {"item":"gtofmd011","label":"C11. Puts block in cup"} {"item":"gtofmd012","label":"C12. Bang 2 objects together"} {"item":"gtofmd013","label":"C13. Finds toy under cloth"} {"item":"gtofmd014","label":"C14. Pats toy to make noise"} {"item":"gtofmd015","label":"C15. Puts 3 or more blocks in cup"} {"item":"gtofmd016","label":"C16. Repeats something when encouraged"} {"item":"gtofmd017","label":"C17. Makes marks with crayon"} {"item":"gtofmd018","label":"C18. Can manage a cup well"} {"item":"gtofmd019","label":"C19. Holds crayon with fingers not fist"} {"item":"gtofmd020","label":"C20. Scribbles in any way"} {"item":"gtofmd021","label":"C21. Puts 1 peg in again"} {"item":"gtofmd022","label":"C22. Accepts third block without dropping"} {"item":"gtofmd023","label":"C23. Puts blocks in jar"} {"item":"gtofmd024","label":"C24. Builds tower of 2 blocks"} {"item":"gtofmd025","label":"C25. Dumps blocks out of jar purposefully"} {"item":"gtofmd026","label":"C26. Finds object under 2 alternating cups"} {"item":"gtofmd027","label":"C27. Uses objects in play by themselves"} {"item":"gtofmd028","label":"C28. Builds tower of 3 blocks"} {"item":"gtofmd029","label":"C29. Understands the concept of \"one\""} {"item":"gtofmd030","label":"C30. Scribbles on paper (circular scribble)"} {"item":"gtofmd031","label":"C31. Uses objects in play with someone"} {"item":"gtofmd032","label":"C32. Puts pegs in board <= 2 minutes."} {"item":"gtofmd033","label":"C33. 2 shapes in board complete"} {"item":"gtofmd034","label":"C34. Understands \"more\""} {"item":"gtofmd035","label":"C35. 3 shapes in board complete 2 minutes"} {"item":"gtofmd036","label":"C36. 3 shape board 2 minutes rotated"} {"item":"gtofmd037","label":"C37. Builds tower of 6 blocks."} {"item":"gtofmd038","label":"C38. Puts pegs in board in <=30 seconds."} {"item":"gtofmd039","label":"C39. 3 shapes in 15 seconds"} {"item":"gtofmd040","label":"C40. Unscrews and screws lid of jar"} {"item":"gtofmd041","label":"C41. Representational play"} {"item":"gtofmd042","label":"C42. Copies 2-part activity"} {"item":"gtofmd043","label":"C43. Builds truck/lorry of blocks"} {"item":"gtofmd044","label":"C44. Imitates building a bridge"} {"item":"gtofmd045","label":"C45. Draws a horizontal line"} {"item":"gtofmd046","label":"C46. Picks longest stick 3 of 3"} {"item":"gtofmd047","label":"C47. Child understands prepositions"} {"item":"gtofmd048","label":"C48. Builds wall of blocks"} {"item":"gtofmd049","label":"C49. Copies a circle"} {"item":"gtofmd050","label":"C50. Copies a cross or a plus sign"} {"item":"gtofmd051","label":"C51. Understands concept of size"} {"item":"gtofmd052","label":"C52. Draws 3 or more body parts"} {"item":"gtofmd053","label":"C53. Copies a square"} {"item":"gtofmd054","label":"C54. Can count 3 + objects"} {"item":"gtogmd001","label":"A1. Lifts head in prone 45 degrees"} {"item":"gtogmd002","label":"A2. Frolics alone - moving body, kicking legs"} {"item":"gtogmd003","label":"A3. Frolics with mother or caregiver responsively"} {"item":"gtogmd004","label":"A4. Hands together in front of face"} {"item":"gtogmd005","label":"A5. Balances head well while suppported"} {"item":"gtogmd006","label":"A6. Pulls to sit - no head lag"} {"item":"gtogmd007","label":"A7. Lifts head, shoulders, chest when prone"} {"item":"gtogmd008","label":"A8. Reach for an object"} {"item":"gtogmd009","label":"A9. Resist object being taken away"} {"item":"gtogmd010","label":"A10. Grasps hold of large thing"} {"item":"gtogmd011","label":"A11. Carries object to mouth to explore"} {"item":"gtogmd012","label":"A12. Sits supported (with help)"} {"item":"gtogmd013","label":"A13. Sits momentarily (on their own)"} {"item":"gtogmd014","label":"A14. Reaches for a second object"} {"item":"gtogmd015","label":"A15. Rolls from back to stomach"} {"item":"gtogmd016","label":"A16. Can see a small object"} {"item":"gtogmd017","label":"A17. Rake (grasps with four fingers) a small object"} {"item":"gtogmd018","label":"A18. Sits without help (short time)"} {"item":"gtogmd019","label":"A19. Can turn on floor"} {"item":"gtogmd020","label":"A20. Can pick object from ground"} {"item":"gtogmd021","label":"A21. Shifts object from one hand to another"} {"item":"gtogmd022","label":"A22. Sits by self well"} {"item":"gtogmd023","label":"A23. Crawls"} {"item":"gtogmd024","label":"A24. Picks up small object between thumb and finger"} {"item":"gtogmd025","label":"A25. Pulls him or herself up to a standing position"} {"item":"gtogmd026","label":"A26. Moves from lying to sitting"} {"item":"gtogmd027","label":"A27. Stands with Support"} {"item":"gtogmd028","label":"A28. Stands alone for 5 secs or more if put in a standing position"} {"item":"gtogmd029","label":"A29. Walks when one hand held"} {"item":"gtogmd030","label":"A30. Plays \"give and take\""} {"item":"gtogmd031","label":"A31. Releases ball purposefully"} {"item":"gtogmd032","label":"A32. Takes few steps alone"} {"item":"gtogmd033","label":"A33. Kick a ball from stationary position"} {"item":"gtogmd034","label":"A34. Stoops and recovers"} {"item":"gtogmd035","label":"A35. Moves from sitting to standing not using hands"} {"item":"gtogmd036","label":"A36. Walks well"} {"item":"gtogmd037","label":"A37. Basic running, may fall over"} {"item":"gtogmd038","label":"A38. Runs well"} {"item":"gtogmd039","label":"A39. Runs and kicks a ball well"} {"item":"gtogmd040","label":"A40. Kneels and gets to standing without using hands"} {"item":"gtogmd041","label":"A41. Throws beanbag on to a cloth"} {"item":"gtogmd042","label":"A42. Jumps with two feet together"} {"item":"gtogmd043","label":"A43. Jumps over a piece of paper (widthways)"} {"item":"gtogmd044","label":"A44. Stands on one foot <= 5 secs"} {"item":"gtogmd045","label":"A45. Hops forward on one foot 3 steps"} {"item":"gtogmd046","label":"A46. Stands on one foot > 5 seconds"} {"item":"gtogmd047","label":"A47. Walks on tiptoes 6 or more steps"} {"item":"gtogmd048","label":"A48. Walks along line heel to toe"} {"item":"gtogmd049","label":"A49. Throws a ball up into the air and can catch it"} {"item":"gtolgd001","label":"B1. Reacts when spoken to"} {"item":"gtolgd002","label":"B2. Smiles in response"} {"item":"gtolgd003","label":"B3. Calms and quiets with caregivers"} {"item":"gtolgd004","label":"B4. Happy vocalizing or making sounds"} {"item":"gtolgd005","label":"B5. Turn to Voice"} {"item":"gtolgd006","label":"B6. Laughs"} {"item":"gtolgd007","label":"B7. Vocalises when spoken to"} {"item":"gtolgd008","label":"B8. Repeats syllables"} {"item":"gtolgd009","label":"B9. Babbles while playing"} {"item":"gtolgd010","label":"B10. Uses 2/4 syllable babble"} {"item":"gtolgd011","label":"B11. Understands when being cautioned"} {"item":"gtolgd012","label":"B12. Uses gestures to communicate"} {"item":"gtolgd013","label":"B13. Responds to verbal request"} {"item":"gtolgd014","label":"B14. Uses one definite word"} {"item":"gtolgd015","label":"B15. Imitates simple words"} {"item":"gtolgd016","label":"B16. Uses 5 clear words"} {"item":"gtolgd017","label":"B17. Identifies 1 clothing item"} {"item":"gtolgd018","label":"B18. Identifies 2 objects you name"} {"item":"gtolgd019","label":"B19. Interested in story"} {"item":"gtolgd020","label":"B20. Follows simple commands (1 step)"} {"item":"gtolgd021","label":"B21. Points to two pictures"} {"item":"gtolgd022","label":"B22. Identifies 3 clothing items"} {"item":"gtolgd023","label":"B23. Follows 2 step commands"} {"item":"gtolgd024","label":"B24. Says sentences with 2 words together"} {"item":"gtolgd025","label":"B25. Points at 5 pictures in book"} {"item":"gtolgd026","label":"B26. Identifies 5 objects you name"} {"item":"gtolgd027","label":"B27. Names 5 objects"} {"item":"gtolgd028","label":"B28. Speaks clearly in sentences"} {"item":"gtolgd029","label":"B29. Points to 1+ or more body parts"} {"item":"gtolgd030","label":"B30. Child can say first name"} {"item":"gtolgd031","label":"B31. Knows actions or function of 3 or more objects"} {"item":"gtolgd032","label":"B32. Matches pictures"} {"item":"gtolgd033","label":"B33. Names 4 pictures"} {"item":"gtolgd034","label":"B34. Identifies 5 action pictures"} {"item":"gtolgd035","label":"B35. Names 10 objects"} {"item":"gtolgd036","label":"B36. Uses multiple-word utterances"} {"item":"gtolgd037","label":"B37. Talks spontaneously on daily events"} {"item":"gtolgd038","label":"B38. Points to parts of whole objects"} {"item":"gtolgd039","label":"B39. Logical response to a question"} {"item":"gtolgd040","label":"B40. Child is able to categorize things"} {"item":"gtolgd041","label":"B41. Matches 3 colors"} {"item":"gtolgd042","label":"B42. Child describes picture"} {"item":"gtolgd043","label":"B43. Identifies 2 or more colors"} {"item":"gtolgd044","label":"B44. Understands adjective \"faster\""} {"item":"gtolgd045","label":"B45. Knows use of objects"} {"item":"gtolgd046","label":"B46. Names actions (5)"} {"item":"gtolgd047","label":"B47. Understands \"more\""} {"item":"gtolgd048","label":"B48. Identifies at least 2 shapes"} {"item":"gtolgd049","label":"B49. Names at least 2 colours"} {"item":"gtolgd050","label":"B50. Tapping with 2 blocks"} {"item":"gtolgd051","label":"B51. Tapping with 4 blocks"} {"item":"gtolgd052","label":"B52. Tapping with 8 blocks"} {"item":"hypgmd001","label":"Pure noise item (simulated)"} {"item":"hypgmd002","label":"Item with an asymptote (simulated)"} {"item":"hypgmd003","label":"Wrongly coded item (simulated)"} {"item":"hypgmd004","label":"Perfect (Guttman) item (simulated)"} {"item":"hypgmd005","label":"Guttman with an asymptote (simulated)"} {"item":"iyolgc001","label":"Does your child turn his/her head towards your voice or some noise?"} {"item":"iyolgc002","label":"When you TALK to your child, does he/she smile, make noises, or move arms, legs or trunk in response?"} {"item":"iyolgc003","label":"Does your child make sounds when LOOKING at toys or people (not crying)?"} {"item":"iyolgc004","label":"\"Does your child make single sounds like \"\"buh\"\" or \"\"duh\"\" or \"\"muh\"\"?\""} {"item":"iyolgc005","label":"Does your child make noise or gesture TO GET YOUR ATTENTION?"} {"item":"iyolgc006","label":"Does your child make two similar sounds TOGETHER like baba, mumu, pepe, di (single consonant vowel combinations)?"} {"item":"iyolgc007","label":"Does your child point, shake head, or otherwise gesture to let you know WHAT THEY WANT?"} {"item":"iyolgc008","label":"Can your child say at least one word?"} {"item":"iyolgc009","label":"Does your child try to SHOW you something by reaching at you, pulling on your hand or clothes, using gestures, making noises (not words)?"} {"item":"iyolgc010","label":"Does your child put together noises that sound sentence-like even if they are not words?"} {"item":"iyolgc011","label":"If you or someone else invites your child to play a familiar game (peekaboo, wave bye-bye, etc.) does your child know what to do without you showing them? Does he or she understand, even if you don't show him or her what to do? Does he or she try to participate, even if it's not exactly correct? Does he or she attempt the movement, activity, or response?"} {"item":"iyolgc012","label":"\"Can your child identify at least one object? For example, when you ask \"\"where is the ball/spoon/cup/cloth/door/plate/bucket etc.\"\" does your child look at it or point to (or even name) the object?\""} {"item":"iyolgc013","label":"Without you making a gesture, does your child follow a simple spoken command or direction? Does your child understand when you ask something? Will they do at least one thing you ask the child to do? Can your child do it without you using a gesture?"} {"item":"iyolgc014","label":"Does your child ask for something (e.g. food, water) by name when he/she wants it?"} {"item":"iyolgc015","label":"Does your child usually understand what you say to him/her when you say it only once? For example, do you have to repeat what you said to be understood?"} {"item":"iyolgc016","label":"\"Can your child identify at least one body part? For example, if you ask \"\"where are your eyes?\"\" can he or she point to his or her eyes?\""} {"item":"iyolgc017","label":"\"Does your child follow directions with more than one step? For example, \"\"Go to the kitchen and bring me a spoon\"\"?\""} {"item":"iyolgc018","label":"\"Does your child use two WORDS together in a meaningful phrase/speak in short two word sentences? For example, \"\"mama go\"\", \"\"give mama\"\", \"\"daddy gone\"\".\""} {"item":"iyolgc019","label":"Can your child say at least six words?"} {"item":"iyolgc020","label":"Does your child understand the words over, on top of, above, next to, under and in front of? If you ask the child to put something under the table or on top of the chair, does your child understand?"} {"item":"iyolgc021","label":"\"When looking at pictures, if you say to your child \"\"what is this?\"\", can they SAY the name of the object that you point to?\""} {"item":"iyolgc022","label":"\"Can your child identify at least seven objects? For example, when you ask \"\"where is the ball/spoon/cup/cloth/door/plate/bucket etc.\"\" does your child look at or point to (or even name) the objects?\""} {"item":"iyolgc023","label":"Does your child usually communicate with words what he/she wants in a way that is understandable to others?"} {"item":"iyolgc024","label":"Does your child ask questions using the words what, which, where, why, or who?"} {"item":"iyolgc025","label":"Can your child speak in sentences that are 3 4 words long?"} {"item":"iyolgc026","label":"\"Does your child know the difference between the words \"\"big\"\" and \"\"small\"\"? For example, if you ask, \"\"Give me the big spoon\"\" can your child understand which one to give if there are two different sizes?\""} {"item":"iyolgc027","label":"\"Does your child talk about or explain things that have happened in the past using the past tense? For example, \"\"I went to the market yesterday\"\" NOT \"\"I go to the market yesterday\"\"? Can your child tell you about something that happened on a last special event? Can they talk about anything that happened in the past?\""} {"item":"iyolgc028","label":"Does your child count up to 5?"} {"item":"iyolgc029","label":"\"Does your child understand the term \"\"longest\"\"? For example, if you ask them to choose \"\"which is the longest of 3 objects?\"\" e.g. 3 spoons or sticks would he/she be able to choose the longest?\""} {"item":"iyolgc030","label":"Does your child tell a story?"} {"item":"iyomoc001","label":"Does your child try to move his/her head (or eyes) to follow an object or person?"} {"item":"iyomoc002","label":"While your child is on his/her back, does he/she bring his/her hands together?"} {"item":"iyomoc003","label":"Does your child put objects or hands to his/her mouth?"} {"item":"iyomoc004","label":"Does your child hold his/her head steady for at least a few seconds, without it flopping to the side?"} {"item":"iyomoc005","label":"When he/she is on his/her tummy, does your child hold his/her head straight up, looking around for more than a few seconds? He/she can rest on his/her arms while doing this."} {"item":"iyomoc006","label":"Does your child try to reach for objects that are in front of him/her by extending one or both arms?"} {"item":"iyomoc007","label":"Does your child reach for AND HOLD an object, at least for a few seconds?"} {"item":"iyomoc008","label":"Does your child sit WITH support, either leaning against something (furniture or person), or by leaning forward on his or her hands?"} {"item":"iyomoc009","label":"If an object falls to the ground, does your child look for it?"} {"item":"iyomoc010","label":"Does your child drink from an OPEN cup while you hold it?"} {"item":"iyomoc011","label":"Does your child bang objects together, or bang an object on the table or on the ground?"} {"item":"iyomoc012","label":"Does your child pass an object from one hand to the other?"} {"item":"iyomoc013","label":"Does your child sit upright, with fairly straight back and neck control, without holding on to you, an object, or resting hands on the floor?"} {"item":"iyomoc014","label":"Does your child pick up small items, like pieces of food USING THUMB AND FINGER TIPS?"} {"item":"iyomoc015","label":"Does your child intentionally SQUEEZE or PAT/HIT an object that makes a noise in order to hear it? For example, squeezing or hitting an empty plastic bottle, or other object, to make noise? Not shaking or banging, but deliberately patting or squeezing it?"} {"item":"iyomoc016","label":"Does your child pull themselves up from the floor while holding onto something? For example, can they pull themselves up using a chair, a person, or some other object?"} {"item":"iyomoc017","label":"Does your child pick up small items, like pieces of food using thumb and JUST ONE FINGER TIP?"} {"item":"iyomoc018","label":"When someone holds one or both hands (just to balance), or when your child is holding furniture or other object WITH JUST ONE HAND, does he/she make a few steps forward, without tripping?"} {"item":"iyomoc019","label":"Can your child push a toy car intentionally, all four wheels on the ground?"} {"item":"iyomoc020","label":"Does your child stand up WITHOUT holding onto anything, even if just for a few seconds?"} {"item":"iyomoc021","label":"Does your child make any light marks on paper or in dirt with a crayon or a stick?"} {"item":"iyomoc022","label":"Does your child climb onto an object (rock, porch, step, chair, bed, low table, etc.)?"} {"item":"iyomoc023","label":"Does your child bend down or squat to pick up an object from the floor and then stand up again, without help from a person or object?"} {"item":"iyomoc024","label":"Does your child take several steps (3-5) forward without holding onto any person or object, even if they fall down immediately?"} {"item":"iyomoc025","label":"Does your child make a scribble on paper, or in dirt, in a BACK AND FORTH manner? For example, can he or she move the pen or pencil or stick back and forth?"} {"item":"iyomoc026","label":"Does your child drink WITHOUT HELP from an OPEN cup?"} {"item":"iyomoc027","label":"Does your child walk well, with coordination, without falling down often? With one foot in front of the other (rather than shifting weight side to side, stiff- legged)?"} {"item":"iyomoc028","label":"While standing, does your child purposefully THROW the ball and not just drop it?"} {"item":"iyomoc029","label":"Is your child able to unscrew a lid, at least turning the lid one rotation?"} {"item":"iyomoc030","label":"Can your child stack at least two objects on top of each other, such as bottle tops, blocks, stones, etc.?"} {"item":"iyomoc031","label":"While standing, does your child kick a ball by swinging his/her leg forward?"} {"item":"iyomoc032","label":"Does your child run well, without falling or bumping into objects?"} {"item":"iyomoc033","label":"Does your child stand on one foot WITH SUPPORT by holding onto something or somebody?"} {"item":"iyomoc034","label":"Does your child walk sideways, two or more steps WITHOUT any support?"} {"item":"iyomoc035","label":"Does your child run and kick a ball, and do so successfully?"} {"item":"iyomoc036","label":"Does your child jump WITH BOTH FEET LEAVING THE GROUND AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME?"} {"item":"iyomoc037","label":"If you draw a straight line does your child do it, just as you did?"} {"item":"iyomoc038","label":"If you draw a circle does your child do it, just as you did?"} {"item":"iyomoc039","label":"Does your child stand on one foot WITHOUT any support for at least a few seconds?"} {"item":"iyomoc040","label":"Does your child dress him/herself completely (except for shoelaces, buttons and zippers)?"} {"item":"iyosec001","label":"Does your child stop crying or calm down when you come to the room after being out of sight, or when you pick him or her up?"} {"item":"iyosec002","label":"When you are about to pick up your child, does he/she act happy or excited?"} {"item":"iyosec003","label":"If you play a game with your child, does he/she respond with interest? For example, if you play peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, wave bye-bye, etc. does your child smile, widen their eyes, kick or move arms or vocalize?"} {"item":"iyosec004","label":"Does your child smile when you smile or talk with him/her?"} {"item":"iyosec005","label":"Does your child smile, move excitedly, kick legs, move arms or trunk, or make coo noises when a known person enters the room or speaks to them?"} {"item":"iyosec006","label":"Is your child interested when he/she sees other children playing? Does she or he watch, smile, or look excited?"} {"item":"iyosec007","label":"Is your child very interested to play with a new toy?"} {"item":"iyosec008","label":"Does your child usually get along with other children he/she plays with such as siblings or other family members? Can your child make friends easily? When your child spends time with other children, do they mostly agree on things and not quarrel?"} {"item":"iyosec009","label":"When your child sees other children playing, does your child play next to them without joining in? Does he/she play alongside?"} {"item":"iyosec010","label":"Does your child play together with other children not just by sitting next to each other and doing the same thing, but actively interacting?"} {"item":"iyosec011","label":"When your child needs to use the toilet, do they show you by pulling on their clothes, holding himself or herself, crying, or some other way?"} {"item":"iyosec012","label":"Does your child share things with other children or family members without being told to do so?"} {"item":"iyosec013","label":"Does your child show sympathy or look concerned? If your child's friend or sibling is sad, what does your child do? Does your child try to comfort the other?"} {"item":"iyosec014","label":"If your child has a problem with another child (e.g. fighting over a toy or something else), does your child come to you or another adult and ask for help?"} {"item":"iyosec015","label":"Does the child usually show respect for authority figures (e.g. teacher, grandparent, elder)?"} {"item":"iyosec016","label":"Does your child worry if a known person is sick or hurt? Is your child interested in the wellbeing/health of others?"} {"item":"iyosec017","label":"Does your child follow through on instructions, for example, does he/she finish his/her chores?"} {"item":"iyosec018","label":"Does your child keep working on something until he/she is finished?"} {"item":"iyosec019","label":"\"Does your child use \"\"imaginary\"\" or not visible objects in play? For example, pretending to give food to a child (even though they have nothing to give)?\""} {"item":"iyosec020","label":"Does your child have difficulty taking turns when playing with others?"} {"item":"kdifmd001","label":"Throws and catches a ball (highest string achieved) 3 games"} {"item":"kdifmd002","label":"Releases a ball purposefully"} {"item":"kdifmd003","label":"Throws a ball towards someone"} {"item":"kdifmd004","label":"Catches a ball uses hands and arms"} {"item":"kdifmd005","label":"Catches a ball using hands only"} {"item":"kdifmd006","label":"Reaches for dangling ring"} {"item":"kdifmd007","label":"Takes dangling ring"} {"item":"kdifmd008","label":"Follows red tassel with eyes/ attempts to grasp"} {"item":"kdifmd009","label":"Grasps red tassel successfully"} {"item":"kdifmd010","label":"Can hold and examine object (ring, bear etc)"} {"item":"kdifmd011","label":"Passes object from hand to hand"} {"item":"kdifmd012","label":"Can do up button with adult holding one piece of cloth"} {"item":"kdifmd013","label":"Can do up button alone"} {"item":"kdifmd017","label":"kdifmd017"} {"item":"kdifmd018","label":"kdifmd018"} {"item":"kdifmd019","label":"kdifmd019"} {"item":"kdifmd020","label":"kdifmd020"} {"item":"kdifmd021","label":"kdifmd021"} {"item":"kdifmd023","label":"Holds a pen in any way"} {"item":"kdifmd024","label":"Holds a pen between finger and thumb"} {"item":"kdifmd025","label":"Can scribble using a pen"} {"item":"kdifmd026","label":"Can imitate a straight line"} {"item":"kdifmd027","label":"Can imitate a circle"} {"item":"kdifmd141","label":"kdifmd141"} {"item":"kdifmd142","label":"kdifmd142"} {"item":"kdifmd143","label":"kdifmd143"} {"item":"kdifmd144","label":"kdifmd144"} {"item":"kdifmd151","label":"kdifmd151"} {"item":"kdifmd152","label":"kdifmd152"} {"item":"kdifmd153","label":"kdifmd153"} {"item":"kdifmd154","label":"kdifmd154"} {"item":"kdifmd161","label":"kdifmd161"} {"item":"kdifmd162","label":"kdifmd162"} {"item":"kdifmd163","label":"kdifmd163"} {"item":"kdigmd001","label":"Stands with Support"} {"item":"kdigmd002","label":"Stands without support"} {"item":"kdigmd003","label":"Can kick a ball from stationary position"} {"item":"kdigmd004","label":"Can kick a moving ball"} {"item":"kdigmd005","label":"Walks when one hand held"} {"item":"kdigmd006","label":"Walks without help"} {"item":"kdigmd007","label":"Jumps with two feet together, holding on to person's hand"} {"item":"kdigmd008","label":"Jumps with two feet together unsupported both feet leave the ground"} {"item":"kdigmd009","label":"Stands on one leg, without support for 10-20 seconds"} {"item":"kdigmd010","label":"Stands on one leg, without support for 21+ seconds"} {"item":"kdigmd011","label":"Walk on tip toes for 3 or more steps"} {"item":"kdigmd012","label":"Walk on tip toes for length of mat"} {"item":"kdigmd013","label":"Walks backwards with support or for less than length of mat"} {"item":"kdigmd014","label":"Walks backwards alone for length of mat"} {"item":"kdigmd015","label":"Walks along line heel to toe, arms out for 3 steps"} {"item":"kdigmd016","label":"Walks along line heel to toe, arms out for length of mat"} {"item":"kdigmd017","label":"Walks on side of feet"} {"item":"kdigmd018","label":"Can pull self onto platform"} {"item":"kdigmd019","label":"Can climb straight onto platform"} {"item":"kdigmd020","label":"Jumps off platform with support"} {"item":"kdigmd021","label":"Jumps off platform and lands on both feet"} {"item":"kdigmd022","label":"Hops on oneleg on spot"} {"item":"kdigmd023","label":"Hops on one leg for length of mat"} {"item":"kdigmd024","label":"Lifts upper body while lying on stomach"} {"item":"kdigmd025","label":"Sits with support"} {"item":"kdigmd026","label":"Can sit steadily/ without support"} {"item":"kdigmd027","label":"No head lag in sitting position"} {"item":"kdigmd028","label":"Can reach out and return to sitting position"} {"item":"kdigmd029","label":"Rolls from side to back"} {"item":"kdigmd030","label":"Rolls from side to side"} {"item":"kdigmd031","label":"Moves from lying to sitting pushing up with hands"} {"item":"kdigmd032","label":"Moves from lying to sitting not using hands"} {"item":"kdigmd033","label":"Moves from sitting to standing rolling over and up"} {"item":"kdigmd034","label":"Moves from sitting to standing not using hands"} {"item":"kdigmd035","label":"Can sit down steadily (from a standing position)"} {"item":"macgmd001","equate":"GM56","label":"Child walks in a straight line"} {"item":"macgmd002","equate":"GM63","label":"Walks backwards for 5 steps"} {"item":"macgmd003","equate":"GM62","label":"Walks on tiptoes for 5 steps or more"} {"item":"macgmd005","equate":"GM59","label":"\"Jumps with feet together; 2-5 jumps\""} {"item":"macgmd006","equate":"GM80","label":"\"Walks like a duck; 4-5 steps or more (2 points), 2-3 steps (1 point)\""} {"item":"macgmd041","equate":"GM60","label":"Balances on either foot for 3-9 secs"} {"item":"macgmd042","equate":"GM69","label":"Balances on either foot for 10 secs"} {"item":"mdsgmd001","label":"Sitting without support"} {"item":"mdsgmd002","label":"Hands-and-knees crawling"} {"item":"mdsgmd003","label":"Standing with assistance"} {"item":"mdsgmd004","label":"Walking with assistance"} {"item":"mdsgmd005","label":"Standing alone"} {"item":"mdsgmd006","label":"Walking alone"} {"item":"mdtfmd001","label":"Follows face/object to midline"} {"item":"mdtfmd002","label":"Fixes and follows through 180 degrees"} {"item":"mdtfmd003","label":"Puts hands together in front of eyes or mouth"} {"item":"mdtfmd004","label":"Reaches for large thing"} {"item":"mdtfmd005","label":"When holding objects, tends to put in mouth"} {"item":"mdtfmd006","label":"Grasps hold of large thing"} {"item":"mdtfmd007","label":"Can pick up a larger object from ground. (e.g. spoon or rattle)"} {"item":"mdtfmd008","label":"Can see a small object such as a piece of maize or a bean"} {"item":"mdtfmd009","label":"Transfers objects from one hand to the other hand"} {"item":"mdtfmd010","label":"Picks up small things in a RAKING fashion"} {"item":"mdtfmd011","label":"Strikes on object with another in imitation with the examiner"} {"item":"mdtfmd012","label":"Finds object under piece of cloth"} {"item":"mdtfmd013","label":"Picks up maize or bean with thumb and one finger"} {"item":"mdtfmd014","label":"Puts 1 or more blocks in and out of cup"} {"item":"mdtfmd015","label":"Pushes a little car along"} {"item":"mdtfmd016","label":"Puts blocks into jar with screw on lid in imitation"} {"item":"mdtfmd017","label":"Dumps blocks out of jar purposefully"} {"item":"mdtfmd018","label":"Scribbles on paper (straight scribble)"} {"item":"mdtfmd019","label":"Scribbles on paper (circular scribble)"} {"item":"mdtfmd020","label":"Builds a tower of 2 blocks"} {"item":"mdtfmd021","label":"Puts pegs into board in <= 2 minutes"} {"item":"mdtfmd022","label":"Builds tower of 4 blocks"} {"item":"mdtfmd023","label":"Builds tower of 6 blocks"} {"item":"mdtfmd024","label":"Puts pegs into board in up to <=30 seconds"} {"item":"mdtfmd025","label":"Unscrews and screws back on lid of jar"} {"item":"mdtfmd026","label":"Threads 6 beads"} {"item":"mdtfmd027","label":"Copies a vertical line (as drawn by the examiner) within about 30 degrees"} {"item":"mdtfmd028","label":"Picks longest stick 3 times out of 3 tries"} {"item":"mdtfmd029","label":"Picks heaviest box 3 time out of 3 tries"} {"item":"mdtfmd030","label":"Can make a bridge with 3 blocks"} {"item":"mdtfmd031","label":"Makes a doll out of clay"} {"item":"mdtfmd032","label":"Copies a circle"} {"item":"mdtfmd033","label":"Copies a cross"} {"item":"mdtfmd034","label":"Copies a square"} {"item":"mdtgmd001","label":"Lifts chin off floor"} {"item":"mdtgmd002","label":"Prone (on tummy), can lift head up to 90 degrees"} {"item":"mdtgmd003","label":"Holds head upright for a few seconds"} {"item":"mdtgmd004","label":"Pulls to sit with no head lag"} {"item":"mdtgmd005","label":"Lifts head, shoulders and chest when prone"} {"item":"mdtgmd006","label":"Bears weight on legs when held in standing position"} {"item":"mdtgmd007","label":"Sits with help"} {"item":"mdtgmd008","label":"Rolls over from back to front"} {"item":"mdtgmd009","label":"Sits without help for a short time"} {"item":"mdtgmd010","label":"Sits by self well"} {"item":"mdtgmd011","label":"Crawls in any way"} {"item":"mdtgmd012","label":"Pulls self to stand/trying to get to standing"} {"item":"mdtgmd013","label":"Able to stand well if holding onto things"} {"item":"mdtgmd014","label":"Walks using both hands of someone"} {"item":"mdtgmd015","label":"Walks with help (using somebodys hand as if led or a piece of furniture)"} {"item":"mdtgmd016","label":"Walks, but falls over at times"} {"item":"mdtgmd017","label":"Stoops and recovers. (Picks up object off floor without falling)"} {"item":"mdtgmd018","label":"Walks well"} {"item":"mdtgmd019","label":"Basic running, may fall over"} {"item":"mdtgmd020","label":"Kicks ball, tries to kick ball"} {"item":"mdtgmd021","label":"Runs well, stopping and starting without falling"} {"item":"mdtgmd022","label":"Kneels and gets up without using hands"} {"item":"mdtgmd023","label":"Throws a ball into a basket (at least one of 3 times) 1 meter away"} {"item":"mdtgmd024","label":"Runs, stops and is able to kick a ball some distance"} {"item":"mdtgmd025","label":"Jumps with feet together off the ground"} {"item":"mdtgmd026","label":"Jumps over line/string on the ground"} {"item":"mdtgmd027","label":"Stands on one foot for less than 5 seconds"} {"item":"mdtgmd028","label":"Walks on heels for 6 + steps"} {"item":"mdtgmd029","label":"Jumps over a piece of paper (widthways)"} {"item":"mdtgmd030","label":"Walks on tip toes for six or more steps"} {"item":"mdtgmd031","label":"Hops on one foot without support, has to go 3 steps"} {"item":"mdtgmd032","label":"Stands on one foot for a longer time (at least 5 seconds -tminute"} {"item":"mdtgmd033","label":"Can throw a ball up in the air and catch it with 2 hands"} {"item":"mdtgmd034","label":"Heel/toe walk with one foot behind the other along the string with good balance:"} {"item":"mdtlgd001","label":"Startles or jumps/responds to sounds"} {"item":"mdtlgd002","label":"Happy vocalizing or making sounds not crying"} {"item":"mdtlgd003","label":"Laughs/chuckles"} {"item":"mdtlgd004","label":"Turns to voice"} {"item":"mdtlgd005","label":"Uses single syllables or sounds, for example Ma, Pa, Da, Ba, Ta"} {"item":"mdtlgd006","label":"Responds to his or her name"} {"item":"mdtlgd007","label":"Uses 2/4 syllable babble such as Dada, Mama, Mimi, Tata, Papa, Yaya, Baba"} {"item":"mdtlgd008","label":"Understands when being cautioned about danger. For example when parent says STOP! to child, s/he stops even briefly"} {"item":"mdtlgd009","label":"Indicates by gesture to say No"} {"item":"mdtlgd010","label":"Follows simple commands (1 step)"} {"item":"mdtlgd011","label":"Unclear talk/jabber in sentences - pretends to talk"} {"item":"mdtlgd012","label":"Says 2 words, but words other than those used for mother and father"} {"item":"mdtlgd013","label":"Says 2 words together"} {"item":"mdtlgd014","label":"Says 6 words, but words other than those used for mother and father"} {"item":"mdtlgd015","label":"Follows 2 step commands"} {"item":"mdtlgd016","label":"Child can IDENTIFY (point to or give you) 5 objects you name"} {"item":"mdtlgd017","label":"Speaks clearly in sentences"} {"item":"mdtlgd018","label":"Points to 2 or more body parts"} {"item":"mdtlgd019","label":"Child can NAME 5 objects in the basket"} {"item":"mdtlgd020","label":"Child can tell you his or her first name"} {"item":"mdtlgd021","label":"Knows actions of 3 or more objects"} {"item":"mdtlgd022","label":"Child can IDENTIFY (point to or give you) 10 objects you name"} {"item":"mdtlgd023","label":"Child can NAME 10 objects in the basket"} {"item":"mdtlgd024","label":"Child is able to categorize things"} {"item":"mdtlgd025","label":"Child is able to follow a 3 step command"} {"item":"mdtlgd026","label":"Is able to tell you the use of 3 or more objects"} {"item":"mdtlgd027","label":"Can do 2 syllable recall"} {"item":"mdtlgd028","label":"Child knows 2 of 3 comprehension questions"} {"item":"mdtlgd029","label":"Understands the adjectives such as faster by answering Which goes faster, a car or a bicycle?"} {"item":"mdtlgd030","label":"Can do 4 syllable recall"} {"item":"mdtlgd031","label":"Child can understand prepositions and follow tasks related to this"} {"item":"mdtlgd032","label":"Understands the concept of opposites"} {"item":"mdtlgd033","label":"Knows quantities can count at least 3 objects"} {"item":"mdtlgd034","label":"SEE ITEM 33"} {"item":"mdtsed001","label":"Smiles, but not at a particular person"} {"item":"mdtsed002","label":"Smiles in response to a person"} {"item":"mdtsed003","label":"Frolics with mother or caregiver (moves body in response to another person)"} {"item":"mdtsed004","label":"Frolics alone, plays around moving body, kicking legs in a happy way"} {"item":"mdtsed005","label":"Recognizes or calms and quiets with caregivers/known family members"} {"item":"mdtsed006","label":"Will take porridge from a spoon when fed by a caregiver"} {"item":"mdtsed007","label":"Helps to hold a cup while mom gives a drink"} {"item":"mdtsed008","label":"Puts arms up or indicates in some way that they want to be picked up"} {"item":"mdtsed009","label":"Can hold a spoon with porridge but not get to mouth well"} {"item":"mdtsed010","label":"Drinks form a cup well without spilling"} {"item":"mdtsed011","label":"Is able to indicate, by pointing, that they want something"} {"item":"mdtsed012","label":"Can eat by picking up morsels of food from a plate"} {"item":"mdtsed013","label":"Puts hands out to have them washed"} {"item":"mdtsed014","label":"Can hold a spoon and take porridge by self, but spills some"} {"item":"mdtsed015","label":"Indicates in some way that they need to go for a poo/pee, for example by crying, pulling at pants or saying something"} {"item":"mdtsed016","label":"Wants to join in with singing games"} {"item":"mdtsed017","label":"Able to greet either by extending hand or verbally"} {"item":"mdtsed018","label":"Sharing things, including food with others"} {"item":"mdtsed019","label":"Does a poo or pees by themselves without wetting their pants"} {"item":"mdtsed020","label":"Can feed self well using a spoon without spilling"} {"item":"mdtsed021","label":"Can make own morsels of food and put in mouth"} {"item":"mdtsed022","label":"Able to undress by themselves"} {"item":"mdtsed023","label":"Wants to go and visit a friends house (shows independence)"} {"item":"mdtsed024","label":"Can go to the toilet by themselves anywhere"} {"item":"mdtsed025","label":"Can eat food with bits in it or bones"} {"item":"mdtsed026","label":"Is able to dress self but not completely"} {"item":"mdtsed027","label":"Washes hands well by self before/after eating"} {"item":"mdtsed028","label":"Knows to keep quiet at important meetings or ceremonies"} {"item":"mdtsed029","label":"Does household chores or helps father or mother in a useful way"} {"item":"mdtsed030","label":"Able to dress by themselves completely"} {"item":"mdtsed031","label":"Understands the concept of discipline"} {"item":"mdtsed032","label":"Knows how to be respectful to elders"} {"item":"mdtsed033","label":"Is able to go to the toilet/pit latrine by self"} {"item":"mdtsed034","label":"Label unknown"} {"item":"mulcgd010","label":"Fixates on triangle (S)"} {"item":"mulcgd011","label":"Tracks triangle (S)"} {"item":"mulcgd020","label":"Tracks schematic face 90 degrees (S)"} {"item":"mulcgd030","label":"Tracks moving bull's-eye 180 degrees (PPr)"} {"item":"mulcgd040","label":"Localizes alternating red ball and schematic face (PPr)"} {"item":"mulcgd050","label":"Stares at own hand (S)"} {"item":"mulcgd060","label":"Localizes bull's-eye near and far (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulcgd070","label":"Looks for dropped spoon(A/V) (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulcgd080","label":"Pulls cord to obtain disc (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulcgd090","label":"Looks for ring hidden under washcloth (Sit) 1 partially hidden"} {"item":"mulcgd091","label":"Looks for ring hidden under washcloth (Sit) 1 fully hidden"} {"item":"mulcgd100","label":"Turns cup right-side up"} {"item":"mulcgd110","label":"Makes object association"} {"item":"mulcgd120","label":"Looks for car under two washcloths"} {"item":"mulcgd130","label":"Shows interest in book as hinge"} {"item":"mulcgd140","label":"Attends to picture (A/V)"} {"item":"mulcgd150","label":"Looks for toy covered, then displaced"} {"item":"mulcgd160","label":"Discriminates forms on formboard - only the circle"} {"item":"mulcgd161","label":"Discriminates forms on formboard - circle and square"} {"item":"mulcgd162","label":"Discriminates forms on formboard - three forms"} {"item":"mulcgd163","label":"Discriminates forms on formboard - all four forms"} {"item":"mulcgd170","label":"Matches objects with naming or without naming - one object"} {"item":"mulcgd171","label":"Matches objects with naming or without naming - 2 objects"} {"item":"mulcgd172","label":"Matches objects with naming or without naming - 3 objects"} {"item":"mulcgd180","label":"Nests nesting cups 1 nests three 2 nests four"} {"item":"mulcgd181","label":"Nests nesting cups 1 nests three 2 nests four"} {"item":"mulcgd190","label":"Sorts spoons and blocks by category"} {"item":"mulcgd200","label":"Matches by shape"} {"item":"mulcgd210","label":"Matches pictures"} {"item":"mulcgd220","label":"Matches by size, color"} {"item":"mulcgd230","label":"Memory for one picture"} {"item":"mulcgd240","label":"Spatial details I"} {"item":"mulcgd250","label":"Spatial details II (flower) 1 three details"} {"item":"mulcgd251","label":"Spatial details II (flower) 1 four details"} {"item":"mulcgd260","label":"Memory for objects"} {"item":"mulcgd270","label":"Discriminates spatial position"} {"item":"mulcgd280","label":"Matches letters"} {"item":"mulcgd290","label":"Discriminates left or right - 1 object"} {"item":"mulcgd291","label":"Discriminates left or right -2 objects"} {"item":"mulcgd292","label":"Discriminates left or right - 3 objects"} {"item":"mulcgd293","label":"Discriminates left or right - 4 objects"} {"item":"mulcgd300","label":"Matches letters, words - two matches"} {"item":"mulcgd301","label":"Matches letters, words - four matches"} {"item":"mulcgd302","label":"Matches letters, words - five matches"} {"item":"mulcgd303","label":"Matches letters, words - six matches"} {"item":"mulcgd310","label":"Memory for three pictures"} {"item":"mulcgd320","label":"Spatial details III dog 1 three details"} {"item":"mulcgd321","label":"Spatial details III dog 1 four details"} {"item":"mulcgd330","label":"Memory for form 1 two forms"} {"item":"mulcgd331","label":"Memory for form 1 three forms"} {"item":"mulexd010","label":"Sucking, swallowing, chewing movements"} {"item":"mulexd020","label":"Vocalizes (S)"} {"item":"mulexd030","label":"Smiles and makes happy sounds (S)"} {"item":"mulexd040","label":"Coos, chuckles, or laughs"} {"item":"mulexd050","label":"Makes vocalizations such as ah eh m"} {"item":"mulexd060","label":"Plays with sounds such a o v ahgoo"} {"item":"mulexd070","label":"Voluntary babbling such as bu bu bu"} {"item":"mulexd080","label":"Produces three consonant sounds such as p d k g m"} {"item":"mulexd090","label":"Vocalizes two-syllable sounds such as dada or baba"} {"item":"mulexd100","label":"Plays gesture/language game"} {"item":"mulexd110","label":"Says first words 1 one word 2 two to seven words 3 eight words"} {"item":"mulexd111","label":"Says first words 1 one word 2 two to seven words 3 eight words"} {"item":"mulexd112","label":"Says first words 1 one word 2 two to seven words 3 eight words"} {"item":"mulexd120","label":"Jabbers with inflection"} {"item":"mulexd130","label":"Combines jargon/gestures"} {"item":"mulexd140","label":"Combines words/gestures"} {"item":"mulexd150","label":"Names objects 1 one to three 2 four to five 3 six"} {"item":"mulexd151","label":"Names objects 1 one to three 2 four to five 3 six"} {"item":"mulexd152","label":"Names objects 1 one to three 2 four to five 3 six"} {"item":"mulexd160","label":"Labels picture"} {"item":"mulexd170","label":"Uses two-word phrase"} {"item":"mulexd180","label":"Picture vocabulary 1 five to ten 2 eleven to fourteen 3 fifteen tot sixteen 4 seventeen 5 eighteen"} {"item":"mulexd181","label":"Picture vocabulary 1 five to ten 2 eleven to fourteen 3 fifteen tot sixteen 4 seventeen 5 eighteen"} {"item":"mulexd182","label":"Picture vocabulary 1 five to ten 2 eleven to fourteen 3 fifteen to sixteen 4 seventeen 5 eighteen"} {"item":"mulexd183","label":"Picture vocabulary 1 five to ten 2 eleven to fourteen 3 fifteen tot sixteen 4 seventeen 5 eighteen"} {"item":"mulexd184","label":"Picture vocabulary 1 five to ten 2 eleven to fourteen 3 fifteen tot sixteen 4 seventeen 5 eighteen"} {"item":"mulexd190","label":"Uses pronouns"} {"item":"mulexd200","label":"Counts to two"} {"item":"mulexd201","label":"Counts to three"} {"item":"mulexd202","label":"Counts to twelve"} {"item":"mulexd210","label":"Repeats two numbers"} {"item":"mulexd220","label":"Uses three to four word sentences"} {"item":"mulexd230","label":"Answers questions - two"} {"item":"mulexd231","label":"Answers questions - three"} {"item":"mulexd240","label":"Verbal analogies four"} {"item":"mulexd241","label":"Verbal analogies five"} {"item":"mulexd242","label":"Verbal analogies six"} {"item":"mulexd243","label":"Verbal analogies seven"} {"item":"mulexd244","label":"Verbal analogies eight"} {"item":"mulexd250","label":"Repeats two sentences I"} {"item":"mulexd260","label":"Oral vocabulary five"} {"item":"mulexd261","label":"Oral vocabulary seven"} {"item":"mulexd262","label":"Oral vocabulary eight"} {"item":"mulexd263","label":"Oral vocabulary nine"} {"item":"mulexd270","label":"Practical reasoning four"} {"item":"mulexd271","label":"Practical reasoning five"} {"item":"mulexd272","label":"Practical reasoning six"} {"item":"mulexd273","label":"Practical reasoning seven"} {"item":"mulexd280","label":"Repeats sentences II one"} {"item":"mulexd281","label":"Repeats sentences II two"} {"item":"mulfmd010","label":"Arms flexed/hands fisted (S)"} {"item":"mulfmd020","label":"Holds ring reflexively (S)"} {"item":"mulfmd030","label":"Brings fist to mouth (P)"} {"item":"mulfmd040","label":"Bilateral orientation in midline (S)"} {"item":"mulfmd050","label":"Grasp reflex integrated"} {"item":"mulfmd060","label":"Grasps peg (ulnar palmar) (PPr or Ssit)"} {"item":"mulfmd070","label":"Reaches for and grasps block (radial palmar grasp) (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulfmd080","label":"Transfers, bangs, drops (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulfmd090","label":"Refined grasp/thumb opposition (Sit)"} {"item":"mulfmd100","label":"Uses pincer grasp (Sit) partial"} {"item":"mulfmd101","label":"Uses pincer grasp (Sit) refined"} {"item":"mulfmd110","label":"Bangs in midline, horizontal movement (Sit)"} {"item":"mulfmd120","label":"Takes blocks out, puts blocks in 1 one block 2 four blocks 3 seven blocks"} {"item":"mulfmd121","label":"Takes blocks out, puts blocks in 1 one block 2 four blocks 3 seven blocks"} {"item":"mulfmd122","label":"Takes blocks out, puts blocks in 1 one block 2 four blocks 3 seven blocks"} {"item":"mulfmd130","label":"Uses two hands together"} {"item":"mulfmd140","label":"Turns pages in a book several at a time"} {"item":"mulfmd141","label":"Turns pages in a book one at a time"} {"item":"mulfmd150","label":"Imitates crayon lines 1 any direction and horizontal 2 vertical"} {"item":"mulfmd151","label":"Imitates crayon lines 1 any direction and horizontal 2 vertical"} {"item":"mulfmd160","label":"Puts pennies in slot, horizontal"} {"item":"mulfmd161","label":"Puts pennies in slot, vertical"} {"item":"mulfmd170","label":"Stacks blocks vertically 1 thee to five 2 six to eight 3 nine or more"} {"item":"mulfmd171","label":"Stacks blocks vertically 1 thee to five 2 six to eight 3 nine or more"} {"item":"mulfmd172","label":"Stacks blocks vertically 1 thee to five 2 six to eight 3 nine or more"} {"item":"mulfmd180","label":"Imitates four-block train"} {"item":"mulfmd181","label":"Imitates four-block train with driver"} {"item":"mulfmd190","label":"Unscrews, screws nut and bolt"} {"item":"mulfmd200","label":"Strings beads"} {"item":"mulfmd210","label":"Imitates four-block tower"} {"item":"mulfmd220","label":"Copies circle"} {"item":"mulfmd221","label":"Copies circle and line"} {"item":"mulfmd230","label":"Draws in path two figures"} {"item":"mulfmd231","label":"Draws in path three figures"} {"item":"mulfmd240","label":"Cuts with scissors one-inch cut"} {"item":"mulfmd241","label":"Cuts with scissors two-inch cut"} {"item":"mulfmd250","label":"Folds paper three times"} {"item":"mulfmd260","label":"Imitates drawings one task"} {"item":"mulfmd261","label":"Imitates drawings two tasks"} {"item":"mulfmd262","label":"Imitates drawings three tasks"} {"item":"mulfmd270","label":"Touches fingers I"} {"item":"mulfmd280","label":"Touches fingers II"} {"item":"mulfmd290","label":"Folds paper twice to form square"} {"item":"mulfmd300","label":"Copies shapes and letters 1 one tasks 2 two tasks 3 three tasks 4 four tasks 5 five tasks"} {"item":"mulfmd301","label":"Copies shapes and letters 1 one tasks 2 two tasks 3 three tasks 4 four tasks 5 five tasks"} {"item":"mulfmd302","label":"Copies shapes and letters 1 one tasks 2 two tasks 3 three tasks 4 four tasks 5 five tasks"} {"item":"mulfmd303","label":"Copies shapes and letters 1 one tasks 2 two tasks 3 three tasks 4 four tasks 5 five tasks"} {"item":"mulfmd304","label":"Copies shapes and letters 1 one tasks 2 two tasks 3 three tasks 4 four tasks 5 five tasks"} {"item":"mulgmd010","label":"Enjoys being held/realigns (Up)"} {"item":"mulgmd020","label":"Rotates head (P)"} {"item":"mulgmd030","label":"Moves arms, legs vigorously (S)"} {"item":"mulgmd040","label":"Held upright, holds head steadily (Up)"} {"item":"mulgmd050","label":"Supports on forearms (P)"} {"item":"mulgmd060","label":"Sits supported, head steady (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulgmd070","label":"Rolls over (P to S)"} {"item":"mulgmd080","label":"Holds on to fingers/pulls self to sit (S to Ssit)"} {"item":"mulgmd090","label":"Shifts weight, reaches (P)"} {"item":"mulgmd100","label":"Stands with hands held, bounces"} {"item":"mulgmd110","label":"Sits with arms free (Sit)"} {"item":"mulgmd120","label":"Pulls self to stand (Sit to stand)"} {"item":"mulgmd130","label":"Gets from sitting to hands and knees (sit)"} {"item":"mulgmd140","label":"Walks with one hand held"} {"item":"mulgmd150","label":"Stands alone (1-2 seconds)"} {"item":"mulgmd160","label":"Walks alone (4-5 steps)"} {"item":"mulgmd170","label":"Throws a ball underhand"} {"item":"mulgmd180","label":"Gets to stand by rolling to side (S to stand)"} {"item":"mulgmd190","label":"Stands, squats, stands"} {"item":"mulgmd200","label":"Walks up stairs with help, nonalternating"} {"item":"mulgmd210","label":"Runs stiffly"} {"item":"mulgmd220","label":"Kick a 10- to 12-inch ball (2 of 5 trials)"} {"item":"mulgmd230","label":"Stands on one foot, with help"} {"item":"mulgmd240","label":"Walks 4 to 5 steps, one foot on line"} {"item":"mulgmd250","label":"Walks up stairs by self, nonalternating"} {"item":"mulgmd260","label":"Jumps down from bench 1 foot"} {"item":"mulgmd261","label":"Jumps down from bench 2 feet"} {"item":"mulgmd270","label":"Jumps in place, feet together (one jump)"} {"item":"mulgmd280","label":"Walks on tiptoes (4-5 steps)"} {"item":"mulgmd290","label":"Walks on line, using arms to balance (6-7 steps)"} {"item":"mulgmd300","label":"Walks down stairs by self, alternating"} {"item":"mulgmd310","label":"Gets to stand/forward to sit (S to stand)"} {"item":"mulgmd320","label":"Balances on one foot (2-3 seconds)"} {"item":"mulgmd330","label":"Runs, turns corner, stops"} {"item":"mulgmd340","label":"Hops two times"} {"item":"mulgmd350","label":"Walks online, arms at side (6 steps)"} {"item":"mulred010","label":"Reacts reflexively to loud noise (S)"} {"item":"mulred020","label":"Alerts to sound (S)"} {"item":"mulred030","label":"Responds to voice and face by smiling (A/V) (S)"} {"item":"mulred040","label":"Coordinates listening and turning (PPr)"} {"item":"mulred050","label":"Responds to voice and face by vocalizing (A/V) (PPr or Ssit)"} {"item":"mulred060","label":"Coordinates listening and looking (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulred070","label":"Enjoys self/mirror interaction (A/V) (Ssit)"} {"item":"mulred080","label":"Attends to words and movement (A/V) (Ssit or Sit)"} {"item":"mulred090","label":"Recognizes familiar names, words"} {"item":"mulred100","label":"Recognizes own name"} {"item":"mulred110","label":"Understands inhibitory words"} {"item":"mulred120","label":"Understands simple verbal input"} {"item":"mulred130","label":"Understands gesture and commands (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred140","label":"Identifies objects (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred150","label":"Gives toy on verbal request"} {"item":"mulred160","label":"Comprehends questions I"} {"item":"mulred170","label":"Follows directions"} {"item":"mulred180","label":"Recognizes body parts (A/V) 1 one to three 2 four or five 3 six or seven"} {"item":"mulred181","label":"Recognizes body parts (A/V) 1 one to three 2 four or five 3 six or seven"} {"item":"mulred182","label":"Recognizes body parts (A/V) 1 one to three 2 four or five 3 six or seven"} {"item":"mulred190","label":"Comprehends questions II (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred200","label":"Follows related commands"} {"item":"mulred210","label":"Identifies pictures (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred220","label":"Auditory spatial awareness one position"} {"item":"mulred221","label":"Auditory spatial awareness two positions"} {"item":"mulred222","label":"Auditory spatial awareness three positions"} {"item":"mulred223","label":"Auditory spatial awareness four or five positions"} {"item":"mulred230","label":"Comprehends action words - one word"} {"item":"mulred231","label":"Comprehends action words - two or three words"} {"item":"mulred240","label":"Identifies object function (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred250","label":"Follows two unrelated commands"} {"item":"mulred260","label":"Size concepts (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred270","label":"Identifies colors (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred280","label":"Length concepts (A/V)"} {"item":"mulred290","label":"Comparative concepts (A/V) three"} {"item":"mulred291","label":"Comparative concepts (A/V) four"} {"item":"mulred292","label":"Comparative concepts (A/V) five"} {"item":"mulred293","label":"Comparative concepts (A/V) six"} {"item":"mulred300","label":"General knowledge - six"} {"item":"mulred301","label":"General knowledge - seven"} {"item":"mulred302","label":"General knowledge - eight"} {"item":"mulred303","label":"General knowledge - nine"} {"item":"mulred304","label":"General knowledge - ten"} {"item":"mulred310","label":"Follows three unrelated commands"} {"item":"mulred320","label":"Has concept of six eight - one"} {"item":"mulred321","label":"Has concept of six eight - both"} {"item":"mulred330","label":"Identifies letters (A/V) - twelve"} {"item":"mulred331","label":"Identifies letters (A/V) - fourteen"} {"item":"pegfmd001","equate":"COG47","label":"Places 2 or more pegs in 30 sec with either hand"} {"item":"pegfmd002","equate":"COG62","label":"Places 6 or more pegs in 30 sec with either hand"} {"item":"prifad011","label":"Response to being asked to put 2 biscuits in bowl."} {"item":"prifad012","label":"Response to being asked to put 1 more biscuit in bowl as dog still hungry."} {"item":"prifad021","label":"Child points to the plate with many (6) biscuits."} {"item":"prifad031","label":"Constructs bridge of 5 blocks."} {"item":"prifad041","label":"Child puts cows together"} {"item":"prifad042","label":"Child puts chickens together"} {"item":"prifad043","label":"Child puts horses tougher"} {"item":"prifad051","label":"Names finger"} {"item":"prifad052","label":"Names eyebrows"} {"item":"prifad053","label":"Names knee"} {"item":"prifad054","label":"Names belly"} {"item":"prifad055","label":"Names elbow"} {"item":"prifad061","label":"Puts together 2 pieces"} {"item":"prifad071","label":"Says name of mother"} {"item":"prifad081","label":"Puts Behind"} {"item":"prifad082","label":"Puts In Front"} {"item":"prifad091","label":"Puts object on top"} {"item":"prifad092","label":"Puts object under"} {"item":"prifad101","label":"Number of correct responses -- times (5 possible) child put hand on cow."} {"item":"prifad102","label":"Number of errors times (5 possible) child put hand on chicken or dog."} {"item":"prifad111","label":"Examiner asks What do you do when you fall and get a (scratch/bruise)?"} {"item":"prifad112","label":"Examiner asks What do you do when you are sleepy?"} {"item":"prifad113","label":"Examiner asks What do you do when you are hungry?"} {"item":"prifad121","label":"Petting dog."} {"item":"prifad122","label":"Knitting"} {"item":"prifad123","label":"Milking cow."} {"item":"prifad124","label":"Braiding hair."} {"item":"prifad125","label":"Washing cloths."} {"item":"prifad126","label":"Sweeping."} {"item":"prifad127","label":"Laying bricks, building with bricks."} {"item":"prifad128","label":"Swinging on swing."} {"item":"prifad131","label":"Child repeats correctly 2 series of 2 words"} {"item":"prifad132","label":"Child repeats correctly 2 series of 3 words"} {"item":"prifad133","label":"Child repeats correctly 2 series of 4 words"} {"item":"prihdd001","label":"Can (childs name) identify or name at least 10 letters of alphabet?"} {"item":"prihdd002","label":"Can (name) read at least 4 simple, popular words?"} {"item":"prihdd003","label":"Does (name) know the name of and recognize the symbols of all numbers 1-10?"} {"item":"prihdd004","label":"Can (name) pick up a small object like a stick or a (stone floor piece?) with two fingers?"} {"item":"prihdd005","label":"Does (name) at times feel too sick to play?"} {"item":"prihdd006","label":"Can (name) follow simple instructions about how to do something correctly?"} {"item":"prihdd007","label":"When you give (name) something to make/do, can (name) do it by him/herself?"} {"item":"prihdd008","label":"Does (name) get along well with other children?"} {"item":"prihdd009","label":"Does (name) kick, bite or hit other children or adults?"} {"item":"prihdd010","label":"Is (name) easily distracted?"} {"item":"prihdd011","label":"Brush teeth after eating something."} {"item":"prihdd012","label":"Wash hands before eating."} {"item":"prihdd013","label":"Wash hands after going to the bathroom."} {"item":"prised001","label":"(Name) likes to draw or paint."} {"item":"prised002","label":"(Name) can play 15 minutes or more without needing the attention of an adult."} {"item":"prised003","label":"(NAME) likes to meet/know adults"} {"item":"prised004","label":"(Name) has some favorite/preferred friends."} {"item":"prised005","label":"(Name) worries if a known/familiar person is sick or hurt (is interested in the wellbeing/health of that person."} {"item":"prised006","label":"(Name) has preferences for some toys or activities"} {"item":"prised007","label":"When you have to leave, (NAME) cries"} {"item":"prised008","label":"After a conflict, (NAME) can control self (control emotions, calm self?) with the help of an adult"} {"item":"prised009","label":"(NAME) goes to the bathroom alone without the help of an adult"} {"item":"prised010","label":"(NAME) helps with some things around the house when asked"} {"item":"prised011","label":"(NAME) worries if a person is crying (is interested in the wellbeing of that person)"} {"item":"prised012","label":"(NAME) likes to play with other children, even if s/he does not know them"} {"item":"prised013","label":"(Name) imitates (in play) adults"} {"item":"prised014","label":"When a known/familiar adult asks child to do something, s/he complies."} {"item":"prised015","label":"When (NAME) is very disturbed/upset/bothered by something, s/he can later calm self quickly"} {"item":"prised016","label":"When something bothers (NAME), s/he can go to a familiar/well known person and tell him/her."} {"item":"rapclc015","label":"Does your child look at a person when that person starts talking or making noise?"} {"item":"rapclc024","label":"Does your child laugh?"} {"item":"rapclc033","label":"Does your child recognize you or other family members?"} {"item":"rapclc037","label":"Does your child show interest in new objects that are put in front of him/her by reaching out for them?"} {"item":"rapclc044","label":"Does your child play by tapping an object on the ground or a table?"} {"item":"rapclc046","label":"Does your child intentionally move or change his/her position to get objects that are out of reach?"} {"item":"rapclc052","label":"Does the child look for an object of interest when it is removed from sight or hidden from him/her?"} {"item":"rapclc088","label":"Can your child say five or more separate words?"} {"item":"rapclc091","label":"Can your child speak using short sentences of two words that go together?"} {"item":"rapclc093","label":"Can your child ask for something by name when he/she wants it?"} {"item":"rapclc096","label":"Can your child correctly name at least one family member other than mom and dad?"} {"item":"rapclc100","label":"Can your child name at least two body parts?"} {"item":"rapclc101","label":"If you show your child an object he/she knows well, can he/she consistently name it?"} {"item":"rapclc105","label":"Can your child say ten or more separate words?"} {"item":"rapclc107","label":"Can your child sing a short song or repeat parts of a rhyme from memory by him/herself?"} {"item":"rapclc108","label":"Can your child tell you or someone familiar his/her own name [nickname] when asked to?"} {"item":"rapclc111","label":"Can your child speak using sentences of three or more words that go together?"} {"item":"rapclc112","label":"\"Can your child correctly use any of the words \"\"I,\"\" \"\"you,\"\" \"\"she,\"\" or \"\"he\"\"? \""} {"item":"rapclc115","label":"\"Can your child correctly ask questions using any of the words \"\"what,\"\" \"\"which,\"\" \"\"where,\"\" or \"\"who\"\"? \""} {"item":"rapclc116","label":"Does your child pronounce most of his/her words correctly?"} {"item":"rapclc117","label":"If you show your child two objects or people of different size, can he/she tell you which one is the big one and which is the small one?"} {"item":"rapclc118","label":"Can your child count objects up to five (e.g., fingers, people)?"} {"item":"rapclc119","label":"Can your child explain in words what common objects like a cup or chair are used for?"} {"item":"rapclc120","label":"\"If you point to an object, can your child correctly use the words \"\"on,\"\" \"\"in,\"\" or \"\"under\"\" to describe where it is?\""} {"item":"rapclc121","label":"\"Does your child regularly use describing words such as \"\"fast,\"\" \"\"short,\"\" \"\"hot,\"\" \"\"fat,\"\" or \"\"beautiful\"\" correctly? \""} {"item":"rapclc122","label":"Can the child name at least one color?"} {"item":"rapclc124","label":"\"Does your child ask \"\"why\"\" questions? \""} {"item":"rapclc126","label":"If you ask your child to give you three objects (e.g., stones, beans), does the child give you the correct amount?"} {"item":"rapclc138","label":"Can your child talk about things that have happened in the past using correct language?"} {"item":"rapclc139","label":"Can your child talk about things that will happen in the future using correct language?"} {"item":"rapcmc089","label":"\"Can your child say ten or more words in addition to \"\"Mama\"\" and \"\"Dada\"\"?\""} {"item":"rapgmc035","label":"When you put your child on the floor, can she lean on her hands while sitting?"} {"item":"rapgmc053","label":"While holding onto furniture, can your child bend down and pick up a small object from the floor and then return to a standing position?"} {"item":"rapgmc057","label":"While holding onto furniture, does your child squat with control (without falling or flopping down)?"} {"item":"rapgmc067","label":"Can your child move around by walking, rather than by crawling on his hands and knees?"} {"item":"rapgmc069","label":"Can your child stand up from sitting by himself and take several steps forward?"} {"item":"raplgc008","label":"Does your child make noise or gesture to get your attention?"} {"item":"raplgc018","label":"When you talk to your child, does he/she smile, make noises, or move arms, legs or trunk in response?"} {"item":"raplgc022","label":"Does your child turn his/her head towards your voice or some noise?"} {"item":"raplgc023","label":"Does your child make sounds other than crying when LOOKING at toys or people?"} {"item":"raplgc028","label":"\"Does your child make single sounds like \"\"buh\"\" or \"\"duh\"\" or \"\"muh\"\"?\""} {"item":"raplgc056","label":"Does your child make two similar sounds together like baba, mumu, pepe, didi?"} {"item":"raplgc060","label":"Does your child stop what he/she is doing when you say 'Stop!' even if just for a second?"} {"item":"raplgc068","label":"Does your child make a gesture to indicate 'No'?"} {"item":"raplgc072","label":"Can your child follow a simple spoken command or direction without you making a gesture?"} {"item":"raplgc081","label":"Can your child follow directions with more than one step?"} {"item":"raplgc097","label":"\"When looking at pictures, if you say to your child \"\"what is this?\"\", can they say the name of the object that you point to?\""} {"item":"raplgc098","label":"Can your child identify at least seven objects?"} {"item":"raplgc102","label":"Does your child usually communicate with words what he/she wants in a way that is understandable to others?"} {"item":"raplgc113","label":"\"Does your child know the difference between the words \"\"big\"\" and \"\"small\"\"?\""} {"item":"raplgc127","label":"Can your child tell a story?"} {"item":"raplgc131","label":"Does your child understand the term 'longest'?"} {"item":"rapmoc009","label":"Does your child hold his/her hands in fists all the time?"} {"item":"rapmoc010","label":"While your child is on his/her back, can he/she bring his/her hands together?"} {"item":"rapmoc013","label":"Does your child try to move his/her head (or eyes) to follow an object or person?"} {"item":"rapmoc014","label":"When lying on his/her back, does your child move his/her arms and legs?"} {"item":"rapmoc017","label":"Does your child bring his/her hand to his/her mouth?"} {"item":"rapmoc025","label":"Can your child hold his/her head steady for at least a few seconds, without it flopping to the side?"} {"item":"rapmoc027","label":"Does your child grasp onto a small object when put in his/her hand?"} {"item":"rapmoc029","label":"Does your child try to reach for objects that are in front of him/her by extending one or both arms?"} {"item":"rapmoc030","label":"When he/she is on his/her tummy, can your child hold his/her head straight up, looking around for more than a few seconds?"} {"item":"rapmoc034","label":"Can your child reach for AND HOLD an object, at least for a few seconds?"} {"item":"rapmoc036","label":"When held in a sitting position, can the child hold his/her head steady and straight?"} {"item":"rapmoc038","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach, or stomach to back, on his/her own?"} {"item":"rapmoc039","label":"Can your child pick up a small object using just one hand?"} {"item":"rapmoc040","label":"When lying on his/her stomach, can your child hold his/her head and chest off the ground using only his/her hands and arms for support?"} {"item":"rapmoc042","label":"When lying on his/her back, does the child grab his/her feet?"} {"item":"rapmoc043","label":"Can your child sit with support, either leaning against something (furniture or person), or by leaning forward on his or her hands?"} {"item":"rapmoc045","label":"If an object falls to the ground out of view, does your child look for it?"} {"item":"rapmoc047","label":"Can your child hold him/herself in a sitting position without help or support for longer than a few seconds?"} {"item":"rapmoc049","label":"Can your child bang objects together, or bang an object on the table or on the ground?"} {"item":"rapmoc050","label":"Can your child pass a small object from one hand to the other?"} {"item":"rapmoc051","label":"Can your child pick up a small object with just his/her thumb and one finger?"} {"item":"rapmoc054","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"rapmoc055","label":"Can your child pull themselves up from the floor while holding onto something?"} {"item":"rapmoc058","label":"Can your child pick up and drop a small object into a bucket or bowl while sitting?"} {"item":"rapmoc059","label":"Can your child walk several steps while holding on to a person or object (e.g., wall or furniture)?"} {"item":"rapmoc061","label":"Can your child stand up without holding onto anything, even if just for a few seconds?"} {"item":"rapmoc062","label":"Can your child maintain a standing position on his/her own, without holding on or receiving support?"} {"item":"rapmoc063","label":"Can your child make any light marks on paper or in dirt with a crayon or a stick?"} {"item":"rapmoc065","label":"Can your child climb onto an object (rock, porch, step, chair, bed, low table, etc.)?"} {"item":"rapmoc066","label":"Can your child take several steps (3-5) forward without holding onto any person or object, even if they fall down immediately afterward?"} {"item":"rapmoc070","label":"Can your child bend down or squat to pick up an object from the floor and then stand up again, without help from a person or object?"} {"item":"rapmoc071","label":"Can your child make a scribble on paper, or in dirt, in a back and forth manner?"} {"item":"rapmoc075","label":"While standing, can your child purposefully throw the ball and not just drop it?"} {"item":"rapmoc076","label":"Can your child walk well, with coordination, without falling down often?"} {"item":"rapmoc078","label":"Can your child stack at least two objects on top of each other, such as bottle tops, blocks, stones, etc.?"} {"item":"rapmoc079","label":"Can your child kick a ball or other round object forward using his/her foot?"} {"item":"rapmoc080","label":"While standing, can your child kick a ball by swinging his/her leg forward?"} {"item":"rapmoc083","label":"Can your child stack three or more small objects on top of each other?"} {"item":"rapmoc084","label":"Can your child run well, without falling or bumping into objects?"} {"item":"rapmoc099","label":"Can your child walk on an uneven surface without falling?"} {"item":"rapmoc103","label":"Can your child draw a straight line?"} {"item":"rapmoc104","label":"Can your child remove an item of clothing?"} {"item":"rapmoc106","label":"Can your child jump with both feet leaving the ground?"} {"item":"rapmoc110","label":"Can your child unscrew the lid from a bottle or jar?"} {"item":"rapmoc129","label":"Can your child dress him/herself completely?"} {"item":"rapmoc132","label":"Can the child fasten and unfasten buttons without help?"} {"item":"rapmoc133","label":"If you draw a circle can your child do it, just as you did?"} {"item":"rapmoc135","label":"Can your child stand on one foot WITHOUT any support for at least a few seconds?"} {"item":"rapsec011","label":"Does your child sometimes suck his/her thumb or fingers?"} {"item":"rapsec012","label":"Does your child smile?"} {"item":"rapsec016","label":"Does your child smile when you smile or talk with him/her?"} {"item":"rapsec019","label":"When you are about to pick up your child, does he/she act happy or excited?"} {"item":"rapsec020","label":"Does your child look at your face when you speak to him/her?"} {"item":"rapsec021","label":"Does your child stop crying or calm down when you come to the room after being out of sight, or when you pick him or her up?"} {"item":"rapsec026","label":"Does your child move excitedly, kick legs, move arms or trunk, or make coo noises when a known person enters the room or speaks to them?"} {"item":"rapsec031","label":"If you play a game with your child, does he/she respond with interest?"} {"item":"rapsec032","label":"Does your child smile or become excited when seeing someone familiar?"} {"item":"rapsec041","label":"Can your child eat food from your fingers or off a spoon you hold?"} {"item":"rapsec048","label":"Is your child interested when he/she sees other children playing? Does she or he watch, smile, or look excited?"} {"item":"rapsec064","label":"Can your child pick up small bits of food and feed him/her-self using his/her hand?"} {"item":"rapsec077","label":"Does your child put his/her hands out to have them washed?"} {"item":"rapsec082","label":"Even if your child is unable to do singing games, does he/she enjoy them and want to be a part of them?"} {"item":"rapsec085","label":"Can your child greet people either by giving his/her hand or saying 'hello'?"} {"item":"rapsec086","label":"Does your child share with others?"} {"item":"rapsec090","label":"Is your child able to go poo or pee without having accidents?"} {"item":"rapsec094","label":"Can your child break off pieces of food and feed them to him/her-self?"} {"item":"rapsec095","label":"Does your child show independence?"} {"item":"rapsec109","label":"Can your child put on at least one piece of clothing by himself?"} {"item":"rapsec114","label":"Can your child say what he/she likes or dislikes?"} {"item":"rapsec123","label":"Does your child know to keep quiet when the situation requires it? (e.g., at ceremonies, when someone is asleep)"} {"item":"rapsec125","label":"Can your child tell you when he/she is happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"rapsec128","label":"Can your child tell you when others are happy, angry, or sad?"} {"item":"rapsec130","label":"Does your child help out around the house with simple chores, even if he/she doesn't do them well?"} {"item":"rapsec134","label":"Can your child go to the toilet by him/her-self?"} {"item":"rapsec136","label":"Can your child say what others like or dislike?"} {"item":"rapsec137","label":"Does your child show respect around elders?"} {"item":"rapxxc001","label":"Does your child cry when he/she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?"} {"item":"rapxxc002","label":"Does your child look at and focus on objects in front of him/her?"} {"item":"rapxxc003","label":"Does your child grasp your finger if you touch her hand?"} {"item":"rapxxc004","label":"Does your child make sounds other than crying?"} {"item":"rapxxc005","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she turn his/her head to the side?"} {"item":"rapxxc006","label":"When your child is on his/her stomach, can he/she hold his/her head up off the ground?"} {"item":"rapxxc007","label":"Can your child roll from his/her back to stomach or stomach to his/her side?"} {"item":"rapxxc073","label":"Can your child fetch something when asked?"} {"item":"rapxxc074","label":"Can your child drink from an open cup without help?"} {"item":"rapxxc087","label":"Does your child dry hands by herself/himself after you have washed them?"} {"item":"rapxxc092","label":"Can your child wash hands by him/herself?"} {"item":"sbifrd001","label":"Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (similarity)"} {"item":"sbifrd003","label":"Identify missing object: Green cube"} {"item":"sbifrd004","label":"Identify missing object: Blue circle"} {"item":"sbifrd005","label":"Identify missing object: Green cube"} {"item":"sbifrd006","label":"Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (series)"} {"item":"sbifrd007","label":"Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (descending order)"} {"item":"sbifrd008","label":"Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (alternation)"} {"item":"sbifrd009","label":"Identify missing image: Red triangle"} {"item":"sbifrd010","label":"Identify missing image: Yellow square"} {"item":"sbifrd011","label":"Identify missing image: Blue circle"} {"item":"sbifrd012","label":"Identify missing image: Cat"} {"item":"sbifrd013","label":"Identify missing image: Horse"} {"item":"sbivsd001","equate":"COG49","label":"Places circle in form board within 15 secs"} {"item":"sbivsd002","label":"Places circle & square in form board within 15 secs"} {"item":"sbivsd003","equate":"COG56","label":"Places 3 pieces: circle, square, triangle in form board in 15 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd004","equate":"COG60","label":"Places 3 pieces: circle, square, triangle in rotated form board in 30 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd005","label":"Places 2 semicircles - big triangle - square in 30 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd006","label":"Places circle - 2 small triangles - square in 45 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd007","label":"Places 2 semicircles - 2 small triangles - square in 45 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd008","label":"Places circle - 2 small triangles - 2 rectangles in 45 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd009","label":"Places 2 semi-circles - 2 small triangles - 2 rectangles in 45 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd010","equate":"COG116","label":"Placement of all pieces with 90 deg rotation in 45 sec"} {"item":"sbivsd011","label":"Replicates shape: man in motion"} {"item":"sbivsd012","label":"Replicates shape: man and kite"} {"item":"sbivsd013","label":"Replicates shape: geometric shape"} {"item":"sbivsd014","label":"Replicates shape: scorpion"} {"item":"sbivsd015","label":"Replicates shape: bat"} {"item":"sbivsd016","label":"Replicates shape: dog"} {"item":"sbivsd050","equate":"COG116","label":"More complex combinations of geometric pieces placed in form board"} {"item":"sbivsd060","equate":"COG116","label":"More complex combinations of geometric pieces placed in form board"} {"item":"sbivsd070","equate":"COG116","label":"More complex combinations of geometric pieces placed in form board"} {"item":"sbivsd080","equate":"COG116","label":"More complex combinations of geometric pieces placed in form board"} {"item":"sbivsd090","equate":"COG116","label":"More complex combinations of geometric pieces placed in form board"} {"item":"sbiwmd001","equate":"COG40","label":"Finds plastic duck hidden under one of 2 cups"} {"item":"sbiwmd002","equate":"COG45","label":"Finds plastic duck hidden under one of 2 inverted cups"} {"item":"sbiwmd003","label":"Finds car hidden under middle of 3 cups after cups hidden by a screen"} {"item":"sbiwmd004","label":"Finds car hidden under right side of 3 cups after cups hidden by a screen"} {"item":"sbiwmd005","label":"Repeats tapping 1 block"} {"item":"sbiwmd006","label":"Repeats tapping 1 block"} {"item":"sbiwmd007","label":"Repeats sequence of tapping 2 blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd008","label":"Repeats sequence of tapping 2 blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd009","label":"Repeats sequence of tapping 2 blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd010","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v1"} {"item":"sbiwmd011","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v2"} {"item":"sbiwmd012","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v3"} {"item":"sbiwmd013","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v4"} {"item":"sbiwmd014","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v5"} {"item":"sbiwmd015","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v6"} {"item":"sbiwmd016","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v7"} {"item":"sbiwmd017","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v8"} {"item":"sbiwmd018","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v9"} {"item":"sbiwmd019","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v10"} {"item":"sbiwmd020","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v11"} {"item":"sbiwmd021","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v12"} {"item":"sbiwmd022","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v13"} {"item":"sbiwmd030","equate":"COG117","label":"car hidden under one of 3 cups and then all cups hidden by a screen for a count of 3 (first under middle cup, second is under right cup)"} {"item":"sbiwmd040","equate":"COG117","label":"car hidden under one of 3 cups and then all cups hidden by a screen for a count of 3 (first under middle cup, second is under right cup)"} {"item":"sbiwmd050","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd060","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd070","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd080","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks"} {"item":"sbiwmd090","equate":"COG118","label":"Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks"} {"item":"sgrehd009","label":"Grasps ring"} {"item":"sgrehd012","equate":"COG17","label":"Carries ring to mouth"} {"item":"sgrehd013","label":"Clutches ring"} {"item":"sgrehd017","equate":"COG23","label":"Reaches for string"} {"item":"sgrehd018","equate":"COG25","label":"Looks for fallen object."} {"item":"sgrehd020","label":"Watches scribble"} {"item":"sgrehd021","equate":"COG29","label":"Secures ring by means of string."} {"item":"sgrehd022","equate":"FM18","label":"Forefinger and thumb pardy specialised."} {"item":"sgrehd023","equate":"FM24","label":"Fine prehension."} {"item":"sgrehd024","equate":"COG41","label":"Dangles ring by string."} {"item":"sgrehd025","label":"Pulls toy by string"} {"item":"sgrehd027","equate":"FM22","label":"Thumb opposition complete."} {"item":"sgrehd028","equate":"FM29","label":"Can point with index finger."} {"item":"sgrehd030","equate":"FM28","label":"Can hold pencil as if to mark on paper*"} {"item":"sgrehd036","equate":"COG39","label":"Plays pushing little cars along."} {"item":"sgrehd038","equate":"FM30","label":"Scribbles more freely."} {"item":"sgrehd039","equate":"COG28","label":"Pulls paper or cloth to get toy."} {"item":"sgrehd040","equate":"COG53","label":"Constructive play with boxes or other materials (E)."} {"item":"sgrehd042","equate":"GM44","label":"Can throw a ball"} {"item":"sgrehd046","equate":"FM43","label":"Circular scribble (imitation)."} {"item":"sgrehd048","equate":"FM41","label":"Perpendicular stroke."} {"item":"sgrehd052","equate":"FM40","label":"Horizontal stroke."} {"item":"sgrfmd008","label":" Looks at box on table"} {"item":"sgrfmd011","label":"Drops one block for second"} {"item":"sgrfmd014","equate":"FM15","label":"Takes cube from table."} {"item":"sgrfmd015","equate":"COG30","label":"Holds two cubes."} {"item":"sgrfmd016","label":" Grasps box."} {"item":"sgrfmd017","label":" Manipulates cube"} {"item":"sgrfmd018","label":"Takes paper"} {"item":"sgrfmd019","equate":"FM21","label":"Passes toy from hand to hand."} {"item":"sgrfmd025","equate":"FM23","label":"Clicks two bricks together (Imitation)."} {"item":"sgrfmd029","equate":"COG37","label":"Accepts 3rd cube without dropping."} {"item":"sgrfmd041","equate":"COG49","label":"Three-hole board - one in, two trials."} {"item":"sgrfmd045","equate":"COG56","label":"Three-hole board - three in."} {"item":"sgrfmd052","equate":"COG46","label":"Can open screw toy (Credit two points). Sagp51 is one point"} {"item":"sgrgmd003","equate":"GM4","label":"Holds head erect for a fewseconds."} {"item":"sgrgmd006","label":"Active in bath"} {"item":"sgrgmd008","equate":"GM14","label":"Rolls from side to back"} {"item":"sgrgmd014","label":"Plays with own toes"} {"item":"sgrgmd016","equate":"GM19","label":"Sits with slight support."} {"item":"sgrgmd017","equate":"GM25","label":"Can roll from back tostomach, etc."} {"item":"sgrgmd018","label":"Stepping movements"} {"item":"sgrgmd020","equate":"GM22","label":"Sits alone for a short time."} {"item":"sgrgmd021","equate":"GM29","label":"\"Stepping Reaction (4); One foot in front of the other.\""} {"item":"sgrgmd022","label":"Can turn on floor"} {"item":"sgrgmd023","equate":"GM27","label":"Can be left sitting on floor."} {"item":"sgrgmd027","equate":"GM35","label":"Pulls self up by furniture."} {"item":"sgrgmd028","label":"Can stand next to furniture"} {"item":"sgrgmd029","equate":"GM34","label":"Crawling (V) Creeps on hands and knees, etc."} {"item":"sgrgmd030","equate":"GM38","label":"Side-steps round/inside cot or play-pen, holding rails."} {"item":"sgrgmd031","equate":"GM37","label":"Can walk when led."} {"item":"sgrgmd033","equate":"GM40","label":"Stands alone."} {"item":"sgrgmd034","equate":"GM42","label":"Walks alone."} {"item":"sgrgmd038","equate":"GM43","label":"Trots about well."} {"item":"sgrgmd039","equate":"GM45","label":"Stoops."} {"item":"sgrgmd041","equate":"GM48","label":"Can walk backwards."} {"item":"sgrgmd045","equate":"GM50","label":"Runs."} {"item":"sgrgmd046","equate":"GM47","label":"Walks upstairs."} {"item":"sgrgmd048","equate":"GM54","label":"Can jump off a step."} {"item":"sgrgmd050","equate":"GM49","label":"Walks up and down Stairs."} {"item":"sgrgmd051","equate":"GM55","label":"Can kick a ball."} {"item":"sgrgmd052","equate":"GM58","label":"Goes alone on stairs."} {"item":"sgrhsd002","equate":"REC3","label":"Quieted by voice."} {"item":"sgrhsd003","equate":"EXP4","label":"Vocalization other than crying."} {"item":"sgrhsd008","equate":"EXP8","label":"Makes 2+ different sounds."} {"item":"sgrhsd010","label":"Laughs aloud"} {"item":"sgrhsd011","equate":"REC6","label":"Turns head deliberately to bell."} {"item":"sgrhsd014","equate":"EXP12","label":"Talks (babbles) to persons."} {"item":"sgrhsd015","equate":"COG26","label":"Manipulates bell"} {"item":"sgrhsd018","equate":"EXP10","label":"Two-syllable babble."} {"item":"sgrhsd019","label":"Shouts for attention"} {"item":"sgrhsd021","label":"Singing tones"} {"item":"sgrhsd022","equate":"EXP13","label":"Babbled phrases: 4 + syllables."} {"item":"sgrhsd023","equate":"EXP14","label":"Says Mama or Dada, etc. (one word clear)."} {"item":"sgrhsd026","equate":"EXP18","label":"Says two clear words."} {"item":"sgrhsd028","equate":"COG31","label":"Rings bell."} {"item":"sgrhsd029","label":"Reacts to music"} {"item":"sgrhsd034","equate":"REC9","label":"Knows own name."} {"item":"sgrhsd037","equate":"REC15","label":"One object in box identified."} {"item":"sgrhsd042","equate":"EXP23","label":"Uses 9 words."} {"item":"sgrhsd043","equate":"REC19","label":"Four object in box identified."} {"item":"sgrhsd045","equate":"EXP22","label":"Picture Vocabulary (1)."} {"item":"sgrhsd046","equate":"EXP26","label":"Word combinations."} {"item":"sgrhsd052","equate":"EXP29","label":"Uses sentences of 4 + syllables."} {"item":"sgrred006","label":"Vocalises when spoken to"} {"item":"sgrred007","label":"Follows moving person"} {"item":"sgrred008","label":"Coos and smiles"} {"item":"sgrred009","label":"Friendly to strangers"} {"item":"sgrred010","label":"Resist ring being taken away"} {"item":"sgrred011","label":"Frolics when played with"} {"item":"sgrred012","label":"Stops crying when spoken to"} {"item":"sgrred013","label":"Turns head to person talking"} {"item":"sgrred014","label":"Anticipate being lifted"} {"item":"sgrred015","label":"Holds a spoon"} {"item":"sgrred016","label":"Stretches to be taken"} {"item":"sgrred017","label":"Drinks from a cup"} {"item":"sgrred018","label":"Manipulates cup or spoon in play"} {"item":"sgrred019","label":"Reacts to mirror image"} {"item":"sgrred020","label":"Knows strangers"} {"item":"sgrred021","label":"Enthusiastic"} {"item":"sgrred022","label":"Displeased when toy taken"} {"item":"sgrred023","label":"Helps hold cup"} {"item":"sgrred024","label":"Pulls off hat"} {"item":"sgrred025","equate":"COG22","label":"Smiles, plays mirror"} {"item":"sgrred026","label":"Waves bye bye"} {"item":"sgrred027","label":"Gives affection"} {"item":"sgrred028","label":"Finger feeds"} {"item":"sgrred029","label":"Plays cup, saucer"} {"item":"sgrred030","label":"Obeys simple requests"} {"item":"sgrred031","label":"Pays pat-a-cake"} {"item":"sgrred032","label":"Puts block in and out of cup"} {"item":"sgrred033","label":"Helps dressing"} {"item":"sgrred034","label":"Hold cup"} {"item":"sgrred035","label":"Uses spoon"} {"item":"sgrred036","label":"Shoes shoes"} {"item":"sgrred037","label":"tries doorknob"} {"item":"sgrred038","label":"sks toilet"} {"item":"sgrred039","label":"Manages cup well"} {"item":"sgrred040","label":"Can take off shoes and socks"} {"item":"sgrred041","label":"Like book showing"} {"item":"tepcod001","equate":"FM129","label":"Child carries water without spilling"} {"item":"tepcod010","equate":"FM61","label":"Child draws 2 perpendicular lines"} {"item":"tepcod011","equate":"FM133","label":"Child can copy a triangle"} {"item":"tepcod012","equate":"FM66","label":"Child copies a square"} {"item":"tepcod013","equate":"FM134","label":"Child can draw 9 or more parts of a human figure"} {"item":"tepcod014","equate":"FM135","label":"Child can draw 6 or more parts of a human figure"} {"item":"tepcod015","equate":"FM136","label":"Child can draw 3 or more parts of a human figure"} {"item":"tepcod016","equate":"FM137","label":"Child can organize materials by size"} {"item":"tepcod131","label":"No label: j13b__1"} {"item":"tepcod132","label":"No label: j13b__2"} {"item":"tepcod133","label":"No label: j13b__3"} {"item":"teplgd002","equate":"FM52","label":"Child constructs a bridge with 3 blocks."} {"item":"teplgd003","equate":"FM54","label":"Child constructs a tower with 8 or more blocks."} {"item":"teplgd004","equate":"FM130","label":"Child can unbutton 1 large button"} {"item":"teplgd017","equate":"REC31","label":"Child can tell difference between large and small"} {"item":"teplgd018","equate":"REC40","label":"Child understands difference between more and less"} {"item":"teplgd019","label":"Child names 5 out of 8 animals"} {"item":"teplgd020","label":"Child names 5 out of 8 objects"} {"item":"teplgd021","equate":"REC66","label":"Child understands long v. short"} {"item":"teplgd022","label":"Child names 3 out of 4 actions"} {"item":"teplgd023","label":"Child describes use of objects (minimum 4)"} {"item":"teplgd024","label":"No label: j24b"} {"item":"teplgd025","label":"Child can say own name"} {"item":"teplgd026","label":"Child can say own sex"} {"item":"teplgd027","label":"Child knows parents names"} {"item":"teplgd031","label":"Child can name at least 2 colors"} {"item":"teplgd032","equate":"REC67","label":"Child can point to and identify at least 2 colors"} {"item":"teplgd033","label":"Child names at least 2 shapes"} {"item":"teplgd034","equate":"REC68","label":"Child can point to and identify at least 2 shapes"} {"item":"teplgd035","label":"Child describes a picture"} {"item":"teplgd036","label":"Child can describe an absurd picture"} {"item":"teplgd037","label":"Child uses plurals"} {"item":"teplgd038","equate":"REC44","label":"Child understands before v. after"} {"item":"teplgd040","label":"\"Describe at least 2 characteristics of \"\"ball\"\", \"\"balloon\"\", and \"\"bag\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd281","label":"\"Child gives logical response to what to do if \"\"hungry\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd282","label":"No label: j28b__2"} {"item":"teplgd283","label":"No label: j28b__3"} {"item":"teplgd291","label":"\"Child correctly uses preposition \"\"behind\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd292","label":"No label: j29b__2"} {"item":"teplgd293","label":"No label: j29b__3"} {"item":"teplgd301","label":"\"Child can describe \"\"ice\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd302","label":"\"Child can describe \"\"mouse\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd303","label":"\"Child can describe \"\"mother\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd391","label":"\"Define \"\"apple\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd392","label":"\"Define \"\"ball\"\"\""} {"item":"teplgd393","label":"\"Define \"\"show\"\" \""} {"item":"teplgd394","label":"\"Define \"\"coat\"\"\""} {"item":"tepmod005","equate":"FM57","label":"Child can button 1 large button"} {"item":"tepmod006","equate":"FM131","label":"Child can thread a needle"} {"item":"tepmod007","equate":"FM132","label":"Child can untie shoes"} {"item":"tepmod008","equate":"FM40","label":"Child copies a straight line"} {"item":"tepmod009","equate":"FM43","label":"Child copies a circle"} {"item":"tepmod041","label":"Child jumps with both feet"} {"item":"tepmod042","label":"Child walks without spilling glass of water"} {"item":"tepmod043","label":"Child throws ball forward"} {"item":"tepmod047","label":"Child walks on tiptoes without touching heels to floor"} {"item":"tepmod048","label":"Child jumps with both feet a minimum of 18 inches"} {"item":"tepmod049","label":"Child hops on one foot without help"} {"item":"tepmod050","label":"Child catches the ball with 1 or 2 hands"} {"item":"tepmod051","label":"Child walks forwards >4 steps in a straight line"} {"item":"tepmod052","label":"Child walks backwards unassisted >4 steps in a stright line"} {"item":"tepmod441","label":"Child balances on one foot >10 second"} {"item":"tepmod442","label":"Child balances on one foot for 5-8 seconds"} {"item":"tepmod443","label":"Child balances on one foot for 1-4 seconds"} {"item":"vinxxc002","label":"chew solid foods"} {"item":"vinxxc003","label":"take off socks / shoes"} {"item":"vinxxc004","label":"transfer objects"} {"item":"vinxxc005","label":"overcome simple obstacles"} {"item":"vinxxc006","label":"fetch something"} {"item":"vinxxc007","label":"drink from cup / glass"} {"item":"vinxxc008","equate":"GM43","label":"walk by his / herself"} {"item":"vinxxc009","label":"get on with other children"} {"item":"vinxxc010","label":"eat soft food with a spoon"} {"item":"vinxxc011","label":"walk around the yard without supervision"} {"item":"vinxxc012","label":"know what's edible"} {"item":"vinxxc013","equate":"EXP20","label":"use names of objects - shoe"} {"item":"vinxxc014","equate":"GM47","label":"walk upstairs"} {"item":"vinxxc015","label":"unwrap sweet"} {"item":"vinxxc016","equate":"EXP36","label":"use a short sentence"} {"item":"vinxxc017","label":"ask or tell when it needs the toilet"} {"item":"vinxxc018","label":"play by his / herself"} {"item":"vinxxc019","label":"take off dress / shirt if buttons / zip undone"} {"item":"vinxxc020","label":"get a cup of water without help"} {"item":"vinxxc021","label":"dry hands after you have washed them"} {"item":"vinxxc022","label":"avoid simple danger - knife / hot"} {"item":"vinxxc023","label":"put on own dress / shirt"} {"item":"vinxxc024","equate":"EXP45","label":"tell you things / simple story"} {"item":"vinxxc025","equate":"GM49","label":"walk downstairs"} {"item":"vinxxc026","label":"play / do things with children - song"} {"item":"vinxxc027","label":"put on own dress / shirt and do buttons"} {"item":"vinxxc028","label":"help around the house / clear table"} {"item":"vinxxc029","label":"perform for others stunts / rhymes"} {"item":"vinxxc030","label":"wash hands and dry"} {"item":"vinxxc031","label":"Play or do things with other children of same age eg sing song"} {"item":"vinxxc032","label":"Use pencil or crayon for drawing"} {"item":"vinxxc033","label":"Avoid simple dangers eg hot things, knives"} {"item":"vinxxc034","label":"Buttons coat or dress"} {"item":"vinxxc035","label":"Play competition exercise games eg skipping, marbles"} {"item":"vinxxc036","label":"Walk down steps with one foot one ach step"} {"item":"vinxxc037","label":"Dy hands without help"} {"item":"vinxxc038","label":"Eat food with an implement"} {"item":"vinxxc039","label":"Get a cup of water without help"} {"item":"vinxxc040","label":"Help with little things around the house eg pick up things"} {"item":"vinxxc041","label":"Tell things that happen or simple stories"} {"item":"vinxxc042","label":"Put on jacket or dress without help except for zip or buttons"} {"item":"vinxxc043","label":"Peform for other people, stunts, show off"} {"item":"vinxxc044","label":"Use a pair of scissors without supervision"} {"item":"vinxxc045","label":"Go to toilet by self, remove clothes, wipe"} {"item":"vinxxc046","label":"Take off jacket or dress without help except for zip or buttons"} {"item":"vinxxc047","label":"Wash face without help"} {"item":"vinxxc048","label":"Wash hands without help"} {"item":"vinxxc049","label":"Play by themselves without supervision for short time"} {"item":"vinxxc050","label":"Ask or tell when wants to go to toilet"} {"item":"vinxxc051","label":"Generally dress self except for difficult fasteners"}