Package 'childdevdata'

Title: Child Development Data
Description: Measuring child development starts by collecting responses to developmental milestones, such as "able to sit" or "says two words". There are many ways to combine such responses into summaries. The package bundles publicly available datasets with individual milestone data for children aged 0-5 years, with the aim of supporting the construction, evaluation, validation and interpretation of methodologies that aggregate milestone data into informative measures of child development.
Authors: Stef van Buuren [cre, aut], Iris Eekhout [aut], Marta Rubio Codina [aut], Orazio Attanasio [aut], Costas Meghir [aut], Emla Fitzsimons [aut], Sally Grantham-McGregor [aut], Maria Caridad Araujo [aut], Susan Walker [aut], Susan Chang [aut], Christine Powell [aut], Ann Weber [aut], Lia Fernald [aut], Paul Verkerk [aut], Linda Richter [aut], Betsy Lozoff [aut]
Maintainer: Stef van Buuren <[email protected]>
License: CC BY 4.0
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2025-03-01 05:51:57 UTC

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Chili, 0.5-1.75 years: gcdg_chl_1


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 2139 unique children measured in the years 1991-1996 at ages clustered around six months (n = 128), 12 months (n = 1732) and 18 month (n = 279).




A data.frame with 2139 rows and 113 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
by1mdd045 0/1 inspects own hand
by1mdd046 0/1 Closes on dangling ring (check hand preference)
by1mdd047 0/1 turns head to sound of bell
by1mdd048 0/1 turns head to sound of rattle
by1mdd049 0/1 reaches for cube
by1mdd050 0/1 manipulates table edge actively
by1mdd051 0/1 eye-hand coordination in reaching
by1mdd052 0/1 regards pellet
by1mdd053 0/1 mirror image approach
by1mdd054 0/1 picks up cube (check hand preference)
by1mdd055 0/1 Vocalises attitudes
by1mdd056 0/1 retains 2 cubes
by1mdd057 0/1 exploitive paper play
by1mdd058 0/1 Discriminates strangers
by1mdd059 0/1 recovers rattle, in crib
by1mdd060 0/1 reaches persistently
by1mdd061 0/1 Likes frolic play
by1mdd062 0/1 turns head after fallen spoon
by1mdd063 0/1 lifts inverted cup
by1mdd064 0/1 reaches for second cube
by1mdd065 0/1 smiles at mirror (5.4 months)
by1mdd066 0/1 bangs in play
by1mdd067 0/1 sustained inspection of ring
by1mdd068 0/1 exploitive string play
by1mdd069 0/1 transfers objects hand to hand
by1mdd070 0/1 picks up cube deftly and directly
by1mdd071 0/1 pulls string: secures ring
by1mdd072 0/1 interest in sound production
by1mdd073 0/1 lifts cup with handle
by1mdd074 0/1 attends to scribbling
by1mdd075 0/1 looks for fallen spoon
by1mdd076 0/1 playful response to mirror
by1mdd077 0/1 retains 2 of 3 cubes offered
by1mdd078 0/1 manipulates bell: insterest in details
by1mdd079 0/1 vocalizes 4 different syllables
by1mdd080 0/1 pulls string adaptively: secures ring
by1mdd081 0/1 cooperates in games (is this some other scale?)
by1mdd082 0/1 attempts to secure 3 cubes
by1mdd083 0/1 rings bell purposely
by1mdd084 0/1 listens selectively with familiar words
by1mdd085 0/1 says "da-da" or equivalent
by1mdd086 0/1 Uncovers toy (check manual if by pulling cloth
by1mdd087 0/1 fingers holes in pegboard
by1mdd088 0/1 picks up cup, secures cube
by1mdd089 0/1 responds to verbal request
by1mdd090 0/1 puts cube in cup on command
by1mdd091 0/1 looks for content of box
by1mdd092 0/1 stirs with spoon in imitation
by1mdd093 0/1 looks at pictures in book
by1mdd094 0/1 inhibits on command
by1mdd095 0/1 attempting to imitate scribble
by1mdd096 0/1 unwraps cube
by1mdd097 0/1 repeats performance laughed at
by1mdd098 0/1 holds crayon adaptively
by1mdd099 0/1 pushes car along
by1mdd100 0/1 puts 3 or more cubes in cup
by1mdd101 0/1 jabbers expressively
by1mdd102 0/1 uncovers blue box
by1mdd103 0/1 turns pages of books
by1mdd104 0/1 Pats toy (whistle doll) in imitation
by1mdd105 0/1 dangles ring by string
by1mdd106 0/1 imitates words
by1mdd107 0/1 puts beads in box (6 of 8)
by1mdd108 0/1 places 1 peg repeateadly
by1mdd109 0/1 removes pellet from bottle
by1mdd110 0/1 blue board: places 1 round block
by1mdd111 0/1 builds tower of 2 cubes
by1mdd112 0/1 scribbles sponstaneously
by1mdd113 0/1 says 2 words
by1mdd114 0/1 puts 9 cubes in cup
by1mdd115 0/1 closes round box
by1mdd116 0/1 uses gestures to make wants known
by1mdd117 0/1 shows shoes or other clothing, or own toy
by1mdd118 0/1 pegs placed in 70 seconds
by1mdd119 0/1 builds tower of 3 cubes
by1mdd120 0/1 pink board: places round block
by1mdd121 0/1 blue board: places 2 round blocks
by1mdd122 0/1 attains toy with stick
by1mdd123 0/1 pegs placed in 42 seconds
by1mdd124 0/1 names 1 object
by1mdd125 0/1 imitates crayon stroke
by1mdd126 0/1 follows directions doll (check parts passed)
by1mdd127 0/1 uses words to make wants known
by1mdd128 0/1 points to parts of doll (check parts recognised, check manua
by1mdd129 0/1 blue board: places 2 round and 2 square blocks
by1mdd130 0/1 names 1 picture
by1mdd131 0/1 finds 2 objects
by1mdd132 0/1 points to 3 pictures
by1mdd133 0/1 No label: b1m133
by1mdd134 0/1 pegs placed in 30 seconds
by1mdd135 0/1 differentiates scribble from stroke
by1mdd136 0/1 sentence of 2 words
by1mdd137 0/1 pink board: completes
by1mdd138 0/1 names 2 objects
by1mdd139 0/1 points to 5 pictures
by1mdd140 0/1 broken doll: mends approximately
by1mdd141 0/1 names 3 pictures
by1mdd142 0/1 blue board: places 6 blocks
by1mdd143 0/1 builds tower of 6 cubes
by1mdd144 0/1 discriminates 2: cup, plate, box
by1mdd145 0/1 names watch, 4th picture
by1mdd146 0/1 names 3 objects
by1mdd150 0/1 names watch, 2nd picture
by1mdd151 0/1 pink board: reverse
by1mdd152 0/1 discriminates 3: cup, plate, box
by1mdd153 0/1 broken doll: mends exactly


Instruments: Bayley I (by1)


Lozoff B, De Andraca I, Castillo M, Smith JB, Walter T, Pino P. Behavioral and developmental effects of preventing iron-deficiency anemia in healthy full-term infants. Pediatrics. 2003;112:846-854.

China, 1.4-1.9 years: gcdg_chn


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 990 unique children.




A data.frame with 990 rows and 83 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
by3cgd025 0/1 Searches for fallen object
by3cgd026 0/1 Bell Series: Manipulates
by3cgd027 0/1 Picks Up Block Series: Reaches for second block
by3cgd028 0/1 Pulls cloth to obtain object
by3cgd029 0/1 Pulls string adaptively
by3cgd030 0/1 Retains both blocks
by3cgd031 0/1 Bell Series: Rings purposely
by3cgd032 0/1 Looks at pictures
by3cgd033 0/1 Picks Up Block Series: Retains 2 of 3 blocks
by3cgd034 0/1 Searches for missing objects
by3cgd035 0/1 Takes blocks out of cup
by3cgd036 0/1 Block Series: 1 Block
by3cgd037 0/1 Picks up Block Series: 3 blocks
by3cgd038 0/1 Explores holes in pegboard
by3cgd039 0/1 Pushes car
by3cgd040 0/1 Finds hidden object
by3cgd041 0/1 Suspends ring
by3cgd042 0/1 Removes pellet
by3cgd043 0/1 Clear Box: Front
by3cgd044 0/1 Squeezes object
by3cgd045 0/1 Finds hidden object (Reversed)
by3cgd046 0/1 Removes lid from bottle
by3cgd047 0/1 Pegboard Series: 2 holes
by3cgd048 0/1 Relational Play Series: Self
by3cgd049 0/1 Pink Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd050 0/1 Finds hidden object (Visible Displacement)
by3cgd051 0/1 Blue Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd052 0/1 Clear Box: Sides
by3cgd053 0/1 Relational Play Series: Others
by3cgd054 0/1 Block Series: 9 Blocks
by3cgd055 0/1 Pegboard Series: 6 Pegs
by3cgd056 0/1 Pink Board Series: Completes
by3cgd057 0/1 Uses pencil to obtain object
by3cgd058 0/1 Blue Board Series: 4 Pieces
by3cgd059 0/1 Attends to story
by3cgd060 0/1 Rotated pink board
by3cgd061 0/1 Object assembly (Ball)
by3cgd062 0/1 Completes Pegboard: 25 Seconds
by3cgd063 0/1 Object assembly (Ice Cream Cone)
by3cgd064 0/1 Matches pictures
by3cgd065 0/1 Representational play
by3cgd066 0/1 Blue Board Series: Completes (75 seconds)
by3cgd067 0/1 Imitates a two-step action.
by3cgd068 0/1 Matches 3 colors
by3cgd069 0/1 Imaginary play
by3cgd070 0/1 Understands concept of one
by3cgd071 0/1 Multischeme combination play
by3cgd072 0/1 Concept Grouping: colour
by3cgd073 0/1 Concept Grouping: Size
by3fmd019 0/1 Transfers ring
by3fmd020 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp
by3fmd021 0/1 Transfers block
by3fmd022 0/1 Block Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd023 0/1 Brings spoons or blocks to midline
by3fmd024 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition
by3fmd025 0/1 Lifts cup by the handle
by3fmd026 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd027 0/1 Turns pages of books
by3fmd028 0/1 Grasp series: Palmar grasp
by3fmd029 0/1 Isolates extended ring finger
by3fmd030 0/1 Scribbles spontaneously
by3fmd031 0/1 Block Stacking Series: 2 blocks
by3fmd032 0/1 Imitates Stroke Series: Random
by3fmd033 0/1 Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds)
by3fmd034 0/1 Grasp series: Transitional grasp
by3fmd035 0/1 Coins in slot
by3fmd036 0/1 Connecting Blocks: Apart
by3fmd037 0/1 Grasp Series: Intermediate (Tripod) grasp
by3fmd038 0/1 Block stacking Series: 6 blocks
by3fmd039 0/1 Uses hand to hold paper in place
by3fmd040 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Horizontal
by3fmd041 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Vertical
by3fmd042 0/1 Connecting Blocks: Together
by3fmd043 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Circular
by3fmd044 0/1 Builds train of blocks
by3fmd045 0/1 Strings 3 blocks


Instruments: Bayley III (by3)


Lozoff B, Jiang Y, Li X, Zhou M, Richards B, Xu G, Clark KM, Liang F, Kaciroti N, Zhao G. Low-dose iron supplementation in infancy modestly increases infant iron status at 9 mo without decreasing growth or increasing illness in a randomized clinical trial in rural China. The Journal of nutrition. 2016;146:612-621.

Colombia, 0.5-3.5 years: gcdg_col_lt42m


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 1311 children measured at ages 0.5-3.5 year.




A data.frame with 1311 rows and 627 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
aqicmc010 0/1 When a loud noise occurs, does your baby turn to see where t
aqicmc013 0/1 Does your baby respond to the tone of your voice and stop he
aqicmc014 0/1 Does your baby make sounds like "da," "ga," "ka," and "ba"?
aqicmc015 0/1 If you copy the sounds your baby makes, does your baby repea
aqicmc016 0/1 Does your baby make two similar sounds like "ba-ba," "da-da,
aqicmc018 0/1 If you ask your baby to, does he play at least one nursery g
aqicmc020 0/1 When you ask, "Where is the ball (hat, shoe, etc.)?" does yo
aqicmc021 0/1 Does your baby follow one simple command, such as "Come here
aqicmc022 0/1 Does your baby say three words such as "Mama", "Dada" and "B
aqicmc023 0/1 When your child wants something, does she tell you by pointi
aqicmc024 0/1 Does your baby shake his head when he means "no" or "yes"?
aqicmc025 0/1 Does your baby/child say four or more words in addition to "
aqicmc026 0/1 Without your giving him clues by pointing or using gestures,
aqicmc027 0/1 When you ask her to, does your baby go into another room to
aqicmc028 0/1 When you ask your child to point to her nose, eyes, hair, fe
aqicmc029 0/1 Without your showing him, does your child point to the corre
aqicmc030 0/1 Does your child say eight or more words in addition to "Mama
aqicmc031 0/1 If you point to a picture of a ball (kitty, cup, hat, etc.)
aqicmc032 0/1 Without giving your child help by pointing or using gestures
aqicmc033 0/1 Does your child say 15 or more words in addition to "Mama" a
aqicmc034 0/1 Show your child how a zipper on a coat moves up and down, an
aqicmc035 0/1 Does your child imitate a two-word sentence? For example, wh
aqicmc036 0/1 Does your child say two or three words that represent differ
aqicmc037 0/1 When looking at a picture book, does your child tell you wha
aqicmc038 0/1 When you ask, "What is your name?" does your child say her f
aqicmc039 0/1 Does your child correctly use at least two words like "me,"
aqicmc040 0/1 Does your child make sentences that are three or four words
aqicmc041 0/1 Without your giving help by pointing or repeating directions
aqicmc055 0/1 Does your child use all of the words in a sentence (for exam
aqicmc061 0/1 When you ask, "What is your name?" does your child say both
aqifmc011 0/1 Does your baby pick up a small toy with only one hand?
aqifmc013 0/1 Does your baby pick up a small toy, holding it in the center
aqifmc014 0/1 Does your baby reach for a crumb or Cheerio and touch it wit
aqifmc015 0/1 Does your baby try to pick up a crumb or Cheerio by using hi
aqifmc016 0/1 Does your baby successfully pick up a crumb or Cheerio by us
aqifmc017 0/1 Does your baby pick up a small toy with the tips of her thum
aqifmc018 0/1 After one or two tries, does your baby pick up a piece of st
aqifmc019 0/1 Does your baby pick up a crumb or Cheerio with the tips of h
aqifmc020 0/1 Does your baby put a small toy down, without dropping it, an
aqifmc021 0/1 Without resting his arm or hand on the table, does your baby
aqifmc022 0/1 Does your baby/child help turn the pages of a book? (You may
aqifmc023 0/1 Does your child turn the pages of a book by himself? (He may
aqifmc024 0/1 Does your baby/child make a mark on the paper with the tip o
aqifmc025 0/1 Does your baby/child stack a small block or toy on top of an
aqifmc027 0/1 Does your baby/child throw a small ball with a forward arm m
aqifmc029 0/1 Does your child get a spoon into her mouth right side up so
aqifmc030 0/1 Does your child stack six small blocks or toys on top of eac
aqifmc031 0/1 Does your child use a turning motion with her hand while try
aqifmc032 0/1 Does your child turn pages in a book, one page at a time?
aqifmc033 0/1 After your child watches you draw a single circle, ask him t
aqifmc034 0/1 After your child watches you draw a line from the top of the
aqifmc035 0/1 After your child watches you draw a line from one side of th
aqifmc036 0/1 Can your child string small items such as beads, macaroni or
aqifmc037 0/1 Does your child try to cut paper with child-safe scissors? S
aqifmc038 0/1 When drawing, does your child hold a pencil, crayon, or pen
aqifmc039 0/1 Does your child put together a five to seven piece interlock
aqifmc041 0/1 Using the shape at right to look at, does your child copy it
aqigmc012 0/1 When you put your baby on the floor, does she lean on her ha
aqigmc013 0/1 If you hold both hands just to balance your baby, does he su
aqigmc015 0/1 Does your baby roll from his back to his tummy, getting both
aqigmc016 0/1 When sitting on the floor, does your baby sit up straight fo
aqigmc017 0/1 Does your baby get into a crawling position by getting up on
aqigmc018 0/1 When you stand your baby next to furniture or the crib rail,
aqigmc020 0/1 While holding onto furniture, does your baby lower himself w
aqigmc021 0/1 While holding onto furniture, does your baby bend down and p
aqigmc022 0/1 Does your baby walk beside furniture while holding on with o
aqigmc023 0/1 When you hold one hand just to balance your baby, does she t
aqigmc024 0/1 Does your baby/child bend over or squat to pick up an object
aqigmc025 0/1 Does your baby/child climb onto furniture or other large obj
aqigmc026 0/1 Does your baby/child stand up in the middle of the floor by
aqigmc027 0/1 Does your baby/child move around by walking, rather than by
aqigmc028 0/1 Does your child walk well and seldom fall?
aqigmc029 0/1 Does your child climb on an object such as a chair to reach
aqigmc030 0/1 When you show your child how to kick a large ball, does he t
aqigmc031 0/1 Does your child walk either up or down at least two steps by
aqigmc032 0/1 Does your child walk down stairs if you hold onto one of her
aqigmc033 0/1 Does your child run fairly well, stopping herself without bu
aqigmc034 0/1 Without holding onto anything for support, does your child k
aqigmc036 0/1 Does your child jump with both feet leaving the floor at the
aqigmc037 0/1 While standing, does your child throw a ball overhand by rai
aqigmc038 0/1 Does your child walk up stairs, using only one foot on each
aqigmc039 0/1 Does your child jump forward at least 3 inches with both fee
aqigmc040 0/1 Does your child stand on one foot for about 1 second without
aqigmc043 0/1 Does your child catch a large ball with both hands? (You sho
aqigmc044 0/1 Does your child jump forward at least 6 inches with both fee
aqipxc011 0/1 When your baby is on her back, does she try to get a toy she
aqipxc012 0/1 Does your baby play by banging a toy up and down on the floo
aqipxc014 0/1 Does your baby pass a toy back and forth from one hand to th
aqipxc015 0/1 When holding a toy in his hand, does your baby bang it again
aqipxc016 0/1 Does your baby pick up two small toys, one in each hand, and
aqipxc017 0/1 After watching you hide a small toy under a piece of paper o
aqipxc018 0/1 While holding a small toy in each hand, does your baby clap
aqipxc019 0/1 Does your baby poke at or try to get a crumb or Cheerio that
aqipxc020 0/1 If you put a small toy into a bowl or box, does your baby co
aqipxc021 0/1 Does your baby drop two small toys, one after the other, int
aqipxc022 0/1 If you give your child a bottle, spoon, or pencil upside dow
aqipxc023 0/1 After you scribble back and forth on paper with a crayon (or
aqipxc024 0/1 Does your baby/child drop several small toys, one after anot
aqipxc025 0/1 Can your baby/child drop a crumb or Cheerio into a small, cl
aqipxc026 0/1 Without your showing him how, does your child scribble back
aqipxc027 0/1 After a crumb or Cheerio is dropped into a small, clear bott
aqipxc028 0/1 After a crumb or Cheerio is dropped into a small, clear bott
aqipxc030 0/1 Does your child put things away where they belong? For examp
aqipxc031 0/1 Does your child pretend objects are something else? For exam
aqipxc032 0/1 While your child watches, line up four objects like blocks o
aqipxc033 0/1 If your child wants something she cannot reach, does she fin
aqipxc034 0/1 After you have shown your baby how, does he try to get a sm
aqipxc035 0/1 When looking in the mirror, ask "Where is _______?" (Use you
aqipxc037 0/1 Show your child how to make a bridge with blocks, boxes, or
aqipxc038 0/1 When you say, "Say seven three," does your child repeat just
aqipxc039 0/1 Does your child dress up and "play-act," pretending to be so
aqipxc040 0/1 When you point to the figure and ask your child, "What is th
aqipxc042 0/1 When you say, "Say five eight three," does your child repeat
aqipxc043 0/1 After your child draws a "picture," even a simple scribble,
aqipxc045 0/1 When asked, "Which circle is the smallest?" does your child
aqislc010 0/1 While lying on her back, does your baby play by grabbing her
aqislc011 0/1 Does your baby try to get a toy that is out of reach? (She m
aqislc013 0/1 When in front of a large mirror, does your baby reach out to
aqislc014 0/1 Does your baby feed himself a cracker or a cookie?
aqislc015 0/1 Does your baby drink water, juice, or formula from a cup whi
aqislc017 0/1 While your baby is on his back, does he put his foot in his
aqislc018 0/1 When you dress your baby, does he push his arm through a sle
aqislc019 0/1 When you hold out your hand and ask for her toy, does your b
aqislc020 0/1 When you hold out your hand and ask for her toy, does your b
aqislc021 0/1 Does your baby roll or throw a ball back to you so that you
aqislc022 0/1 Does your baby/child play with a doll or stuffed animal by h
aqislc023 0/1 When you dress your baby does she lift her foot for her shoe
aqislc024 0/1 Does your child copy the activities you do, such as wipe up
aqislc025 0/1 Does your child push a little wagon, stroller or other toy o
aqislc026 0/1 Does your baby/child feed herself with a spoon, even though
aqislc027 0/1 Does your baby/child get your attention or try to show you s
aqislc028 0/1 Does your child come to you when she needs help, such as wit
aqislc029 0/1 Does your child use a spoon to feed himself with little spil
aqislc030 0/1 Does your child drink from a cup or glass, putting it down a
aqislc031 0/1 If you do any of the following gestures, does your child cop
aqislc032 0/1 Does your baby/child help undress himself by taking off clot
aqislc033 0/1 Does your child eat with a fork?
aqislc034 0/1 Does your child take turns by waiting while another child or
aqislc035 0/1 When playing with either a stuffed animal or doll, does your
aqislc036 0/1 When your child is looking in a mirror and you ask, "Who is
aqislc037 0/1 While looking at himself in the mirror, does your child offe
aqislc038 0/1 After you put on loose-fitting pants around her feet, does y
aqislc039 0/1 Does your child call herself "I" or "me" more often than her
aqislc041 0/1 Using these exact words, ask your child, "Are you a girl or
aqislc048 0/1 Does your child put on a coat, jacket, or shirt by himself?
aqislc053 0/1 Does your child serve herself, taking food from one containe
batadd001 0/1 Takes strained food from spoon and swallows it (TS21)
batadd003 0/1 Place both hands on a bottle or breast during feeding (TS23)
batadd004 0/1 Eats semisolid food when it is placed in his or her mouth (T
batadd005 0/1 Begins to use spoon or other utensil to feed self (TS25)
batadd011 0/1 Sucks with smooth, coordinated movements
batadd012 0/1 Helps dress self by holding out his/her arms or legs
batadd013 0/1 Asks for foor or liquid with words or gestures
batadd014 0/1 Removes shoes without assistance
batadd015 0/1 Feeds self with a spoon or fork without assistance
batadd016 0/1 Puts away toys when asked
batadd017 0/1 Blows his/her nose with assistance
batadd018 0/1 Washes and dries hands without assistance
batadd019 0/1 Chooses the appropriate ustensil for the food he/she is eati
batadd020 0/1 Responds to instructions given in a small group and initiate
batadd021 0/1 Cuts soft foods with the side of a fork
batadd022 0/1 Answers "what-to-do-if" questions involving personal respons
batadd023 0/1 Chooses clothing that is approprate for the weather
batadd024 0/1 Knows his/her own phone number
batadd025 0/1 Goes to bed without assistance
batadd026 0/1 Uses emergency phone numbers
batcgd002 0/1 Feels and explore objects (TS 8)
batcgd003 0/1 Uncovers hidden toy (TS 81)
batcgd009 0/1 Visually attends to a light source moving in a 180-degree ar
batcgd010 0/1 Turns eyes towards a light source
batcgd011 0/1 Attends to an ongoing sound or activity for 15 or more secon
batcgd012 0/1 Attends to a game of pekaboo for 1 min
batcgd013 0/1 Looks at, points to, or touches pictures in a book
batcgd014 0/1 Imitates simple facial gestures
batcgd015 0/1 Finds an object hidden under one of two cups
batcgd016 0/1 Nests objects inside one another
batcgd017 0/1 Locates hidden items in a picture scene - Level 1
batcgd018 0/1 Names the colores red, green, and blue
batcgd019 0/1 Locates hidden items in a picture scene - Level 2
batcgd020 0/1 Recognises visual differences among similar numerals and let
batcgd021 0/1 Identifies the picture that is different
batcgd022 0/1 Categorises familiar objects by function
batcgd023 0/1 Matches simple words
batcgd024 0/1 Knows the right and left sides of his/her body
batcgd025 0/1 Repeats sequences of 4 and 5 objects from memory
batcgd026 0/1 Groups objects by shape and color
batcmd004 0/1 Produces one or more single-syllable consonant-vowel sounds
batcmd009 0/1 Is soothed by a familiar adult's voice
batcmd010 0/1 Produces differenciated cries
batcmd011 0/1 Responds to different tones of a person's voice
batcmd012 0/1 Identifies family members or pets when named
batcmd013 0/1 Uses variations in his/her voice
batcmd014 0/1 Follows 3 or more familiar verbal commands
batcmd015 0/1 Spontaneously initiates sounds, words, or gesturres that are
batcmd016 0/1 Responds to the prepositions out and on
batcmd017 0/1 Uses 2-words utterances to express meaningful relationships
batcmd018 0/1 Responds to who and what questions
batcmd019 0/1 Uses words to relate information about other people, their a
batcmd020 0/1 Responds to where and when questions
batcmd021 0/1 Repeats familiar words with clear articulation
batcmd022 0/1 Converses on topics for more than 5 turn-taking exchanges
batcmd023 0/1 Identifies a word from its definition
batcmd024 0/1 Follows 3-step verbal commands
batcmd025 0/1 Uses plural forms ending in the /ez/ sound
batcmd026 0/1 Recalls events from a sotry presented orally
batcmd027 0/1 Describes what is happening in a picture
batmod011 0/1 Mantains an upright posture at adult's shoulder without assi
batmod012 0/1 Holds hands in an open, loose-fisted position when not grasp
batmod013 0/1 Retrieves a small object by raking it with his/her fingers a
batmod014 0/1 Transfers an object from one hand to the other
batmod015 0/1 Moves from a sitting position to a standing position without
batmod016 0/1 Intentionally propels or throws an object
batmod017 0/1 Maintains or corrects his/her balance when moving from a sta
batmod018 0/1 Removes forms from a form board
batmod019 0/1 Runs 1 feet without falling
batmod020 0/1 Scribbles linear and/or circular patterns spontaneously
batmod021 0/1 Walks forward 2 or more steps on a line on the floor, altern
batmod022 0/1 Stacks 8 cubes vertically
batmod023 0/1 Hops forward on one foot without support
batmod024 0/1 Folds a sheet of paper
batmod025 0/1 Touches the fingertips of each hand successively with the th
batmod026 0/1 Draws a person with 6 parts
batmod027 0/1 Walks a 6-foot line on the floor, heel-to-toe, with eyes ope
batmod028 0/1 Copies the numerals 1 through 5
batmod029 0/1 Skips on alternate feet for 20 feet
batmod030 0/1 Ties a single overhand knot around a crayon with a string
batsld005 0/1 Initiates social contact with peers in play (TS5)
batsld009 0/1 Knows his/her first name (TS9)
batsld011 0/1 Shows awareness of other people
batsld012 0/1 Smiles or vocalizes in response to adult attention
batsld013 0/1 Shows a desire for social attention
batsld014 0/1 Is aware of his/her feet
batsld015 0/1 Discriminates between familiar and unfamiliar people
batsld016 0/1 Displays independent behavior
batsld017 0/1 Greets familiar adults spontaneously
batsld018 0/1 Responds positively when familiar adults or adults in author
batsld019 0/1 Responds differently to familiar and unfamiliar children
batsld020 0/1 Allow others to participate in his/her activities
batsld021 0/1 Engages in adult role-playing and imitation
batsld022 0/1 Follows adult directions with little or no resistance
batsld023 0/1 Recognizes an adult's feelings
batsld024 0/1 Cooperates in group activities
batsld025 0/1 Discriminates between socially acceptable and unacceptable b
batsld026 0/1 Trusts familiar adults and accepts explanations from them
batsld027 0/1 Waits his/her turn for a teacher's or adult's attention
batsld028 0/1 Delays gratification until a task is completed
by3cgd022 0/1 Mirror Image Series: Responds positively
by3cgd023 0/1 Plays with string
by3cgd024 0/1 Bangs in play
by3cgd025 0/1 Searches for fallen object
by3cgd026 0/1 Bell Series: Manipulates
by3cgd027 0/1 Picks Up Block Series: Reaches for second block
by3cgd028 0/1 Pulls cloth to obtain object
by3cgd029 0/1 Pulls string adaptively
by3cgd030 0/1 Retains both blocks
by3cgd031 0/1 Bell Series: Rings purposely
by3cgd032 0/1 Looks at pictures
by3cgd033 0/1 Picks Up Block Series: Retains 2 of 3 blocks
by3cgd034 0/1 Searches for missing objects
by3cgd035 0/1 Takes blocks out of cup
by3cgd036 0/1 Block Series: 1 Block
by3cgd037 0/1 Picks up Block Series: 3 blocks
by3cgd038 0/1 Explores holes in pegboard
by3cgd039 0/1 Pushes car
by3cgd040 0/1 Finds hidden object
by3cgd041 0/1 Suspends ring
by3cgd042 0/1 Removes pellet
by3cgd043 0/1 Clear Box: Front
by3cgd044 0/1 Squeezes object
by3cgd045 0/1 Finds hidden object (Reversed)
by3cgd046 0/1 Removes lid from bottle
by3cgd047 0/1 Pegboard Series: 2 holes
by3cgd048 0/1 Relational Play Series: Self
by3cgd049 0/1 Pink Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd050 0/1 Finds hidden object (Visible Displacement)
by3cgd051 0/1 Blue Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd052 0/1 Clear Box: Sides
by3cgd053 0/1 Relational Play Series: Others
by3cgd054 0/1 Block Series: 9 Blocks
by3cgd055 0/1 Pegboard Series: 6 Pegs
by3cgd056 0/1 Pink Board Series: Completes
by3cgd057 0/1 Uses pencil to obtain object
by3cgd058 0/1 Blue Board Series: 4 Pieces
by3cgd059 0/1 Attends to story
by3cgd060 0/1 Rotated pink board
by3cgd061 0/1 Object assembly (Ball)
by3cgd062 0/1 Completes Pegboard: 25 Seconds
by3cgd063 0/1 Object assembly (Ice Cream Cone)
by3cgd064 0/1 Matches pictures
by3cgd065 0/1 Representational play
by3cgd066 0/1 Blue Board Series: Completes (75 seconds)
by3cgd067 0/1 Imitates a two-step action.
by3cgd068 0/1 Matches 3 colors
by3cgd069 0/1 Imaginary play
by3cgd070 0/1 Understands concept of one
by3cgd071 0/1 Multischeme combination play
by3cgd072 0/1 Concept Grouping: colour
by3cgd073 0/1 Concept Grouping: Size
by3cgd074 0/1 Compares masses
by3cgd075 0/1 Matches size
by3cgd076 0/1 Discriminates pictures
by3cgd077 0/1 Simple pattern
by3cgd078 0/1 Sorts pegs by colour
by3cgd079 0/1 Counts (One-to-one correspondence)
by3cgd080 0/1 Discriminates size
by3cgd081 0/1 Identifies 3 incomplete pictures
by3cgd082 0/1 Object assembly (Dog)
by3cgd083 0/1 Discriminates patterns
by3cgd084 0/1 Spatial memory
by3cgd085 0/1 Counts (Cardinally)
by3cgd086 0/1 Number constancy
by3cgd087 0/1 Laces card
by3cgd088 0/1 Classifies objects
by3cgd089 0/1 Understands concept of more
by3exd003 0/1 Vocalizes mood
by3exd005 0/1 Social vocalization or laughing
by3exd006 0/1 2 Vowel sounds
by3exd007 0/1 Gets attention
by3exd008 0/1 2 Consonant sounds
by3exd009 0/1 Uses gestures
by3exd010 0/1 Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 1 Combination
by3exd011 0/1 Participates in play routine
by3exd012 0/1 Jabbers expressively
by3exd013 0/1 Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 4 Combination
by3exd014 0/1 Uses one-word approximations
by3exd015 0/1 Directs attention of other
by3exd016 0/1 Imitates word
by3exd017 0/1 Initiates play interaction
by3exd018 0/1 Uses Words Appropriately Series: 2 words
by3exd019 0/1 Uses word to make wants known
by3exd020 0/1 Names Object Series: 1 Object
by3exd021 0/1 Combines word and gesture
by3exd022 0/1 Names Picture Series: 1 Picture
by3exd023 0/1 Uses Words Appropriately Series: 8 words
by3exd024 0/1 Answers yes or no verbally in response to questions
by3exd025 0/1 Imitates a two-word utterance
by3exd026 0/1 Uses a two-word utterance
by3exd027 0/1 Names Object Series: 3 Object
by3exd028 0/1 Names Picture Series: 5 Pictures
by3exd029 0/1 Uses multiple-word utterances
by3exd030 0/1 Uses pronouns
by3exd031 0/1 Names Action Picture Series: 1 Picture
by3exd032 0/1 Poses multiple-word questions
by3exd033 0/1 Makes a contingent utterance
by3exd034 0/1 Uses verb +ing
by3exd035 0/1 Names Action Picture Series: 3 Pictures
by3exd036 0/1 Uses different word combinations
by3exd037 0/1 Names Action Picture Series: 5 Pictures
by3exd038 0/1 Uses plurals
by3exd039 0/1 Answers what or where questions
by3exd040 0/1 Uses possessives
by3exd041 0/1 Names 4 colours
by3exd042 0/1 Answers questions logically (Related to functions)
by3exd043 0/1 Tells how an object is used
by3exd044 0/1 Uses prepositions
by3exd045 0/1 Uses present progressive form
by3exd046 0/1 Describes Pictures Series: Uses 4-5 word sentences
by3exd047 0/1 Describes Pictures Series: Uses past tense
by3exd048 0/1 Describes Pictures Series: Uses future tense
by3fmd016 0/1 Reaches unilaterally
by3fmd017 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Raking grasp
by3fmd018 0/1 Block Series: Partial thumb opposition
by3fmd019 0/1 Transfers ring
by3fmd020 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp
by3fmd021 0/1 Transfers block
by3fmd022 0/1 Block Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd023 0/1 Brings spoons or blocks to midline
by3fmd024 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition
by3fmd025 0/1 Lifts cup by the handle
by3fmd026 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd027 0/1 Turns pages of books
by3fmd028 0/1 Grasp series: Palmar grasp
by3fmd029 0/1 Isolates extended ring finger
by3fmd030 0/1 Scribbles spontaneously
by3fmd031 0/1 Block Stacking Series: 2 blocks
by3fmd032 0/1 Imitates Stroke Series: Random
by3fmd033 0/1 Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds)
by3fmd034 0/1 Grasp series: Transitional grasp
by3fmd035 0/1 Coins in slot
by3fmd036 0/1 Connecting Blocks: Apart
by3fmd037 0/1 Grasp Series: Intermediate (Tripod) grasp
by3fmd038 0/1 Block stacking Series: 6 blocks
by3fmd039 0/1 Uses hand to hold paper in place
by3fmd040 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Horizontal
by3fmd041 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Vertical
by3fmd042 0/1 Connecting Blocks: Together
by3fmd043 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Circular
by3fmd044 0/1 Builds train of blocks
by3fmd045 0/1 Strings 3 blocks
by3fmd046 0/1 Imitates hand movements
by3fmd047 0/1 Snips paper
by3fmd048 0/1 Grasp Series: Dynamic grasp
by3fmd049 0/1 Tactilely discriminates shapes
by3fmd050 0/1 Builds wall
by3fmd051 0/1 Cuts paper
by3fmd052 0/1 Builds bridge
by3fmd053 0/1 Imitates plus sign
by3fmd054 0/1 Block stacking Series: 8 blocks
by3fmd055 0/1 Cuts on line
by3fmd056 0/1 Builds T
by3fmd057 0/1 Buttons 1 button
by3fmd058 0/1 Builds steps
by3fmd059 0/1 Traces designs
by3fmd060 0/1 Imitates square
by3fmd061 0/1 Copies plus sign
by3fmd062 0/1 Tapbs fingers
by3fmd063 0/1 Places 20 pellets in bottle
by3fmd064 0/1 Cuts circle
by3fmd065 0/1 Cuts square
by3fmd066 0/1 Copies square
by3gmd018 0/1 Elevates trunk while prone
by3gmd019 0/1 Sits with Support Series: 30 seconds
by3gmd020 0/1 Rolls from back to sides
by3gmd021 0/1 Elevates Trunk while Prone Series: Extended arms
by3gmd022 0/1 Sits with Support Series: 5 seconds
by3gmd023 0/1 Pulls up to sit
by3gmd024 0/1 Grasps foot with hands
by3gmd025 0/1 Rolls from back to stomach
by3gmd026 0/1 Sits without Support Series: 30 seconds
by3gmd027 0/1 Sits without support and holds objects
by3gmd028 0/1 Rotates trunk while seated
by3gmd029 0/1 Makes stepping movements
by3gmd030 0/1 Crawls Series: On stomach
by3gmd031 0/1 Crawls Series: Crawl position
by3gmd032 0/1 Moves from sitting to hands and knees
by3gmd033 0/1 Supports weight
by3gmd034 0/1 Crawls Series: Crawl movement
by3gmd035 0/1 Raises self to standing position
by3gmd036 0/1 Bounces while standing
by3gmd037 0/1 Walks Series: With support
by3gmd038 0/1 Walks sideways with support
by3gmd039 0/1 Sits down with control
by3gmd040 0/1 Stands alone
by3gmd041 0/1 Stands up Series: Alone
by3gmd042 0/1 Walks Series: Alone
by3gmd043 0/1 Walks Series: Alone with coordination
by3gmd044 0/1 Throws ball
by3gmd045 0/1 Squats without support
by3gmd046 0/1 Stands up Series: Mature
by3gmd047 0/1 Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with support
by3gmd048 0/1 Walks backward 2 steps
by3gmd049 0/1 Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with suppo
by3gmd050 0/1 Runs with coordination
by3gmd051 0/1 Balances on Right Foot Series: With support
by3gmd052 0/1 Balances on Left Foot Series: With support
by3gmd053 0/1 Walks sideways without support
by3gmd054 0/1 Jumps from bottom step
by3gmd055 0/1 Kicks ball
by3gmd056 0/1 Walks forward on path
by3gmd057 0/1 Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone.
by3gmd058 0/1 Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone
by3gmd059 0/1 Jumps Forward Series: 4 inches
by3gmd060 0/1 Balances on right Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone
by3gmd061 0/1 Balances on Left Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone
by3gmd062 0/1 Walks on tiptoes 4 steps
by3gmd063 0/1 Walks backward close to path
by3gmd064 0/1 Walks Up Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone
by3gmd065 0/1 Imitates postures
by3gmd066 0/1 Stops from a full run
by3gmd067 0/1 Walks Down Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone
by3gmd068 0/1 Hops 5 feet
by3gmd069 0/1 Balances on Right Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone
by3gmd070 0/1 Balances on Left Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone
by3gmd071 0/1 Walks heel to toe
by3gmd072 0/1 Jumps Forward Series: 24 inches
by3red006 0/1 Searches with head turn
by3red007 0/1 Discriminates sounds
by3red008 0/1 Sustained play with objects
by3red009 0/1 Responds to name
by3red010 0/1 Interrupts activity
by3red011 0/1 Recognizes 2 familiar words
by3red012 0/1 Responds to no-no
by3red013 0/1 Attends to other's play routine
by3red014 0/1 Responds to request for social routines
by3red015 0/1 Identifies Object Series: 1 correct
by3red016 0/1 Identifies object in the environment
by3red017 0/1 Identifies Picture Series: 1 correct
by3red018 0/1 Understands inhibitory words
by3red019 0/1 Identifies Object Series: 3 correct
by3red020 0/1 Follows one-part directions
by3red021 0/1 Identifies Picture Series: 3 Correct
by3red022 0/1 Identifies 3 clothing items
by3red023 0/1 Identifies Action Picture Series: 1 correct
by3red024 0/1 Identifies 5 parts of the body
by3red025 0/1 Follows two-part directions
by3red026 0/1 Identifies Action Picture Series: 3 correct
by3red027 0/1 Understands use of objects
by3red028 0/1 Understands part/whole relationships
by3red029 0/1 Identifies Action Picture Series: 5 correct
by3red030 0/1 Understands pronouns (him, me, my, you, your)
by3red031 0/1 Understands labels for sizes
by3red032 0/1 Understands Preposition Series: 2 correct
by3red033 0/1 Understands possessives
by3red034 0/1 Understands verb +ing
by3red035 0/1 Identifies colours
by3red036 0/1 Understands label of one
by3red037 0/1 Understands pronouns (they, he, she)
by3red038 0/1 Understands pronouns (his, her)
by3red039 0/1 Understands plurals
by3red040 0/1 Understands more
by3red041 0/1 Understands most
by3red042 0/1 Understands Preposition Series: 4 correct
by3red043 0/1 Understands negatives in sentences
by3red044 0/1 Understands past tense
by3red045 0/1 Understands labels for mass
denfmd003 0/1 Hold Rattle
denfmd004 0/1 Hands Together
denfmd005 0/1 Follow 180 Degrees
denfmd006 0/1 Regard raisin
denfmd007 0/1 Reaches
denfmd008 0/1 Look for Yarn
denfmd009 0/1 Rake Raisin
denfmd010 0/1 Pass Block
denfmd011 0/1 Take 2 Blocks
denfmd012 0/1 Thumb-Finger Grip
denfmd013 0/1 Bang 2 Blocks
denfmd014 0/1 Put Block in Cup
denfmd015 0/1 Scribbles
denfmd016 0/1 Drop Raisin
denfmd017 0/1 2 Blocks
denfmd018 0/1 4 Blocks
denfmd019 0/1 6 Blocks
denfmd020 0/1 Imitate Vertical Line
denfmd021 0/1 8 Blocks
denfmd022 0/1 Wiggle Thumb
denfmd023 0/1 Copy a Circle
denfmd024 0/1 Draws 3 or more body parts
denfmd025 0/1 Copy + (2 lines that intersect near the midpoint using only
denfmd026 0/1 Pick Longer Line
denfmd027 0/1 Copy Square, Demonstrated
denfmd028 0/1 Draws 6 or more body parts
denfmd029 0/1 Copy Square
dengmd007 0/1 Lift Chest with Arms
dengmd008 0/1 Roll Over/from back to side
dengmd009 0/1 Pull to Sit, No Head Lag
dengmd010 0/1 Sit No Support
dengmd011 0/1 Stand, Holding On
dengmd012 0/1 Pull to Stand
dengmd013 0/1 Get To Sitting
dengmd014 0/1 Stand 2 Seconds
dengmd015 0/1 Stand 10 seconds
dengmd016 0/1 Stoop and Recover
dengmd017 0/1 Walk Well
dengmd018 0/1 Walk Backwards
dengmd019 0/1 Runs
dengmd020 0/1 Walk Up Stairs
dengmd021 0/1 Kick Ball Forward
dengmd022 0/1 Jump Up
dengmd023 0/1 Throw Ball Overhand
dengmd024 0/1 Long Jump
dengmd025 0/1 Balance each foot 1 second
dengmd026 0/1 Balance each foot 2 seconds
dengmd027 0/1 Hop
dengmd028 0/1 Balance each foot 3 seconds
dengmd029 0/1 Balance each foot 4 seconds
dengmd030 0/1 Balance each foot 5 seconds
dengmd031 0/1 Walk heel to toe
dengmd032 0/1 Balance each foot 6 seconds
denlgd005 0/1 Squeals
denlgd006 0/1 Turn to Rattle Sound
denlgd007 0/1 Turn to Voice
denlgd008 0/1 Single Syllables
denlgd009 0/1 Imitate Speech Sounds
denlgd010 0/1 Abba / Mama Nonspecific
denlgd011 0/1 Combine Syllables
denlgd012 0/1 Babbles
denlgd013 0/1 dada/mama specific
denlgd014 0/1 Say 1 Word
denlgd015 0/1 Say 2 Words
denlgd016 0/1 Say 3 Words
denlgd017 0/1 Say 6 Words
denlgd018 0/1 Point to Pictures (2)
denlgd019 0/1 Combine Words
denlgd020 0/1 Name Pictures (1)
denlgd021 0/1 Body Parts
denlgd022 0/1 Point to Pictures (4)
denlgd023 0/1 Speech Half Understandable
denlgd024 0/1 Name 4 pictures
denlgd025 0/1 Know Actions (2)
denlgd026 0/1 Know Adjectives (2)
denlgd027 0/1 Name Color (1 or 4)
denlgd028 0/1 Use of two objects
denlgd029 0/1 Count 1 Block
denlgd030 0/1 Use of four objects
denlgd031 0/1 Know Actions (2) (4)
denlgd032 0/1 Speech All-Understandable
denlgd033 0/1 Understand 4 Prepositions
denlgd034 0/1 Name Color (4)
denlgd035 0/1 Define 5 words
denlgd036 0/1 Knows adjectives (3)
denlgd037 0/1 Count 5 Blocks
denlgd038 0/1 Opposites (2)
denlgd039 0/1 Count blocks (5)
densld005 0/1 Work for toy
densld006 0/1 feed self
densld007 0/1 Clapping game "pat a cake"
densld008 0/1 Indicate Wants
densld009 0/1 wave bye-bye
densld010 0/1 Play Ball with You
densld011 0/1 Imitate Activities
densld012 0/1 Drink from a cup
densld013 0/1 help in house
densld014 0/1 use spoon/fork
densld015 0/1 remove garment
densld016 0/1 feed doll
densld017 0/1 put on clothing
densld018 0/1 brush teeth with help
densld019 0/1 wash and dry hands
densld020 0/1 name friend
densld021 0/1 put on T-shirt
densld022 0/1 dress no help
densld023 0/1 Play Games
densld024 0/1 brush teeth no help
densld025 0/1 prepare cereal
mdsgmd001 0/1 Sitting without support
mdsgmd002 0/1 Hands-and-knees crawling
mdsgmd003 0/1 Standing with assistance
mdsgmd004 0/1 Walking with assistance
mdsgmd005 0/1 Standing alone
mdsgmd006 0/1 Walking alone


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: ASQ screener (aqi), Battelle (bat), Bayley III (by3), Denver (den) and WHO motor milestones (mds).


Rubio-Codina M, Grantham-McGregor S. Predictive validity in middle childhood of short tests of early childhood development used in large scale studies compared to the Bayley-III, the Family Care Indicators, height-for-age, and stunting: A longitudinal study in Bogota, Colombia. PloS one. 2020;15:e0231317.

Rubio-Codina M, Araujo MC, Attanasio O, Muñoz P, Grantham-McGregor S. Concurrent validity and feasibility of short tests currently used to measure early childhood development in large scale studies. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0160962.



Colombia two waves, 0.8-3.7 years: gcdg_col_lt45m


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 707 unique children measured at two time points.




A data.frame with 1335 rows and 269 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
by3cgd022 0/1 Mirror Image Series: Responds positively
by3cgd023 0/1 Plays with string
by3cgd024 0/1 Bangs in play
by3cgd025 0/1 Searches for fallen object
by3cgd026 0/1 Bell Series: Manipulates
by3cgd027 0/1 Picks Up Block Series: Reaches for second block
by3cgd028 0/1 Pulls cloth to obtain object
by3cgd029 0/1 Pulls string adaptively
by3cgd030 0/1 Retains both blocks
by3cgd031 0/1 Bell Series: Rings purposely
by3cgd032 0/1 Looks at pictures
by3cgd033 0/1 Picks Up Block Series: Retains 2 of 3 blocks
by3cgd034 0/1 Searches for missing objects
by3cgd035 0/1 Takes blocks out of cup
by3cgd036 0/1 Block Series: 1 Block
by3cgd037 0/1 Picks up Block Series: 3 blocks
by3cgd038 0/1 Explores holes in pegboard
by3cgd039 0/1 Pushes car
by3cgd040 0/1 Finds hidden object
by3cgd041 0/1 Suspends ring
by3cgd042 0/1 Removes pellet
by3cgd043 0/1 Clear Box: Front
by3cgd044 0/1 Squeezes object
by3cgd045 0/1 Finds hidden object (Reversed)
by3cgd046 0/1 Removes lid from bottle
by3cgd047 0/1 Pegboard Series: 2 holes
by3cgd048 0/1 Relational Play Series: Self
by3cgd049 0/1 Pink Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd050 0/1 Finds hidden object (Visible Displacement)
by3cgd051 0/1 Blue Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd052 0/1 Clear Box: Sides
by3cgd053 0/1 Relational Play Series: Others
by3cgd054 0/1 Block Series: 9 Blocks
by3cgd055 0/1 Pegboard Series: 6 Pegs
by3cgd056 0/1 Pink Board Series: Completes
by3cgd057 0/1 Uses pencil to obtain object
by3cgd058 0/1 Blue Board Series: 4 Pieces
by3cgd059 0/1 Attends to story
by3cgd060 0/1 Rotated pink board
by3cgd061 0/1 Object assembly (Ball)
by3cgd062 0/1 Completes Pegboard: 25 Seconds
by3cgd063 0/1 Object assembly (Ice Cream Cone)
by3cgd064 0/1 Matches pictures
by3cgd065 0/1 Representational play
by3cgd066 0/1 Blue Board Series: Completes (75 seconds)
by3cgd067 0/1 Imitates a two-step action.
by3cgd068 0/1 Matches 3 colors
by3cgd069 0/1 Imaginary play
by3cgd070 0/1 Understands concept of one
by3cgd071 0/1 Multischeme combination play
by3cgd072 0/1 Concept Grouping: colour
by3cgd073 0/1 Concept Grouping: Size
by3cgd074 0/1 Compares masses
by3cgd075 0/1 Matches size
by3cgd076 0/1 Discriminates pictures
by3cgd077 0/1 Simple pattern
by3cgd078 0/1 Sorts pegs by colour
by3cgd079 0/1 Counts (One-to-one correspondence)
by3cgd080 0/1 Discriminates size
by3cgd081 0/1 Identifies 3 incomplete pictures
by3cgd082 0/1 Object assembly (Dog)
by3cgd083 0/1 Discriminates patterns
by3cgd084 0/1 Spatial memory
by3cgd085 0/1 Counts (Cardinally)
by3cgd086 0/1 Number constancy
by3cgd087 0/1 Laces card
by3cgd088 0/1 Classifies objects
by3cgd089 0/1 Understands concept of more
by3exd003 0/1 Vocalizes mood
by3exd005 0/1 Social vocalization or laughing
by3exd006 0/1 2 Vowel sounds
by3exd007 0/1 Gets attention
by3exd008 0/1 2 Consonant sounds
by3exd009 0/1 Uses gestures
by3exd010 0/1 Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 1 Combination
by3exd011 0/1 Participates in play routine
by3exd012 0/1 Jabbers expressively
by3exd013 0/1 Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 4 Combination
by3exd014 0/1 Uses one-word approximations
by3exd015 0/1 Directs attention of other
by3exd016 0/1 Imitates word
by3exd017 0/1 Initiates play interaction
by3exd018 0/1 Uses Words Appropriately Series: 2 words
by3exd019 0/1 Uses word to make wants known
by3exd020 0/1 Names Object Series: 1 Object
by3exd021 0/1 Combines word and gesture
by3exd022 0/1 Names Picture Series: 1 Picture
by3exd023 0/1 Uses Words Appropriately Series: 8 words
by3exd024 0/1 Answers yes or no verbally in response to questions
by3exd025 0/1 Imitates a two-word utterance
by3exd026 0/1 Uses a two-word utterance
by3exd027 0/1 Names Object Series: 3 Object
by3exd028 0/1 Names Picture Series: 5 Pictures
by3exd029 0/1 Uses multiple-word utterances
by3exd030 0/1 Uses pronouns
by3exd031 0/1 Names Action Picture Series: 1 Picture
by3exd032 0/1 Poses multiple-word questions
by3exd033 0/1 Makes a contingent utterance
by3exd034 0/1 Uses verb +ing
by3exd035 0/1 Names Action Picture Series: 3 Pictures
by3exd036 0/1 Uses different word combinations
by3exd037 0/1 Names Action Picture Series: 5 Pictures
by3exd038 0/1 Uses plurals
by3exd039 0/1 Answers what or where questions
by3exd040 0/1 Uses possessives
by3exd041 0/1 Names 4 colours
by3exd042 0/1 Answers questions logically (Related to functions)
by3exd043 0/1 Tells how an object is used
by3exd044 0/1 Uses prepositions
by3exd045 0/1 Uses present progressive form
by3exd046 0/1 Describes Pictures Series: Uses 4-5 word sentences
by3exd047 0/1 Describes Pictures Series: Uses past tense
by3exd048 0/1 Describes Pictures Series: Uses future tense
by3fmd016 0/1 Reaches unilaterally
by3fmd017 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Raking grasp
by3fmd018 0/1 Block Series: Partial thumb opposition
by3fmd019 0/1 Transfers ring
by3fmd020 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp
by3fmd021 0/1 Transfers block
by3fmd022 0/1 Block Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd023 0/1 Brings spoons or blocks to midline
by3fmd024 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition
by3fmd025 0/1 Lifts cup by the handle
by3fmd026 0/1 Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd027 0/1 Turns pages of books
by3fmd028 0/1 Grasp series: Palmar grasp
by3fmd029 0/1 Isolates extended ring finger
by3fmd030 0/1 Scribbles spontaneously
by3fmd031 0/1 Block Stacking Series: 2 blocks
by3fmd032 0/1 Imitates Stroke Series: Random
by3fmd033 0/1 Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds)
by3fmd034 0/1 Grasp series: Transitional grasp
by3fmd035 0/1 Coins in slot
by3fmd036 0/1 Connecting Blocks: Apart
by3fmd037 0/1 Grasp Series: Intermediate (Tripod) grasp
by3fmd038 0/1 Block stacking Series: 6 blocks
by3fmd039 0/1 Uses hand to hold paper in place
by3fmd040 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Horizontal
by3fmd041 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Vertical
by3fmd042 0/1 Connecting Blocks: Together
by3fmd043 0/1 Imitates Strokes Series: Circular
by3fmd044 0/1 Builds train of blocks
by3fmd045 0/1 Strings 3 blocks
by3fmd046 0/1 Imitates hand movements
by3fmd047 0/1 Snips paper
by3fmd048 0/1 Grasp Series: Dynamic grasp
by3fmd049 0/1 Tactilely discriminates shapes
by3fmd050 0/1 Builds wall
by3fmd051 0/1 Cuts paper
by3fmd052 0/1 Builds bridge
by3fmd053 0/1 Imitates plus sign
by3fmd054 0/1 Block stacking Series: 8 blocks
by3fmd055 0/1 Cuts on line
by3fmd056 0/1 Builds T
by3fmd057 0/1 Buttons 1 button
by3fmd058 0/1 Builds steps
by3fmd059 0/1 Traces designs
by3fmd060 0/1 Imitates square
by3fmd061 0/1 Copies plus sign
by3fmd062 0/1 Tapbs fingers
by3fmd063 0/1 Places 20 pellets in bottle
by3fmd064 0/1 Cuts circle
by3fmd065 0/1 Cuts square
by3fmd066 0/1 Copies square
by3gmd019 0/1 Sits with Support Series: 30 seconds
by3gmd020 0/1 Rolls from back to sides
by3gmd021 0/1 Elevates Trunk while Prone Series: Extended arms
by3gmd022 0/1 Sits with Support Series: 5 seconds
by3gmd023 0/1 Pulls up to sit
by3gmd024 0/1 Grasps foot with hands
by3gmd025 0/1 Rolls from back to stomach
by3gmd026 0/1 Sits without Support Series: 30 seconds
by3gmd027 0/1 Sits without support and holds objects
by3gmd028 0/1 Rotates trunk while seated
by3gmd029 0/1 Makes stepping movements
by3gmd030 0/1 Crawls Series: On stomach
by3gmd031 0/1 Crawls Series: Crawl position
by3gmd032 0/1 Moves from sitting to hands and knees
by3gmd033 0/1 Supports weight
by3gmd034 0/1 Crawls Series: Crawl movement
by3gmd035 0/1 Raises self to standing position
by3gmd036 0/1 Bounces while standing
by3gmd037 0/1 Walks Series: With support
by3gmd038 0/1 Walks sideways with support
by3gmd039 0/1 Sits down with control
by3gmd040 0/1 Stands alone
by3gmd041 0/1 Stands up Series: Alone
by3gmd042 0/1 Walks Series: Alone
by3gmd043 0/1 Walks Series: Alone with coordination
by3gmd044 0/1 Throws ball
by3gmd045 0/1 Squats without support
by3gmd046 0/1 Stands up Series: Mature
by3gmd047 0/1 Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with support
by3gmd048 0/1 Walks backward 2 steps
by3gmd049 0/1 Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with suppo
by3gmd050 0/1 Runs with coordination
by3gmd051 0/1 Balances on Right Foot Series: With support
by3gmd052 0/1 Balances on Left Foot Series: With support
by3gmd053 0/1 Walks sideways without support
by3gmd054 0/1 Jumps from bottom step
by3gmd055 0/1 Kicks ball
by3gmd056 0/1 Walks forward on path
by3gmd057 0/1 Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone.
by3gmd058 0/1 Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone
by3gmd059 0/1 Jumps Forward Series: 4 inches
by3gmd060 0/1 Balances on right Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone
by3gmd061 0/1 Balances on Left Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone
by3gmd062 0/1 Walks on tiptoes 4 steps
by3gmd063 0/1 Walks backward close to path
by3gmd064 0/1 Walks Up Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone
by3gmd065 0/1 Imitates postures
by3gmd066 0/1 Stops from a full run
by3gmd067 0/1 Walks Down Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone
by3gmd068 0/1 Hops 5 feet
by3gmd069 0/1 Balances on Right Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone
by3gmd070 0/1 Balances on Left Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone
by3gmd071 0/1 Walks heel to toe
by3gmd072 0/1 Jumps Forward Series: 24 inches
by3red006 0/1 Searches with head turn
by3red007 0/1 Discriminates sounds
by3red008 0/1 Sustained play with objects
by3red009 0/1 Responds to name
by3red010 0/1 Interrupts activity
by3red011 0/1 Recognizes 2 familiar words
by3red012 0/1 Responds to no-no
by3red013 0/1 Attends to other's play routine
by3red014 0/1 Responds to request for social routines
by3red015 0/1 Identifies Object Series: 1 correct
by3red016 0/1 Identifies object in the environment
by3red017 0/1 Identifies Picture Series: 1 correct
by3red018 0/1 Understands inhibitory words
by3red019 0/1 Identifies Object Series: 3 correct
by3red020 0/1 Follows one-part directions
by3red021 0/1 Identifies Picture Series: 3 Correct
by3red022 0/1 Identifies 3 clothing items
by3red023 0/1 Identifies Action Picture Series: 1 correct
by3red024 0/1 Identifies 5 parts of the body
by3red025 0/1 Follows two-part directions
by3red026 0/1 Identifies Action Picture Series: 3 correct
by3red027 0/1 Understands use of objects
by3red028 0/1 Understands part/whole relationships
by3red029 0/1 Identifies Action Picture Series: 5 correct
by3red030 0/1 Understands pronouns (him, me, my, you, your)
by3red031 0/1 Understands labels for sizes
by3red032 0/1 Understands Preposition Series: 2 correct
by3red033 0/1 Understands possessives
by3red034 0/1 Understands verb +ing
by3red035 0/1 Identifies colours
by3red036 0/1 Understands label of one
by3red037 0/1 Understands pronouns (they, he, she)
by3red038 0/1 Understands pronouns (his, her)
by3red039 0/1 Understands plurals
by3red040 0/1 Understands more
by3red041 0/1 Understands most
by3red042 0/1 Understands Preposition Series: 4 correct
by3red043 0/1 Understands negatives in sentences
by3red044 0/1 Understands past tense
by3red045 0/1 Understands labels for mass
by3red046 0/1 Understands least
by3red047 0/1 Understands less
by3red048 0/1 Understands descriptive labels
by3red049 0/1 Identifies categories of objects


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: Bayley III (by3).


Attanasio OP, Fernández C, Fitzsimons EOA, Grantham-McGregor SM, Meghir C, Rubio-Codina M. Using the infrastructure of a conditional cash transfer program to deliver a scalable integrated early child development program in Colombia: cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ. 2014;349.



Ecuador, 0-3 years: gcdg_ecu


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 667 unique children. Cross-sectional.




A data.frame with 667 rows and 29 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
barxxx001 0/1 Smiles in response to an adult or his/her voice
barxxx002 0/1 Makes sounds spontaneously or in response to a stimulus
barxxx003 0/1 Has head control while being pulled to stand upright
barxxx004 0/1 Holds a toy with one or both hands when it is presented
barxxx005 0/1 Rolls from back to stomach
barxxx006 0/1 Sits without support for some time
barxxx007 0/1 Starting to crawl
barxxx008 0/1 Grasps with fingertip to to take small objects
barxxx009 0/1 Stands up when being pulled
barxxx010 0/1 Walks with support, holding on to a railing, furniture or ad
barxxx011 0/1 Stands for "some moments"
barxxx012 0/1 Walks alone with "some steps"
barxxx013 0/1 Drinks well from a cup or glass
barxxx014 0/1 Says more than 5 words
barxxx015 0/1 Jumps in place
barxxx016 0/1 Washes and dries hands
barxxx017 0/1 Says his full name
barxxx018 0/1 Copies a circle
barxxx019 0/1 Balances on one foot for more than 5 seconds
barxxx020 0/1 Bowel and bladder control
barxxx021 0/1 Copies a square well
barxxx022 0/1 Recognizes 4 colors


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: Barrera Moncada (bar).


Paxson C, Schady N. Does money matter? The effects of cash transfers on child development in rural Ecuador. Economic development and cultural change. 2010;59:187-229.

Jamaica, low birth weight: gcdg_jam_lbw


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 226 unique children aged 1.0-2.2 years, two waves.




A data.frame with 443 rows and 192 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
gricgd012 0/1 (Performance) Takes cube or toy from table
gricgd013 0/1 (Performance) Passes toy from hand to hand
gricgd014 0/1 Drops one cube for third
gricgd015 0/1 Manipulates 2 objects at once
gricgd016 0/1 Reacts to Paper IV - Plays with, crumbles, etc.
gricgd017 0/1 Lifts inverted cup in search of toy
gricgd018 0/1 Rattles box
gricgd019 0/1 Lifts lid off box
gricgd020 0/1 (Performance) Clicks 2 bricks together
gricgd021 0/1 Tries to take cubes out of box
gricgd022 0/1 Finds toy under cup
gricgd023 0/1 (Performance) Accepts 3rd cube without dropping
gricgd024 0/1 Manipulates box, lid and cubes
gricgd201 0/1 Remove both cubes from box (shown)
gricgd202 0/1 Unwraps and finds toy
gricgd203 0/1 One circle board - 2 trials
gricgd204 0/1 Opens 2 boxes
gricgd205 0/1 Puts cubes in and out of boxes in play
gricgd206 0/1 Puts 2 cubes back into one box when encouraged to do so
gricgd207 0/1 Two circle board - one in
gricgd208 0/1 Square board - 2 trials
gricgd209 0/1 Two circle board - two in
gricgd210 0/1 Can put lid back on box
gricgd211 0/1 (Performance) Three hole board - one in.
gricgd212 0/1 Puts 2 cubes into box lid on - all complete
gricgd213 0/1 Circle and square board together
gricgd214 0/1 Three-hole board - two in
gricgd215 0/1 (Performance) Three-hole board - three in.
gricgd216 0/1 Two circle board, rotated
gricgd217 0/1 Circle and square board rotated
gricgd218 0/1 (credit as 2 items)
gricgd219 0/1 Assembles three boxes
gricgd220 0/1 (credit as 2 items)
gricgd221 0/1 Can open screw toy
gricgd222 0/1 (Performance) Can open screw toy (credit as two items)
gricgd223 0/1 Three-hole board, rotated
gricgd224 0/1 (Performance) Three-hole board, rotated (credit as two items
gricgd301 0/1 Reassembles screw toy
gricgd302 0/1 Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid within one minute
gricgd303 0/1 Four-squares board completed within one minute - 2 trials
gricgd304 0/1 Six-hole board completed within one minute - 2 trials
gricgd305 0/1 Four-squares board: (40 secs).
gricgd306 0/1 Six-hole board: (40 secs).
gricgd401 0/1 Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid within 40 seconds
gricgd402 0/1 (Performance) Builds bridge with 3 boxes - inferior model bu
gricgd403 0/1 Assembles brick-boxes by colour - no error
gricgd404 0/1 Four-squares board: (15 secs)
gricgd405 0/1 Train under bridge successfully
gricgd406 0/1 Eleven-hole board (within 60 secs) Time taken (.....)
griehd014 0/1 Strikes one object with another
griehd019 0/1 Throws object
griehd020 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Thumb opposition complete.
griehd021 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can point with index finger.
griehd022 0/1 Interest in motor car
griehd023 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can hold pencil as if to mark o
griehd024 0/1 Likes holding little toys
griehd201 0/1 Uses pencil on paper a little
griehd202 0/1 Shows preference for one hand
griehd203 0/1 Plays rolling a ball
griehd204 0/1 Can hold 4 cubes in hands at once
griehd205 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Plays pushing little cars along
griehd206 0/1 Places one box, lid or brick upon another
griehd207 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Tower of 2 bricks - imitation.
griehd208 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Pulls paper or cloth to get toy
griehd209 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Scribbles more freely, and deli
griehd210 0/1 Constructive play with boxes or other materials
griehd211 0/1 (Eye and Hand Coordination) Constructive play with boxes or
griehd212 0/1 Builds tower of 3 bricks
griehd213 0/1 Can throw a ball
griehd214 0/1 (Eye and hand) Can throw a ball
griehd215 0/1 Tower of 4+ bricks
griehd216 0/1 Enjoys vigourous scribble
griehd217 0/1 Can pour water from one cup to another
griehd218 0/1 Tower of 5+ bricks
griehd219 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Circular scribble in imitation
griehd220 0/1 Makes train of 3+ bricks
griehd221 0/1 (Credit as 2 items)
griehd222 0/1 Makes a brick or toy walk
griehd223 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Tower of 6 or 7 bricks.
griehd224 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a perpendicular stroke or
griehd301 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a horizontal stroke in im
griehd302 0/1 Threads 6 beads
griehd303 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Builds a tower of 8+ bricks.
griehd304 0/1 Handles scissors - tries to cut paper (4 inch square)
griehd305 0/1 Copies a circle - primitive model. Stage I.
griehd306 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Copies a cross -recognisable. S
griehd401 0/1 Folds a four-inch square of paper once (i.e. in half)
griehd402 0/1 Threads 12+ beads (not by pattern)
griehd403 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can cut square into two fairly
griehd404 0/1 Folds a four-inch square twice
griehd405 0/1 Copies a 'ladder'. Stage I.
griehd406 0/1 Draws a 'man' recognisable. Stage I.
grigmd019 0/1 Crawling Reaction III: Makes some progress forwards or backw
grigmd020 0/1 Sits well in a chair
grigmd021 0/1 (Locomotor) Pulls self up and stands holding on to furniture
grigmd022 0/1 (Locomotor) Crawling Reaction IV: Creeps on hands and knees
grigmd023 0/1 (Locomotor) Side-steps around inside cot or play-pen holding
grigmd024 0/1 (Locomotor) Can walk when led.
grigmd201 0/1 Climbs on a low ledge or step
grigmd202 0/1 (Locomotor) Stands alone
grigmd203 0/1 (Locomotor) Takes a few steps alone
grigmd204 0/1 Kneels on floor or chair
grigmd205 0/1 Climbs - stairs (up)
grigmd206 0/1 Likes pushing pram, toy horse, etc.
grigmd207 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks alone well
grigmd208 0/1 (Locomotor) Stoops.
grigmd209 0/1 Develops a quick trot
grigmd210 0/1 Climbs into a low armchair
grigmd211 0/1 (Locomotor) Can walk backwards a few steps
grigmd212 0/1 Walks pulling toy on a string
grigmd213 0/1 Climbs stairs (up and down)
grigmd214 0/1 (Locomotor) Runs
grigmd215 0/1 Jumps (on the level floor)
grigmd216 0/1 Climbs to stand on a chair
grigmd217 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks upstairs- holding adult's hand
grigmd218 0/1 Can seat self at table
grigmd219 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks up and down stairs.
grigmd220 0/1 (Locomotor) Can kick a ball.
grigmd221 0/1 (Locomotor) Can jump off a step
grigmd222 0/1 (Locomotor) Goes alone on the stairs (any method)
grigmd223 0/1 Throws ball into basket
grigmd224 0/1 Can bring chair and seat self at table
grigmd301 0/1 Jumps off one step- both feet together
grigmd302 0/1 (Locomotor) Can stand on one foot - for 6+ seconds
grigmd303 0/1 Rises from kneeling without using hands
grigmd304 0/1 Can cross both feet and knees when seated
grigmd305 0/1 (Locomotor) Can stand and walk tip-toe (6+ steps)
grigmd306 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks upstairs: one foot on each step, adult man
grigmd401 0/1 Can run fast (indoors)
grigmd404 0/1 Walks a chalkline - 4 ft
grigmd405 0/1 (Locomotor) Can hop on one foot - 3+ steps
grigmd406 0/1 Jumps off 2 steps
grigmd501 0/1 Can run to kick ball
grigmd502 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks downstairs: one foot on each step, adult m
grihsd013 0/1 Responds when called
grihsd014 0/1 2 syllable babble
grihsd015 0/1 Listens to conversations
grihsd016 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Babbled phrases: 4 + syllables
grihsd017 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Says Mama or Dada, etc. (one word clear
grihsd018 0/1 Listens to stop watch
grihsd019 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Rings the bell
grihsd020 0/1 Shakes head for no
grihsd021 0/1 says 2 clear words
grihsd022 0/1 Short babbled sentences of 6+ syllables
grihsd023 0/1 Babbled monologue when alone
grihsd024 0/1 Says three clear words
grihsd201 0/1 Looks at pictures for a sew seconds
grihsd202 0/1 Tries definitely to sing
grihsd203 0/1 (Hearing and Speech)Knows own name.
grihsd204 0/1 Likes rhymes and jingles
grihsd205 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Looks at pictures with interest
grihsd206 0/1 Uses 4 clear words
grihsd207 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) One object in box identified
grihsd208 0/1 Uses 5 clear words
grihsd209 0/1 Long babbled sentences - some words clear
grihsd210 0/1 Enjoys pictre book
grihsd211 0/1 Uses 6 or 7 clear words
grihsd212 0/1 Two objects in box identified
grihsd213 0/1 9+ clear words
grihsd214 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Four objects in box identified
grihsd215 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Picture vocabulary (1)
grihsd216 0/1 Uses 12+ clear words
grihsd217 0/1 Uses word combinations
grihsd218 0/1 Picture vocabulary (2)
grihsd219 0/1 Uses 20+ clear words
grihsd220 0/1 Eight objects in box identified
grihsd221 0/1 Listens to stories
grihsd222 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Names 4 objects in box
grihsd223 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Picture vocabulary (4)
grihsd224 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Uses sentences of 4+ syllables
grihsd301 0/1 Names 12 of 18 objects in box
grihsd302 0/1 Picture vocabulary (12)
grihsd303 0/1 Defines by use (2+) - cup, knife, chair, coat, car, house, p
grihsd304 0/1 Repeats one six-syllable sentence
grihsd305 0/1 Uses 2 descriptive words
grihsd306 0/1 Talks well in sentences of 6+ syllables (record).
grihsd401 0/1 Names six or more objects in large picture
grihsd402 0/1 Names 17-18 objects in box
grihsd403 0/1 Uses 2+ personal pronouns
grihsd404 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Comprehension 2+ items
grihsd405 0/1 Picture vocabulary (18+)
grihsd406 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Knows 6+ colours
grihsd501 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Defines by use: 6+.
grihsd502 0/1 Opposites - 2
grihsd503 0/1 Materials (2+) "What is a table made of? .... a window? ....


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: Griffiths Scales (gri)


Walker SP, Chang SM, Powell CA, Grantham-McGregor SM. Psychosocial intervention improves the development of term low-birth-weight infants. The Journal of Nutrition. 2004;134:1417-1423.

Jamaica, stunted growth: gcdg_jam_stunted


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 159 unique children aged 0.75-4.2 years, three waves.




A data.frame with 477 rows and 290 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
gricgd008 0/1 Claps cube put in hand
gricgd009 0/1 Reaches to Paper III - Pulls it away
gricgd010 0/1 Shows interest in box
gricgd011 0/1 (Performance) Holds 2 cubes.
gricgd012 0/1 (Performance) Takes cube or toy from table
gricgd013 0/1 (Performance) Passes toy from hand to hand
gricgd014 0/1 Drops one cube for third
gricgd015 0/1 Manipulates 2 objects at once
gricgd016 0/1 Reacts to Paper IV - Plays with, crumbles, etc.
gricgd017 0/1 Lifts inverted cup in search of toy
gricgd018 0/1 Rattles box
gricgd019 0/1 Lifts lid off box
gricgd020 0/1 (Performance) Clicks 2 bricks together
gricgd021 0/1 Tries to take cubes out of box
gricgd022 0/1 Finds toy under cup
gricgd023 0/1 (Performance) Accepts 3rd cube without dropping
gricgd024 0/1 Manipulates box, lid and cubes
gricgd201 0/1 Remove both cubes from box (shown)
gricgd202 0/1 Unwraps and finds toy
gricgd203 0/1 One circle board - 2 trials
gricgd204 0/1 Opens 2 boxes
gricgd205 0/1 Puts cubes in and out of boxes in play
gricgd206 0/1 Puts 2 cubes back into one box when encouraged to do so
gricgd207 0/1 Two circle board - one in
gricgd208 0/1 Square board - 2 trials
gricgd209 0/1 Two circle board - two in
gricgd210 0/1 Can put lid back on box
gricgd211 0/1 (Performance) Three hole board - one in.
gricgd212 0/1 Puts 2 cubes into box lid on - all complete
gricgd213 0/1 Circle and square board together
gricgd214 0/1 Three-hole board - two in
gricgd215 0/1 (Performance) Three-hole board - three in.
gricgd216 0/1 Two circle board, rotated
gricgd217 0/1 Circle and square board rotated
gricgd218 0/1 (credit as 2 items)
gricgd219 0/1 Assembles three boxes
gricgd220 0/1 (credit as 2 items)
gricgd221 0/1 Can open screw toy
gricgd222 0/1 (Performance) Can open screw toy (credit as two items)
gricgd223 0/1 Three-hole board, rotated
gricgd224 0/1 (Performance) Three-hole board, rotated (credit as two items
gricgd301 0/1 Reassembles screw toy
gricgd302 0/1 Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid within one minute
gricgd303 0/1 Four-squares board completed within one minute - 2 trials
gricgd304 0/1 Six-hole board completed within one minute - 2 trials
gricgd305 0/1 Four-squares board: (40 secs).
gricgd306 0/1 Six-hole board: (40 secs).
gricgd401 0/1 Returns 9 bricks to box and replaces lid within 40 seconds
gricgd402 0/1 (Performance) Builds bridge with 3 boxes - inferior model bu
gricgd403 0/1 Assembles brick-boxes by colour - no error
gricgd404 0/1 Four-squares board: (15 secs)
gricgd405 0/1 Train under bridge successfully
gricgd406 0/1 Eleven-hole board (within 60 secs) Time taken (.....)
gricgd501 0/1 Six-hole board within (20 seconds)
gricgd502 0/1 Builds bridge - superior model
gricgd504 0/1 Builds gate to model
gricgd603 0/1 Ten-brick Memory Stairs (Imitation)
griehd005 0/1 Follows a bell-ring - vomed in a complete circle
griehd007 0/1 Watches objects pulled along by string
griehd008 0/1 Visually explores new environment
griehd009 0/1 Reaches for ring and grasps
griehd010 0/1 Secures dangling ring
griehd011 0/1 Hands explore table surface
griehd012 0/1 Plays with ring - shaking bells, banging, etc.
griehd013 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Looks for falling object
griehd014 0/1 Strikes one object with another
griehd015 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Forefinger and thumb partly spe
griehd016 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Secures ring by means of strin
griehd017 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Fine prehension.
griehd018 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Dangles ring by the string
griehd019 0/1 Throws object
griehd020 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Thumb opposition complete.
griehd021 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can point with index finger.
griehd022 0/1 Interest in motor car
griehd023 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can hold pencil as if to mark o
griehd024 0/1 Likes holding little toys
griehd201 0/1 Uses pencil on paper a little
griehd202 0/1 Shows preference for one hand
griehd203 0/1 Plays rolling a ball
griehd204 0/1 Can hold 4 cubes in hands at once
griehd205 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Plays pushing little cars along
griehd206 0/1 Places one box, lid or brick upon another
griehd207 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Tower of 2 bricks - imitation.
griehd208 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Pulls paper or cloth to get toy
griehd209 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Scribbles more freely, and deli
griehd210 0/1 Constructive play with boxes or other materials
griehd211 0/1 (Eye and Hand Coordination) Constructive play with boxes or
griehd212 0/1 Builds tower of 3 bricks
griehd213 0/1 Can throw a ball
griehd214 0/1 (Eye and hand) Can throw a ball
griehd215 0/1 Tower of 4+ bricks
griehd216 0/1 Enjoys vigourous scribble
griehd217 0/1 Can pour water from one cup to another
griehd218 0/1 Tower of 5+ bricks
griehd219 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Circular scribble in imitation
griehd220 0/1 Makes train of 3+ bricks
griehd221 0/1 (Credit as 2 items)
griehd222 0/1 Makes a brick or toy walk
griehd223 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Tower of 6 or 7 bricks.
griehd224 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a perpendicular stroke or
griehd301 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a horizontal stroke in im
griehd302 0/1 Threads 6 beads
griehd303 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Builds a tower of 8+ bricks.
griehd304 0/1 Handles scissors - tries to cut paper (4 inch square)
griehd305 0/1 Copies a circle - primitive model. Stage I.
griehd306 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Copies a cross -recognisable. S
griehd401 0/1 Folds a four-inch square of paper once (i.e. in half)
griehd402 0/1 Threads 12+ beads (not by pattern)
griehd403 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can cut square into two fairly
griehd404 0/1 Folds a four-inch square twice
griehd405 0/1 Copies a 'ladder'. Stage I.
griehd406 0/1 Draws a 'man' recognisable. Stage I.
griehd501 0/1 Copies a cross - good shape and well drawn. Stage II
griehd502 0/1 Copies circle - good shape - neatly closed. Stage II
griehd503 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Draws a square - recognizable.
griehd504 0/1 Window - recognizable. Stage I
griehd506 0/1 (Eye and Hand c-ordination) Scissors: can strip edge of pape
griehd602 0/1 Triangle - fairly good (Stage A)
grigmd011 0/1 Crawling Reaction I: Draws up knee
grigmd012 0/1 (Locomotor) Sits with slight support.
grigmd013 0/1 (Locomotor) Can roll from back to stomach, etc.
grigmd014 0/1 Crawling Reaction II: Tries vigorously to crawl
grigmd015 0/1 (Locomotor) Sits alone for a short time
grigmd016 0/1 (Locomotor) Stepping reaction - one foot in front of the oth
grigmd017 0/1 (Locomotor) Can be left sitting on the floor.
grigmd018 0/1 Stands when held up
grigmd019 0/1 Crawling Reaction III: Makes some progress forwards or backw
grigmd020 0/1 Sits well in a chair
grigmd021 0/1 (Locomotor) Pulls self up and stands holding on to furniture
grigmd022 0/1 (Locomotor) Crawling Reaction IV: Creeps on hands and knees
grigmd023 0/1 (Locomotor) Side-steps around inside cot or play-pen holding
grigmd024 0/1 (Locomotor) Can walk when led.
grigmd201 0/1 Climbs on a low ledge or step
grigmd202 0/1 (Locomotor) Stands alone
grigmd203 0/1 (Locomotor) Takes a few steps alone
grigmd204 0/1 Kneels on floor or chair
grigmd205 0/1 Climbs - stairs (up)
grigmd206 0/1 Likes pushing pram, toy horse, etc.
grigmd207 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks alone well
grigmd208 0/1 (Locomotor) Stoops.
grigmd209 0/1 Develops a quick trot
grigmd210 0/1 Climbs into a low armchair
grigmd211 0/1 (Locomotor) Can walk backwards a few steps
grigmd212 0/1 Walks pulling toy on a string
grigmd213 0/1 Climbs stairs (up and down)
grigmd214 0/1 (Locomotor) Runs
grigmd215 0/1 Jumps (on the level floor)
grigmd216 0/1 Climbs to stand on a chair
grigmd217 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks upstairs- holding adult's hand
grigmd218 0/1 Can seat self at table
grigmd219 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks up and down stairs.
grigmd220 0/1 (Locomotor) Can kick a ball.
grigmd221 0/1 (Locomotor) Can jump off a step
grigmd222 0/1 (Locomotor) Goes alone on the stairs (any method)
grigmd223 0/1 Throws ball into basket
grigmd224 0/1 Can bring chair and seat self at table
grigmd301 0/1 Jumps off one step- both feet together
grigmd302 0/1 (Locomotor) Can stand on one foot - for 6+ seconds
grigmd303 0/1 Rises from kneeling without using hands
grigmd304 0/1 Can cross both feet and knees when seated
grigmd305 0/1 (Locomotor) Can stand and walk tip-toe (6+ steps)
grigmd306 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks upstairs: one foot on each step, adult man
grigmd401 0/1 Can run fast (indoors)
grigmd402 0/1 Can ride a tricycle or other pedal toy
grigmd403 0/1 Marches in time to music
grigmd404 0/1 Walks a chalkline - 4 ft
grigmd405 0/1 (Locomotor) Can hop on one foot - 3+ steps
grigmd406 0/1 Jumps off 2 steps
grigmd501 0/1 Can run to kick ball
grigmd502 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks downstairs: one foot on each step, adult m
grigmd503 0/1 Touches toes with knees straight
grigmd504 0/1 Jumps a 6 in. high rope - both feet together
grigmd505 0/1 Can climb on and off a box unaided
grigmd506 0/1 Can run upstairs
grigmd601 0/1 Can bounce and catch a ball
grigmd602 0/1 Can run fast out of doors
grigmd603 0/1 Can throw a ball up about 2 ft. and catch it
grigmd604 0/1 Can hopskip 4+
grigmd605 0/1 Can jump off 3 steps
grigmd606 0/1 Hopscotch I (one successful hop)
grigmd701 0/1 Jumos a 10 in. high rope, both feet together
grigmd702 0/1 Hopskips more freely: 12 +
grigmd703 0/1 Hopscotch II (2 successful hops - second foot up)
grigmd704 0/1 Can run, with steady trot, all round playground
grigmd706 0/1 Hopscotch III (3 hops - with second foot up)
grigmd801 0/1 Runs - downstairs
grigmd802 0/1 Can jump off 4+ stairs
grigmd803 0/1 Rides a bicycle (2-wheeler) short distance
grigmd807 0/1 Hopskips some distance - out-of-doors
grihsd007 0/1 Searches for sound with head movements
grihsd008 0/1 Listens to tuning fork
grihsd009 0/1 (Hearing and Speech)Turns head deliberately to bell
grihsd010 0/1 Coos or stops crying on hearing music
grihsd011 0/1 Talks (babbles) to person
grihsd012 0/1 Makes 4+ different sounds.
grihsd013 0/1 Responds when called
grihsd014 0/1 2 syllable babble
grihsd015 0/1 Listens to conversations
grihsd016 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Babbled phrases: 4 + syllables
grihsd017 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Says Mama or Dada, etc. (one word clear
grihsd018 0/1 Listens to stop watch
grihsd019 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Rings the bell
grihsd020 0/1 Shakes head for no
grihsd021 0/1 says 2 clear words
grihsd022 0/1 Short babbled sentences of 6+ syllables
grihsd023 0/1 Babbled monologue when alone
grihsd024 0/1 Says three clear words
grihsd201 0/1 Looks at pictures for a sew seconds
grihsd202 0/1 Tries definitely to sing
grihsd203 0/1 (Hearing and Speech)Knows own name.
grihsd204 0/1 Likes rhymes and jingles
grihsd205 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Looks at pictures with interest
grihsd206 0/1 Uses 4 clear words
grihsd207 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) One object in box identified
grihsd208 0/1 Uses 5 clear words
grihsd209 0/1 Long babbled sentences - some words clear
grihsd210 0/1 Enjoys pictre book
grihsd211 0/1 Uses 6 or 7 clear words
grihsd212 0/1 Two objects in box identified
grihsd213 0/1 9+ clear words
grihsd214 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Four objects in box identified
grihsd215 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Picture vocabulary (1)
grihsd216 0/1 Uses 12+ clear words
grihsd217 0/1 Uses word combinations
grihsd218 0/1 Picture vocabulary (2)
grihsd219 0/1 Uses 20+ clear words
grihsd220 0/1 Eight objects in box identified
grihsd221 0/1 Listens to stories
grihsd222 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Names 4 objects in box
grihsd223 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Picture vocabulary (4)
grihsd224 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Uses sentences of 4+ syllables
grihsd301 0/1 Names 12 of 18 objects in box
grihsd302 0/1 Picture vocabulary (12)
grihsd303 0/1 Defines by use (2+) - cup, knife, chair, coat, car, house, p
grihsd304 0/1 Repeats one six-syllable sentence
grihsd305 0/1 Uses 2 descriptive words
grihsd306 0/1 Talks well in sentences of 6+ syllables (record).
grihsd401 0/1 Names six or more objects in large picture
grihsd402 0/1 Names 17-18 objects in box
grihsd403 0/1 Uses 2+ personal pronouns
grihsd404 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Comprehension 2+ items
grihsd405 0/1 Picture vocabulary (18+)
grihsd406 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Knows 6+ colours
grihsd501 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Defines by use: 6+.
grihsd502 0/1 Opposites - 2
grihsd503 0/1 Materials (2+) "What is a table made of? .... a window? ....
grihsd504 0/1 Repeats sentences of 10+ syllables
grihsd505 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Picture description: 1+ sentences.
grihsd506 0/1 Names 12 objects in large picture
grihsd601 0/1 Talks in sentences of 10 + syllables (record)
grihsd602 0/1 Comprehension 4 +
grihsd603 0/1 Uses 6+ descriptive words
grihsd604 0/1 Knows 10+ capital letters (Test)
grihsd605 0/1 Uses 6 + personal pronouns
grihsd701 0/1 Repeats sentence of 16 syllables
grihsd702 0/1 Picture Description - (3+), three sentences describing a pic
grihsd704 0/1 Similarities - one
grihsd705 0/1 Differences - two.
grihsd706 0/1 Capital letter - knows all 26
grihsd801 0/1 Picture description - (4+), four sentences describing pictur
grihsd802 0/1 Similarities - two
grired301 0/1 Repeats one digit - 8;2;7
grired302 0/1 Knows 'dollar' or money
grired303 0/1 Repeats two digits 16;53;94
grired304 0/1 Compares 2 insets for size "which one is bigger?"
grired305 0/1 Repeats 3 digits 982; 475; 136
grired306 0/1 practical reasoning (PR) knows big and little
grired401 0/1 Compares 2 towers: 'Which one is higher?' (5;3 bricks)
grired402 0/1 Compares 2 lines for length
grired403 0/1 Preliminary counting to 4+
grired404 0/1 PR counts 4 bricks correctly
grired405 0/1 Repeats 4 digits - 5816; 3729; 4952
grired406 0/1 PR compares 2 weights: which is heavier
grired501 0/1 Knows 2 coins (of 7 shown) N = .....
grired502 0/1 Can count 10 bricks
grired503 0/1 Knows morning and afternoon
grired504 0/1 Knows 3 coins (of 7 shown)
grired505 0/1 'Which goes faster?' 3+
grired506 0/1 Can count 15 bricks
grired601 0/1 Knows No. of fingers on each hand
grired602 0/1 Knows 4 coins
grired603 0/1 Knows 5 coins
grired604 0/1 Repeats 5 digits - 61384; 59271; 92786


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: Griffiths Scales (gri)


Grantham-McGregor SM, Powell CA, Walker SP, Himes JH. Nutritional supplementation, psychosocial stimulation, and mental development of stunted children: the Jamaican Study. The Lancet. 1991;338:1-5. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(91)90001-6

Madagascar, 2.8-3.6 years: gcdg_mdg


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 205 unique children. Cross-sectional.




A data.frame with 205 rows and 47 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
macgmd001 0/1 Child walks in a straight line
macgmd002 0/1 Walks backwards for 5 steps
macgmd003 0/1 Walks on tiptoes for 5 steps or more
macgmd005 0/1 Jumps with feet together; 2-5 jumps
macgmd041 0/1 Balances on either foot for 3-9 secs
macgmd042 0/1 Balances on either foot for 10 secs
pegfmd002 0/1 Places 6 or more pegs in 30 sec with either hand
sbifrd001 0/1 Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (similarity)
sbifrd003 0/1 Identify missing object: Green cube
sbifrd004 0/1 Identify missing object: Blue circle
sbifrd005 0/1 Identify missing object: Green cube
sbifrd006 0/1 Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (series)
sbifrd007 0/1 Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (descending orde
sbifrd008 0/1 Identify missing object: Stick with 2 units (alternation)
sbifrd009 0/1 Identify missing image: Red triangle
sbifrd010 0/1 Identify missing image: Yellow square
sbifrd011 0/1 Identify missing image: Blue circle
sbifrd012 0/1 Identify missing image: Cat
sbivsd001 0/1 Places circle in form board within 15 secs
sbivsd002 0/1 Places circle & square in form board within 15 secs
sbivsd003 0/1 Places 3 pieces: circle, square, triangle in form board in 1
sbivsd004 0/1 Places 3 pieces: circle, square, triangle in rotated form bo
sbivsd005 0/1 Places 2 semicircles - big triangle - square in 30 sec
sbivsd006 0/1 Places circle - 2 small triangles - square in 45 sec
sbivsd007 0/1 Places 2 semicircles - 2 small triangles - square in 45 sec
sbivsd008 0/1 Places circle - 2 small triangles - 2 rectangles in 45 sec
sbivsd009 0/1 Places 2 semi-circles - 2 small triangles - 2 rectangles in
sbivsd010 0/1 Placement of all pieces with 90 deg rotation in 45 sec
sbiwmd001 0/1 Finds plastic duck hidden under one of 2 cups
sbiwmd002 0/1 Finds plastic duck hidden under one of 2 inverted cups
sbiwmd003 0/1 Finds car hidden under middle of 3 cups after cups hidden b
sbiwmd004 0/1 Finds car hidden under right side of 3 cups after cups hidde
sbiwmd005 0/1 Repeats tapping 1 block
sbiwmd006 0/1 Repeats tapping 1 block
sbiwmd007 0/1 Repeats sequence of tapping 2 blocks
sbiwmd008 0/1 Repeats sequence of tapping 2 blocks
sbiwmd009 0/1 Repeats sequence of tapping 2 blocks
sbiwmd010 0/1 Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v1
sbiwmd011 0/1 Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v2
sbiwmd012 0/1 Increasingly difficult sequences of tapping blocks v3


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (mac), Pegboard (peg), Stanford Binet Intelligence (sbi).


Fernald LCH, Weber A, Galasso E, Ratsifandrihamanana L. Socioeconomic gradients and child development in a very low income population: evidence from Madagascar. Developmental science. 2011;14:832-847. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2010.01032.x

The Netherlands 0-2.5 years: gcdg_nld_smocc


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 2038 children measured at 16722 visits (rows) between ages 0-2.5 year.




A data.frame with 16722 rows and 64 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
ddicmm029 0/1 Reacts when spoken to
ddicmm030 0/1 Smiles in response (M; can ask parents)
ddicmm031 0/1 vocalizes in response
ddicmm033 0/1 Says dada, baba, gaga
ddicmm034 0/1 Babbles while playing
ddicmm036 0/1 Waves 'bye-bye' (M; can ask parents)
ddicmm037 0/1 Uses two words with comprehension
ddicmm039 0/1 Says three 'words'
ddicmm041 0/1 Says sentences with 2 words
ddicmm043 0/1 Refers to self using 'me' or 'I' (M; can ask parents)
ddicmd044 0/1 Points at 5 pictures in the book
ddicmd116 0/1 Turn head to sound
ddicmd136 0/1 Reacts to verbal request (M; can ask parents)
ddicmd141 0/1 Identifies two named objects
ddicmd148 0/1 Understands 'play' orders
ddifmd001 0/1 Eyes fixate
ddifmd002 0/1 Follows with eyes and head 30d < 0 > 30d
ddifmd003 0/1 Hands open occasionally
ddifmm004 0/1 Watches own hands
ddifmd005 0/1 Plays with hands in midline
ddifmd007 0/1 Passes cube from hand to hand
ddifmd008 0/1 Holds cube, grasps another one with other hand
ddifmm009 0/1 Plays with both feet
ddifmd010 0/1 Picks up pellet between thumb and index finger
ddifmd011 0/1 Puts cube in and out of a box
ddifmm012 0/1 Plays 'give and take' (M; can ask parents)
ddifmd013 0/1 Tower of 2 cubes
ddifmm014 0/1 Explores environment energetically (M; can ask parents)
ddifmd015 0/1 Builds tower of 3 cubes
ddifmm016 0/1 Imitates everyday activities (M; can ask parents)
ddifmd017 0/1 Tower of 6 cubes
ddifmd018 0/1 Places round block in board
ddifmm019 0/1 Takes off shoes and socks (M; can ask parents)
ddifmd154 0/1 Eats with spoon without help (M; can ask parents)
ddigmd006 0/1 Grasps object within reach
ddigmd052 0/1 Moves arms equally well
ddigmd053 0/1 Moves legs equally well
ddigmd054 0/1 Stays suspended when lifted under the armpits
ddigmd055 0/1 No head lag if pulled to sitting
ddigmd056 0/1 Lifts chin off table for a moment
ddigmd057 0/1 Lifts head to 45 degrees on prone position
ddigmd058 0/1 Looks around to side with angle face-table 90
ddigmd059 0/1 Flexes or stomps legs while being swung
ddigmm060 0/1 Rolls over back to front
ddigmd061 0/1 Balances head well while sitting
ddigmd062 0/1 Sits on buttocks while legs stretched
ddigmd063 0/1 Sits in stable position without support
ddigmm064 0/1 Crawls forward, abdomen on the floor
ddigmm065 0/1 Pulls up to standing position
ddigmm066 0/1 Crawls, abdomen off the floor (M; can ask parents)
ddigmm067 0/1 Walks while holding onto play-pen or furniture
ddigmd068 0/1 Walks alone
ddigmd069 0/1 Throws ball without falling
ddigmd070 0/1 Squats or bends to pick things up
ddigmd071 0/1 Kicks ball
ddigmd146 0/1 Drinks from cup (M; can ask parents)
ddigmd168 0/1 Walks well


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: Dutch Development Instrument (Van Wiechenschema, version 1983): ddi


Herngreen WP, Reerink JD, van Noord-Zaadstra BM, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, Ruys JH. The SMOCC-study: Design of a representative cohort of live-born infants in the Netherlands. European Journal of Public Health. 1992;2:117-122.



South Africa 0.3-4.0 years: gcdg_zaf


A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 2389 children measured at 4176 visits (rows) between ages 0.3-4.0 year, with up to four visits per child.




A data.frame with 4176 rows and 363 variables:

Name Type Label
ctrcd chr Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohort chr Cohort name
cohortn chr Cohort number
subjid int Child number
agedays int Age (days)
sex chr Either "male" or "female"
gagebrth int Gestational age (days)
by1mdd037 0/1 Reaches for dangling ring
by1mdd038 0/1 Pushes car along
by1mdd039 0/1 Fingers hand in play
by1mdd040 0/1 Head follows dangling ring
by1mdd041 0/1 Head follows vanishing spoon
by1mdd042 0/1 Aware of strange situation
by1mdd043 0/1 Manipulates table edge slightly
by1mdd044 0/1 Carries ring to mouth
by1mdd045 0/1 inspects own hand
by1mdd046 0/1 Closes on dangling ring (check hand preference)
by1mdd047 0/1 turns head to sound of bell
by1mdd048 0/1 turns head to sound of rattle
by1mdd049 0/1 reaches for cube
by1mdd050 0/1 manipulates table edge actively
by1mdd051 0/1 eye-hand coordination in reaching
by1mdd052 0/1 regards pellet
by1mdd053 0/1 mirror image approach
by1mdd054 0/1 picks up cube (check hand preference)
by1mdd055 0/1 Vocalises attitudes
by1mdd056 0/1 retains 2 cubes
by1mdd057 0/1 exploitive paper play
by1mdd058 0/1 Discriminates strangers
by1mdd060 0/1 reaches persistently
by1mdd061 0/1 Likes frolic play
by1mdd062 0/1 turns head after fallen spoon
by1mdd063 0/1 lifts inverted cup
by1mdd064 0/1 reaches for second cube
by1mdd065 0/1 smiles at mirror (5.4 months)
by1mdd066 0/1 bangs in play
by1mdd067 0/1 sustained inspection of ring
by1mdd068 0/1 exploitive string play
by1mdd069 0/1 transfers objects hand to hand
by1mdd070 0/1 picks up cube deftly and directly
by1mdd071 0/1 pulls string: secures ring
by1mdd072 0/1 interest in sound production
by1mdd073 0/1 lifts cup with handle
by1mdd074 0/1 attends to scribbling
by1mdd075 0/1 looks for fallen spoon
by1mdd076 0/1 playful response to mirror
by1mdd077 0/1 retains 2 of 3 cubes offered
by1mdd078 0/1 manipulates bell: insterest in details
by1mdd079 0/1 vocalizes 4 different syllables
by1mdd080 0/1 pulls string adaptively: secures ring
by1mdd081 0/1 cooperates in games (is this some other scale?)
by1mdd082 0/1 attempts to secure 3 cubes
by1mdd083 0/1 rings bell purposely
by1mdd084 0/1 listens selectively with familiar words
by1mdd085 0/1 says "da-da" or equivalent
by1mdd086 0/1 Uncovers toy (check manual if by pulling cloth
by1mdd087 0/1 fingers holes in pegboard
by1mdd088 0/1 picks up cup, secures cube
by1mdd089 0/1 responds to verbal request
by1mdd090 0/1 puts cube in cup on command
by1mdd091 0/1 looks for content of box
by1mdd092 0/1 stirs with spoon in imitation
by1mdd093 0/1 looks at pictures in book
by1mdd094 0/1 inhibits on command
by1mdd095 0/1 attempting to imitate scribble
by1mdd096 0/1 unwraps cube
by1mdd097 0/1 repeats performance laughed at
by1mdd098 0/1 holds crayon adaptively
by1mdd099 0/1 pushes car along
by1mdd100 0/1 puts 3 or more cubes in cup
by1mdd101 0/1 jabbers expressively
by1mdd102 0/1 uncovers blue box
by1mdd103 0/1 turns pages of books
by1mdd104 0/1 Pats toy (whistle doll) in imitation
by1mdd105 0/1 dangles ring by string
by1mdd106 0/1 imitates words
by1mdd107 0/1 puts beads in box (6 of 8)
by1mdd108 0/1 places 1 peg repeateadly
by1mdd109 0/1 removes pellet from bottle
by1mdd110 0/1 blue board: places 1 round block
by1mdd111 0/1 builds tower of 2 cubes
by1mdd112 0/1 scribbles sponstaneously
by1mdd113 0/1 says 2 words
by1mdd114 0/1 puts 9 cubes in cup
by1mdd115 0/1 closes round box
by1mdd116 0/1 uses gestures to make wants known
by1mdd117 0/1 shows shoes or other clothing, or own toy
by1mdd118 0/1 pegs placed in 70 seconds
by1mdd119 0/1 builds tower of 3 cubes
by1mdd120 0/1 pink board: places round block
by1mdd121 0/1 blue board: places 2 round blocks
by1mdd122 0/1 attains toy with stick
by1mdd123 0/1 pegs placed in 42 seconds
by1mdd124 0/1 names 1 object
by1mdd125 0/1 imitates crayon stroke
by1pdd016 0/1 Ulnar-palmar prehension
by1pdd017 0/1 Sits with slight support
by1pdd018 0/1 Head balanced
by1pdd019 0/1 Turns from back to side
by1pdd020 0/1 Lifts head, dorsal position
by1pdd021 0/1 Partial thumb opposition
by1pdd022 0/1 Pulls to sitting
by1pdd023 0/1 Sits momentarily
by1pdd024 0/1 Unilateral reaching
by1pdd025 0/1 Attempts to secure pellet
by1pdd026 0/1 Rotates wrist
by1pdd027 0/1 Sits alone 30 seconds
by1pdd028 0/1 Rolls from back to stomach
by1pdd029 0/1 Sits steadily
by1pdd030 0/1 Scoops pellet
by1pdd031 0/1 Sits good coordination
by1pdd032 0/1 Complete thumb opposition
by1pdd033 0/1 Prewalking
by1pdd034 0/1 Early stepping movements
by1pdd035 0/1 Partial finger prehension
by1pdd036 0/1 Pulls to stand
by1pdd037 0/1 Raise self to sitting
by1pdd038 0/1 Stands up by furniture
by1pdd039 0/1 Combine midline
by1pdd040 0/1 Stepping movements
by1pdd041 0/1 Fine prehension
by1pdd042 0/1 Walks with help
by1pdd043 0/1 Sits down
by1pdd044 0/1 Play clap hands
by1pdd045 0/1 Stands alone
by1pdd046 0/1 Walks alone
by1pdd047 0/1 Stands up
by1pdd048 0/1 Throws ball
by1pdd049 0/1 Walsk sideways
by1pdd050 0/1 Walks backwards
by1pdd051 0/1 Stands on right foot with help
by1pdd052 0/1 Stands on left foot with help
by1pdd053 0/1 Walsk up stairs with help
by1pdd054 0/1 Walks down stairs with help
gricgd004 0/1 Holds rod put in hand (see E7)
gricgd006 0/1 Plays with own fingers
gricgd007 0/1 Resists withdrawal of rod
gricgd008 0/1 Claps cube put in hand
gricgd009 0/1 Reaches to Paper III - Pulls it away
gricgd010 0/1 Shows interest in box
gricgd011 0/1 (Performance) Holds 2 cubes.
gricgd012 0/1 (Performance) Takes cube or toy from table
gricgd013 0/1 (Performance) Passes toy from hand to hand
gricgd014 0/1 Drops one cube for third
gricgd015 0/1 Manipulates 2 objects at once
gricgd016 0/1 Reacts to Paper IV - Plays with, crumbles, etc.
gricgd017 0/1 Lifts inverted cup in search of toy
gricgd018 0/1 Rattles box
gricgd019 0/1 Lifts lid off box
gricgd020 0/1 (Performance) Clicks 2 bricks together
gricgd021 0/1 Tries to take cubes out of box
gricgd022 0/1 Finds toy under cup
gricgd023 0/1 (Performance) Accepts 3rd cube without dropping
gricgd024 0/1 Manipulates box, lid and cubes
gricgd201 0/1 Remove both cubes from box (shown)
gricgd202 0/1 Unwraps and finds toy
gricgd203 0/1 One circle board - 2 trials
gricgd204 0/1 Opens 2 boxes
gricgd205 0/1 Puts cubes in and out of boxes in play
gricgd206 0/1 Puts 2 cubes back into one box when encouraged to do so
gricgd207 0/1 Two circle board - one in
gricgd208 0/1 Square board - 2 trials
gricgd209 0/1 Two circle board - two in
gricgd210 0/1 Can put lid back on box
gricgd211 0/1 (Performance) Three hole board - one in.
griehd005 0/1 Follows a bell-ring - vomed in a complete circle
griehd006 0/1 Glances from one object to another
griehd007 0/1 Watches objects pulled along by string
griehd008 0/1 Visually explores new environment
griehd009 0/1 Reaches for ring and grasps
griehd010 0/1 Secures dangling ring
griehd011 0/1 Hands explore table surface
griehd012 0/1 Plays with ring - shaking bells, banging, etc.
griehd013 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Looks for falling object
griehd014 0/1 Strikes one object with another
griehd015 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Forefinger and thumb partly spe
griehd016 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Secures ring by means of strin
griehd017 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Fine prehension.
griehd018 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Dangles ring by the string
griehd019 0/1 Throws object
griehd020 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Thumb opposition complete.
griehd021 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can point with index finger.
griehd022 0/1 Interest in motor car
griehd023 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Can hold pencil as if to mark o
griehd024 0/1 Likes holding little toys
griehd201 0/1 Uses pencil on paper a little
griehd202 0/1 Shows preference for one hand
griehd203 0/1 Plays rolling a ball
griehd204 0/1 Can hold 4 cubes in hands at once
griehd205 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Plays pushing little cars along
griehd206 0/1 Places one box, lid or brick upon another
griehd208 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Pulls paper or cloth to get toy
griehd209 0/1 (Eye and Hand Co-ordination) Scribbles more freely, and deli
griehd210 0/1 Constructive play with boxes or other materials
griehd212 0/1 Builds tower of 3 bricks
grigmd005 0/1 Lifts head when in dorsal position
grigmd006 0/1 Back firm when held in siting position
grigmd007 0/1 Lifts head and chest when prone
grigmd008 0/1 Can hold head erect continuously
grigmd009 0/1 Lifts head and shoulders when in dorsal position
grigmd010 0/1 Can roll from side to side
grigmd011 0/1 Crawling Reaction I: Draws up knee
grigmd012 0/1 (Locomotor) Sits with slight support.
grigmd013 0/1 (Locomotor) Can roll from back to stomach, etc.
grigmd014 0/1 Crawling Reaction II: Tries vigorously to crawl
grigmd015 0/1 (Locomotor) Sits alone for a short time
grigmd016 0/1 (Locomotor) Stepping reaction - one foot in front of the oth
grigmd017 0/1 (Locomotor) Can be left sitting on the floor.
grigmd018 0/1 Stands when held up
grigmd019 0/1 Crawling Reaction III: Makes some progress forwards or backw
grigmd020 0/1 Sits well in a chair
grigmd021 0/1 (Locomotor) Pulls self up and stands holding on to furniture
grigmd022 0/1 (Locomotor) Crawling Reaction IV: Creeps on hands and knees
grigmd023 0/1 (Locomotor) Side-steps around inside cot or play-pen holding
grigmd024 0/1 (Locomotor) Can walk when led.
grigmd201 0/1 Climbs on a low ledge or step
grigmd202 0/1 (Locomotor) Stands alone
grigmd203 0/1 (Locomotor) Takes a few steps alone
grigmd204 0/1 Kneels on floor or chair
grigmd205 0/1 Climbs - stairs (up)
grigmd206 0/1 Likes pushing pram, toy horse, etc.
grigmd207 0/1 (Locomotor) Walks alone well
grigmd208 0/1 (Locomotor) Stoops.
grigmd210 0/1 Climbs into a low armchair
grigmd211 0/1 (Locomotor) Can walk backwards a few steps
grihsd004 0/1 Searches for sound with eyes
grihsd005 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Makes 2 + different speech sounds
grihsd006 0/1 Listens to music
grihsd007 0/1 Searches for sound with head movements
grihsd008 0/1 Listens to tuning fork
grihsd009 0/1 (Hearing and Speech)Turns head deliberately to bell
grihsd010 0/1 Coos or stops crying on hearing music
grihsd011 0/1 Talks (babbles) to person
grihsd012 0/1 Makes 4+ different sounds.
grihsd013 0/1 Responds when called
grihsd014 0/1 2 syllable babble
grihsd015 0/1 Listens to conversations
grihsd016 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Babbled phrases: 4 + syllables
grihsd017 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Says Mama or Dada, etc. (one word clear
grihsd018 0/1 Listens to stop watch
grihsd019 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) Rings the bell
grihsd020 0/1 Shakes head for no
grihsd021 0/1 says 2 clear words
grihsd022 0/1 Short babbled sentences of 6+ syllables
grihsd023 0/1 Babbled monologue when alone
grihsd024 0/1 Says three clear words
grihsd201 0/1 Looks at pictures for a sew seconds
grihsd202 0/1 Tries definitely to sing
grihsd203 0/1 (Hearing and Speech)Knows own name.
grihsd204 0/1 Likes rhymes and jingles
grihsd206 0/1 Uses 4 clear words
grihsd207 0/1 (Hearing and Speech) One object in box identified
grihsd209 0/1 Long babbled sentences - some words clear
grihsd210 0/1 Enjoys pictre book
grihsd211 0/1 Uses 6 or 7 clear words
grihsd212 0/1 Two objects in box identified
sgrehd009 0/1 Grasps ring
sgrehd012 0/1 Carries ring to mouth
sgrehd013 0/1 Clutches ring
sgrehd017 0/1 Reaches for string
sgrehd020 0/1 Watches scribble
sgrehd025 0/1 Pulls toy by string
sgrfmd008 0/1 Looks at box on table
sgrfmd011 0/1 Drops one block for second
sgrfmd016 0/1 Grasps box.
sgrfmd017 0/1 Manipulates cube
sgrfmd018 0/1 Takes paper
sgrgmd006 0/1 Active in bath
sgrgmd008 0/1 Rolls from side to back
sgrgmd014 0/1 Plays with own toes
sgrgmd018 0/1 Stepping movements
sgrgmd022 0/1 Can turn on floor
sgrgmd028 0/1 Can stand next to furniture
sgrhsd010 0/1 Laughs aloud
sgrhsd015 0/1 Manipulates bell
sgrhsd019 0/1 Shouts for attention
sgrhsd021 0/1 Singing tones
sgrhsd029 0/1 Reacts to music
sgrred006 0/1 Vocalises when spoken to
sgrred007 0/1 Follows moving person
sgrred008 0/1 Coos and smiles
sgrred009 0/1 Friendly to strangers
sgrred010 0/1 Resist ring being taken away
sgrred011 0/1 Frolics when played with
sgrred012 0/1 Stops crying when spoken to
sgrred013 0/1 Turns head to person talking
sgrred014 0/1 Anticipate being lifted
sgrred015 0/1 Holds a spoon
sgrred016 0/1 Stretches to be taken
sgrred017 0/1 Drinks from a cup
sgrred018 0/1 Manipulates cup or spoon in play
sgrred019 0/1 Reacts to mirror image
sgrred020 0/1 Knows strangers
sgrred021 0/1 Enthusiastic
sgrred022 0/1 Displeased when toy taken
sgrred023 0/1 Helps hold cup
sgrred024 0/1 Pulls off hat
sgrred025 0/1 Smiles, plays mirror
sgrred026 0/1 Waves bye bye
sgrred027 0/1 Gives affection
sgrred029 0/1 Plays cup, saucer
sgrred030 0/1 Obeys simple requests
sgrred031 0/1 Pays pat-a-cake
sgrred032 0/1 Puts block in and out of cup
sgrred033 0/1 Helps dressing
sgrred034 0/1 Hold cup
sgrred035 0/1 Uses spoon
sgrred036 0/1 Shoes shoes
sgrred037 0/1 tries doorknob
sgrred038 0/1 sks toilet
sgrred039 0/1 Manages cup well
sgrred040 0/1 Can take off shoes and socks
sgrred041 0/1 Like book showing
vinxxc002 0/1 chew solid foods
vinxxc003 0/1 take off socks / shoes
vinxxc004 0/1 transfer objects
vinxxc005 0/1 overcome simple obstacles
vinxxc006 0/1 fetch something
vinxxc007 0/1 drink from cup / glass
vinxxc008 0/1 walk by his / herself
vinxxc009 0/1 get on with other children
vinxxc010 0/1 eat soft food with a spoon
vinxxc011 0/1 walk around the yard without supervision
vinxxc012 0/1 know what's edible
vinxxc013 0/1 use names of objects - shoe
vinxxc014 0/1 walk upstairs
vinxxc015 0/1 unwrap sweet
vinxxc016 0/1 use a short sentence
vinxxc017 0/1 ask or tell when it needs the toilet
vinxxc018 0/1 play by his / herself
vinxxc019 0/1 take off dress / shirt if buttons / zip undone
vinxxc020 0/1 get a cup of water without help
vinxxc021 0/1 dry hands after you have washed them
vinxxc022 0/1 avoid simple danger - knife / hot
vinxxc023 0/1 put on own dress / shirt
vinxxc024 0/1 tell you things / simple story
vinxxc025 0/1 walk downstairs
vinxxc026 0/1 play / do things with children - song
vinxxc027 0/1 put on own dress / shirt and do buttons
vinxxc028 0/1 help around the house / clear table
vinxxc029 0/1 perform for others stunts / rhymes
vinxxc030 0/1 wash hands and dry
vinxxc031 0/1 Play or do things with other children of same age eg sing so
vinxxc032 0/1 Use pencil or crayon for drawing
vinxxc033 0/1 Avoid simple dangers eg hot things, knives
vinxxc034 0/1 Buttons coat or dress
vinxxc035 0/1 Play competition exercise games eg skipping, marbles
vinxxc036 0/1 Walk down steps with one foot one ach step
vinxxc037 0/1 Dy hands without help
vinxxc038 0/1 Eat food with an implement
vinxxc039 0/1 Get a cup of water without help
vinxxc040 0/1 Help with little things around the house eg pick up things
vinxxc041 0/1 Tell things that happen or simple stories
vinxxc042 0/1 Put on jacket or dress without help except for zip or button
vinxxc043 0/1 Peform for other people, stunts, show off
vinxxc044 0/1 Use a pair of scissors without supervision
vinxxc045 0/1 Go to toilet by self, remove clothes, wipe
vinxxc046 0/1 Take off jacket or dress without help except for zip or butt
vinxxc047 0/1 Wash face without help
vinxxc048 0/1 Wash hands without help
vinxxc049 0/1 Play by themselves without supervision for short time
vinxxc050 0/1 Ask or tell when wants to go to toilet
vinxxc051 0/1 Generally dress self except for difficult fasteners


The combination of subjid and agedays identifies each unique visit (row).

Instruments: Bayley I (by1), Griffiths (gri), South African adapted Griffith (sgr), Vineland Social Maturity Scale (vin)


Richter L, Norris S, Pettifor J, Yach D, Cameron N. Cohort profile: Mandela’s children: the 1990 Birth to Twenty study in South Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2007;36:504-511.